Can you refute this?

Can you refute this?

Are you racist?

Attached: why are gamers racist.jpg (777x558, 129K)

nah he is right

Don't we all brother

>fuck you for not wanting to join society
>now fuck my gaping wound or you're a bigot!

Yes and yes. Though im racist because of an entirely different reason, working 8 years in a majority black city in law enforcement turned me from a "everyone is equal and no one is inherently bad" to "3 young black guys standing in front of the 7/11? Call for backup, robbery in progress"

Because it was true, every fucking time. As much as the fucking cry about being profiled there is a fucking reason. Because in 8years every single time I pulled someone, or walked up to someone to do a field interview that was black, they'd have a gun, or drugs, or stolen goods. Every. Single. Fucking. Time.

I have never denied it

It's definitely true.

That's why Star Wars and comic book fans are also super racist and up in arms about Disney/Marvel.

With no iToddlers

It's always funny when some loser tries to psychoanalyze shit.

It's just funny make fun of niggers.

this person sounds like some dumb kid whose major high school cliques were the sports kids and the band kids
Maybe if he grew up in a time where there were actual cliques and things were much less homogenized then he'd be more understanding

This. I never worked in law enforcement so I'm sure I've never seen the shit you have, but I used to be naive and make excuses for them too. I lived in a rural 99% white town, and because of that really believed that blacks were just like us and were down on their luck. Then I moved into the city for college, and I quickly understood.

Check out my 5.


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I'm racist (not publically) and I don't give a shit. There's no law that says you can't be racist. Many foreign countries are racist. Basically what said.

>play vidya with literally everyone
>no matter what skin color or sex
>just want to have friends and play vidya with them
>since vidya became really buig you see the same shit on tourneys
>just a bunch of guys from everywhere wanting to play
>but somehow "gamers" are the most racist group to exist and equal to nazis
Every time I read shit like that I know that the person who wrote it never played with others together, if at all.

FPBP. Why is it so bad to want your children to look like you and have a country that whites can call their own?

it's funny to say nigger

that's it

One hell of a strawman you got there, Jimbo

That just posits that he's not racist since he's had a charmed social life.

>You hate X group of people because you're a virgin incel loser with no friends and whatever else
This bullshit is so overused and tiring. Maybe I hate niggers because I've never had a positive interaction with one in my entire life.

I don't give a shit about race. Next question.

Just give me Heather God DAMNIT

Yes and Hell yes!

>I've never had a positive interaction with one in my entire life
oh no sweetie guess what the common factor is? you should try having sex ;)

This Is It

>number 4
Does Japan not exist?


This guy gets it.

ok but what if the reason is instead because niggers make up 13% of the population but commit over 50% of violent crime, and lacking the social inhibitions I would normally develop as an adjusted individual, I experience no issue identifying and pointing this out?

Give me something good

Because your average person is nothing more than a golem trained from birth to think a certain way. And being upset over the slow removal of your people as a white person is contrary to how they've been taught to think.

lol now populism is bad according to e-libs

I'm also very anti-semitic. What you gonna do about it, rabbi?

Nigger. I'm black. Eat shit. Which side is going to lynch me I don't know. Niggggaaaa. This just in thread you all have the N-word pass.

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my favorite are the blue checkmark faggots on twitter who talk like they're chads yet have blatant basedface, anyways video games havent been a 'nerdy' hobby since the turn of the century, its just a matter of how much you play.


You can be a racist without being a dickhead. We don't have a racism problem. We have a dickhead problem.

>Can you refute this?
>Are you racist?
I'm a race statistics analyst

What would being a cop in a 99.9% white suburbs be like?

Facts and statistics are honestly very eurocentric and racist. We need to decolonize the concept of science and promote alternate methods of thinking

thanks my nigga

>why are gamers racist?
Pattern recognition.

That's some massive projection going on there. I'm successful by any metric, have a gf and I'm socially outgoing and I still hate the SJW bullshit infesting games. They're simply taking a small subset of "gamer" culture and extrapolating it out to label anyone that disagrees with them. The only difference between them and the "racists" they despise is their targeting a group that's allowed to be ridiculed by their warped morality.

>euro-American centric
if you're a mutt I suppose
Japanese games have always been better.

dealing mostly with blacks and meth addicts who drift in from outside, because anywhere that is reachable by public transit will be a target.

I'd say "true" but that's an extremely bigoted term

nice anecdote

>people can only play video games if they are piece of shit losers stereotype
>but stereotyping race is bad

>reading reddit shit
>probably some seething nigger trying to cope
I’m racist because I’ve met plenty of niggers growing up, in education, in works and know exactly what the deal is. If you refuse to acknowledge the racial difference you are literally just ignoring a part of your brain. You wouldn’t approach a wild snake without any knowledge of it and just pray it isn’t poisonous, you simply ignore it if possible, or if it an infestation, you see to it that they are removed and put back where they belong.
Racism is a faculty of perception that I have been blessed with and Jews will never take it away from me.
>thinking that only gamers are racist
Probably one of the least racist white male demographics out there.

>the videogames were training us to spot these patterns all along
fuck it explains so much

Where I grew up, nobody ever locked their house or car doors because they didn't need to. The cops would do nothing but sit on the main road and try to catch people speeding because they had literally NOTHING else to do.

are you really equating gamers to a race of people lmao

what percentage of that 13% commit violent crimes?


what percentage of the population are male and what percentage of violent crimes do they commit? guess we gotta get rid of all men then

Stopped reading there, I refuse to validate the thoughts of a retard.

>people who are a part of the video game culture rather than those who just play games
Oh tank god I'm not a gamer then

>mostly kids play games
>kids want to impress their peers
>can say things virtually anonymously with little consequence
>monkey see monkey do
Pretty much same thing happened to Yea Forums. Racism here used to be ironic and somewhere along the way it became literal. Then pol was made and the rest is history

Nope, that's pretty spot on.

Attached: We see the world like no one else.jpg (1024x768, 85K)

Sneed's Feed and Seed (Formerly Chuck's)

"gamers are racist" functions in the same way that /pol/ manages to be racist while being really diverse in terms of racial makeup of its users. if you've never called someone on xbox live a faggot and told them to kill themselves only to find yourself playing together in a party with them half an hour later then it's something you'll never understand

here's the better question; why would anyone care about what a 15 year old boy says in a game lobby? the picture is dumb for a whole bunch of reasons (how do we reconcile modern gaming being an overwhelmingly social experience with the idea that gamers are isolated and have poor social skills? the idea that games are america/euro centrist when half of them are japanese?? how do we reconcile the idea that racism is an outlet for your own personal failings when plenty of normal, well adjusted people hold racist views and have done for centuries? etc) but it's the premise that's ridiculous. it's like asking "why are emos emos?", who cares give it a few years and they'll grow up

no I'm okay with just getting rid of all niggers
I agree with the left that slavery was a mistake, never should have brought them here!

I'm not a cop so I don't know personally, but I live in a small >95% white city and I can tell you for a fact the worst things the cops here have to deal with is the occasional DUI or maybe public intoxication, or someone getting caught with pot alongside your typical speeding tickets/driving with expired tabs. There hasn't been a murder or a shooting here for years. Violent crime is almost nonexistant.

Drive for 45 minutes and the story is completely different once you get to the capital. If you go in another direction and drive for 2 hours, you'll end up in a big city that's 60% black and has abandoned neighborhoods where they'll never find your body. Security guards at hotels insist on guests not leaving after a certain time for their own safety. There's a murder or 3 every weekend and shootings are common.

>guess we gotta get rid of all men then
Except that you can narrow down that general category of men down to more specific source of crime. Namely, young black men.

>acting like they know everything

people like this piss me off so much because they unironically believe they can gain any human value by seeming intelligent on fucking reddit

Israel has no right to exist

I'll take a vacation I don't mind

Aw yeah

The 1st point shows they have no empathy and tons of disdain for people seen as nerds or outcasts, and then they wonder why they have difficulty persuading them towards their argument. Hate begets hate, and these type of reddit posters are the biggest bigots around. They can only view themselves as righteous saviors, and that is why they don't understand their actions have consequences.

It's just funny to say nigger in a setting where you're basically anonymous because you're not allowed to say it in real life unless you're black because you've been told your whole life you're not allowed to because surprise surprise, that's what happens when people are censored.

I love these

Nigger lover.

According to my cousin giving speeding tickets and telling people to quite down after 11pm

They're not targeting gamers as a whole just labelling anyone that disagrees with their shitty politics as incels to silence dissent. And you know exactly what skin color these people think "incels" have.


I can't tell sometimes how racist people are. On one hand I know some people really are just mentally stunted at age 12 and think it's hilarious to say bigger.
On the other, a large majority of those people also will immediately jump on the /pol/ rants and go on and on about how (insert flawed study) shows how blacks are inferior but "totally ironically"

I think it's mostly just people wanting to seem cool and edgy on a pseudo anonymous platform and being racist gives them the easiest shock value.

Thanks, nigger!

Kat please

sure, why not?
I thought stereotypes were bad?

>oy vey racists are losers!!
thanks for the novel psychological reductionism shlomo, I'm sure it's still working on a handful of retarded boomers

I do play for esapism, but I don't self insert. I sometimes play as cute girl characters. I rarely play western AAA games because they stink and reek of homeless California.

Having been a deputy in a white trash county, I can tell you it's exactly the same. Race might be a factor, but it's much smaller than being poor and dumb.


Only children have this mentality

1 might be true, even 2 to some people but the rest are just bullshit. People don't self insert in RTS, Rhythm games, or games like AHIT. There are a lot of extremely popular games where you can't even possibly self insert. And for the 3rd one, Japan exists.

You can’t just give away the n word pass that easy, make them jump through some hoops for it.
Also as a fellow basketball american I have to ask, don’t you ever wish you were white just so race would matter less in our lives? I try to not care about it myself but when everyone around is constantly bringing it up how can I ignore it? If we were all one race life would be so much easier.


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you only get rid off half the violent crime that way. if we get rid of men altogether we practically eliminate all violent crime. why are you willing to settle for half measures?