Wtf was Square thinking with this abomination?
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People probably didn't get COM because they didn't have a GBA so they may as well just remake it for the system they do have.
"We need to reuse all the assets from the original Kingdom Hearts but don't want to do just a rerelease"
>It's another "OP flat out just outs themselves as a brainlet" episode
My issue is the "live action" combat.As much as I hate turn based games, this game would have worked best playing like a Final Fantasy game, each card being separate back and forth attacks
Is your issue with CoM or Re:CoM, faggot?
Chain of Memories was great. A bit repetitive but combat was solid and miles better than trash like BbS.
...Re:CoM however was just a cheap cash grab to help refund the money they wasted by remaking KH1 that poorly translated the original's mechanics to 3D. That's what they get for losing the source.
They were thinking fun and they did it
gba CoM >>> PS2 nu-CoM
Why do all those characters look like sora? I only played kh1 when it came out when I was in 8th grade
I've never played the GBA or PS2/4 versions. I heard the console version is harder, is that true?
Make the best story in the series up until that point?
Seriously, after Chain of Memories, the story in the KH never gets to that level of mild disturbing quality again.
In fact it just becomes a silly confusing mess everyone can agree on.
What's mildly disturbing about the first couple of entries?
Not harder just more spaced out which isn't a good thing. The gameplay was built around a small spaced 2.5D environment, making it 3D is like making the first boss fight in Mario an open world 3D environment but leaving bowser's 2D movements and attack patterns the same.
It was a lazy cashgrab meant to incentivize people to buy KH2FM.
They misunderstood that COM was fundamentally designed as a GBA game with sprites, forcing it into 3D and slapping some reused KH1/KH2 assets together introduced a whole host of problems.
What were they thinking with Riku's Duel Mode?
Not him, but Sora slowly losing his memories and becoming more unhinged due to Namine's bullshit was pretty creepy.
Then Sora and Riku Replica keep acting like they have a real bond with Namine even after they found out it was brainwashing and it became silly.
That would take half the fun out of the game. You're either a brainlet or typical Yea Forumsetard who didn't actually play the game
No it didn't faggot, it was the same game
I mean, Sora does choose to get his lost memories back over keeping his memories of Castle Oblivion so he couldn't have been that fond of her.
I have to admit I'm still only like half way through III but what really bothers is me that they never did become friends like they said they would.
The combat system of this game did not survive the transition from 2D to 3D
>Sora slowly losing his memories and becoming more unhinged due to Namine's bullshit was pretty creepy.
I only just played Re:CoM last week and I agree. I've never really heard it brought up before but it weirded me out when I was watching it.
>"The three of us were always together."
>"Me, and Riku..."
>Sora looks up with an offputting smile
>"... and Namine!"
Not him but to be honest it would feel more natural if the game was turn based
About to start Re:COM this week for the first time, knowing nothing about it (besides playing KH1). Any tips or advice you could give me?
just play the gba version
balance your level upgrades between HP and Deck Capacity but pick a Sleight (card combo) when you are able to.
That's because Nomura kept introducing new plot twists and characters instead of working on established relationships.
What's better about it?
the combat flows a lot better.
The card based combat system does not work in a 3d environment
I liked it more than Days, DDD and Recoded
Also it has the best final boss theme in the series
Because that is the medium it was made to be played on. The 3d version is not unplayable, but it is not an adaptation that brought anything of value to the table. It presents itself as a mainline game but it's made of cheap stuff.
Re:CoM is garbage, and CoM only worked as it is because it was a lot simpler/quicker on the GBA. Moving it to the PS2 makes shit a lot more tedious than it needs to be
Well as far as deck building goes I'm not too good at that myself, but I can give you a few tips that may or may not make sense until you play it and learn how things work.
>The card cost for regular doors in a room is the number used to create the room +1, so if you used a 4 to open a door, the room it leads to will have doors that require a 5 or higher. Using a 9 loops it around back to 0 or higher I think, either that or a 1 or higher
>The order of cards in your deck is the order they'll be in on your card list in combat, so take that into consideration when building your deck
>Premium bonuses aren't as helpful as they might sound, it's fine to have a few but if you get into a Premium Room early in the game, don't go too crazy trying to premium everything in your deck because premium cards cannot be reloaded without hi-potions/elixirs
>Use at least one Bounty card on each floor (the ones that spawn a treasure chest in the next room), the first Bounty card used on each floor will spawn a unique treasure, often if not always a new sleight
>Moment's Reprieve cards seem to have a pretty high drop rate, don't be afraid to use them
KH as a whole has some pretty unsettling themes and ideas to it. Too bad Nomura sucks at managing the tone to make it work well.
Play the GBA version, watch the cutscenes on youtube. The combat's a chore in Re:CoM. The GBA version's sprites are charming, the combat's fun, and Lethal Frame's not a thing.
As soon as Nomura develops a character a little bit he throws his hands up and says "that's enough, time for someone new in the story"
CoM > Re:Coded > DDD > Days
I wish I could put DDD higher, but it's like they went out of their way to put as much annoying bullshit in there as possible to prevent it from being like Kingdom Hearts I and II.
Firaga rapes everything except Axel
Literally all you need is a deck comprised of mostly a bunch of blizzards or fires with some regular attacks, cure, potions thrown in at the end of the deck and you're set
>It's another Kingdom Hearts pleb filter game thread
Sonic blade= rape.
most broken skill in the game.
zezzle dis me
>Roxas and Namine were happy returning to Sora and Kairi
>Namine acts happy to be with Roxas
What happened?
Nomura likes pointless, and honestly sometimes insulting, retcons more than he likes being a fucking hack.