ITT: Guilty pleasures

ITT: Guilty pleasures

Despite the game being reddit as fuck and short, I kind of liked the gameplay and pulled 70 hours into it

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>being reddit as fuck
What does this even mean?

the humor is 90% dick jokes and every single conversation are all borderlands-tier smug/snark bullshit.

Imagine the Claptrap convos but multiplied by 100

Attached: 1483328769384.jpg (720x540, 185K)

I was only about to put about 20 hours into it, after beating it once I had no desire to continue playing on new game plus.

I kind of liked the 2013 reboot. Got the sequel for free from based GOG but haven't played it yet. It looked very co-op focused. Is it fun to play alone?

I have two brothers who could play with me, but they both go "durr what's GOG" every time I tell them GOG has a free game, so I'm pretty sure they didn't get this one and I won't be able to play with them. I'm not really interested in playing with strangers either.

>What does this even mean?
a blanket term to describe anything i don't like

Yes, the only real difference between the two games is everything is loot drops now, which is fine if you like that sort of thing

It's balanced well on solo, no worries.
If you don't believe me, have a look at the dialogues

>the humor is 90% dick jokes
Welcome to Shadow Warrior, it was like that in the 90s too.

>game series that predates reddit
>reddit the game
its time to find a new meme.

Skyrim except remove the pleasure.
Every now and then I get the urge to play again just to make characters to take sexy screenshots with, and post them on /vg/. It's just vanity. I take no pleasure in the actual game and I fucking hate it because I've actually logged over a thousand hours on it.

Attached: wrestle gal drink.gif (200x150, 2.86M)

my nigga, this game fuckin ROCKS
shame the gem upgrade system is garbage tho

Attached: mein.jpg (285x149, 16K)

i'd have to disagree the lo wang from the og to the new ones are pretty different
i enjoy them both a lot though the dash mechanic added from hard reset redux is awesome

original shadow warrior was pretty much the same and racist as fuck

>i'd have to disagree the lo wang from the og to the new ones are pretty different
Well then not only are you factually wrong but you are a retard and gay

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only retard here is you for not replying to me properly

>It's a reddit as an adjective episode

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It's chaotic fun once you get used to it.
Characters have really enjoyable moves and versatile kits
Coop is fun as fuck when you got a party going
PvP was similar but hyper unbalanced, This Bitch right here is used to be nigh unkillable.

Attached: Galilea.png (1600x1600, 1.49M)

He's right, the two are different characters. The only thing that connects them are dick jokes and Zilla. They're still good on their own.

it's a decent game, going looter shooter path was a bad decision though, but I think they simply couldn't make as many levels as in first game. It would be great if it had twice more locations.

I hated this game but loved the one before it. I wished they went back to sp and no coop due to the grindy nature of the missions.

You are aware the original was filled with Wang Jokes, right?