Hentai game conept

hey Yea Forums i was workshopping this hentai game idea with a couple friends and was wondering if the premise was interesting enough to explore

pic unrelated

hentai game concept
working title "The Devil's Doujin"

>option to change the female horny demons into male horny demons
>horny demon dressed as nun is a shopkeep, she has no face
-she spawns maybe before or after every level
>life bar is a cum bar, demons hit you and make you cum
-lose all your cum and you die
>every demon has a specific cutscene that plays if they kill you, showing the demon fucking you and your vision slowly fading to black
>include sneaking level where you have to wear a shitty looking demon costume to sneak past horny guards, metal gear style
>every level has differently designed demons

>you play as a paladin boy or girl trying to retreive a [insert some holy item here]
>you have to traverse through a dungeon full of horny demons that want to fuck you to death

>can choose between a boy or a girl
>holy cross as melee weapon
>holy water as ranged weapon

>once you get [holy item], a female version of god comes down and gives you a passionate handjob and says you did a good job
>cum sprays on screen
>roll credits

>inb4 kill yourself nigger

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has potential to be featured in headlines. follow your heart, op.

I had an idea for a Metroid hentai game wanna hear it?


I have a better one
>free roam sandbox with hotties
>male sperm is very precious, you're one of last men alive
>amazonian horny women hunt you and are trying to rape you
>you can defend yourself with weapons etc. but main goal is to fuck their princesses into submission
>to do that you need to train your peepee, get your stamina high and be able to cum multiple times
>in order to achieve this you have to hunt and have sex with virgin girls, completely pure and basically one step away to being a goddesses
>you have to use your wit, strength and puzzle solving abilities to get to them
>some virgin goddesses have to be caught in a trap, other need to be cheated into having sex with you, other have some requests for you (you can rape them too but more karma for request etc.)
>you win when most or all virgins are fucked and all barbarian/amazonian/monster queens are mindbroken

So it plays like a typical 2D Metroid game, but-
>game opens with space pirates shooting Samus's gunship and capturing her
>they take her to a base in an new alien world
>they infect her with a virus they invented, she needs to orgasm frequently so often or she has a fatal brain hemorrhage
>they take her armor and make her their sex slave
>Samus is naked
>either escape in time to get your armor back and kill everyone, or get raped and get your armor back when they're done
>Samus modifies her power suit to be crotchless
>normal moveset, normal health bar, normal level design and enemies, can find regular power-ups, plays like a Metroid game should
>but you can switch to grapples and melee attacks to defeat monsters without killing them
>Zebesians enjoy it
>forcing screeching, thrashing, violent beasts down
>force them to get a big fleurescent erection with your armored hand
>proceed as you please from there, but don't lose control of the monster
>must orgasm before the monsters, monster cum slows the lust meter but doesn't reset it
>game revolves around exploring their new base, objective is reaching the science lab and getting a cure
>can find normal powerups to get stronger and beast-rape related powerups which include trapping and arousing
>lust meter rises gradually, you die when it fills, it slows when she is receiving pleasure, it resets when she climaxes
>many types of monsters you have to rape or force to pleasure you in different ways
>bosses are hard to rape, take several steps and lots of maintenance to keep down, raping them is optional, either find the right rape method or kill them fast and move on
>Ridley is the final boss, raping him should be very difficult

not bad

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Already have a patreon started and I'm an artist. I'm stealing this and making a proof of concept to pick up a programmer, eat shit faggot.

Cool then he can play it.

oh yeah? I'm stealing your programmer and your patreon money, go eat a dick, faggot.

i just wanna see it made, tired of stupid fucking visual novel hentai games with 30 minutes of story bullshit and then one loli nip. if you're not bullshitting then good. hopefully it's successful

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Post some of your art bro

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How dis?

>You play as a mad scientist in a cyberpunk setting.
>Cybernetics and body modification are just starting to reach the point where they are viable and commonplace.
>All kinds of weird and degenerate fetishes like gender-swapping, giant body parts, vibrating android pussies, personality altering implants, ect, with a focus on transformation/bimbofication/corruption type stuff.
>You run a clinic that handles plastic surgery, prosthetics, and body modification, and through legal fuckery, you basically have freedom to test all your own theories and experiments on your patients so long as they sign their rights away.
Business includes
>Ordinary men and women who come in and give you a vague idea of what they want. You get paid based on how happy they are with what you turn them into and how well your modifications perform.
>Procuring and altering non-consenting participants and selling them to the mafia or sex slavery with a risk of getting caught.
>Indentured servitude where people who're in debt or the like can avoid jailtime by letting someone like you modify them and 'working off their debt'.
>Eventually building fully artificial bodies and creating sex doll AI's to sell.
>Selling the rights to your inventions and innovations.
>Option to do things like build backdoors and overrides into neural implants and sell the codes to them, ect.
>Self-modification is obviously possible and you can test your own inventions on yourself.
>Need to conduct 'QA' testing on all your new parts and drugs to see how they perform, can do so yourself.
>Gameplay consists of managing number of patients, level of care and staff, money, research and development, and time management.

>hentai game
>it's just "If you lose you get raped by demons" yet again
Get some original fucking ideas you dumbasses.

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I can't unsee this bottomless boy in a pink hoodie.

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valid point, will take note

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are you ok

How high are you OP? Good luck though I sincerely hope you make this and have fun

not high, just tired of boring hentai games, it'd be cool to have a hentai game you could fap to and actually play in your free time

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Sounds pretty cool. Don't forget to include personnel (like researchers and stuff) with their own set of morals/lack of/whatever to work around or mindbreak