Play DD

>play DD
>make a Str based character that looks like Guts because why not
>intend to marry french caska
>meet witch loli
>second guess everything I believed in
Dragon's dogma thread

Attached: Guts_and_Griffith.jpg (500x281, 23K)

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Does the switch port have Guts/Griffith armors? I was bummed when they were removed from the PC version.

They didn't renew the license for the switch port unfortunately.

Attached: 1465241046572.png (322x340, 69K)

Anyone have some decent shota sliders? I want to make a little viking boy.

Attached: Design Works0123.jpg (2491x3512, 2.33M)

No version other than X360 and PS3 originals have the armors.
PS4, Xbone, Switch and PC don't have them.

All roads lead to __________


>make guts.
Is this like the easiest beta red flag to pick out?

Maybe making griffith

This along with obsessing over dark souls, HEMA, and "muh knights/rank and file soldier"