What the fuck was her problem?

What the fuck was her problem?

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lack of bbc drove her crazy

She knows she will never be as good as Natsuki.

>/ddlc/ - Doki Doki Literature Club! #1201

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>not in my arms

>Katawa Shoujo General #3635
after /ksg/ lasted so long are you really that surprised?

They lost count and restarted btw

She was written to appeal to degenerate virgin weeaboos.
>mentally ill
>obsessed over the player
>likes to do fucked up things with knives
Total edgelord character.

all the way back from 1? you're fucking joking

I can at least give ksg a pass since it's got some history what did DDLC do

Aren't all the girls in DDLC written to appeal to degenerate virgin weaboos though?


Bad writing which is ironic considering the game's theme

but how?

>suicide prevention hotline

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no, any self respecting weeaboo wouldn't get caught playing a Yea Forums game

post yfw /ddlc/ is slowly dying

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I wish I hadn't let Yea Forums talk me out of playing this game before the twist got spoiled for me. I mean it wasn't groundbreaking or anything like that but it was nice for what it is.

Lack of my big dick made her depressed

i modded this game for a better ending for everyone.
fight me.

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Okay where is it

purist mod. the links and shit for it are on leddit.



She's not hopping on my cock right now as I run a razor through her inner thigh.

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>running a razor through your inner thigh.
Why does that sound so appealing to me I ditched the razor after high school

holy shit nano's foot is doing some unnatural bending

You better be a female.

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I have a penis between my legs.

Pres. messing with her ones and zeroes.

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>I was in the thread for this
>I'm pretty sure I saw a post or two from him after
>These people are real
Thank the nine I got out of there before it was too late.

actually based

>That one guy that went to his high-school reunion with a USB stick full of monika photos.

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>what le fuck was her problem XD
Do you guys read off a script or something?

MatPat’s wife Stephanie did the best Sayori, Yuri, and Monika voices ever on GTLive’s DDLC livestreams. Change my mind.

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i just wanted a happy ending for everyone, including monika...

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Are you the same guy who samefagged an entire e-celeb Matpat thread yesterday's
fuck off


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oh it's this mod nevermind

>still triggered


you have to be obsessed with NTR to call it cucking. she literally says at one point she can't tell the difference between the MC and the player anymore when talking to you. and during the end sequence the player is taking way more control than at any other point in the entire game.

anyone calling this NTR is a retard

What? I played it and finished it, left much to be desired desu

what are you talking about?

>implying Arin's voices weren't better

the mod, I finished the whole thing, didn't like it desu

so was there any proof of this actually happening or are we just gonna pretend that this actually happened despite the absurdity of it

This desu

Why do they need to validate their threads with how many they have created? If you are a fan and have company with other anons, shouldn't that be enough?

>Entire game is a satirization of the "muh waifu" parts of VN's
>People still completely ignored this and turned the game and its characters into waifubait to be spammed for years, even going so far as to mod the ending of the game to override the intentionally unhappy ending with a generic happy ending and pretending their shitty version is the only version that matters

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/vg/ in general has this problem, it's not just something exclusive to the waifufags, sadly

You can't reason with lonely waifufags user, they enjoy being spat on.
I would know, I am one.

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so when is the continuation they've hinted at coming out

I mean the idea of keeping track of the post number sounds somewhat useful I guess

>Monika could have just deleted the 3 other girls from the get go
>Instead she invaded their minds and freewill in order to drive them to suicidal depression/insanity
>Game tries to paint her as redeemed when she brings them back
I honestly thought they were going to pull another bait and switch in which Monika was only pretending to have made everything back to normal, and instead created the insane Sayori scenario herself only to "save you" in order to make you love her

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None. She is just a very passionate girl.

i don't think the plan was to delete them in the first place, she just ended up deleting sayori because she fucked with her file too much and didn't really know what she was doing

Yuri is for beatings and ryona!

>Instead she invaded their minds and freewill in order to drive them to suicidal depression/insanity
>Game tries to paint her as redeemed when she brings them back
All of the characters in the game besides monika aren't conscious. Their suffering is entirely inconsequential, Because they don't have the capacity to understand it. She only brings everyone back in the end because she thinks you hate her because her actions made the game not fun, and then bricks the whole game because she doesn't want anyone else to suffer the same existence that she does.