$600 in 2006

$600 in 2006 money is $755 in 2019 money.

How are modern consoles so cheap to make now? What will the next Xbox and Playstations cost?

Attached: Playstation 3.jpg (1024x768, 78K)

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Sony decided to go with their own architecture “The Cell” with PS3. Which shot up the price and was also hard to develop for. PS4 just went with off the shelf shit because Mark Cerny isn’t a fucking moron.

The cost of materials and the manufacturing process get cheaper over time, though the PS3 in particulate was expensive due the Cell processor and backwards compatibility.

I hope Sony goes full retard again with the PS5 and makes some VR machine that costs $800

Attached: 04-24-21h47m55s169.jpg (320x174, 9K)

If we keep the current pattern they will. Then Nintendo again. Then Xbox again.
Almost seems planned at this point.

That’s what I’m thinking. It seems like they have an agreement of “Ok who’s gonna fuck up this time?”. I fully expect Xbox to be back on top next gen. This shit is more kayfabe that pro wrestling

Didn't some American take over Sony recently?
Last time that happened we got the PS3 because the japanese chinks didn't want to listen to the pig gaijins demands

Attached: why is her shirt so loose bros.webm (862x360, 2.9M)

because ps3 was a proper high end when it got out, it also ran on different hardware that required lots of research. modern consoles are pretty much ordinary PC, so sony don't need to fuck around as much before releasing it. it's obviously still lots of research, just less.

Uh by the looks of it, their shows are all filled with American guys. Their’s a reason why Switch has already surpassed PS4 lifetime sales in Japan. The Japanese couldn’t give a fuck less about home consoles anymore. Going from Ken Kutaragi masterminding the PS3, to Mark Cerny coming up with the specifications for PS4, their main games all being from western developers, I’d say they’re actively courting the west because the shit is going down in Japan.

They stopped being gimmick bullshit and just adapted PC architecture, and they are still sold at a loss.