So, what happened to this Yea Forums?

so, what happened to this Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

they clearly made the right choice, no major publisher is going to bother marketing a game like this

He rejected the publisher, not the other way around.

yeah and I rejected offers for sex from 12 supermodels but I turned them down because they wanted to live with me.

>First half 2019


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That's not his point. The traditional role of publishers is to fund the game, do the legal paperwork, advertise it, and distribute it.

If he accepted a publishing deal they would take an 80% cut for doing jack shit since:

1. they would barely market it. And unless you're going to drop tens of millions, marketing is barely relevant in the digital age.

2. they're not going to do shit for distribution other than make a Steam page, since this is an indie game for PC how else are you going to sell it?

>all games are political
Oh no, it's retarded

Start naming some games with zero politics

doesnt look like a particularly fun game to play
>pay close attention to those who wont play your game
>but also make it to own the gamers!
he can pay close attention to me then, a guy who chooses to play better games.

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>Giving a shit about reddit

nice reading comprehension

>dude Tim Burton lmao

I don't get it. The picture doesn't even say that. It just mentions people using games as a political platform, not that all games are political.

Risk of Rain
>inb4 insane leaps of logic like "Uhhhhh tetris is violent because the lines are violently deleted!"

>dude reductionism lmao

>but what was bowser's tax policy

"also all games besides probably pong have political messages in it."

I was a different user, only read the image now.
Tetris, Mario, Serious Sam, Doom, Quake, etc.

Is there anyone who isn't burnt out on it? Most of his movies suck ass nowdays.

Most of them.

You all realize this is satire, right? All those points are meant to be negatives.



Gone Home

Theres a difference between being political and having themes similar to political parties.
Having the theme of a game being about communities working together and the party sharing their loot equally doesn't mean the game is touting communism.

Looks kind of neat, but it's far from the first dark minimalist puzzle platformer. If I didn't know any better I'd assume it was from the same developer as Limbo and INSIDE.

looks p cool, keeping an eye on it

Developer AND publisher. Very nice.

And certain someones out there would have you believe Steam is a bad thing

Oh, you're talking about the retard that replied to the post. My bad. I focused on reading the main post and clicked out.

no the insane leap is made by russians to brainwash americans

Yea Forums is really YouTube-comments-tier sometimes.


The first comment on politics pretty much gets most people's panties in a twist so they won't read the rest. By the time they should reach the lower points it's clear it's all a criticism.

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No shit, really? I would have never guessed. You are so smart user.

Read the thread and tell me you're not one of the few.

I hate video game journalists

>reddit screencap thread
Sasuga Yea Forums

YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and Twitch. Forums are practically dead.

That's probably because many writers legitimately believe the first point to be essential these days

I want to one day create the most minimalist game, find someone who thinks it has a political message, create a social media account and call them a stupid cunt.

It's pic related in a nutshell.

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Doom 2.

Good riddance

You replied to one

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Extremely off topic but I seen an advertisement for RoR2 on FB. Literally 100s of coming of Switch kiddies begging for it. I don't think the switch could even handle it honestly. Too many particle effects. Even my computer starts to chug after about 30 minutes in.

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I hate you then.

Jester represents Arkham's deep-seated homosexuality.

You're giving them too much credit, it's just that they'll read up until they think they have an opinion on something and stop there. Which is why most people only read headlines. It's usually enough to form an opinion, despite the fact that they shouldn't without reading its context.

Yea Forums is dead. I only come here because of the images and better layout.
I get tired of this because any real author usually has deeper meanings to the things they write. It might not be every line or every symbol, but typically speaking if your author is good, theres a reason they went out of their way to describe something.

>the curtains were blue
Is a completely pointless detail by itself. You wouldnt describe the curtains unless visualization of the room and curtains were important for some reason.

But he thinks like an English teacher. Making up bullshit.

Too bad

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The post got two responses, user.

>Marketing is barely relevant in the digital age

This line just outed you as a person who actually knows nothing about anything

>You wouldnt describe the curtains unless visualization of the room and curtains were important for some reason.
He wanted to set a scene maybe. If the author is putting allusions in everything, then he is a dogshit author.

It's not a matter of your game having themes which could be construed or interpreted by an English professor to be political, it's the injection of the CURRENT_YEAR ideology into places where it frankly makes no sense and completely disrupts the tone of the setting. For example VTMB had political jokes but they made some sense within the context since the games had a fairly contemporary setting. The other thing is that flagrantly political commentary makes your game feel crude and low brow because politics is downstream of virtually every other study in humanities.

i had prepared a rather large essay explaining why tetris is a government attempt at digitizing cocaine that was ultimate blamed on the communists to hide its true nature but my browser mysteriously closed the second i tried to post it. I'm now sharing this information with you from a secure location the fact is the FBI is trying to hide the truth from you don't play tetris bros dont pla

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>You wouldnt describe the curtains unless visualization of the room and curtains were important for some reason.

Of course the author conveyed an underlying meaning in their story. That's the whole point of telling a story. The point of the image is that people find meaning where there is none. They misconstrue minute details and go off on a tangent about things the author MAY never have intended in the first place.

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>People are legitimately too dumb to recognize symbolism and deeper meaning

Guy's right about Tetris but you'll only disagree because of muh gaming journalism boogeyman

>All games are political, you only have a problem with it now because it's politics you don't agree with
Funny coming from the people who absolutely chimped out over that game the last night, and even dug through the dudes twitter to shame him for gamergate tweets

>t. literal underage

Most authors choose every sentence with purpose.

>I rejected offers but I turned them down
What the hell are you saying?

user are you ok

>Guy's right about Tetris
He is not. And you are stupid for thinking he is. Next you will be saying Jenga is about 9/11

It all depends on the context. If the curtains didn't mean anything then there's no need to point them out in the first place. At least not without proper context. If the author says "He approached the window, pushing back the blue curtains" then yeah, it's just visual flair.
But if I walk into OP's room and say "He had rainbow curtains". I'm not really saying anything but I could be implying he has bad taste, or that he's open about sucking dick, or that he's living in a little girls' bedroom.
It all depends on context.

And they didn't find shit, so they set up a throwaway account to share fake tweet screenshot that are still believed to be true to this day

Yes but he specifically went out of his way to describe the curtains and their color. Why bother unless he wanted the detail to be noted?
Books are not comic books where every scene needs to be completely visualized, the context of blue curtains are either note worthy or not. If just the curtains mattered theres no need to describe them fully as pointless adjectives detract from the reading flow.
Say you're reading a story and you go into a girls room and her curtains and bed sheets are blue. This could imply her parents had wanted a boy for a kid and are pushing Male ideals onto her instead. The blue curtains would be relevant to the story and her character.

But say theres no meaning and someone is just looking out a window. Saying the peaked around the curtains works better than pointlessly going 4 paragraphs in about the color and make of the curtains, and how they got them from the flea market.
A bad author might do that, but any author worth a damn writes for a purpose. And everything they write is to accomplish that purpose.

Jet fuel doesn't knock down wood blocks.

The straight Tetris block took another soul. RIP brave user.

Fucking Candlejack got h

I remember lotr to be excessively verbose with the description of its environment and details, but maybe it's just because I was a teen

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>Most authors choose every sentence with purpose.

Yes, but not every sentence is significant. They are puzzle pieces that make up a whole image.What people should look for are the reoccurring patterns and symbolism that play a role in conveying that theme.

Interpretation is a fickle thing. Without knowing any of these literary devices, context and even the author's background and the reader's personal experiences, I'm not surprised that some people lead to different conclusions when they read the same story.

Brainlet who spent 4 years for a marketing degree.

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Nice reading comprehension, moron.

Lotr is unironically overrated garbage.
It's fun because of the creative high fantasy setting, but the actual writing is meh.
Not every sentence has deep symbolism, but most sentence would go out of it's way to have absolutely no purpose or meaning. Rarely will any English teacher point to a line by itself unless it's extremely relevant. A blue curtain metaphor will almost always tie into other things in the story.

looks like fucking trash lol

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>Lotr is unironically overrated garbage.

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>Yes but he specifically went out of his way to describe the curtains and their color. Why bother unless he wanted the detail to be noted?
Because the author is an autist.

For a completely fictional world it makes more sense since you need to build an image of the world. If you describe a Hobbit's home, simply saying a cottage isn't as interesting as going into details about how the house is modeled or how it's decorated, which gives insight to how the Hobbits live. Descriptions are important but they must serve a purpose. Simply describing an object for the sake of it is what bad writers do to pad the pages.


Katamari Damacy

That actually looks good though

>A blue curtain metaphor will almost always tie into other things in the story.

If the color or colors reoccur in throughout the story, then yes. The author maybe trying to suggest something.

The curtains being blue (since we have 0 context of where it came from, genre, etc.) it could be that the curtains are blue when normally they were a different color and this could be a clue for a mystery novel. You don't know if there's any emotional investment or if it was a color picked because its different from another color. You LITERALLY do not know the context of the line.

The curtains are blue because blue is the colour of the Rheagrynndon Empire, and the author is subtly dropping hints that the cute bitch is actually an assassin working against the main characters end goals.

What I do know is that they went out of their way to describe the curtains.
What in also know is the maker of that image is a retard.

Putting 2 and 2 together, I can safely conclude that the blue curtains were relevant and that the person who made the image was a kid angry because he had to read Rebecca.

This thread is now about discussing a ten year old image and what the curtains mean.

Who fucking cares????????

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Why the fucking fuck is every game like this now? Pretentious 2d platformer with 'dark moody' undertone, why is everything trying to mimic LIMBO? Everything being an FPS was better than this hipster trash.

It's incredible how this place has been in a constant state of decline for 15+ years yet it still offers better entertainment than any social network put together

there's nothing wrong with reddit

The only other recent game I can think of is Little Nightmares, which came out two years ago.

back you go

I just want freedom.

Tetris does not make people think of Russian politics when they play it and it's obvious the developers intended no such thing either. Anything can be about politics if you try your hardest to find political meaning in it. That doesn't mean every single game should be made as a jumping off point for political discussion. Why is this so hard for these people to understand that?

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A thousand anonymous monkeys in a thousand keyboards.

t. redditor

>The curtains being blue (since we have 0 context of where it came from, genre, etc.)

This, right here is the key. Without knowing the context, how would we know? You can't just assume the Author intended such and such because he went out of his way to describe something.

You're right, maybe it is unnecessary to describe these details but it won't really hurt to have them. Personally I care about the overall message. I don't make a fuss over the little things. And there is nothing wrong with what you think how an Author should write a story. Mine and your standards differ.

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>I can safely conclude that the blue curtains were relevant
I did too but in a totally different context since we don't know what the source is.
>The curtains were blue
Also says nothing in terms of how it should be read in regards to tone, let alone context. In a depressing scene the curtains being blue would be symbolic. In a mystery the curtains being blue could be a simple color difference to act as a clue. In an action novel, the curtains being blue could be at the start of a scene so that at the end it comes back and says "the curtains were blue" implying they're now coated in blood. Fuck it could even be a kid's book about learning colors for all you know.
>The curtains are blue
>The bed is red
>The rug is green
How is your interpretation correct when you literally do not know the source of the line as shown by the image having no reference?

this is basically my life

pong is a metaphor for democracy.

That's because the other sites really don't have anything insightful to offer. There is a reason why people still hang around here despite it's shittiness. Because of threads like this, threads that offer practical advice and knowledge. Anons who can articulate their thoughts and debate without having to call each other nigger faggots.

Like pic related. You crave shit like this.

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what the fuck is that image

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Do people really accept 80% cuts to publishers?

Young devs who are either desperate or naive. Obviously it depends on how sweet a deal the publisher might offer but more likely than not, it's mostly a predatory tactic.

tell the political message behind most Nintendo games.
about Silent Hill games, God of War, Etrian Odyssey, Megaman Zero, DOOM.
Most games dont have political messages, deal with it.

Forced Italian representation.

Looks like that one lame indie game I've seen 1000 times
The one where the kid is running around in a monochrome environment solving platformer puzzles and running from shadows that want to kill him
Hard pass

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>12 major publisher
There's Electronic Arts, Ubisoft, Rockstar/2K/Private Division, THQ Nordic, Devolver Digital, Double Fine Productions (?), Activision Blizzard and what else?

You have objectively abhorrent taste
Paradox, you forgot Paradox, those guys giving us Bannerlord and VtmB:2

that was stupidest shit I've read today. cringiest case of pseudointellectual projecting I've ever seen

I like this game.

Virtually every fighting game
Virtually every puzzle game
Virtually every sports game
Virtually every platformer gamer
Virtually ever Action game
Most everything else that wasn't made by AAA western studios in the last 10 years.

>buying games

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Looks cool but if it’s another limbo type game hard pass. Those games like that wanna be puzzle platformers without commuting to hard puzzles that actually have multiple answers or some replay value.
They substitute it for atmosphere but it’s never worth that trade off unless it’s got a story like Silent Hill or something.

Struck a chord huh?

t. weed + baccy + froot loop smoking Rick & Morty fan

This tentacles penetrating this poor young lady represents the mass immigration to Europe.

>le cringe
Here have more. Sorry that it hurts your brain but it's for your own good.

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Soviet music? Its fucking Russian folk music not the Soviet national anthem. What a fucking idiot.

go back

And he was doing so good

hearts of iron 4

>left vs right

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I wish more devs would btfo greedy publishers.

How's this cringe?
Communism is retarded because it takes away all incentive to be entrepreneurial and take risks that might turn into big successes.
It also rewards complacency and laziness

I don't smoke weed, I have average about five bowls of cereal per year, and I have never seen a single episode of rick and morty. I assume its some second rate Venture Brothers knockoff.

no, I do not identify with the redditor faggot in the pic. I am simply disgusted by the small brained conservatard who spent two paragraphs projecting his own fears and failings in order to make a point only a retarded nigger wouldn't instantly reject and mock.

durr durr, that man living his life the way he wants aint free. the only way to be free is to live your life the way I want you to live your life according to my arbitrary list of rules and morals duuuuurrrr

>How's this cringe?
It's not referring to the pic but the post it was replying to.

Look at this retard. Can't even type a post without going into some sort of retard yelling noises.

little kids who'll look back on it and cringe

hes right and you're just a faggot
grow up

> that man living his life the way he wants aint free. the only way to be free is to live your life the way I want you to live your life according to my arbitrary list of rules and morals

But that man isn't free. He isn't looking far ahead of what is about to happen to him in his life. Oh sure, he can eat whatever he likes but he isn't free from the consequences. He is consuming poison that will prevent him from thinking clearly. He will make bad decisions because of it. He is an addict. Someone far from free. A prisoner of his unhealthy body. That is why you should be careful with what you consume.

But I do agree with you about "to be free is to live a moral life". What "moral" is I have no idea.

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Right about durrrr?

>start naming some games

How much time you got? I hope you don't have to pee, because we're gonna be here until probably 2020 if I start.

It's satire.

It's spelled "sausage". You're welcome. ya'll people not understand that sometimes the author puts details like that in just to help you create the world in your mind? Any of actually read the Lord of the Rings? God damn 50% of the book is Tolkien just describing places they're walking. I don't think I'm supposed to find symbolism in every detail of what a mountain looked like.

That was the whole point of the pic in this post:
But people here seemed rustled by it.

because they're trying really hard to prove they should be paid. they will say whatever bullshit they can come up with to bamboozle the higher ups into thinking they're valuable. basically it's greed.

>whatever bullshit they can come up with to bamboozle the higher ups into thinking they're valuable
People should start asking uncomfortable questions about whether their occupation is necessary for the organization. Just to see the excuses they make.

Space Invaders

>"I reject publishers!"
>puts game on Steam
Hahaha what


The curtains being blue is an important plot point and not deep symbolism.

Then you should feel at ease going back there and never coming back.

he also forgets to mention the weed addiction.

fuck off eagle you goddamn retard

11 and some of the already listed aren't even majors. There's also Digerati, Night Dive, Interplay, Atari, Tommo, Piko Interactive, Deep Silver, Nintendo, Sony Interactive Entertainment, Xbox Games Studios, Bandai Namco, Limited Run Games, Ysbryd and I don't think he really presented his game to all of them.

>"I reject publishers!"
He didn't say that at all.

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CEOs of big companies often make millions and don't actually risk anything.

>b-but i pay xyz from my pocket
Paying isn't hard and is automated in most cases.

>b-but i improve the product
No you don't, it's being done by people who work on you.

Why are you still here? Go suck some corporate cock if you love it so much.

>this overly simplistic view of business.
You're a lost cause.

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are all the people replying to this image and post retarded?

the person is being satirical
>take an old solid game, built on it, then run it into the ground
do you fucks not see this is ironic?

this thread is full of fucking dumb zoomers

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everything is wrong with reddit

This game looks awful and completely creatively bankrupt.

>dude let's just copy Tim Burton's visual style
>dude let's call it Dark but spell it Darq to show how unique we are

Fucking Cringe.

It was somewhat alright in its early days.

Its normie central now.

Anything more you want to add?

Wow actual interesting looking indie shit

battle network

>literally pass english because you can make anything into bullshit and make it passable with examples from the book and how it relates to your point

Almost all multiplayer only games.

Nice advertisement.


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Isn't that the point? So as long as you can explain your interpretation of the book by citing passages, and shedding light on the context of the book (who wrote it, when it was written, what was taking place at the time), if that is relevant to the theme. If you can coherently argue your point of view then teachers may give you a passing grade. Experts still argue to this day about certain books and can never really agree on one thing.

The important question to ask is: "Is there such thing as a valid interpretation"?

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Holy shit, Fortune still exists?

Going by that logic, literally no one is ever free, meaning making any assertion about what is and isn't freedom makes no sense.

>can't read more than one line


>Is there such thing as a valid interpretation
I would assume a valid interpretation would be to interpret it in a way that author intended you to?

>man passes english in high school as if this is worthy of crediation

The other user was right in some regards, this reads like some hardcore projection. Not that the faggot in the photo is worth defending since they're a retard killing themselves by smoking.

your post reminded me of the Candlejack mem

>but it's still creative and meh
Fucking worthless criticism. Try using actual measured words instead of your garbage hyperbole

>circular logic that denies the concept of free will


The more time I spend on this site, the less I care about the site war between Yea Forums and reddit. I have seen an immeasurable amount of idiots on this site, and I can only imagine that the same holds true for reddit. You get really wary of this place. I can only imagine how genuine oldfags feel

The notion of "being free" is often vague and does not exist. I think generally what people are trying to say is that they want to be free to determine their fate. They have a vision of themselves, their ideal-selves. It's a desperate cry from the daily toil and frustration.

Often what people don't realize is that what they think they want, will make up for all the suffering and bullshit they have put up with. But it's often not the case (ie. becoming rich and famous). The grass is greener on the other side. They don't realize that you have to give up something in order to obtain what they want. Time, money, social life, health and youth are some of the most common sacrifices.

What I'm trying to say is that rather than asking to be free, ask: "What do I want? And what am I willing to sacrifice"?

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I'm asking to be free of anime posters

Yea Forums is full of really fucking stupid people (including some oldfags which have always been there, I'm well aware of that from the past) but you can at least tell them to kill themselves. The site's population has gotten worse and worse over the years from the influx in phoneposters who normally use sites like Reddit, hence the "site war" you mentioned. They post stupider and stupider shit which has been nurtured by a different posting environment in which conflict and negativity are seen as bad and any post that tries to point out issues with their stance or thinking will get downvoted into invisibility quickly, sustaining the hugbox. It warps the psyche and props up their ego, and unfortunately being able to run back and forth between sites can keep their idiocy afloat as they can just write off anyone calling them out on a site that allows uncensored discussions since their Reddit karma said they were really funny and likeable.

um, yes dumbass, everyone knows it's satiracle, not just you or You aren't any smarter than the rest of us.

Basically, it's all a shit show

It's easy as hell to do.

This is nothing new with video games. Once a game is successful everyone else copies it.

>circular logic that denies the concept of free will
I wonder whether that guy with the bowl of cereal wanted to eat that shit in the first place or did he cave into his temptation because his self control is too weak.

By ruining your body and health you reduce the amount of willpower you have to work with. If you don't have enough willpower, how can you expect to concentrate on the things that you want to do or get things done (Unless you want to aspire to be a slob, and you're free to do that). The man is amputating himself willingly because he does not know that by doing so he will be unable to pursue the other things he wants in life.

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Might want to read the preceding text before that greentext you're quoting user.

>I wonder whether that guy with the bowl of cereal wanted to eat that shit in the first place or did he cave into his temptation because his self control is too weak.
Considering cereal is delicious, he probably did in fact want to eat the damn cereal. I've personally moved away from drinking soda and eating sugary things due to health concerns but fuck me if said potential issues didn't exist there would be no reason not to enjoy a more tasty meal than the plainer, healthy alternatives. It never eroded at my will to do other things or tendency to act whenever it was important, in fact I've barely changed at all as a person despite shifting my diet entirely. I pursued learning how to draw as a hobbyist skill while I was still eating a bunch of junk food and downing soda daily and I'm pursuing it to this day diligently alongside my other pursuits in daily life. If you can't live your life properly, it sure as shit isn't because of what you're eating.

But our willpower is at the mercy of how we physically and mentally feel, financial circumstances, the people around us, the opportunities like the availability of work and quality of education that are available to us can all play a crucial factor into the decision making process we make everyday in our lives.

You can overcome these obstacles but it is difficult. Freewill does exist but you are wrestling with your biological instincts such as temptations, pain, environment and emotions etc.

Are you a tough dude that will do the things he says he will? Or are you a slave.

It's true what they say: You are you're own worst enemy.

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There is this place called reddit.

Meh. When I get that kind of game in a bundle for $1 or $2 and I'm only going to play it once, it's enjoyable. I certainly wouldn't pay full price for something with no replay value though. Some indie games are just destined for the bargain bin.

It might be a joke but I can imagine strawman SJWs in my head actually believing this!!!!11

>If you can't live your life properly, it sure as shit isn't because of what you're eating.

Eating is only a factor and there are other factors that contribute to your willingness to pursue things that require concentration, dedication and discipline.
Encouragement and appreciation from your peers, personal beliefs from over the years you have developed, passion and inspiration from the role models you look up to, a vision of your ideal-self in the future where people hold you in high regard as a master of your chosen craft.
There are many more factors and there are so many questions that need to be answered regarding willpower. Shit, apparently we know more about space then how our mind functions.

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Digimon rumble arena 2.
Now what, faggot?

it looks like kind of a game that will be popular for a week then forgotten forever

just like 99% of muh indie games

That's really funny if it's true. Everyone out there complaining about steams 30% cut meanwhile publishers demand 80% and unless you've already "made it" as an indie dev you need a publisher to get to the epic store.

Doom. Nier Automata. Castlevania series. Warhammer series. Final Fantasy.

Are you retarded? Tetris is based on a russian children's game.

>projecting on videogames

Well I'm posting from it

I will say that people who you look up to are insanely important. Especially if you can humanize them rather than treat them as unreachable or far off in the distance. It's incredibly motivating to realize they're a regular person just like you who messes up at all sorts of other things yet became awesome in some way or another that you respect them for despite that. It makes your mind much more open to pushing your own self towards becoming just as proficient as they are, slowly but surely.


Pretty much this. Let the redditor eat his cereal and smoke weed in peace without writing an essay on how we're superior to him.

Read biographies of famous and successful people, especially men like Theodore Roosevelt. Don't surround yourself with a bad people, their negative mentality can infect your mind, for example: Yea Forums. Try to copy the daily routine of your role model. There is a book called "daily rituals" by Mason Currey. Look it up.

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>Russian = Soviet

The song predates the Soviet union, you fucking cunt.

Monarchist thesis.

hahahahaha look at it

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What do you do in the game?

hearts of iron

Eh sometimes you want easy puzzles with nice music and visuals to chill out. Hard puzzles can be exhausting.

Christ you're dumb

That's some spooky shit desu,

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>that offer practical advice and knowledge
No advice was provided in image. A lot of assumptions from a single image were made about a person the poster doesn't know at all, and put forward as concrete conclusions. This is the worst way to obtain knowledge.
>and debate
There was no exchange of ideas in your image. Some fag made a post not on Yea Forums and another fag got morally outraged and posted on Yea Forums, ensuring that no communication between the two parties will ever occur.
>without having to call each other nigger faggots.
Posted image is about someone calling someone (a total stranger at that) a sexually impotent druggie who can't form their own thoughts. These are all baseless insults.

I hope you were being ironic by posting that shit with those words. If you weren't, maybe you should consider that the person who can't form their own opinions is you.

Attached: 1296431109533.jpg (217x208, 7K)

not anymore, bucko

These but unironically. Paradox are cucks but I've got to give them credit for keeping the series neutral towards all three major powers.

The entire MH series

Metal gear solid

>reddit screencap
Yea Forumseddit is real

I'd rather have Yea Forumseddit than Yea Forumsiscord tbqh

Yeah, the pic was a terrible example. Take this pic instead.

Attached: 1541245319173.png (1887x2545, 789K)

Dark Souls

I got a better idea, since you seem to love spam /pol/ screencaps so much, go make an entire thread about it so the mods can deal with you. It is obvious that you're getting a kick out of posting these caps.

It's partially because they want to feel smart and mostly because they dont want to accept that they wasted so much time in (((language arts))) classes they were forced to take in highschool and college.

Nah. The best idea is to simply let it go. And besides we went waaaaaaaayy off-topic about indie developers being offered terrible deals by publishers.

PS4/X1 wouldn't be able to do it. The issue is how the engine handles itself. You can have the best pc in the world, Unity slows down when too much goes on.

Every game becomes political if you start to read too much into it like a [insert your nation main language] teacher.

Counter strike.

This is true for even supposed necessary jobs like construction.
>Is your job really necessary?
>well with out me and people in my field we would have some many tall buildings and apartment complexes.
>do we really need all those tall buildings and apartment complexes?
>well without those tall buildings people wouldn't have a place to work and those apartments people wouldnt have a place to live
>what do the people in those buildings actually produce that's of value? Wouldn't people be better off living in a home, which there are many sitting in suburbs waiting for an owner?
>well the people in those buildings produce wealth and the apartment dwellers can't afford homes.
It could go on and on but the point is there are very few jobs at this point in our civilization that are actually necessary. We are shitting out more and more useless workers whose soul job is to produce for the government and in turn the corporate behemoths.
Expect things like this """"journalist"""" to become more and more common. There are already a good amount of people making money playing video games. Just let that reality sink in.

Almost all of them except a number of games published by big corporations from 2014-2019.

People playing video games are just performers like in ancient times.
Construction workers are necessary to minimize use of land for living.
Most workers in high IQ fields could organize themselves without need for managers or CEOs. Massive corporations are solving problems that they create themselves.

>80% and IP

Same obnoxious autistic people who ran anime clubs

Attached: 32298474181_4e3f88fdf2_b.jpg (1024x684, 151K)

>play any FF game
>have one pool of money I use to purchase things for my party
>all of my party members can use any item in my inventory
>everyone gets an equal share of EXP after a fight


they're metaphors for the immigration crisis

>reddit invented file name threads
>reddit invented the console ware

holy fuck reddit is fucking retarded

>Final Fantasy.
7 was political as shit

>retard who clearly isn't in development or publishing complains about shit in detail
White men are oppressed! Soros is laughing, guys!

Attached: tired pepe.jpg (1337x1289, 238K)

>he wanted to set up a scene
By describing drab pointless detail? Not very good writing, user.

Attached: some mong.jpg (333x250, 10K)

This is a bait, right?