Do you find Wyverns acceptable?

Do you find Wyverns acceptable?

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Acceptable mates

why that wyvern has such a human-like torso?

wyverns are hot, I'd let one of them fucky ass.

I like wyverns more than dragons. They make more sense.

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I like the way MH does it. Has cool wyverns which are essentially just normal things in the world, and then Dragons which are fucking crazy

The Elder Dragon dump category is pretty interesting. Except for the pony.

Personally, I find that Kirin is really annoying in older games, but due to changes in how World works and how the fight works, I enjoy the fight in World.

The don't stand in the aoe thing is neat, but that weapon bounce is just there to annoy you. Still more fun than wind dragon I guess. And the Rath family.

That's from TLR right?

This guy

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Have you tried using hammer on him? Charge attacks ignore bouncing and it's pretty good against Kirin in general since you'll want to hit the head as a rule

only if they have a cute butt and a big cock



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so, most of the time
actual flying reptiles with proper biology
mystical almost divine beings only possible in fantasy


As long as they're within hammer distance.

no it's not they're ugly and stupid

>proper biology

Wyverns are unironically better than dragons.
Wyverns look imposing and animalistic,((((dragons)))) are lizards with wings glued onto their backs

Stop objectifying us. We take offense to it.

Quit being sexy

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The comic is perfectly fine with the first square only.

If humans could mix the DNA of a monitor lizard and a bat, we would get a dragon

MH has the best wyverns

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It'd probably be ravenous killing machine or sex monster depending on who works on the project.
More importantly whose funding the project.

Honestly surprised nobody has ripped those models to do porn with.

It's funny, spoiled rich girls are the bane of my existence even though I've only ever seen them on tv, but I don't mind that one being a bitch because wyverns really are completely lame compared to actual dragons


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>Do you find Wyverns acceptable?

I'm with the rest of the Monster Hunter Anons: With an honorable mention to this guy who also seems to get it: Wyverns are fun and make for a great initiation or introduction to Draconic enemies, but they shouldn't be considered Dragons. I'm happy with a Wyvern just being a large, dangerous, elemental-breath or special ability animal, but a Dragon should be a force of nature- it should be a little magical and in some circles a subject of worship.

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There's a xnalara model of them

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