Evening Switch Thread

What are you fellow lolis playing?

Are you excited for E3?

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Nothing, there hasn't been shit since torna. Next game I give a shit about is astral chain in August

I'm actually beginning to worry a bit. The indies, budget japanese games, and VN supply is staying stable, but there's nothing major going on right now. We are in a pretty bad drought and with the development trouble with Bayo 3 and Metroid Prime 4, I really hope Daemon X Machina gets a summer release date.

I'm debating whether to hack my Switch for customizable themes, I loved doing that on my 3ds but Im gonna see if theres a new revision of the Switch coming at e3

How is Azure Reflections? It's on sale

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I'm very happy with the switch right now. Sonic racing and Mario Maker for the summer. Pokemon and possibly luigis mansion for the fall, animal crossing for the winter.

Va-11 ha-11a
Seriously debating picking up cuphead or the ace wright trilogy. Very comfy

I just want to hear anything related to smt 5 or animal crossing really

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There is no way it'll be summer. But then e3 is in xx days and they like having something ready right after an announcement.

Are they ever going to put any themes out? I'm getting really sick of white and black

How is the FF XII rerelease? I never played the original and I can't decide between that or Octopath.

Maybe when they release a switch mini with Pokemon for the kids. I think kids would care more about themes than adults.

It's not really a child or adults thing
Personalization is universally liked, kind of rediculous there haven't been any in 2+ years after the success of them on 3ds

On a related note I'm a new owner, wtf are the coins from digital purchases about?

The 3ds was for kids.

When you buy a game on the eShop you can use it to save like some cash when buying something else or you can hoard your coins and try to buy a game less than 20 bucks

Is the combat in FFXII any good? Coming from FFX and FF7. I was gonna pick up FFXII back in the day but never did.

Why don't they just let you use screenshots as a custom theme? It can't be hard to do.

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I've been going through Box Boy and picked up Duck Game too.

I'd recommend Cuphead.


Playing some Hyrule Warriors and Tetris 99.
I bought Smash last weekend and haven't touched it yet.
I find it really strange that Nintendo isn't selling Themes on Eshop.

I really want cuphead, but I'm waiting for the supposed physical release. It's one of those games where I want the cartridge.

I finally picked up Hyrule Warriors Definitive. I played through FE Warriors, and it's amazing how much better HW is in comparison.

Are there any characters/weapons in HW that have a C1 like Camilla had in FEW? I want something fast with a really big area to take out groups.

Is the BotW expansions pass worth the $20?

>duck game

Is the online alive?

No but xenoblade one is

Not massively but there are rooms getting filled at a good rate.

I'm replaying BotW and thinking about buying Hyrule Warriors later this month. I had it for WiiU but I feel like playing it with the Pro Controller would feel better.

Excited to see if they drop any info on Animal Crossing or Rune Factory 5 this E3. Also pretty hyped for Link's Awakening since it's literally they only Zelda game I haven't played. Not a huge fan of the toy aesthetic though - I wish they went with the 90s anime look at the start of the trailer.

Playing Dragon's Dogma, Tank lolis with giant weapons for maxium immersion

newfag here

Switch games with lolis?? Please give me recs.

Cool think I'll get it

How do you guys use headphones while docked? I'm running an extension cable right now. Would be nice if the pro controller had an audio port.

I have these


Originally got them for PC gaming because I had a puppy that would chew on cords. Never going back to wired.

The usb dongle plugs right into the dock and works. It was a nice surprise when I tested it out.

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enjoying Moero Chronicle

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I'm excited to see more Daemon x Machina

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I sit relatively close to the TV and I have the switch dock out in front, in-between the TV and I, as far as the HDMI cable will go. That's close enough for a regular headphone cord to stretch.

I inna playin' nothin'
I'm just waiting for Super Mario Maker 2, Luigi's Mansion 3 and Dragon Quest Builders 2


I can't wait to see how far the "modification" system goes. I want a fully robotic pilot by the end of the game.

I wanted to like this, but the gameplay just felt so weird to me.

Are there any good golden week sales going on? I can only spend so much on a portable version when steam sales are cheaper than dirt.

Playing Steamworld Quest.

If you're into deckbuilding card-based RPGs like Slay the Spire it's pretty good.

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The coins can be used for discounts.
I think it's about 10 cents per 100 coins or something.

Octopath sucks. Imagine if Persona 3 didn't have the Tartarus plot and only had the sub plots of each party member. That's Octopath.

I just got my switch a couple of months ago and I'm having a blast, just finished BotW and I'm beginning Bayo 2 while Xeno 2 waits on the shelf. Also 100h in MHGU right now and I'm definitely happy with my purchase.
Any games I should buy Yea Forums? I'm avoidin Odyssey since the last Mario I played was 64 and I tend to avoid platformers.

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>already 100 hours in MHGU
>finished Botw
>couple of months
Do you have life or just have too much free time to spare?

>last Mario I played was 64
It's very fucking good, i'm not a huge mario fan either, it's just a very well made game with secrets and shit

>What are you fellow lolis playing?
Umihara Kawase Fresh. It's a lot of fun, but its taking some getting used to and I swing no pun intended from feeling like a 200 IQ physicist to a brain dead retard pretty fast.
>Are you excited for E3?
Kind of. Trying to get through my backlog right now so I'm not looking forward to much, but some news on Rune Factory 5 or the next Fighter Pass character could be cool.

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I beat Xenoblade 2 last year and haven't touched it since. I picked up the DLC and am currently replaying it and having a ton of fun.

Xenoblade 2 and Fortnite
I may buy Hollow Knight or Okami soon, but these two take all my free time anyway

Is bayonetta worth it? Is it like devil may cry? Right now all the games that i still think of getting are bayonetta 2 and xenoblade 2. Xenoblade seems to cringey for me, even though first xeno is my fav jrpg, thinking maybe i should get ff xii instead, is ff similar to xenoblade in terms of mmo like gameplay?

FF12 is a good alternative. It's what everyone called an offline mmo before xenoblade came along. Doesn't have any anime cringe. Unfortunately the story just sort of takes a huge backseat after Tomb of Raithwall IIRC and becomes much less interesting/engaging. It's all about the exploration and gameplay, so if you enjoy them you should like the game.

Should I just go ahead and get skyrim, just want a timesink...

Why not. But only if you played oblivion, morrowind, skyrim again on pc. I could handle replaying those games.

Ok, i'll stick to ff xii then. Just feel kinda weird, cause it will be the only game besides ff tactics that i would actually finish (if i do), couldn't handle the other ones, but probably cause i find classic jrpgs boring over time. I like the world of ivalice though. Liked it in both ff tactics and vagrant story, disliked it in tactics gba and ds.

Yeah, I feel like the portability would allow me to be invested in it again. I'll admit that I never finished skyrim but I did do most of the major plot lines.

>Xenoblade seems to cringey for me, even though first xeno is my fav jrpg
Sorry for saying this, but are you fucking dumb? Just skip the three "cringy" cutscenes in the 100 hour game, don't miss out on a great game by falling for consolewar shitposting

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*the only ff game

FF12, it's a lot more enjoyable than the original was.
Debating grabbing DD after for the second time, but I should probably clear Vesperia after before SMM2 hits

been playing Dragon's Dogma. Really cool game that i somehow missed the first time around.

Why am i dumb for hating those parts? And with all the waifushit, it gets even more apparent, i've watched streams of the game, it's not just webms.
What makes the game great then? The gameplay is just mmorpg and doesn't stand on it's own if i hate the story, characters and the setting. I loved the world in first xenoblade, some of the main characters were mediocre like sharla or the fluffy guy, but overall i was really invested. Also, not a fun of hentai artist anime style, i kinda like the mash up of artists that made other characters and blades (and kinda hate it), but i hate how main characters look. FFxii characters look amazing though, except for slut princess.

You're gay, aren't you?

Too much free time, live alone and work mostly from home.

Nah, what about you? You like shotas in hot pants?

Hyrule Warriors. I feel like it's the only game I own that I can dump 20-30 minutes a day into now that I'm a wagecuck.

I am looking for something that has multiplayer options though. For whenever I have people over. There's no equivalent of WarioWare Smooth Moves that you can do a bunch of people only using one controller right?


You have the gays.

>Disliking Riki
>Disliking Ashe's design

Where? In SF? I don't live there.

mostly smash ultimate. been going through ace attorney and va11-hall a as well

looking forward to mario maker and astral chain.

>The gameplay is just mmorpg
Name a single mmorpg that plays like Xenoblade 2.

Was for I'll probably buy it at some point when I'm in the mood.

I don't see a point of his character in the story, i like the town he lives, but his main purpose is clearly to be just another type of playable unit. And who the fuck is ashe.
I call xenoblade 1, x and ff xii mmorpg as well, stop getting defensive. It's a game with free movement of characters that still autoattack.

smtv info when?

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Riki is the heropon and is the best. Nopon are always the best, especially the ones who join you.
>And who the fuck is ashe.
The princess in ff12, user.

switch is on it's last legs already, i fucking have one, and can see it, it's wiiu 2

>Nopon are best
>tatsu exists
yeah no, fuck that dumbass little faggot and all his game-ruining dialogue and every fucking thing to do with Lin and Tatsu scenes and how shoehorned they are into everything

i bet fat gamer girls think they look like this

He's also not a very good comedy relief character, even reyn is better at that.
>The princess in ff12, user.
I didn't play it, only know balthier is cause he was in ff tactics. I just know the gameplay and seen character design. Her design is alright for a slut like pyra, but she's a fucking princess, should have some modesty.

Isn't a nopan. It's some demon disguised as one. We don't talk about T*tsu.

>bought Yooka
>but not Odyssey

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>uses term incorrectly
>gets told
>"stop being defensive"
No one has to guess what your made up definitions are, if you want to talk about gameplay than talk about it, little shit.

yooka was a huge disappointment. odyssey just didn't interest me at all. i liked 3d world and wanted to see them keep going with another game like that instead.

Are you Irish by any chance?

I said that i'm not sure if i should xeno 2 or ff xii, you got defensive about me calling it cringy and that's how it goes.
Which is? I know it's not an online game, buddy, it plays like mmorpg though, end of story.

>i liked 3d world and wanted to see them keep going with another game like that instead.
same but odyssey was pretty good

>stop getting defensive.
Pointing out your bullshit isn't getting defensive. Watching a stream isn't enough to get a good grasp of everything there is to the combat and mechanics.

I'd recommend Odyssey myself, the game is a fun experience.

>didn't play the game
>doesn't understand the mechanics
>believes he has the final word on anything related to the game

You're a very especial kid.

I'm not gonna buy it, i still thought about doing so but it seems only retards enjoy it, keep it to yourself, friendo
>combat and mechanics
I've played the first game and seen gameplay of the second one. Name the differences and not "chain attacks are more cool now"
Yeah, fuck off, how am i gonna play it if don't own it?

Well, you said Xeno1 was your favorite JRPG and Xeno2's gameplay is much better, I had no idea all you liked were the non-game parts and not the combat, world and exploration

Playing GalGun 2. Its more fun than i thought it would be.

Combat was just better than classic turn based shit, chain attacks and using arts at right time kept me invested and not kept me bored. But otherwise i liked the world surrounding the game, progression, and just the overall romantic atmosphere.

Want me to solve all your problema kid? Pointing out your fucking embarassing post wasn't enough for you? How about you fucking buy the game and play it?

That's a pretty petty attitude but what I would expect from someone who can't get over some "hentai" character art and a few silly moments taken out of context in a game with hundreds of hours worth of side quests and character interactions.

I won't buy it, fuck off.
I'm not the only who played that game.

Playing Nelke. Micromanaging all these things. Actually beginning to become fun. Although it bothers me that you need a character for every shop or it becomes near useless.
>yeah this shop keep can only sell wheat

But E3? I don't know what to be excited for except Final Fantasy Crystal Crisis. I want that co-op. I want those memories again.

*the one

>Name the differences
Skills function a lot differently, the same weapon on each character has unique skills, blade choice makes a huge difference, auto canceling, etc.
XC1 plays a LOT different from XC2, even more so with Torna.

Smash and bayo 2

If animal crossing and bayo 3 exist

>Name the differences
You autist I can name lots.
>You now have 3 arts instead of 9
>You can change your arts mid fight by switching blades
>blade specials
>Health potions
>Elements mattering to chain attacks
>Auto cancelling
>Better affinity charts and skills
>Pouch items
>Unique Blade Specials
Actually play the game retard.

Your post and grammar reek of underage faggotry. The weekend is over kid, get to sleep soon .

>itt kid gets BTFO

Still relatively similar to the old game, what exactly makes it that much different except those anime supers? It just made the game easier and more rpg like with potions and elements.
I'm 25 and i'm from yurope. Calling someone on "grammer" and age is your last resort to what exactly? What's the point of that post?

Why the fuck is FF12 so expensive, I'm not made of money SE.

>Anime supers
>Exactly like the old game
Alright user despite not playing the game. Please explain to me in depth how Xenoblade 1 and 2 have similar combat.

Your character auto attacks and you choose arts. Chain attacks when the gauge is ready and status combos like topple and the other ones. There doesn't have to in depth explanation.

Are Smash DLC leaks dead because the Doomguy leak is real? Seriously nobody is even making fake leaks for attention?

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>What makes it different?
Each blade has its own stats moves and elements. Each character has 3 blades. This means there are a total of 9 blades in combat with unique skills, effects, moves and elements which can all combo into each other. Past xenoblade games you usually just had the same weapon type and the exact same arts each time. Sure there were combos but you couldn't do as much as you can here. Characters alone can pull off a variety of combos with different blades equipped while in 1 and X if you solo fought you were kinda locked to one combo. That's the major difference.

>because the Doomguy leak is real?
Doomguy has about as much of a chance as getting in as the character I want, and that character is already an assist trophy. I don't know which of the hundreds of fake leaks that are spat out every day that you're talking about but that shit isn't happening.

Well, blade waifus seem to be the main gimmick of the game, so it seems fair for that to be a more expanded addition. Even if gameplay is barely updated which is not a bad thing, that's not the issue i have with the game, as i said in my first "i'm not sure" post.

To be fair, in X, anyone can be Tora.

I'm currently jumping between stardew and dragon blaze (it's so fucking good and only £7, highly recommended).

Sell me on it.

Game still has great moments that even get on par with the first game. Especially the second half. It plays with the whole sci fi aspect of the series better than any other game has.

It's a shmup so definitely not for everyone, but IMO it's better than Ikaruga. Really smooth controls and visuals, fast bullets so no autistic bullet curtains, easy to pick up for someone new to the genre but after beating it once it loops into a much harder version (think of it like NG+). Seven difficulties and four characters to pick from that all feel different too so more replayability than an average shmup. It's vertical, but if you prefer horizontal scrolling shooters you can check out Tengai by the same developers which is almost as good. Runs only take about 15 minutes so it's perfect to pick up and play in bursts on the switch, and can be played in vertical mode if you have a stand.

I'm not a fan of anime myself, but I'm having a blast with XCX2. It surely has its cringy moments, but they are way less than what you could imagine by seeing all the webms around here

FFXII is arriving shortly. I tried playing it when it first came out as a dumb 14 year old but found it mostly boring. But I think my main issues I had have been fixed with the zodiac system in place and now I know what to expect. I also need a comfy game for bed time to deal with shitty lower back pain. I remember not liking some of the characters but thought the bounty hunting was cool and Balthiers voice was sexy.

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Why the fuck is FFXII so expensive?

You can get it for $15 on Amazon right now for PS4.

I don't have one and i prefer to play on handheld when possible.

If your issues are at all like mine, it's leaps and bounds better.

Just started dragons dogma with my family
I made big man + loli
My sister made oppai loli + bigger flat chested loli
And my brother made some Sasuke looking guy with a shota
It's fun

>VA-11 HALL-A is still not on the AU/NZ eshop
fuck I hate this country

XBC2, though I'm having a hard time getting into it because the combat just feels like chaos.

just started ddda myself
your sister has patrician taste

Spam auto attack 1 by moving after attack 1
Using this tactic you'll change arts incredibly fast
Then get the skill that lets you chain arts into arts
You are now able to charge specials incredibly fast enjoy

Who the fuck cares if your own Switch's background is porn?

Definitely give Hollow Knight a try if you're into Metroidvanias and haven't played it on PC yet. If you end up liking Xeno 2 at all, get Torna.

got phoenix wright, can hardly put it down.

makes me wonder if they'll ever put layton on the switch but i doubt it.


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>Charge arts with auto-attacks
>Use arts to build Special and execute Driver combos (Break-Topple-Launch-Smash)
>Use Specials to execute Blade combos to stack Elemental Orbs (Driver combos extend the time allotted to execute Blade combos)
>Use Chain Attack to break Elemental Orbs and win

Attached: xc2 combat screen.jpg (1920x1080, 488K)

>finished Digimon Hacker's Memory on Vita
>can finally shift my RPG focus to Switch
>gonna finally get into Labyrinth of Refrain tonight
Aww yeah

Also enjoying some Smash and finally doing my second playthrough of Breath of the Wild, this time it's Master Mode and I'll be playing with the focus being on just exploring and filling the compendium.

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Enjoy user! It looks fun. Tempted to get it myself actually, does anyone know if it's worth current sale price? I already have a few other games to play so I can wait for a deeper cut if not.

Wew lad

I'm playing that game, and I'm thinking the cards are too expensive to buy and upgrade. Also, 3 and 4 cost skill cards don't seem to have enough of a payout to make them worthwhile.

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>FE houses
>no arms

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>Tfw got to Refrain's last boss and got shit on
>Didn't feel like grinding

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How was it up to that point? Worth £35?

You need the Great Sage Pact from a chest at the bottom of hte first dungeon. It's either the chest near Fairy King or chest near BahBah. Makes the Final Boss do a lot less damage, still pretty tough fight though.

>no shmups

why do people dislike the buttons on the left joycon so much? i'm playing hollow knight and cuphead and i actually like the buttons more than the dpad on my xbox one controller. it's also great for playing taiko

I hope XC3 is an ARPG. Either it or the new fantasy game Monolith is making.

Played some Smash tonight, got destroyed in my lobby. Dabbling in World Ends with You here and there. I want to play Xeno DLC but I never feel like taking the plunge.

Because you can't feel it very well.

I thought it was a great game, but I was new to the DRPG genre and it was pretty unique to me. The combat system feels a little basic and slow after a while, pretty much my only gripe. My favorite mechanic was probably wallbreaking, but you use it less as you get deeper into the game. I also enjoyed the story but like I said I haven't finished it, I'd say it's worth the money since it's pretty long.

Yea I had the Great Sage pact, I still got shit on, I bumped down from Nightmare to gentle and her AOE's still do ridiculous damage. Guess I just gotta go grind on ringones or something

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It's not that complicated, it's just about stacking two layers of combos together (Driver and Blade) until you can finish it off with one big combo (Chain Attack). Eventually you can even remove auto-attacks from the equation by investing in art canceling and starting combat with your arts charged.

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What would actually help would be for nintendo to get off their heads out of theit asses and drop the price on their games. Fuckin games over 2 years old and theyre still demanding 60 bucks? laughable...

What would that help?

tell Nintendo overprinting and make them trash to hit bargain bin easier.

You do it to go back through the market and make money off the cheap skates and the people on the fence. Nobody is going to buy the 8 million copies of 12switch still lying around at full price, but some retards will buy it if you drop the price. I still remember aliens colonial marines making it back to the top of steams charts when they dropped the price to $3.

>tfw waiting for shakedown hawaii

>Nobody is going to buy the 8 million copies of 12switch still lying around
You have zero evidence that any games were severely overshipped like that. Getting to the top of the charts is utterly meaningless when your revenue per unit sold drops by a factor 20. And on top of that you condition your audience to wait for sales. There's a reason that you don't really see AAA games for $2.50 on Steam anymore like you did five years ago.

Daemon X Machina is my jam and I want more details.

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It has been over two fucking years and all the launch titles are still at full price collecting dust on store shelves. Theyre not conditioning people to wait, any reasonable person would expect it by now. They dont need to drop prices to hilariously stupid levels, but some of those games should be $20-$40 by now.

BotW sold 4.3 million last year.
1-2 Switch sold 680k last year.
MK8D sold 7.5 million last year.

I hacked my switch recently in preparation for an upcoming trip and been very busy installing games. The size of the list in picture is at least 7-8 screens now. So glad I bought the switch when there was first news of an exploit, so my unit is still hackable.

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Totally agree.finished the game (too short) and i didnt get all the cards or fully upgraded the ones i used. Worth having a 3/4 cog, sometimes i ended up with a full bar

I had piracy on DS, 3DS, PSP, Wii and a little on Wii U.

All I learned is I don't have time to play all those games so fuck it. I'm not doing any piracy on Switch.

What's e3?

They are gonna do it the way they did it for the 3DS. Release them at the halfway mark of the console’s lifespan. Probably around the time when good games are being really trickled out.

Nintendo Direct 2.0 with some gameplay demo.

You're not gonna get extra time by not doing piracy.

Of course I won't be able to play all of them, but I will have a lot of choice. I played few of ones I installed, the biggest surprise so far was steamworld dig 2; I though it was just a shitty mobile game, turns out it's a proper platformer with a digging mechanic.

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Gave bayonetta 2 another try after leaving it for months.
I'm starting to enjoy it lads, what's happening? the internet said it was bad.
Fuck the crows though, using a guide for those.

>I'm starting to enjoy it lads, what's happening? the internet said it was bad.
Turns out internet contrarians lied to you. They do that a lot. Good to see you're enjoying it user.

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Dragon’s Dogma. Rerolling from being a mage to strider. Big dick spells are cool and all but it still doesn’t change the fact that your gameplay is pretty much limited to press X to watch animations.
Also, Downwell. For $3 bucks this shit is really addictive.

And yes, excited for E3. Primarily because I want to see what Nintendo got in store since they don’t have Smash to create hype anymore.

I didn't play bayonetta but I doubt I'd like it. Couldn't play any of DmC games, though I did finish N:A. But best part of N:A is how it just looks great, something that I can't say about bayonetta.

I use a usb bluetooth transmitter with my bluetooth headphones.

>Are you excited for E3?
This year has potential to be one of their biggest and best if they play the hand they were dealt. There's plenty of shit they've been deliberately not talking about and I'm ready to have it all dropped on me.

this, I'm also in this situation, but I have been playing splatoon only for the last 4 or so months

Any eshop recommendations for handheld mode? Mostly want something to play on the plane for a few hours

baba is you

>You're not gonna get extra time by not doing piracy
You're obviously not a pirate. Being able to download anything and everything you want frequently leads to doing just that and being in a state of constant deliberation of what you want to play before you ultimately decide to just say fuck it after sitting around for 10 hours and play something you've already beaten 30 times or at least own in some capacity. Or maybe even just say fuck it all, don't play anything, do nothing all day, and then just pass out, telling yourself all the while that you'll definitely play one of the tens of games you downloaded recently.

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Into the breach

Any of the big name indie games, really. Also, not exclusive to the eshop, but Puyo Puyo Tetris just because owning some form of these matching puzzle games on a handheld console is good for when you don't have more than 10 minutes to spare but you still wanna spend those 10 minutes doing something.

>You're obviously not a pirate.
That's a quite bizzare accusation.

I don't have your problem generally. I download games and play them.

In this special case for Switch I never planned to play console games at home, so I'm not playing them, and this wouldn't have changed if I decided to keep my switch clean and buy games (that's what I did last year, playing Disgaea 5 and Zelda).

If you didn't play it yet, Steamworld Dig is nice.

Dude I understand you but you're projecting
Not everyone needs the forced limitation of needing to get your money's worth or just actually having to really ask yourself if that game is worth buying
I'm just like you though and it sucks


user the most "kid" oriented of the three consoles, the Wii, had you able to have the "photo gallery" app have the background of your choosing.

Gonna get Girls und Panzer, and Sanic Racing. Hyped for Crash too next month.

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I just got Joker into Elite Smash last night. I'm probably gonna play more Ultimate later. Right now I wanna play Final Fantasy X. But I hate blitzball.

>mario kart 8 sold 20k thorough the year


You do realize it means the Wii U game

No, I did not realize that.

It's going to be pretty packed from next month onwards even with just what's been revealed so far
>Super Mario Maker in June
>Fire Emblem in July
>Astral Chain in August
>Luigi's Mansion probably around September or October
>Pokémon almost definitely in October or November
>Animal Crossing most likely in December

Do yourself a favour and take screenshots whenever a tutorial message shows up, you can't access them again otherwise

Currently playing Yoku's Island Express, haven't gotten that far yet but it's really cute, I like it. Nice music too, reminds me of David Wise.

>getting GuP tomorrow
Have fun with it, user!

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You too user, I just hope it'll fill the void Bataillon Wars left especially since I never got to try the online multiplayer with exclusive maps.

this pic, doesn't make sense...

I was debating buying this from Play Asia, I know nothing about the series but it looks cute!

That's just a phase. I'm over it long ago.

I overCOCKED my switch but noticed no difference.
I wonder if I can go further with better thermal solutions.

Attached: choose your fighter.png (932x187, 112K)

It's a good game that recaps the first film. Arcadey drifty action! Just know that it has some performance issues, but they can be fixed with sys-clk or whenever freebird gets ported to 8.0.1

Attached: IMG_20180218_194143.jpg (850x1202, 99K)

what does this do again?

Lets you change the CPU/GPU/RAM speeds in real time

How do you even deal with the delay? I mean that shit is pretty noticeable no matter what. Also fuck me for falling for that GENKI shit.

Gonna give it a shot. Digging the designs so far.

boring quests, one okay temple and one absolutely fucking kino bossfight.
20 bucks is way to steep but if you need another botw fix after all the time, go for it

It's a good game. I played it between sessions of Sekiro so it was nice to just play a more casual game to change things up. The artwork is really nice and the idea of a pinball metroidvania is pretty cool. Imo it only gets a little annoying when you want to just move from one place to the next, but have to play the areas to do so. I would advice you to 100% it, it's not that hard, but it will definitely add some hours to a pretty quick main story.

How replayable is this? I've been wanting to play this since I first played on PS2 (never finished it though, farthest I got was reaching Archades)
I know its comfy as fuck but I'm thinking of getting Dogma too

Attached: Dwts9yqX4AAhRea.jpg (738x1200, 218K)

I only "played" for 30 minutes or so, but I'm really put off by the opening cinematic and combat system so far.

The new International Version gameplay systems actually make it play quite a bit different from the original PS2 game. It comes down to what kind of gameplay you want though. If you aren't looking for MMO-esque combat, you're probably better off getting Dragon's Dogma. I'm trying to say combat in FF12 is bad. But it definitely doesn't have as wide appeal as something like Dragon's Dogma would.

Gotta agree with you, I don't see many copies of 1 2 switch clogging up shelves in stores, I don't see it in store's Switch bundles or anything that would indicate they have too many copies of it.

I'm not* trying to say combat in FF12 is bad.
Sorry about that.

Get FF XII trust me.

It bordered on unplayable to me thanks to the lack of gyro aiming and frame rate. Hope they tone down something to at least lock it at 30.

What are some essential indie games?

So far I've enjoyed:
Katana Zero
Rocket League
Shovel Knight
Binding of Isaac
Enter the Gungeon
Dead Cells
Hollow Knight
The Messenger

Nothing at the moment. I finished Yoshi week ago and it left me really disappointed so I have no idea which way to go now. Maybe I just have to wait for Three Houses and Daemon.

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Do not fall for the Octopath meme it's terrible.

Been trying to do the speedrun archivement in Hollow Knight on steelrun, the mines are the absolute bane of my existence, also considering starting BOTW master mode

Absolutely not

Some obvious stuff like Cuphead. Honestly speaking the indie scene is pretty good at the moment so it's hard to recommend specific stuff.

I liked it

It depends on what you're after, Octopath is closer to the classic FF/JPRG gameplay, but follows 8 substories, which only really link together at the postgame boss, FFXII has an overarching plot, better dungeons to explore, but I like the gameplay less, and the zodiac version gives limits your customisation options for your party. Personally I much prefer Octopath, but if you've been looking at FFXII a whil you may want to get that

Depends. Do you like clicking each command or not? Because FF12's system is more about setting up the right party A.I. for the job than manually doing everything.

Don't get Octopath unless you are really itching for it. I don't know how a game that is riding on the concept of adventurers going on a journey together forgets to include INTERACTIONS with party members. Also the combat starts to get annoying after a while.

t. Someone who paid full price for that game.

Furi, Blaster Master 1-2, N++, Steamworld Heist ult. ed., Steamworld Dig 1-2, Kero Blaster, Bloodstained, Mighty Gunvolt burst, Golf Story, Rain World, Into the Breach, Hyper Light Drifter, Momodora, Cuphead, Baba Is You, Octahedron, Darkest Dungeon, Membrane.

>t. someone who didn't progress to chapter 2

Finally figured out why I couldn't play my Trials DLC maps. I didn't have them downloaded even though I had the gold edition

Also I'm playing Trials and Dragons Dogma. Just finished Katana Zero and really enjoyed it.

Steamworld Dig
Vostok Inc
Golf Story
Death Road to Canada
West of Loathing
Into the Breach

I'm in Japan right now, more than buying Jap eshop cards for shits and giggles. What physical games should I get that won't rape my wallet because everything is expensive as fuck?

Also I went to a Bic Camera, I'm not sure what the fuck they do with the lights, but all the 3DS cases looked faded as hell.
And don't talk about Pachinko either, looking into one of those places at night was like staring into the sun.

Is Ape Out any good? finished Katana Zero recently and was looking for something similiar

not worth getting games in Japan, even the 2nd-hand Switch games at Book-off is so close to retail price you might as well get it new... however, get Okami, its only sold in cartridge form in Japan

the cases and button covers sold at Bic Camera are p cute but functionally you could get better ones in the US

Does that come with an English setting?

I was considering that DoA game, but the fact it has nickle and dime DLC shit, is a turn off.

I’m starting to get impatient about the next Pokémon. No info since the reveal, this is stupid.

Yes, if I'm not wrong Okami in Japan has English language. But you can check which language each game provides on the front cover (look out for ticks/crosses next to the EU and Japan flags on the front).

I saw that at Bic, but haven't checked other stores in detail for vidya yet. Is the flags checkmarks a general thing or just something Bic does?

I might get the Phoenix Wright game, but goddamn, those 'HD' 'Spites' are ugly as sin.

Games with language options will default to whatever language your Switch is set to.

galgun 2


Get one of these wee keychains

this games great

fuck those birds tho

Those are kinda cute. Is there a Xenoblade 2 one?

I fucking love these. I'm a massive sucker for really small game boxes. Vita game boxes are some of my favorites because they're so tiny and compact.

I don't think so, its kinda weird the selection they're offering. I got the botw one off ebay last month

I think its Splatoon, Zelda, Odyssey, Mario Party and Splatoon