I hear you rad dudes like sakeboarding games? Which are your favorites?
I hear you rad dudes like sakeboarding games? Which are your favorites?
Other urls found in this thread:
Thps 1, 2, 3, THUG, skate 1, 2, 3.
THUG 2 remix was ok since it was portable thps but the story was too retarded and like jackass shit.
not a terrible game, but it has like 4 regular levels and the rest of them are small challenge levels, what where they thinking?
These are the best to worst soundtracks in the series according to Tony himself.
1. THPS1
3. THPS4
5. THPS2
6. THUG2
7. Proving Ground
8. THPS3
9. Project 8
10. Downhill Jam
11. RIDE
13. THPS5
>THUG 2 remix was ok since it was portable thps but the story was too retarded and like jackass shit.
That was THUG2 in general. I loved it at the time but it aged badly.
3 is a masterpiece
2's also really good
didn't like Underground
Only other one I've played is THUG2, which I spent a lot of time on as a kid but then again I never once bothered with the story and just fucked around in free skate. I'd probably like it more than THUG just on nostalgia but less than 2 or 3 since their style of gameplay is way more my speed. also because the best level is Airport and that's actually from 3 originally
Is that some kind of extreme sake drinking?
>THPS3 that low
>same game where you can play as Doomguy
you fuckin wot
would rather play THPS5 over SHRED and RIDE, desu
here's a screencap of a transfag's criticism of THAW; just wanted to share
THPS 1, 2, 3, THUG (Eric Sparrow, THUG 2 (Nawlins, Star Wars Kid and tagging were rad) and Skate.
These are the only games I've played but I have to recommend them all. We need new skate games.
>muh story
>aged badly
Shut the fuck up retards. All that truly matters in Tony Hawk is the classic arcade mode, and THUG2 delivers in spades with tons of content both returning and new.
pic of the transfag in action 1/2
He's talking soundtracks.
Which he's wrong anyway, THUG2 is the best.
>Faith no More
>A good Disturbed song
>Cut Chemist
>Grand Puba
>Violent Femmes
No, it's like waterboarding but with an alcoholic beverage.
OFFICIAL Tony Hawk games rankings coming from a guy who's been playin them since Pro Skater 1 came out
THUG 1 > THPS 3 > THPS 2 > THPS 4 > THUG 2 > THP8 = THPS 1 > THAW = THPG > Any spin-off game > THPS 5
>THUG1 >
Opinion disregarded right off the bat my guy. Garbage nostalgiafagging opinion. THUG1's selling point is entirely the structure story campaign for an arcade skateboarding series. Not to mention no classic mode and loaded with jank vehicle segments and forced offboard shit.
This. Just got THUG2 Remix for my PSP and it is great. But I do prefer story mode over classic, doing the objectives with full freedom and no time limit is so much fun
Best list coming through:
>THPS4 > THUG1 > THAW > THUG2 > THP8 though P8 is shite > THPS2 > THPG > Downhill Jam > THP5 > Shit requiring plastic peripherals (SHRED and RIDE)
>he says defending earlier entries
>sake boarding
woah. Is that like, when you go to eat dinner at Benihana, and then you and your best bro do some late night surfing out by Marina Del Rey? That sounds tubular.
I can defend earlier entries all day long bitch, because they're actual good games. THUG however is carried by dumb fucking eric memes and scripted helicopter sequences instead of anything regarding quality gameplay.
>post YFW Neversoft removed/shitted up these features in the later games (Project 8/Proving Ground):
The one you posted
>THPS4 on top
hell yeah my dude. loved how big and explorable the levels were and the huge amount of objectives.
Duuude look at those tanks!
Yeah, that shit felt incredibly lazy on their end. I dunno what their problem was
The vehicle segments don't take away how fun the story mode is.
Opinion disregarded.
>they replaced Create-A-Trick with a shit nail the trick system
>no CAP, even worse in P8 there's a goal just to piss you off by placing park pieces in the fun park level to sticker slap in an objective
>no Create-A-Goal
THPS3, but THUG2 has the best gameplay and best soundtrack
Comparing pre-THPS4 tony hawk to THUG-era Tony Hawk is like comparing JSR to JSRF (or Super Metroid to Metroid Prime for a more extreme example.) They're the same franchise and have a shitload of the same DNA, but their game structure and design is so radically different that it really does come down purely to personal taste. I hate the story-focused layout of THUG compared to the tight, arcadey systems in place in the older THPS games but I can understand why someone else would prefer them.
I will defend last gen P8 by saying that it removes the open world and it has individual levels, making it a solid Tony Hawk game and probably in the top 5
i actually found the park editor goal in THP8: youtu.be
>jank vehicle segments and forced offboard shit.
I'm with you on these, but THUG was a new series and a breath of freah air compared to THPS which was archaic in the structure of giving you a few minutes to do repetitive objectives which only artificially prolonged the game. Personally I beat THPS3 in an afternoon and mopped up the remaining objectives over the next day or so. THPS4 was a bit more substantial, but THUG was the first time the series felt up-to-date.
The story isn't fun in the first place, you just like regurgitating dumb memes from when you played it 10 years ago. Fun is racing against the clock, clutching objectives and beating out your high score. You wouldn't know about that when you're caring about dumb shit like story in skateboarding.
Worst taste possible. (You)
Sorry it's not metacritic enough for you faggot.
fuck him
thps2 was the best and everyone knows it
Sorry you love p8 even though it's shit and you think thug2 is the best one even though it was mediocre. and you think one of the best ones is the worst lol. Did you even play it? Doesn't matter what you say because I'll never believe you did.
My only problem is I just really disliked the money collecting progression system.
just put in the cheat to unlock EVERYTHING
seethe harder your favorite is at the bottom dude.
doing playtests friday
this is pretty cool
ive seen webms of this for ever now
is this a death match mode
does doing tricks give you ammo or stronger attacks? hp?
looks neat
there's two modes right now, one's regular trick attack (you have only a pistol with infinite reloads), in this mode killing is just to interrupt combos (useful after the timer is up and some asshat is still comboing forever and automatics past you, i'm calling them automatics because auto drive is enabled while doing them).
there's also a pure deathmatch mode, doing tricks earns money which you use to buy pickup weapons scattered around the levels. after you use up the ammo the gun poofs away, and you need to do more tricks to get more guns. killing players in deathmatch mode makes them drop some of their money too
>want to play thug pro
>everyone on when I launch speaks spanish
I've seen some shit opinions in my day but damn
Get used to it because i'm tired of your basic bitch opinions. thanks for the feed
I would play Tony Hawk 2 as Spider-Man with a bunch of cheat codes like moon gravity and unlimited special meter
this game is going to be really special
This is my favorite
thanks user, i really hope so. ive worked very hard on it. i think about it night and day
What if i'm not a furry. Can I play a skelly?
you could play a scaly
Anyone played handheld skating games? I have THPS3 on GBC and it's pretty solid other than being hard to get good combos going.
That one
Us scooter boys, am I right?
But can I play a scaly skelly?
i'll pitch this to our character artist. she's very into sexy owls right now though, im not sure if she'll be down to skelly
>Best list
Heresy. Opinions discarded
While I respect your opinion I will respectfully disagree, I hope you have a fine night sir.
THUG had the best maps imo.
Why don't you kids like American Wasteland?
THUG 1, 2 and THAW were a toss up for me because each one of them had different glitches.
shit, you right, i meant to put it after THP8
>play thug pro
>get absolutely shit on constantly
i'm sorry, it's just not fun
it's not even tony hawk at this point, it's just backflips, 900s, and paulie butt manuals in the same loop around a level over and over until someone fucks up
you can host servers that disable the glitches that let people do that
i have never heard of this holy shit
What is this
I had THPS3 on GBA and American Sk8land on the DS. Both are actually really fucking good- THPS3 is odd at first due to the isometric camera but actually controls really fucking well once you get used to it and feels solid as fuck, and all the levels and goals are great recreations of the original game (even if LA is kind of hard to figure out at times). Sk8land is excellent, it totally removes 90% of Wasteland's open-world and off-board stuff (no off-board stuff at all, actually), splits the world back into proper levels, there's no having to unlock 50% of your fucking trick list, story mode CaS and special selection is still a thing, and the goals are actual normally challenging THPS goals instead of THAW's endless tutorials. The physics are a bit floaty at times but other than that, it's basicallyTHPS4+. Oh, and it also had Alcatraz, and online play in all the normal Tony Hawk modes- other than Horse, oddly.
I don't agree with you, but you aight
which nobody will ever play on, and even aside from that THAW's combos are completely buttfucked in favor of that setup even without glitches
Story mode was an elongated tutorial, lot of singular objectives and not much to do. The classic mode had only like 5 levels and only 1 (The Ruins) was unique to it.
It wasn't bad for a thps clone. The levels were cool, and the artstyle was cartoony. The problem with it was that the challenges were difficult, and the lines were equally as difficult and too few and far between. It sucked the fun out of it
tony hawk isn't for fags sorry dude
Is Tony Hawk fading from existence?
>American Sk8land on the DS
I forgot this existed. I don't remember much except that it was really solid for a handheld. I had Downhill Jam on DS, now that was a shitty game.
oh wow you're making this? fucking sweet.
ill take any decent new skatan game at this point
Damn, friend. This looks cool as shit. I wish you luck.
I too would appreciate being a skeleton.
yeah he did his last 900 a few years back
Not him but would you mind explaining this? I loved THUG1, 2 and THAW but don't remember a lot of differences between them aside from like, acid drops or something. Other than that, I was really hoping glitch parks would make a return but even BGoat's website is fucked.
SKATE is so much better than Tony Hawk games. They don't get enough love.
I thought THAW was onto something with the parkour elements, it just wasn't fully realized yet. Too bad it's one of the things NS dropped in the following entries.
>tfw no Tony Hawk's Pro Skater's Creed game where you get to kickflip over the pope
they're right about the THUG2 remix levels being worse in THAW
wave break
thanks anons
create-a-park is the most significant loss. create-a-trick isn't really interesting. create-a-goal has potential but i haven't seen any fun custom goals made with it.
evolution skateboarding isn't awful but it's worse than any tony hawk game
How can one man be so so wrong?
rad rat is bases
Guess you have to leave, then.
One of the trick types added in THUG 2 is rolls- front and back side rolls, frontflips, and backflips. They give huge amounts of points, animate quickly, can be combined with grab tricks AND spins, and basically make 90% of air special tricks obsolete. THUG 2 also added multiple 'powered' manual specials- while earlier games already had the Spacewalk which will give you a slight amount of speed to let you get back to a rail or ramp, now there's the Hot Rod Manual which gives you a massive burst of speed and basically means you can get from A to B that much faster without spending as much time balancing your manual, without having to run down your off-board timer from repeated Cavemans or the manual-hop-manual-hop trick.
>now there's the Hot Rod Manual
Yeah it exists, but it's a reward for beating Classic Mode on Sick in first place.
There's also the Paulie Butt Manual which has no similar prerequisite and serves the same purpose, and who the hell can't beat Classic on Sick anyway? Not to mention THUG Pro unlocks every trick anyway (including ones normally unavailable to street/vert trick sets, and ones you normally can't set manually like Boneless/Beanplant).
>who the hell can't beat Classic on Sick anyway?
Guaranteed 90% of this thread in general, especially when you can see rankings and what they stock their value into. ie dumb story shit.
Rocket league + tony hawk with battle royale when?
>replay series after a bunch of years
>start on Sick
>completing game on Sick doesn't auto-complete Normal and Hard/Pro as well
>Everyone is bad but me
Tony Hawk games are casual as fuck.
At least you don't have to start from the baby difficulties and work your way up, that's the worse.
Instead, I can't unlock everything until I force myself to play the babby difficulties, and that's even worse.
For me,it's american wasteland
mad cuz u bad.
>already own THUG2 and THPS3 for Xbox
>just ordered THUG1 and THPS4 as well
thanks for the convincing bros
glad these games go for pretty cheap
Why not just pirate the PC versions? They're ancient Renderware games, they should run on basically anything.
>Call game casual
>Must mean I'm bad
It's a sports game every 10 year old was playing, I'm commenting on you pretending you're special for being able to play it on Sick, it's not hard in the least.
true. It's a matter of having your challenge upfront, the perfectionist autism is on you.
Golden age of skateboarding games
I can tell by the way you type you never even tried sick
Tony Hawk's advanced warfare
not him, but i have personally never been able to find a workable version of THUG1 out there whatsoever for PC, just dead links and broken downloads/installers
I like collecting games, and I just bought an original Xbox recently and wanted to build a library.
I literally like all of them except the Robomodo THPS games.
No, you're just not as badass as you think you are, you call others casual for not doing it, but I can promise you, you're the one that's casual is you think this feat is difficult.
ty user, i guess i was being stupid by searching for it by itself rather than in a collection
get fucked
The worse THUG 2 had in it's story mode was the Qbert section though maybe i'm just a retard. Took me like an hour to finish the final level.
I liked tony hawk american wasteland, the idea of getting parts for your own park was cool and of course it also had a stage builder but that wasnt unique to that game
Where did the series start going downhill, mechanically?
I have never hated anything in my life more than I hate that motherfucker
no u
>friend and I are having a sleepover on a Friday after school
>go to the video rental store and get some kind of Tony Hawk game for PS2, can't remember which one
>play it for hours and hours
THP8, the features it had was watered down, or outright taken out
>no CAP
It was a straight shot from THPS to THAW, then P8 started stripping down on some of the feature creep.
You already posted it OP bro.
>that one atlus skating game made like a cartoon
What was it, gogo hypergrind?
Not furry
>not furry
Yeah no.
Get fucked.
Not furry.
>sexy owl
>not furry
Hey man the game looks cool, but c'mon.
Get fucked, yes you are.
PS2 THPS3 is max soul and fun. Fuck spinefags.
I like project 8, because it was a "Back to Basics" kind of game. It was (mostly) focused on just skateboarding. Haven't played THPG in a while, so I can't say much about it.
Not furry. Do you think Conker is furry?
If this isn't prime furry bait, I don't know what is.
It's parody furry at most
It was the 90s, furries weren't nearly as prominent as they are today, and if you actually played the game, you'd know they play her character pretty straight. At best, unironically going "Let's make her sexy, as a joke hahahaha, those critics won't think we make the same games now!"
You're saying it is now literally impossible to make a game about anthropomorphic animals without it being furry, because now furries exist? That's absurd.
its true. furries ruined them.
>its true. furries ruined them.
The only true thing here is they are living rent free if your fucking head dude.
the dude literally said "sexy owl" so I think that's furry.
I'm here to say that THPS 4 is the most under rated game, its literally the perfection of the classic thps format before the addition of foot travel.
Thug 1 is great, 2 is okay, wasteland was okay but felt like they were stretching the engine so thin that the game was about to tear apart at all times.
never played proving ground or project 8,the first EA Skate was the best one because of the camera angles.
dudes got a broadway play coming up, fool
legit though, I saw him do a live interview a couple weeks ago, and hes still pushing the skating community as much as he can
Make way peasants.
You posted sexy bunny, that's not furry. It's parody.
Only problem is how unbalanced flatlands tricks are. You can get a 1M point combo just standing in place.
No I didn't.
everything else is trash
give me a skeleton and you'll get a buyer, guaranteed.
Eric will always be the most impressive character in a video game i've ever seen. I've never come across a more hateable character than Eric. Fuck that prick.
i think the same was true of THPS3 however there was more variety with the added freestyle tricks in 4, but yes if you happened to do a pogo in your combo you would lose all your momentum and have to freestyle in place.
I didn't post that.
>that filename
10/10, also Eric is a GOAT villain
thps1 > thps2 imo. i just like the levels more, and i hate venice in 2. thps3 was great but i don't have as much nostalgia for it. thps1 was one of the first ps1 games i played, on a demo that came with a magazine
i like the bright colours, nice to look at, and water in games has always been awesome to look at
Tony Hawk does an ollie over Blizzard's corpse and skates over to you. He says you get to make 1 level for the new Tony Hawk game. What do you pick and name 1 sidequest that would be found in your level.
mecca. grind all 4 sides of the cube or something
it would be the embarcadero plaza as it was in 1990 and a secret mission would be to krooked grind a ledge while a bum is sleeping underneath it.
also the gonz gap.
Maybe he's referring to the fact that Thug 2 remix on psp runs at 20 fucking FPS and that's aged badly
Neversoft offices parking lot and surrounding streets, circa early 2000s. Land increasingly larger combos at every spot where the devs wiped out in the Homies Skatin' videos.
Looks more like he was referring to Bam's brand of humor as dated.
2 different people were quoted so take that into consideration. Because they were complaining about 2 different things.