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You know who the real subhumans are? Fence sitters who don't have the balls to take a stance on skubs, hiding behind their "moderate opinions" like the cowards they are.

SKUBfags are the worst
literally can't go a single day without SKUB like seriously fucking grow up and have sex

>doesnt use skub
>thinks not using skub will make women want to have sex with him
Women love a freshly skubbed penis, user. They say it feels much better than any other average lubricant

skub is very important

Of course it would be a skubfag who can't blankpost.

fuck you skubfag. skub raped my wife and killed our infant child. you fucking disgust me, kill yourself

spotted the fag who has never even used skub before

Skub saved my life

>Skub contains performance enhancing qualities
And you wonder why you are called cheaters

Have skub.

I'm not saying it is a lubricant, im saying you can use it as one for sexual activities. Seriously, try it, it'll change your life

your mom confirmed for me that skub tastes like horse semen.

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Jesus, dude, how has your dick not fallen off by now? That shit is not safe to use there.

fuck off redditors

Nowadays you'd get shitty wojak and reddit frog edits

How do you pronounce it? "Scoob" or "scub" (like scrub)?

bu-but muh horseshoe t-theory

Tastes like shit, I have to wash it down with karkov.
Still worth it tho


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It would need a umlaut to be pronounced as "scoob" if it's an english word

I use Skub everyday.

Can I get a religious exemption so welfare will comp my skub purchases?

If it were "scoob" it'd be spelled skube, like lube


you know who else hates skub? :>)

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i dont have a strong opinion of skub either way

I love skub!

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I'm anti-skub and pro-wayne. Fight me.

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The flat earthers and anti-vaxxers are waiting for you, faggot.

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>portraying someone who loves skub as an SJW
life was better before skub

>use skub
>get erectile dysfunction, cardiac problems and you look like a deformed monstrosity after some time or if you ever let up on the skub, whichever comes first
Sounds about right.

>liking skub
Hope every single one of you idiots burn

literally what the fuck are you people talking about, i cant find anything about this???? lol is this even a real thing

>doesn't know what skub is

reminder that this is your average skubfag

Attached: Skubfags.webm (512x288, 2.99M)

Seems pretty based to me

why you wouldnt do that with skub tho?

>tfw I'm a half skub

everybody fuck off

I have to be up the fence because I haven't tried SKUB yet. It's illegal in my country.

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Skubfags want to gloat about the perks of being an active user, but they get real skittish when you start asking about the long-term effects or what happens when you try to quit.

Guys I've been applying skub for weeks now and nothing's happening. Wat do?

>thinking this is normal and okay

mentally ill skubfags

>huh huh both sides are wrong, look how intelligent i am

what the fuck is skub?

It'd be easier to tell you what it isn't

Smaller than a breadbox.

Something only faggots don't like.

>he doesnt know skub
Wow man, do you even live? Like how do you not know skub?


Imagine a substance with a particular quality, but that's not all. Basically, that's skub.

it involves lurking more to understand destiny that is skub's grace

It's real sick bro

Imagine something that solves all your problems except one - thats skub
The one problem it doesnt solve is the need for more skub

imagine if homosexuality was turned into a cream

As it fucking should be

>I don't like thing so it should be banned
Absolute state of antiskubfags


I don't get it.

Did you use so much SKUB it damaged your brain or something?

To clarify, comparisons could be made. There's no doubt that skub is.

This guy sounds like a fence sitter. We should kick his ass bros.

Reminder Skub causes extensive hair growth if you use a lot of it. you may think that sounds good until you look in the mirror one day and see a bigfoot staring back at you

What's that you don't get? Skub is skub man

Anti-Skub here.

Let's beat this fence-riding bitch.

You'll never 'get it' until you're skubbed. That other poster is right, skub does it. You're asking what skub is? Well, skub exceptionally.

>anti skub fag


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Hey go fuck yourself
you're probably just an anti-Skubber pretending to be dumb

You don't know how to use a search engine. I bet you don't even own a finger-box!

Skub is a disgusting pyramid scheme. My aunt was normal once, but now she just post Skub on her facebook timeline all day, and do literally nothing else.

Look, it's just a shitty meme. People make these threads and then anons come here and start ironically shilling against Skub. Don't listen to them, they're idiots. All you need to know is Skub is your friend. Skub is love. Skub is life. If you haven't tried Skub, you're missing out on an entire world you never knew you needed.

Literally nothing wrong with that. That's pro skub patriotism


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seething anti skub

You know Torgo's Executive Powder from Futurama? It's like that but instead it's a cream

>2019 and skubfags still fucking exist
genuinely how?

I'mI ff fuckign immortal, antisku kub fagg

how the fuck are pro skub fags even alive, you'd think their shitty skub would have killed them all by now

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t. anti skub. If you USED skub you'd know what it actually did

my uncle died of skub use you bitch

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Not possible. Skub cured my cancer. I'm going to live to be 200, if advances in Skub don't push it past that. Your uncle lied to you about his death

nobody has ever died from skub
stop falling for anti-skub propaganda

Anyone else remember the days before all the anti-skub faggots flooded in here from other sites, screamed about skubfags when it had nothing to do with the thread, and pretended Yea Forums was never pro-skub?

Skub is not responsible for any death related accidents

sounds like your uncle was a little bitch
only the strong can benefit from skub

This place was founded by Anit-Skub, bub.

FACT: people who are anti-skub are more likely to die in a car crash.

it's the fingerbox of Yea Forums

Nice revisionist history, disgusting anti-skubfag.

All that skub and it can't help you cope.

Go back to anti-skumblr.

FACT: anti-skub posters also browse reddit

fucking SKUBlets I swear

It's just something that illicit an argument about a fictional item. Something something Yea Forums will argue about anything. I'm sure there's an actual user that knows more

Quick reminder that Stalin was a huge Skub fag

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God will not forgive this faggotry

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so was Einstein. Meanwhile anti-skub retards have nobody of value on their side

Stalin had good taste

>christians are anti skub
welp, time to skub up

I'm catholic and I use skub, hasn't done anything bad to me yet

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i want pro Skub trannies to leave

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>I'm sure there's an actual user that knows more
Based anti-skub reddit immigrants

>pro-skub wants to put their dick in girls
>anti-skub wants to put the girls dick in them
like it's not even a contest

scub chads always win

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it's not even about Yea Forums you newfriend, it's from a /tg/ comic

No, it's you the mentally ill here, have you got any idea on the benefits one can aquire through daily use of skub? No, you don't, because you have weak ideals, so weak in fact you can't argue in a replacement for skub, but can only critiscize it without bringing an substitute, you're the biggest type of anti-skub faggot without any ideal or conviction in the movement, you can fuck right off.

I know, right? Anti-skub rules.

imagine not having skub lmao cant relate

>he didnt mod his going into games machine to run off of skub
bunch of fuckin pussies lmao

fuck dude i ran out of skub like 2 hours after doing it
not worth it i ended up without the machine and lost my skub cache

>he believes his little placebo works
all of you Pro Skub idiots got scammed and didn't even realise it

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>Anti-skubfags bought skub instead of making their own
And suddenly, it all makes sense.

would you wear a pro/anti skub tshirt?


>he fell for the "SKUB IS BAD FOR YOU" meme

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Fence sitters are basically the worst in every debate. It's why nobody respects the fucking Swiss.

>PBF isn't Yea Forums

Lurk before posting please.



Skub is a fictional substance of unclear purpose created by webcomic The Perry Bible Fellowship. The comic features "Pro-Skub" and "Anti-Skub" characters fighting each other over their skub affiliation.

skub is filled with onions and will lower your testosterone, it's been scientifically proven ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4927579/