*ding dong, bing bong*

Ahem. This is a board announcement. It is now 10 pm. As such, it is officially night time

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>eastern time

>implying hicks, swamp people, and the west matter

but it's 9:15 right now you useless bear

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Dont you have to be in the sauna with mondo? Or perhaps youre late for an important meeting?

Shut up Yankee.

>implying EST isn't canon

East coast is the only part of the world that matters

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>on the opposite end of the world from Japan, the location of the game
You say that while posting one of the most degenerate places in the country.

you really shouldn't speak that way to your headmaster...

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*incredibly loud tooting*

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You do know that the rooms are soundproofed right? Youre not a retard right?

Taka deserved better.

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The user below me is planning to commit murder tonight, don't trust them.

>not believing in hope

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Central time is the only that matters. The rest are cuckshit.

Little did you know that Was planning his own


Say Monokuma... I have something that'll really spice up the killing game!

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Im all ears

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finally got the time right
east coast >> landlocked faggots >>>>> worst coast

I want Nagito to cum inside me while speaking about hope, and it's totally not gay

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Monokuma, why didn't you tell me that you were hosting another killing game?!

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Because you molested that young boy monica. You know i like good, steamy action, but i still have to make this acceptable to watch in the states

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Does it matter whether I play V3 or Another Episode first?


Another Episode isn't really crucial for V3. It's more important if you intend to watch DR3

Play V3 first

>another episode has platinum rating on ProtonDB
>weird bug prevents it from running on ANY laptops, regardless of OS
i guess i deserve this for being a freetard laptop user

But it was big sis Ju-- I mean, it was you who taught me that in the first place!

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So, should I watch the Animes for DR1+2, then play Another Episode?

I can just play V3 whenever?

No no no if you've played DR1 and DR2 you can just play Another Episode. You can play V3 whenever.

just play 1, 2, AE, then v3. you could also just skip to v3

Hey! Just because i like to flex my tongue out doesnt mean i told you to do the same and then proceed to stick it in the mouth of an unwilling boy

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Watch DR3 before playing V3, regardless of its quality.

Hopeman think'n about hope and 5s.

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Hey you! Werid hope boy. You been talking to my adorable little helper ? She's be doing strange things to boys.

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Danganronpa 1 and 2 it's necessary to understand AE, V3 and DR3.
But you can play V3 without watching DR3 or playing AE, but if you want to watch DR3 you have to play AE first.

Another Episode is the pleb filter, if you dont like it, parttaking in any Danganronpa discussion anywhere will be punishable by death

I put it down because my mouse was absolutely insufferable years ago. Should I reinstall and give it another shot?

Yes, but keep in mind the best part of the entire thing is the banter between Toko and Cumaru. If you don't like them, you will never like the game.

I think I quit around the sewer portion, but they were never a problem. The gameplay just got repetitive after a while.

are you going to give us a motive yet or are you just going to sit on your butt?


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>No motive
This killing game sucks.

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Danganronpa should just be a death game. Lore is fucking stupid and pointless and only invites theorycrafting autists

Monodam is unironically the best monokub. Monotaro is second

It's not strange! Monaca is innocent so anything Monaca does is okay!

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>monodam actively tried to stop the violence of the killing game and monokubs
God, I feel so bad for him

I liked him, but at that point he was kind of the least appropiate thing to talk about peace seeing as he had murdered 2 of his brothers (the second for a flimsy reason) and threatened to do the same to the remaning 2.

Just don't tell Naegi. Don't tell Naegi about this

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Monica, he clearly likes you. But im pretty sure he didnt expect *that* to happen. And so roughly too. Almost hypnotic

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Woah wtf. Context? Didnt watch the anime

To be fair, the other monokubs basically encouraged the games. He only committed suicide when he realized the students were still gonna kill each other even without monokuma or the kubs' interference
Also he got rid of Monokid, and early too. Very based

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>All this hate for based Monokid
What happened to you guys?

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Huh? Didn't expect it? No, Monaca knows that he wanted it deep down, and even if he didn't, the despair that Monaca tasted was better than anything!

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I fucking hate danganronpa

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Jeez, settle down there. Isnt he your friend? Didnt you give him that despair in the first place? Why would you take advantage of him? And besides, why chose *that* method of subliminal hypnosis? Surely you couldve sweet talked him. Its like you dont want the world to see this game! Not everybody likes steamy action like i do! Are you trying to give me....despair?

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Then why did you agree to partake in a second killing game?

Is that an option?!

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Hope breeds from Despair after all

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Jeez, you are one messed up kid. First the molestation of a boi and now willingly allowing yourself, giving your body, to a deranged girl?

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>ny retard thinks california doesn't matter
lmao enjoy your failing trash filled dump of a city,

my girlfriend died and i was stuck with that fucking idiot lawyer
who wouldn't want another chance to die

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There you go with your hope again, Servant. Monaca is this close to blasting off again.

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Let's not doing anything irrational now. After all, being the stepping stone for hope is the greatest title the ultimate despair can have-

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You have no room to fucking talk, how many Tent cities do you have now in LA alone?

So....did like hopeman get pegged by monica or what?

Eh? Monaca isn't messed up! It's just that big sis Junko is the prettiest most bestest person in the whole world!

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Did....did she make you feel special monica? A werid special? And bow you feel the need to pass that special feeling onto unsuspecting boys?

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You're right, Servant! Of course you're right! Be the stepping stone of despair until all your hope has faded! Perhaps Monaca should do what this user suggested and show you true despair!

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>degeneracy bad
Go back to facebook

Whats going on in this thread?

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Nothing is going on! Whatever could you mean? Monaca was just talking with Big Sis' Jun-- ah, that is, Monokuma, about how to create a paradise for the Warrior's of Hope and all the kids in the world!

Attached: Monaca_Towa.png (312x470, 161K)

Wait what?

But whats this about you doing something to me? I dont remember or know what he is talking about

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when is dr4 coming out again?

Why was the anime so bad?

Hmmm. It is certainly a mystery to Monaca too. What could Monaca possibly do to her right hand, her favorite of all of the Warriors of Hope? Nagisa knows that Monaca would never do anything that Nagisa didn't really want deep down! But, maybe it's just Monokuma being weird again!

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O...ok....but i think im getting a nouth sore. Weird

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Why did he do it lads? Was the call of the void too much

God I wanna turn Monaca's despair lust into fat adult cock lust

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They don’t have ROCK HARD RAGERS!


What announcement?

Ironic when the streets of LA and SF are full of literal shit from the homeless

You also have the most AIDS of any state


the open rp is just too loose and nonsensical to be any fun

This is why we need structured killing games. We must make Danganronpa truly psycho-pop once more.

It was the realization of how everything he did, everything he sacrificed, everything he dreamed of was just for nothing.
It was worthless.
Rest in peace, little kub robot.

>regardless of its quality
Looks like our boy must punch another user

>Janitor gives up
>Suddenly there's multiple danganronpa threads a day for the past week
ITT: Villains who did nothing wrong

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You called?

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I didn't got to listen to know fruity ass fruit bowl bear

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Fucking phone

phone poster


I love my gorgeous wife!

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