Name a more iconic moment in gaming
Name a more iconic moment in gaming
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I can't
We just got a real match?
I pressed a button a bunch of times and it did a super in dragonball fighterz
that was pretty iconic
even had the greatest fighting game BGM of all time in the background
Rare footage of Daigo Actually angry
FGC documentary is filled with it.
And here we have the threadly reply by a mediocre-in-every-way retail worker who has already resigned himself to the fact that he will never, ever be good at anything, even video games - so he is bitter and angry at everyone who is.
>not posting the arranged version
one of the few cases of an arrangement improving a soundtrack as a whole tenfold
only other time I think I've heard an arrangement take a 10/10 to a 12/10 is Ape Escape
>"you're gonna wanna wash the taste of your dick out of my mouth"
Who’s bitch was it?
i've been a fan of starcraft of 20 years and i think this is it
Retarded frogposter
Puts a smile on my face everytime I watch it desu
This. The matches were meh, but this was such a fucking pride-obliterating bitch slap that it's easily the best moment.
It is the most iconic moment. It is basically like a movie scene, except it actually happened (and in an easily-digestible 5 second time span.)
Fun fact: the scene in Avatar: The Last Airbender where Prince Zuko is competing in his Agni-Kai and suddenly defeats his opponent was inspired by the "Rare footage of Daigo actually angry!" moment.
when they announced fallout 4
Hit a nerve, huh?
What ever happened to the guy maining Chun-Li? I'd imagine he'd be suicidal or some shit lol.
I see I struck a cord. My intention was never to hurt you, only to silence you. So be silent before I hurt you.
Silly things are the only things in life worth taking seriously
holy based
Justin Wong? He played and won many fighting game tournaments and still wins today.
Imagine thinking CSGO is "more harder" than fightan games.
Fuck zoomers.
h-holy shit bros....
That was Justin Wong you silly goose
He's a bit washed up now but he was creme of the crop in USFIV and UMvC3
He even played an exhibition with Daigo where he basically intentionally let Daigo repeat the same moment.
Go ahead, I'll be reading your retarded replies until I get bored. Do your worst...assumptions, lol.
he's a probable pedophile who doesn't have a real job or a future but sometimes gets paraded around to throw his name behind obviously terrible games to give them cred
the esports version of a washed up sellout wrestler
Or Leeroy.
not the meme but in 2004 when players began to experience the best game ever made
I guess to a degree it is more difficult, because it's nearly impossible to make precise movements in 3D with FPS controls while also having to babysit a team of chucklefucks, but what most people understand is that fighting games are more CHALLENGING, as in more taxing of the individual player's skill and their own ability
The Chun Li was Justin Wong and he actually won the set after the comeback. He is also apart of this moment
Are you talking about the footage with his sister?
Most modern fighting games yes.
>probable pedophile
he correct
He is wrong but Sonicfox getting that prize while he won an evo tournament of a secondary game by cheating is definitely bulshit.
>wins today
LoL no, he doesn't even make top 8 in any decently sized tournies. He just tries to shill his shitty youtube videos nowadays, and whatever any company will pay him anything to shill. He's washed-up.
No, they don't.
every factors that makes a fighting game challenging is repeated in a FPS with the addition of more factors.
There is a reason fighting game players are always low IQ inbreds.
I love fighting games, but let's all be honest here... (arena) FPS is another level.
> the fact that it's compshit overrides that it's an incredible play
Pic related nearly killed off Sega entirely with only three words. Pretty much any attempt to explain how Sega crashed and burned requires the mentioning of this moment, and Sega's downfall changed the industry pretty severely.
Most of CSGO players thinking that fighting games are just "button mashing" and it's fucking 2019.
Even Mortal Kombat is harder than free-2-play fps game where you can get good in no time.
>thinking IQ is a measure of intelligence
Based retard
Why are you repeating this slander that Justin Wong is a pedophile because he put his hands on his sister's shoulders before she played a set? Could it be that you are a pedophilic American projecting your own urges onto an innocent man?
>le reddit brain number
still a living legend regardless of whether he's still got it
dude's been at it for like 15 years now, you can't stay dominant in every game forever, even Daigo has been looking "washed up" for a few years now
sure it's cool, but severly overrated
Fallout 76.
and also hot coffee
fighting games are 1v1, there's nobody to carry your ass. you just said yourself that all the same things are found in both genres meaning by default fighting games are "harder"
That's not the point, it's only iconic to the compshit scene not gaming.
post link
>Imagine thinking CSGO is "more harder" than fightan games.
lol yeah
You haven't proven anything with those videos honestly, it's not even close to what Daigo did for example.
justin probably isn't a pedo but anyone who's friends with marn for years is 100% a scumbag of some kind
She was clearly provoking him
you're actually retarded
Can I get a link to this? I don't remember these dudes names lol
CS:GO is only harder than fighting games because bullets dont fly in the direction you aim. Aim downwards and you can get headshots
is this the kinoest moment in gaming history?
What Daigo did is not actually *that* difficult. There are many many videos online of other people replicating it, people who are not even good at fighting games. It was impressive to land under pressure but in terms of raw skill it's not that hard man.
that's a pretty low bar
joust coming out was more iconic than that
*aimbots in your direction
Why Justin Wong looks like he i still in his early twenties?
The stuff of legends.
Most iconic moment in gaming for me was playing Tekken 2 against my friend in versus while watching DBZ late into the night You may be wondering how I came to this conclusion, well let me explain. Video games, at their core, accentuate the good times, and uplift the bad ones. They encapsulate a moment in time that you look back on and say "Yes, that was when I truly should have savored life." When playing video games meant only you enjoyed them, or maybe one or two others, the experience was enriched way more than watching some tournament 5000 miles away in some dingy room.
You also may be wondering why I think e sports is for faggots and that you're a parasite trespassing on the altar of good video games. Well, that's a question I don't have an answer to. You may just have to continue playing pretend at being a game pro and/or having friends to play video games with.
I hope your mother dies her sleep tonight
>rubbing your little sister's arms for 3 seconds makes you a pedophile
literally how fucking stupid can you get?
This gem
>the spotlight shining on him and his beautiful scalp
> the crowd silent just before he speaks, the applause thereafter
>the final bosses all btfo mouths open
Your patter is weak, mate.
Mate, there would be three hits in that fight. Me hitting you. You hitting the floor. The ambulance hitting 90. Sit the fuck down. Be humble.
>that first reaction
Is Tekken 7 good game? Who is best girl? My bet on Kazumi and Josie.
Shariah Law forbids this, therefore it is haram.
It is good that the western dogs are bowing down to the teachings of islam.
Please continue censoring your games and support epic games.
wtf bros, Justin Wong has a kid
I mean if we're talking easily quotable, I can generally yell out "happy feet" or "that aint falco" and get a response back anywhere I'm at.
Muslims literally fuck kids lmao
Tekken 7 is both a terrible fighting game, and one of the worst Tekkens to date. Shit makes Tekken 4 look like the second coming of Seichi Ishii
It is pretty good
fucking KEK this thread is all smiles
Why it's most popular fighting on EVO then?
wasn't the reactions fake?
Imagine thinking a man is a pedophile for having regular physical contact with his sibling.
Did JW beat you in a set, pool monster?
it's dope
anna's dope, josie's alright and kazumi was disappointing even as someone who was looking forward to playing her
rather have my boy bruce back desu
because ad populum fallacy faggot
He won Alpha 2 and Super Turbo at Final Round like last month you dumb nigger.
Also, that's his sister.
Fallacy fallacy. Try again, champ.
you are a newfag
>literally no one outside the niche fighting game community knows about it
Literally almost anything else is more iconic.
How do i get good at tekken7? Should i even try in 2019, seems like game will be dead after this year EVO
There is nothing iconic about you. You probably think that's because life dealt you the wrong cards and you never had a chance from the start. That is only your coping mechanism.
You will never have your "Daigo actually angry" moment - an "user actually angry" moment, per se - because you have already decided you will never have one. You have abandoned the masculine spirit of competition and embraced the feminine spirit of delusion. Your post is equivalent to those women who have given up on losing weight, so they try unsuccessfully to redefine beauty to include their disgusting bodies.
For intact men esports sparks aspiration. Unresigned men want to become the best there ever was, to defy everything and reach the stars. You have decided to sit in the dirt clutching at your rocks and declaring them diamonds. You will die unfulfilled.
And now that you've read this you will have your "user actually angry" moment, but it won't be iconic. You're just angry. Because I'm right.
I want timetravel back to this day, Viscant is so based
i don't follow that stuff at all and i still know that moment
It common on "top 10 anime betrayal" type videos. Also I don't play fighting games and I even know it's Evo Moment 37
The game won't die after EVO. It has grown since the last two EVO's
not epic but funny
>There is nothing iconic about you. You probably think that's because life dealt you the wrong cards and you never had a chance from the start. That is only your coping mechanism.
>You will never have your "Daigo actually angry" moment - an "user actually angry" moment, per se - because you have already decided you will never have one. You have abandoned the masculine spirit of competition and embraced the feminine spirit of delusion. Your post is equivalent to those women who have given up on losing weight, so they try unsuccessfully to redefine beauty to include their disgusting bodies.
>For intact men esports sparks aspiration. Unresigned men want to become the best there ever was, to defy everything and reach the stars. You have decided to sit in the dirt clutching at your rocks and declaring them diamonds. You will die unfulfilled.
>And now that you've read this you will have your "user actually angry" moment, but it won't be iconic. You're just angry. Because I'm right.
I don't know shit about the community and I still know of it, checkmate you little faggot
Unless something happens by the end of this year i would actually nominate this as the best video game related burn of the decade. The question itself was so simple but the context and aftershock it caused were what ascended it into legendary status.
That one time I got all achievements in Gaylo 3 back in 2012
t. 16 year old retarded zoomer, I dont play fighting games at all and I know about it.
>There is nothing iconic about you. You probably think that's because life dealt you the wrong cards and you never had a chance from the start. That is only your coping mechanis
and how would a paraplegic ever become a pro gamer? nice retarded lie faggot
Is that the guy?
why do people give a shit about that tool again
besides being le epic overreaction man
the wonderful thing (and also a curse of sorts) about Tekken is that the game has a brutal learning curve, but everything you learn in a single game will transfer damn near 100% to the next game
you could jump in and practice fundamentals in fucking Tekken 3 and still find yourself performing well in Tekken 7 because you'd have mastered the series' movement mechanics, recovery options, combo fundamentals, and maybe even a character who retains 80-90% of their moveset between games as well
that's why some of the same people who were dominant at Tekken back at the turn of the century are still highly competitive to this day, like JimmyJTran, and a lot of the consistently top tier players who came on around the time of Tekken 5 and 6 are still running the scene like Qudans, Knee, Saint, etc.
give it a shot, see if you can find a character you enjoy, and try and get a handle on the series
it's incredibly rewarding
You still got hands retard
No idea, but everybody knows about it. Leeroy jenkins was faked as well, for perspective.
It's the guy, I'm watching his twitch
>and how would a paraplegic ever become a pro gamer?
There's a quite a few disabled fucks who play at high level
Most sports players grow fat and weary the second they retire. It is nothing but a spectacle to tide the viewership over until something else comes along to pique their interest. Apart from becoming absurdly rich, sports offer little to no true sustenance in life. That is all you will be known for. Being autistically good at one aspect of one game that was invented decades before you. You will just be known as being skilled for the money and the renown. In essence, e sports players, by extension, aren't in it for the passion or the competition. They're in it for themselves. To look upon the clicks and the views and the likes and be reinvigorated into their already apparent narcissism.
You, and others like you, dilute video games for the sake of superficial sideshows and misplaced sense of achievement. You are the living breathing equivalent to the Xbox Live kid. You parade around like a peacock and shout out to the rest of the world and demand that you are lauded.
He also won Dreamhack Montreal last year for SFV
>me good, you bad
what a hot take! on the INTERNET!
>EVO Moment 37 happened August 1st of 2004
>The Leeroy Jenkins raid didn't happen until some time in May of 2005
t. unironically triggered guy who that post perfectly applies to
>watches meme videos
Two out of a million who dont. Checkmate overruled.
>z-zoomer! xD
Kill yourself.
Leeroy Jenkins was more iconic in gaming than that EVO moment
sorry newfag
This tbqh.
World of Warcraft is not gaming, you normalfag.
Cope. Didn't read.
Keep doubling down on your hot internet banter. Mr. Superior Man. I've got a job to go to tomorrow, because I actually contribute to society, unlike you.
true, technically a match where you have one shred of life against an opponent with full health and still winning would be more challenging (which you see every now and again), but the Daigo Evo moment is goat because it most people didn't even imagine the parry system could be used like that. not only was it an impressive display of memory but of creativity and unique strategy.
>You're a newfag if you like this thing that's older than this thing
Where were you when you realized e sports players are basically prostitutes?
>World of Warcraft is not gaming
then what it is?
how in the hell did Konami fuck it up so badly?
Everything is legendary, the match, the salt, the trashtalk, Aris and Mike Ross on the commentary, even the crowd was full of FGC personalities. Those were the times.
Why Tekken is so hype compared to Sleep Fighter?
>didn't respond to the argument, dismissed it without even reading it, just used a single syllabic word as some hilariously skewed mic drop
You sure showed me
Have fun at Arby's!
>using wageslavery as a point in your favor
anything but gaming, addiction
So where the other previous EVO moments?
Jesus, then 80% of games aren't goddamn gaming
i called him a retail worker as the first point in the reply chain and it turned out to be true
it would, we could say... a hard read
>when you wear weighted prosthetics to hold back your powerlevel
I miss early 2010's, fuck. Now most of the people from this era is already old or retired
Video link?
Holy shit, we've found it.
The most retardedestest comment on all of 4channel's forum.
You are trying so hard to get your argument done. just stop
>zoomers are now nostalgic for 2010 era
The black kid will literally never live that down. He will probably be thinking about it 20 years later.
I want to actually see more iconic moments before this thread hits the limits so can you retards shut up please
You know the Leeroy Jenkins moment was staged, right? They came out and admitted it. Lol.
>After much debate and controversy, , Leeroy's guild, have admitted that this was a staged promotional video.[1]
I'm nearly 30, but yeah 2010s were the best in FGC scene.
Sonic’s Brawl reveal.
>top 10 anime betrayal"
Moment 37 is based, you are not.
>getting so assblasted
>have to reply to every post
turn that gun on yourself faggot
Seething wowcuck
Why did Yea Forums start hating esports right around 2014?
Sure you are kid. And the FGC is not something to speak of in a positive light.
Not as iconic, but cool moment
>instead of posting their own favorite iconic moments, regardless if genre, Yea Forums chose to shitpost
Not surprised but still disappointed
had the lad and I hollering at the lunch table that day, what a time to be alive
take your guess
csgo chads strike again
how can fgcautists compete
Yea Forums became the casuals
Why? Most fun and interesting e-sporst scene with alot of personalities.
Literally can't.
>You know the Leeroy Jenkins moment was staged, right?
it's still iconic,
sorry but OP asked for a more iconic moment in gaming.
Leeroy Jenkins meme, staged or not, has more recognition in the gaming community and in the normie community than this EVO moment.
>how to identify a pleb
Dogura vs Galileo is a much more iconic moment in fighting games
See, there you are again, with that vernacular. "personalities." If you're playing video games for the IRL personalities, you're no better then a soccer mom celebrity gossip, who buys People magazine monthly and then exclaims she's a nerd for watching Game of Thrones.
It actually doesn't, lol. FGC moment 37 is almost mainstream culture tier. Only MMO normalfags know the staged leeroy moment.
Yea Forums thinks that Nu-GoW is a great game, enough for you?
Wanting to be the best at video games is one thing. Wanting to win tournaments is one thing. Wanting to be an e-sports shill shoving corporate cock in your mouth is another. E-sports overpromised.
Lich King 25H was pretty great, but probably not the most iconic moment.
I play games for it's mechanics, IRL personalities of the game community is just a great addition.
everyone's posting all these marvel clips in here, might as well drop this in here
this was a such a wild moment for marvel, two of the biggest heavyweights in the marvel scene sending their game off with I think the largest and longest public, stage-held money match that comes to mind and showcasing everything that makes the game beautiful, all while the most iconic voices in the scene give their takes on the match, the game, and the vibes around them
I know there were longer money matches played on personal set ups, I know more money has allegedly changed hands in private money matches, but this is that good, clean, honest shit right here
they even got a modded iso for this shit
vanilla marvel 3, holy shit
One guy choking harder than the other isn't as iconic as any clutch moment
I always find funny how the organizers titled the clip as "Evo Moment 37" to bait people.
Imagine being this fucking delusional
Context? I don’t follow streamers
>if you reply you lose! xD
You lost first, so you first bro. ;^)
>Wong is asian
>girl looks to be latina. Doesn't look to have any trace of asian whatsoever
Leeroy Jenkins meme is more iconic, you can find Easter eggs on Leeroy Jenkins, damn, you can even watch a Family Guy sketch about Leeroy Jenkins.
but nothing about this EVO moment.
For me and my friends, sonic in brawl was our K.Rool in ultimate. Something we always wanted but resigned ourselves to think it was never going to happen, that is until it did.
Are you actually trying to claim that moment 37 is more normalfag core than Leeroy?
Yeah where the fuck are the other moments
E-sports started to become big enough that it resulted in dumbed-down games for accessibility purposes (more potential customers): see SCII, and SFV for example.
based based based
The actual reason is because you're a normalfaggot who hates people who are better than you at games. And you ESPECIALLY hate that there is an entire industry of people who play games better than you.
In a word, envy.
The pressure was relentless on Dogura's part but I can see why someone with poor vision such as yourself would see it that way if you think 1 moment of navigating a sequence of parries is greater than playing through 2 sets worth of matches when you're life is in the red and you've expended your defensive resources so you have to just play the raw defense read out of your mind versus one of the kings of execution.
>haha xD strawman xD
you kill yourself yet?
He said "nigger"
C r a b
I actually feel bad for them, America culture was a mistake
I forgot to mention that now that the full game is out on the net (evo moment 37 that is) you can see Justin was asking to be parried the way he kept spamming that super in each round.
Its amazing to me that it took this long for someone to shoot up a vidya event and that it was for fucking Madden of all things
I don't get it. What happen?
fucking based frogposter
He did a frame perfect thing multiple times, in resume
First time seeing this. Amazing.
What is that? posion darts?
I still don't get how that is supposed to be special. The video with the crowd cheering was hype but the move itself is meh. I remember doing that in the 3rd strike rerelase.
Ken player (guy blocking) times his back button presses perfectly in line with the animation while under the situation of one misparry that could lead to the end of the game.
have sex
this, and caused a huge advertising blowback affecting a bunch of people
user, not everyone is cosmo
This one has to be up there for sure.
>Implying e-sports aren't normalfag tier
Only communities that haven't sold out to e-sports like the FGC (minus McRib) aren't normalfag tier
It wasn't "gaming", it was known as a "meme". You think "Mudkipz" was an "epic gaming moment"?
This is the most iconic moment in gaming, and that is indisputable:
This is why I guns should be banned.
>Make white boy angry
>Shoots up a school
Goodman it
I think it was because Justin was on the verge of finishing Daigo off and in that aspect it was a great comeback in the moment of tournament.
If you look at the full match (which is now available) you can see Justin spamming that super like crazy and word on the street is that Daigo had parried that same super the night before in casual play so it was bound to happen at tournament eventually.
Could be a Renaissance painting.
That isn't his sister, you morons.
>Name a more iconic moment in gaming
When Ninja did a 360 noscop sniper shot in Fortnite.
Meanwhile what you just posted nobody know what it is xD just look at that GIF (not even a webm, granpa) the fuck is that pixelated mess? LMAO
Sure thing, bud. I'm sure you just happen to pull off incredible stuff all the time but there just happens to be nobody around to see it and it also happens when it doesn't mean anything when you do.
In his mind, it is.
P 'n F was pretty cool when I was a kid.
>You think "Mudkipz" was an "epic gaming moment"?
nice strawman
do you even read what you type?
>tfw good at csgo but too dumb to learn fighting games
LTG was destroyed so hard that he essentially quit trying to compete and returned to being an online warrior. It's sad, really.
not frame perfect, it's tight but it's more like a tenth of a second than a 1/60 second window
I wish every frog poster died the most violent and painful death imaginable.
This. I have no idea what OP is even talking about. Fuckin FGC nerds.
Even if you're not into fighting, watch this shit.
too fat even for nu/v/
He got off better than DSP who has multiple groups out for him following his resignation from tournament play.
dude no kidding
The time that smash player found out that the way to break an infinite combo is to scream in your opponents face like your life depended on it.
I have never laughed this hard in my life.
LTG is still playing btw, where is Viscant now?
Whats wrong with frogposting you bitter fag?
People ignored this. God figure
The people who go through far lengths to make DSP their cash cow are just as sad. Seriously, imagine spending hours editing a video of a manchild all because he insulted your favorite dev.
Why is USF4 is so much faster compared to V?
that was cool but what he did isn't really hard at all
just a focus attack, forward dash and raging demon during the dash
there's a very large and forgiving window for the demon input
probably 3-frame links and the entire game seemingly freezing for a few frames every time someone gets hit
Viscant works like 3 jobs and volunteers at a rehabilitation center or something. He still manages to play street fighter from time to time but I don't know if he still competes.
this entire thread is goddamned embarrassing. underageb& need to be fucking lynched and cremated
Viscant still plays. I ran into him in MvCI ranked a few months ago.
I spent some time this weekend getting into them for the first time since SFV was on a free weekend and I swear to christ that every player was either an autistic combo fiend that would do their full combo any time it connected regardless of whether I blocked it or not or they were just smashing their face against the controller the entire time and were defeated by my holding down and pressing heavy kick over and over. I would have assumed they were fellow F2P fags but when I checked their profiles all of them had 500+ matches and a bunch of hours and were still garbage somehow.
They're actually parries, not blocks. He's pressing forward, not back. Blocks would've been subject to chip damage, so he would've lost if he had blocked. Parries negate chip damage and negate blockstun, so he was able to immediately attack Chun-Li during her recovery frames.
Watch this beforehand to enjoy it more.
>red sun, red sun over paradise
Best post
>I would trust Filipino Man, he seems like an authority
>doesn't look like an authority though, that's for sure
what did he mean by this?
Did you really posted the one thing i been expecting someone to without audio you retard.
>I remember doing >tough thing but not in tournament, and many years later
How would you explain Fighting to a CSGO player? For me it's like explaining rocket science to a monkey.
Real niggas play 1.6
Isn't party inputted just like just guard though in that game? IIRC it is back and not forward but it's been awhile since I played 3S.
>free-2-play fps game where you can get good in no time.
>He doesn't know how to use Cyclops
>Why is he running
>He doesn't know what's he doing
>Match is over
Has there ever been a more wrong commentator?
Yes, you can get on average level of playing in few weeks.
You wouldn't to the same in any FG
No. Back is block (as standard for fighting games). Forward during the just frame of you getting hit is parry (or, if it's a low attack, down during the just frame instead of forward).
>I can't handle something if it's not 100% literal and so I'm gonna nitpick and ignore the argument
I was saying epic to make fun of you, because "iconic gaming moment" sounds retarded.
I honestly can't.
>pick Cammy in SFV and mash my face against the controller
>instant gold rank
>constant Pro90 buy in CSGO and rush a site spraying
>stops working at silver elite
my nigga! Families for life!
Thats why you post the video instead like everyone else had and you would thought about that if you werent too busy collecting chromosomes you reddit tier insult shit talker.
The state of Yea Forums has been sad for years at this point.
big thighs are ugly
>story that never happpened
>Being able to hit the back button and block is hard
Fucking fighting game plebs
Fighting games just aren't important, bro. Sorry you got invested.
wholeheartedly. the entire website, really
>white nationalists insist on being superior to the black uncultured monkeys
>fg events are just hype af
>madden kid shoots up a place in a hissy fit
nothing is more sensitive than a sexless white boy.
nu-Yea Forums proves that they don't play games since they care more about what streamers do instead.
Islam is the the future, InshAllah.
the kid was jewish
yeah your right even silver 4 failures usually stop standing in the open around for you to mow them down after the third time you do it to them
>and how would a paraplegic ever become a pro gamer?
There's a pro fighting game player who's been doing this for 10+ and literally uses his face to play. Not only that he's sponsored. Brolylegs is more or less stuck on a stretcher for his entire life and he still managed to achieve his dreams.
>linking to some dumb e-celeb instead of the real thing
fucking pathetic neo-Yea Forums
>It wasn't "gaming", it was known as a "meme". You think "Mudkipz" was an "epic gaming moment"?
>and ignore the argument
what fucking argument, really, do you even think before typinig?
Capc ucks can't get over it.
>Justin won the set
No he didn't, faggot. Daigo won it only to lose in Grand Finals against KO.
>Mfw I was there and thought people were getting hype but I didnt investigate because they were playing weebshit.
I walked right by that shit to go watch J Wong body everybody in Mahvel.
That's Super Smash Brothers.
why is that bitch/faggot so obssessed with women torture/bean mutilation?
He did it again about a year later. Why is it so hard for him to not say nigger lmao.
*blocks your path*
I said fighting games
The fact that Justin started mashing on his stick like a faggot to fuck up Daigo's parry timing is another aspect that gets overlooked.
Fuck I forgot how god tier SF3's artstyle was.
SF3 is peak anime/vidya aesthetics.
>spamming punch and kick buttons is somehow harder than precision aiming
DBFZ has a lot of flaws and the game is unwatchable outside of high level play, but this was great.
You're a faggot frogposter, but you aren't wrong.
>hurr I mock people
You're an uneducated hypocrite. go fuck yourself. the kid was jewish not white.
>DBFZ has a lot of flaws and the game is unwatchable
>clicking on enemys head is somehow harder than perfect frame parries
>best artstyle
>best mechanics
>best ost
>best girl was in it
Is Third Strike the most based fighting game of all time?
>had less tourney viable characters than melee
hungrybox crab
Yes. Only thing wrong with it is roster balance, but that doesn't really matter that much.
Do people unironically find this music any good? Especially for a fighting game
Why does she have an orgasm when he rubs her shoulders? I thought the pusy was located elsewhere.
>but that doesn't really matter that much.
I dunno, it seems like it would impact a game's lifespan.
you mean when Jin was overpowered as fuck? Tekken 7 is the best tekken to date in terms of BALANCING and graphics. The former being the most important thing in a fucking fighting game. Go fuck your contrarian self retard.
This is it's biggest flaw. Best fighting game ever made if you play it at a mid-tier level but it get's really fucking gay at the top.
Kinda like MvC2
James Chen just used a random number IIRC.
>shitting on the Third Strike OST
I bet you play NRS games faggot
I mean it isn't a fighting game but Melee has a tiny roster of viable characters and that still has a horde of dedicated autists to this day.
F :(
I think most of that is less the game and more the people obsessing over the top echelon of players like some strange e-celeb worship.
we don't know what this is
i'm assuming it has something to do with the ps2
I too enjoy Ken Fighter III Chun Strike: Yun for the Future.
Not nearly as much as whether it's fun to play or not. 3rd Strike is fun to play and watch and to this day CoopCup is one of the best annual tournaments held for any fighting game.
No you can't.
>best mechanics
but it still gets EVO entrants so something must be appealing about it
Turd Strike is shit.
Now Samurai Shodown 3 on the other hand...
Nah, its sounds like a porn music. Come one you play fighting games.
This is much better
Does 3rd strike use sprite work or 3D models made to look like sprites?
>read some tier list on Eventhubs once and now permits himself an opinion about a game he doesn't play/understand
what a funny breed of scrub you are
Fuck yes, you can. CS:GO has an enormous number of players so the average skill floor is much lower than your typical fightan.
He works for NVIDIA, is sponsored, and is married and had a child this year.
wait I totally forgot
It USED to get EVO entrants
For real though, I've noticed people who don't take their hobbies typically hate their lives and have unironically found myself doing better in all aspects in my life when I started taking games more seriously.
I know. That's why I said he baited people.
No one bothers forming their own opinion about a game on here. They just copy Viscant's post from years ago and think they got an entire game and it's community figured out. At least you're honest enough to post the original thread instead of pretending like you know what you're talking about.
So much zoom zoom in this thread. No one even mentions the single greatest achievement by any gamer ever and THE most iconic moment in gaming for years to come.
>camera fades out last second
>the white dude sees the laser at the last second
Its fucked up but this is Kino
True. Still game balance isn't the most important thing, and it's impossible to get right because no matter how hard you try people will find broken shit, even in games as sterilized as MK11. What's more important is to have a game that is fun to play that looks good and has a roster that people like.
For example lets take two games that were compared constantly when they were coming out: MvCI and DBFZ. MvCI is ugly and has one of the worst starting rosters of any fighting game I have ever seen. It's pretty fun to play otherwise, but it's obvious to everyone why that game failed as hard as it did, because it lacked the core ingredients that makes a fighting game good. DBFZ on the flip-side is one of the best looking fighting games ever made, and while it's starting roster wasn't particularly amazing it certainly wasn't worse than MvCI's. However the gameplay just wasn't that interesting, and the DLC characters have been fucking terrible for the most part, which is why that game has barely any entrants this year for EVO.
tl;dr making fighting games is hard
I was waiting for this comment :)
This is why I guns should be banned.
>black guy makes himself angry
>shoots up neighborhood
>fuck it up
Bro, they won.
I hate that I know not only is this closeup of a mouth is from the Tester
Get the fuck out of here Vbab
He's white in this case
I'm not saying that he wants to fuck her, but I would understand if he did.
History book worthy
Are you going to try and pretend that those three aren't the best characters in the game. Sure you see a decent amount of Dudley or Makoto or Urien or whatever but there is definitely a power gap between them and Chun-li.
this was legendary
well done big daddy
>zoom zoom
>posts some literal who from SCII
RTS is fucking dead and people that pretend SCII is good is what killed it.
I've never played 3rd strike but everyone always compares it to Melee's roster in terms of viable characters, which I am intimately familiar with. However you can win locals with even the shittiest of characters in Melee provided you have the skill. Can the same be said of 3rd strike or is the game actually that shitty that the best characters give worse ones absolutely no chance in tournament play?
He does not work for NVIDIA. He worked in QA there 2 years ago...
This kid is bunnyhopping all the way through Ivy, out Middle and through our Connector - through - FROM IVY, OUT MIDDLE, THROUGH OUR CONNECTOR, LIKE A SPEED DEMON! OH MY GOD, REPORT!
Nigga, it wasn't about the difficulty it was about the fact he got up to pose and get the demon symbol on his back to finish someone in a tournament.
The only 3 characters in Third Strike that you would actually struggle hard to win locals with are Sean, Twelve, and Q. The rest are viable enough.
at least im not black and have a chance to get shot just walking outside. fucking niggers
Why Yea Forums is obsessed with Foamy?
It's as alive as it's always been, stop watching twitch streams you fucking zoomer.
Who cares? What does that have to do with how good the game is? The game sees plenty of character diversity at CoopCup with teams composed of all Ibukis, Qs, and Remys placing high at the pre-Coop Cup event.
gay gay gay
Did he really? Source?
Oh yes a genre with 3 whole games that are aren't dead and a shitload that are!
So he has previously held a job with more merit than 90% of people on Yea Forums and is still making enough money to support a family while playing in tournaments as he wishes.
he's jewish you dumb fuck
>Who cares? What does that have to do with how good the game is?
It doesn't actually and I like Third Strike a lot, I just like calling it Ken Fighter.
>chart compares all states to blacks
>comparing states with barely any people in it to inner cities congested with thousands of people within walking distance of each other
bad graphs
>t-that's not a real white..
>that pose, putting the symbol on his back
fucking kino
>charge characters are for low IQ people
Sounds like generic 90s club music.
Very unfitting compared to SF2.
There is also 3 MMO's that are shadows of what they used to be, is the MMO genre dead?
How about racing games? NFS, w/e Codemasters releases and Assetto Corsa, are they dead as well? What about flight sims?
>This one moment will never happen ever again
It was pure trash.
Huge downgrade from SF2.
actually this
their entire run is a sports movie come to life
newfag to fightan here, is that supposed to be ironic or genuine? picked up Guile for my main and having fun with it so far
he's overweight and out of shape, so he doesn't look as intimidating as he is when he plays. kind of harsh lol but at least he acknowledged his skill
This is trash too.
Post non-meme fighting game music like this.
yea the guy only said that in the video because he was salty and making excuses, in reality charge characters are harder to use then shotos but easier than grapplers so mid-tier i guess?
Playing at a level above amateur is not easy.
And that's just GO. Let's not get started on 1.6.
>is the MMO genre dead
Dying off.
>How about racing games?
No, there's also iRacing, rFactor, Forza, GT, etc...
>What about flight sims?
Pretty fucking dead, at least the real ones. War Thunder has a decent playerbase but that isn't a sim, and the two real ones that do have playerbases (IL-2 and DCS) are tiny.
for once, people on this board aren't nintendo furry fag retards, thank you
>ctrl f
>No Axe Evo 4 Stock
Fallador Massacre
PlanetSide/WoW funeral raids
WoW blood massacre
That one guy in EYE who was tricked into commiting mass genocide and is stuck on the Most Wanted list
LowTierGod calls you low iq if you play any character even the ones he plays
>That one guy in EYE who was tricked into commiting mass genocide and is stuck on the Most Wanted list
What is this? Never heard of it
dark souls 2 pvp > usf4
>Name a more iconic moment in gaming
this guy became a legend, btfo blizzard so hard that they now must have access to all your shit before you enter their shit con. They don't want to let this man in or anyone trying to follow in his footsteps.
Fuck I tried to find this for so long
Some rich whale had a bunch of P2W ships and was an asshole because he could just buy another Titan ship if he wanted to so he thought he could do whatever he wanted. A guy befriended him but was a saboteur. I forget the exact details but basically he suggested that he plant a massive mine field around his base. The whale predictably betrayed the saboteur because why not, so hundreds of guild members volunteered for a kamikaze mission in which they warp into the minefield and then leave the guild, making them civilians whose NAP was about to get violated by the minefield. The whale couldn't do anything but watch as hundreds of people killed themselves and his Wanted meter skyrocketed to some ridiculous number. He was like level 10 on the wanted list. For reference, level 3 or 4 is when the invincible police officers are sent to take you out. Basically every player in the galaxy got a notification that he is public enemy #1 and are encouraged to kill him on sight. He can't login anymore because he's immediately killed by police capital ships.
>He can't login anymore because he's immediately killed by police capital ships.
Holy shit that's hilarious. Thanks for the rundown friend
fpbp: frog poster is best poster
yeah, holy shit. There's no coming back from that.
Most fighting game music is top tier regardless of genre
he gets some points for not kicking the kid in the face
Men among men: the movie
thats groovy as fuck
Ultimately he didn't do anything wrong, really...
If the people who hated him could see today they'd want to kill themselves
>claims the arranged version is superior
>posts the one song that is actually WORSE than the original
You're still not wrong but the arcade Jazzy Nyc '99 is the superior version
He started the slippery slope.
Someone post that tryhard tourney fag who got beat by some random nobody who was new at the game who was smiling and laughing the entire time while the tourneyfag was having an existential crisis.
I'm not taking either side but holy fuck you are retardedly dillusional if you believe that.
It's sad to think that Sony putting Microsoft to the sword in 2013 left them with no competition which is why they've become the faggots they currently are.
You're probably thinking of Marn vs Lowtiergod
Both are tournament players, neither very good
Marn better than LTG
Imagine if Nintendo wasn't playing around with cardboard and gimmicks and made a powerful console that belongs in 2019.
They would get annihilated because then they are just PS4 but without the branding.
This still gives me chills due to the backstory.
As much as Microsoft deserved to get BTFO for the shit they tried to pull with the Xbone reveal, I just hate Sony's smug hubris.
>Just click on their heads bro, it's not that difficult
This is you
Not as iconic, but equally impressive comeback:
Marn is/was a top player in his best days wtf are you smoking.
He says faggot constantly too.
He cute
I really don't think I could do the same thing in a tournament on a whim.
Call me when "headshoting" your opponent is as hard as a TOD in marvel.
based and bulgarian oddyseypilled
That's the one.
Because he's a GAMER
He's going to be known as the kid that got fucked up by the cripple
did you guys catch how they looked at each other through the booth when he won? that was crazy
>being defeated by a foot that looked like it was stung by 100 bees
How embarrassing.
he cute
Wtf MK blocking mutch better
>0.81 strong
HS diploma brainlet detected
Yes, an 81% correlation is strong.
>iconic momemts thread
>"The Play"omitted
Not only was this done in tournament setting with very high stakes, and a crowd of people watching. I think a portion that also gets looked over a lot is that Chun's super has a VERY short start up time, now I'm not sure from that distance if it applies here, but in certain supers you actually have to parry *before* the super flash. Meaning Daigo predicted the super and correctly parried it, making the initial parry even more impressive. I think only a handful of supers have this trait like Chuns hyakku-retsu and Dudleys corkscrew blow. Now like I said, not 100% sure about the distance though, from certain distances you can actually react to it.
Why has nobody posted the webm of the red laser being aimed at the guy's chest before shit goes down in that one tournament
You ever feel like some things in life happen? I feel like this is one of those moments.
Always thought it was weird that it cuts out right before the shots start. Was the actual footage of the shooting purged? Or is that really the only footage there was.
The underage is fucking strong in this thread
perhaps the stream was delayed and had a setup that allowed producers to cut the feed if anything came up.
lol that game is not sfv nigger
relax you spastic
to be fair the cripple might have studied ju jitsu
>that still is still making that kind of animation, pumping them out bimonthly
>his art hasn't improved at all
>usually has at least a million views on each one
I don't think there's a ju jitsu move where you sit on top of a guy and just punch the shit out of him
They were about to play their match, so it was going from the player cam to the game screen
This fight isn't mentions as much as it should be.
King of Fighters XII Grand Finals of Evo 2012.
Even if you don't know KoF all that well, you can immediately tell how bloodthirsty both competitors are. Right from the first fights. God it's so hype.
My runner up would probably be the BlazBlue Semifinals to the Grand Finals of Evo 2017. The top 8 is worth watching, but really, the last 4 matches are what build a narrative and make the whole thing amazing.
wow you're really cool and smart dude