Who has better taste in games? England, America or Japan?

Who has better taste in games? England, America or Japan?

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>anything nintendo
which retard made this image, UK was always predominantly PC and Sega during NES/SNES era; and Playstation for everything past that point.

America but Yea Forums tells me to hate America so Japan

America because we're the only relevant country in the world.

Also, why do the fat fucking neckbeards on here idolize those ugly chinks and gooks so much?

Why japan hates western games?

>trusting anything the UK has to say about entertainment

Attached: 1556663070370.jpg (645x729, 109K)

>one (1)(uno) western game
Which retard made this image

>Deus Ex on none of them
all trash

Rating tastes I can say UK>Japan>USA

Two reasons. First, they are insecure racists that isolate themselves from the world to delude themselves with a false sense of superiority. And second, because the west don't pander to pedophiles.

Americans, specifically west Coasters since the site originated from California over 25 years ago

It's simple
>Be incel
>Strike out with every American girl you try your luck with
>swear off that gender & race combination entirely
>start to develop an unhealthy obsession for anime
>start to get brainwashed by "qt" Japanese girls that get posted on here (posted ironically by people going through the same cycle as you are right now) that hides the fact that those ugly chinks have undergone $100,000 worth of plastic surgery to fix their mongloid faces
>have yet to be rejected by any Japanese girls, so your opinion on them has not been tarnished by real life events

The only next logical step is to move to Japan and then get rejected by Japanese girls as well because the reality is that you're an ugly fat neckbeard virgin with no social value whatsoever. But seeing as the weebs on here who idolize those ugly sub humans are all neckbeards still living alone with mommy, they'll never garner the funds nor courage to ever actually move to Japan and get their fake world view shattered.

So instead, they shit on America and praise Japan on this shitty website as a compromise

> Literal who Game doesn’t appear on popularity driven lists
Why does this surprise you Incel?

They're wrong. An accurate taste chart would be at least half Western games for the U.S., you don't live here if you would guess otherwise.

Yea Forums is literally a Japanese Website that was created for discussing anime. Go to Reddit you fucking tourist

>not a single gachashit game in Japan
And that's how I know your image is bullshit. Based UK having RE2 though.

>Japanese website

It's a fucking Western version of a Japanese website you fucking weeb.

Discussing Anime =/= Thinking Japan or its people are anything but subhuman filth

It apparently has a registered userbase of 869,000 so you won’t find a more accurate metric than that i’m afraid

>Yea Forums is literally a Japanese website
>for discussing Anime
Maybe many moons ago, but you're on Yea Forums - Video Games. Not Yea Forums - Anime.

So kys you fat weeb

How there is no LGBT game on the US chart?

That is dated user, Englands new name is Londonistan

Yeah, I remember being 13.

Attached: blackyoshi.png (500x500, 32K)

The UK list there has some of my favorite games of all time, but also a lot of trash. Japan has the most consistently good taste. America is just the UK list but worse.

Cope, Japan literally owns Yea Forums

Just put the catalog of Yea Forums and you will see 3/4 threads about japanese games

Literally everything he said was true. There's nothing of value said on this website because it's all coming from virgin neckbeards who have spent their entire adult lives jerking off to hentai in their parents' basement.

Snoys & Western fags absolutely seething in this thread. This nerds to be used as Tranny filter from now on

I fixed your shitty image

Attached: shitaste.jpg (5088x2160, 3.57M)

>3/4 threads about Japanese games
And I refer you to my prior comment on fat weebs like yourself overly influencing this board right here - Sometimes I genuinely get the urge to fund a vacation for you losers to actually go to Japan so you can not only see how ugly and short Japanese women are on average (never mind their bodies that resemble an 8 year old boys) but also so you can get rejected by them as well because you're a fucking loser.

Unironically kill yourselves.

Okay schizo

Nuke england

Seething Incel tranny, go back to discord

>weeb calling anyone an incel
It writes itself

> Still Seething that nobody except Europoors give a shit about Western games

when did muricas and bongs get so based?

>thinking weebs here like 3dpd

>he doesn't know
anime is board relevant to everyboard newnigger.

Why are you on Yea Forums? What are your interests? You may be lost.

>calling any country poor when Japan is on the precipice of extinction because all of the men are so physically repulsed by the females that they stopped breeding with them entirely



>Yea Forums is now shitting on Western countries in favor of Neeps
/pol/ invasion when?

>japs still have a higher brithrate than white americans

One white birth is worth all of the Jap births in existence combined. Cope you filthy weeb

if you're white or consider yourself white, re-evaluate that comment and why you made it. You're sounding like one of those cucks who's ashamed of his own race.

UK by a fucking mile. Still to much nintardry in it though.

I agree you fag, keep seething

And madden for amerifats. The only difference is fifa players don't shoot others just for being butthurts.

>almost every one of americas favorite games come from japan

I swear, at this point whenever I see more than 1 of the following on the same list:

>Super Mario bros 3
>Castlevania SotN
>Ocarina of Time
>FF7, 6 or 8

I instantly disregard those games with the knowledge that whoever made that list never played those games and just felt like he "had to put them there" to satiate those rabid fanbases.

No way do all of the journos and faggots on Yea Forums who post those lists have the EXACT same taste in not only genre, but also the EXACT same games from specific franchises. It's never the odd, FF9 instead of FF6 or Wind Waker over OoT for example. It's ALWAYS a combination of those exact franchises and those EXACT games in said franchises.

Fucking pathetic. losers desperate to fit in with """"gamers"""""

>Nuke the shit out of Japan
>Beta Neeps keep pumping out games that we get to enjoy

How does the Chad America keep getting away with it bros?

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´


>be jap rostie
>your country gets nuked
>still sleeps with american soldiers

So basically these are the 5 best games ever, since they are the only ones on all three
> Ocarina Of Time
> Chrono Trigger
> Final Fantasy VI
> Final Fantasy VII
> Shenmue II

>i don't really like it so no one else must actually like it
holy moly

Because they are simply the best games, although FF8 never shows up on these lists

Any list with OoT on it in any shape or form should be discarded since dishonesty is immediately evident. As soon as OoT makes an appearance the list is no longer legitimate, people are just saying what they think they have to say.

>Europeans are the only ones smart enough to not like botw
How can a continent that is usually so retarded display a moment of such tremendously good taste.

Genuinely seething Fedora’s Mask cuck

Yeah, Britbong also has a retarded 8-bit era where you get garbage like Street Fighter: Human Killing Machine.

It's a fake list and all of you faggots fall for that b8.
There is nothing supporting that list. So everyone in this thread is just a larping faggot.

Europe has the most variety in the games pictured. This indicates a more eclectic, worldly outlook on life, which more commonly found in intellectuals and people with actual fucking taste who don't just play the same damn game for three years straight to the exclusion of everything.

They get my vote
t. American

Attached: 1418782769814.jpg (1280x1631, 323K)

Cope more, if you google UK’s best games you’ll find an exact copy of that list. I simply filtered out the literal who games that nobody’s heard of

And that list is based on what retard? It's fake.

as a britbong though OP's image is extremely inaccurate, see

I used to think that Yea Forums intentionally misrepresents or misreads arguments so that they can just greentext shit post it. But now I genuinely think you guys are all just that stupid.

>that reddit tier image
>praising diversity that likely comes from how much of an ethnic hub Europe is (with niggers/sand niggers and other mutts)


hmm let's see here
>1. Apex Legends
>2. Fortnite
oh no...
>3. PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds
WOW okay uhh let's check another site
>games that sold over 1mil in the UK
>simpson's hit and run
>Halo 3
>New Super Mario Bros DS
There you go fag. Does that look like the OP image?

Attached: niggers.png (1600x900, 216K)

>eccleticism comes from racial diversity
>american calling anyone mutt

>calls other things reddit while immediately spewing politics
Back to twitter, reddit-kun.

>assuming i'm American
Your seething is showing, Ahmed

> neogaf.com/threads/retro-gamer-magazine-readers-top-150-games.1168707/
Exact same list just

lurk at least two years before posting

k, so you found one magazine where 150 british boomers telegraphed in their favorite game. GJ user, superb work.

Yeah pretty much this.

Found the seething weeaboo neckbeard

Are you having von being a retard? So a few autists voted in a poll from a magzine that is on life support and you take it serious. You could have asked the average normalfag and that list would be filled with call of duty, fifa, and overwatch.
It proofs nothing you giant retard and this list is statisically irrelevant.

> Bbbut doesn’t count, please believe me Yea Forums
Cope zoomer

Can we go one thread without weebs seething?

Attached: q.jpg (960x540, 60K)

Stop replying to yourself my man


Well it doesn't retard, but your low iq tells you
>someone made a list
>it's on the internet
>only accounts for a small subgroup of people
>so it must be true for everyone
American education everyone.

japan is based

It's Britain, you dumbass. England is just the biggest part of Britain.