ITT: Stupid Steam reviews
ITT: Stupid Steam reviews
>its ok
>1 trillion hours
You're stupid
Now hold on your horses...
I won't post any particular review. I just want to know, how the fuck cam someone play the game for 300+ hours (sometimes over 1000) and give negative review?
>I played it a little bit and it's ok
>10234 hours
>In game now
Hey that's not very nice to the person who took the time to write that review
He's right tho
Being a fag. Even "le game is broken in it's current state xD" argument doesn't apply.
If you have to ask you are a brainlet.
Some guys get patches and updates that ruin the game like pay to win shit being added or shit being broken. The games were good at one point but went to shit so they played them but can't recommend them.
>Game is good at first
>Dev's do a rework to "improve" it
>Rework makes everything grindy and more complicated/difficult than it was before for no extra rewards
Hm. Never thought about that.
>there are so many problems with this game i have a hard time choosing where to start. it was riddled with bugs from day 1. the combat system barely even works, there is little to no story to care about to compensate. the voice acting is amateurish at best. the devs are gone and have left the game in shambles.
>playtime: 305.6 hours
honestly pretty good
I have 3,000 hours in DotA. Wouldn't recommend to anyone. Not worth it. I've been playing since 2013 and I regret it. All the things I could have done in 3,000 hours, even play better games. I don't even like DotA that much. If you would ask me for favorite games I wouldn't think of DotA. I'm just an addict. My life is just regrets after regrets.
the ultimate red pill
This. How can anyone not recommend heroin if they use it?
Thank God I stopped browsing /pol/. Those fucking idiots have no self-awareness.
>only 2 hours
looks like suicide
What's next? You're gonna tell us the Earth isn't flat?
Fucking lmao
freak show more then anything
>video games are not drugs
Not steam but I would like to share this
>video games exist
vaidya gaems
>video games
Wouldn't they be an expert though?
You guys excited for school tomorrow?
How is this stupid? Less time spent on the game means more time spent with his family and friends.
Food is drugs. Video games are drugs. Sex is drugs. Get used to it. Get a clue.
Fuck off.
the most recent example
the games that got review bombed because of EGS exclusivity deals
peepee poopoo
I'm off from work for the week. I got Days Gone, MHW, and some other shit to play. Thanks for asking.
have sex?
One of the best parts of college is seeing the arrogant weird psuedo-intellects fail out because they think they can just coast like they did in high school.