Why does Yea Forums hate Monster Hunter World?
Monster Hunter
v hates everything
Just bought it on sale recently and have been enjoying it so far. Is there any content that's unplayable without the help of other online players?
Because it stopped being an obscure weebshit series that only sold well in Japan.
Because it fucking sucked.
It's the most popular one, so they don't feel special anymore.
I admit some things are ruined by popularity, I don't feel like this game is ruined by popularity.
I just think there's not as much room to grind in this game as the older ones.
ur fault for playing lance bud
Behemoth and Kulve Taroth
While technically possible to solo, it is not worth the time and effort to do so
The common complaint is that they casualized a lot of mechanics to try to appeal to a more mainstream audience, but failed to realize that by doing so they’d be marginalizing the core audience, which is the only group of people who actually buy the game. The end product is a game that doesn’t draw the interest of anyone.
I heard a rumor about transferring saves from PS4 to PC. Any truth to that?
>he's not on PC where you can just mod in every weapon, material, and decoration
lmao have fun playing the game i guess
nintendies aren't people
The behemoth and kulve taroth are the only quests specifically designed for multiplayer, but even those can be solo'd if you're gud.
>The end product is a game that doesn’t draw the interest of anyone
>game changes
>game goes on console they don't like anymore
double recipe to get salt from Yea Forums. A real MH fan buys consoles for MH. I bought the Wii U partially for MH3U, bought a New 3DS because my normal one's r button broke from playing too much MH4U and MHGens, bought a PS4 for World.
i accidentally erased my save because i played before an update then while it updated it fucked my save. also dont like that theirs so many unskipable cut scenes. maybe if they add a skip feature ill get back in it. also lance best weapon
Don't find it very fun, it doesn't feel like MonHun to me, it feels like a console equivalent of one of those PSP/Vita spin-offs.
Because fuck the decorations, fuck rion/bone reskins and fuck Kulve. Other than that, the game is fine.
Pretty much everything can be completed alone, but two pieces of content will possibly destroy your sanity if you try to solo them: Kulve Taroth and Extreme Behemoth (normal is a bitch to solo too, but there is a grindy trick that lets you farm the armor set without killing it).
Uhhh, xbone player here. Once you get bored 500hr+ in you should pick up HBG and cluster bomb everything.
>game goes on console they don't like anymore
I fucking hate you niggers so much. I'm an MH2/ Freedom fag and you people have to bring "muh nintendo" into things whenever someone doesn't like World.
Whether you dislike the game for that reason or not, you can't deny that it's a big reason why it's hated so much. I am mainly a nintendofag, and even I have to admit that. You also have to admit that 3rd gen was hated partially because it wasn't on sony consoles, despite glaring flaws in its design.
Only Yea Forumstendies hate it
I put 300h in within the first couple of weeks and was loving it but stopped playing because of all the time-gated content. Reinstalling now. How bad is it? How much exclusive shit have I missed?
>abysmal number of monsters
>a single armor set stands above all others, only reason to make anything else is because you can't make that one yet
>raw weapons more dominant than ever, very little reason to branch out
>weapon designs recycled to hell and back, removing any desire to branch out anyway just for the looks
Yet its the best selling Capcom game of all time so you are just spewing bullshit.
But 3rd gen got (non-G) releases on PSP and PS3 (the short-lived "PSP remaster" series).
P3rd didn't come out in the US so most people didn't play it. I was mostly referring to 3 and 3U anyway
Fairly sure the only time gated stuff is Kulve seiges and the spring and autumn festival, but everything else can be done via the event quests. Festival stuff is for getting basically cosmetics, like guild card stuff, emotes, layered armor
>call for SOS support
>9 out of 10 are all Japanese players
Gotta admit I hate how they made it so story focused unlike the old games. Way too many cinematics and dialogue for a monhun game. Gets annoying fast.
I can't see the point of modding on PC. You can have everything and there would be no further point in playing.
I don't, just find it hard to get into, always playing monhun on either psp or 3ds
My friend told me if I use the Insect Glaive and I am on the ground for more than 30 seconds I am using it wrong. Is he right?
Despite fixing so much with the series, they fucked it royally in others. Dropping in and out of quests was always a wish for the community, but it’s such a mess and waiting to see cutscenes first means your friends are sitting in lobby for dumb amounts of time. Online has had a lot of fun taken out of it. Menus are some how worse than any previous entry. Monster roster is weak. Difficulty is easy. Story is unnecessary. Voice acting is bad (although you can change it, it’s really just a nitpick of mine).
But most importantly, some weapons got buffed to broken levels and others got nerfed into the ground.
It leaves me wishing to play and older title. I only hope that what’s wrong with world isn’t the future of the series, but that what’s right will be transferred to the next title.
TLDR: equal amounts of shit and improvements leave you feeling mixed
OK nice ok
Just bought this but I have no one to play with :( is it possible to make frens on Yea Forums?
>frens on v
fucking no the main place you wanna be with glaive is on the ground
MHW is pretty boring. You can only water down the formula so much before you start losing the grit that made the series fun in the first place. They were so afraid of RNG that they drop materials like candy. As a result, casuals will be able to one-and-done the game after the story missions. Veterans are left with a weak monster roster, no interesting weapons and armors to grind for, terrible balance and skill system, and a very easy, streamlined game in general.
And no, adding a fucking stupidly hard 4 player raid boss literally ripped from Final Fantasy does not make up for the game's general shortcomings.
>he doesn't know
it actually depends on the monster on shit like XJ you become a blender because his wings are made of tissue paper
Played it the other day because it's in the game pass now and thought it was shit
My only complaint is the poorly designed multiplayer system and small roster which was kind of expected cause of the new engine. I’ll come back for AT Nerg and Iceborne.
exceptions are not the rule, just cause you have a fat body to play with doesn't make anymore true, plus jump with bugstick only works with three monsters tops.
casualized the systems quite a bit to appeal to westerners as well as making the player character grossly overpowered compared to previous games, making it so that the only difficulty the game can present is having monster like behemoth and leshen toss endless aoe spam at you like something out of an mmo, honestly it's been coming to this since 4th gen with all the wacky overpowered bullshit that that had but since World sold so well I can only see the series going further down the drain from here
at least it looks pretty and there's some improvements to the ecology of the game
>No AT Nerg yet
What the fuck is the hold up
I also hope we get an actual trailer for Iceborne at E3
>finally got all golden crowns
>all there's left to do is farming ATKT for weapons
I don't feel like playing anymore
Am I retarded or is the minimap really confusing?
it's a lot more messy than it needs to be, the previous games had a lot better system
It lools like a ubisoft map with all the clutter. I hate it.
Too easy
>tfw only have 1 friend that plays MHW
>end game content is nearly fucking impossible because randoms are completely non-functional retards
>dont't want to add anyone from any MH communities because even though i consider myself a decent player, i don't have turbo-autistic monster specific speedrun knowledge like "attack his toenail on this specific frame to kill him 30 seconds faster" and i don't want to piss people off
Cause it isn't on switch.
I'll play with ya boi
Any good hentai mods yet?
I'll play with you, I have a tolerance for retardation to a certain extent. As long as you aren't bringing a fucking Water Charge Blade to Kulve Tarroth, I am fine.
they're bad at it.
>i don't have turbo-autistic monster specific speedrun knowledge like "attack his toenail on this specific frame to kill him 30 seconds faster"
No one is that autistic in pugs. They make 4 man groups to do that.
Play a real MH game
Behemoth is technically solo-able, KT on the other hand is a gigantic slog without multiplayer.
What weapon takes the most skill to use and which one is brain dead?
Sword and Shield and Sword and Shield.
Charge Blade has the intricacy in both what button to press, how to press, when to press as well as spacing for actually hitting SAED.
Dual Blade has literally no depth and is as braindead as braindead can get.
Monster hunter weapons aren't that complicated, especially since World flowcharted everything
>unga bunga triple charge
>counter slash thing three times then helm splitter
>circle circle circle or just do the jump attack
>enter demon mode and john fucking madden
>superpound until you get a big enough opening for a big bang, or just spin off slopes
>what the fuck is a hunting horn
>poke poke poke
>quick reload, slam, shell, repeat
>just fucking mash sword mode until your meter gets low then switch to axe and circle swing once or twice, repeat
>charge, charge shield, charge, SAED, repeat
>get essences, then either infinite combo or spinning finisher thing depending on the size of the opening
How cute!
A Gen X shitter
I really like mhw gameplay, the movement and combat is so fluid now and i love it.
But i miss playing mh on the go... Playing it on pc feels so odd
How the fuck is it still over 30 bucks on pc
500+ hours here with experience in all weapons.
I don't shit on people for their weapon choices, but in my opinion, Charge Blade is one of the most in depth melee weapons due to all of the options it has and Lance is also REALLY cool with power guards, advancing guards, counters and once you're good at it, you literally never get hit and Heavy Bowgun is really huge brain with it's ammo usage, ammo crafting and other mechanics.
And honestly I REALLY don't think any weapons are particularly braindead, all of them have unique mechanics and builds. I would say Dual Blades but picking the right element and not being able to block is pretty nuts, Hammer also seems braindead but having to position yourself right to hit the head without a way to block requires effort. Even bow requires you to pick the right element and aim to hit weak points. I'd probably say Gunlance is pretty braindead because it's shelling does damage independent of hitzones but it isn't really that easy to play and build for either.
hardest monster?
All the monster hunter games are slow grindy boring pieces of crap. This one was no different
Yea Forums don't hates MHW, the hate is all towards the console war faggots from the actual fans of MH as a whole, we can't even discuss the franchise nowadays.
That's pretty much exactly how I feel.
You'd hope that they would keep the good while ditching the bad but I really don't feel it. With Iceborne they could remove basic crap like the drakes dropping you in the middle of nowhere.
I think it's time they added new combat mechanics. The difficulty in World makes it too easy to gangbang pretty much everything with raw power. More Behemoth or Ahtal-Ka or KT P1 styles of fights or more combat mechanics. We've just been Flashing things for way too long as a staple-mechanic.
>have pretty much everything
>still do arch tempered trash for armors
>stop by AT kushala
>don't want to play anymore
I did the shit out of kulve taroth when it was new, got all the weapons I wanted. Spending days again on AT kulve for slightly better weapons doesn't make me want to play again. I always like MH for the grind autism, but this isn't it, it just feels tedious now. I don't feel like playing World anymore
I love succinct annihilation of dumb nigger arguments.