>Do you think it will hold up?
>How long will it stay meta-updated?
>Will it be less annoying than YGOPro with its solitaire players?
>What decks/strategies will you play?
I don't have a Switch and I don't think I'll be able to get one when it releases, any news on a PC version? Obviously PS4 doesn't matter because nobody wants to see Dark Magician Girl wearing a burka.
Yugioh VIDYA - pls do not delet
>Page 8
Are anons too scared to post in a YGO thread now?
God tier taste, user.
Oops, forgot image.
>Not really
>6 months tops, expect DLC
>No. That's just the game now. Deal with it
>Mekk-Knights represent
>That's just the game now. Deal with it
I refuse.
Wish she had more art, her short hair cut and outfit + color is a lot better than DMG.
Then just play a deck full of floodgates and ways to stop the opponent
>better than DMG
I mean I wouldn't go that far, I love them both and want to make them happy.
YGOpro still exists my dude.
Tag force Switch when????????????
did you ever know that you're my HERO
and everything i would like to be
Look into yugioh Power of Chaos, an old as shit game only found on torrents but without the shitty new mechanics and 5 hour long turns
also get the all cards mod as it's really grindy
>Haven't played in a year
>He's at 1 now
The greatest injustice of our time has been fixed.
>you will never be able to say "Free my nigga Stratos" ever again
>shitty new mechanics
But I want to play the new mechanics, just without tryhards playing 15 minute turns.
There's being an oldfag and playing a Yugioh game with less than 1000 cards just because you're a caveman
i recently got the jpn version since its in full english. playing through the story currently, and its fun to use the "story decks". i just wonder what itll take to unlock good cards so i can start making my own stronger decks.
Yea Forums fears the blue-eyes
Is this DLC for Legacy of the Duelist or a brand new game?
Nani mo kojin-tekina kodomo
Updated port to Switch only.
Brand new game, which is just LoTD with all the DLC + MR4 + most of the newest cards
How can I complete a deck on this game? I only wanted a shitty skull servant deck and I brought 100k dp of cards and I didn't even get them all
>i recently got the jpn version since its in full english.
wait what?
I want to make a DMG deck in this game. What cards should I use?
Oh so nothing then?
It's already had a Steam release for several years now, with a shitload of DLC to keep it current. I would imagine the Switch version will be the same situation after awhile due to how similar the builds are.
Does anyone know how many cards are going to be in this game? Also, which yugioh is the best for simulating any deck with good duel mechanics?
YGOpro my man.
The japanese version is already in english. If you download it it'll auto set the language based on your switch's language setting.
any known differences? I really want to play but with no release date for the US is gay
The most overrated card this decade.
You just KNOW she be taking that dragon dick.
I've been playing the jap version, I don't see anything different. There's gonna be a physical release in the west, but I don't know when
whats the difference between this and the other legacy of the duelist? Is it worth getting if I only play OG and GX?
Newest cards/format. Yes, if you're a DM/GXfag just get it but you won't be able to play online because everyone uses newer cards, so you'd only be playing the summarized story.
What about the draft mode, that seems pretty fun
>draft mode
The what?
do you start with all the cards?
Will there ever be another series on the level of OG?
The battlepack gamemode my bad
I've played a lot of the japanese version (has english text) and I can't bring myself to like it. The game animations are incredibly slow with no options to speed them up, same with pack opening, which are 8 cards per pack opened one card at a time, no skipping. No way to buy in bulk like previous games. It took 2 hours of pack opening to get a playset of a key card when the same volume of packs should have taken maybe minutes.
Link monsters are cool, but it's a bummer that you can't play with synchro/xyz/pendulum era decks with the old rules, but that's mostly a gripe with not being able to do my nostalgia infernity combos. If they add a quality of life patch I'd say it's a great game, but for now I'd prefer a tag force title if it weren't for the expanded card pool.
There's no BP3 and you you don't keep the cards you draft.
nope. Unless they remake the series I doubt it.
There already was, it's called 5DS
I want a deck based on pic related, is it possible in current meta?
nah, nobody can match kaiba's autism
Will there be the option to not use the shitty Link rules in a game?
Any word on them bringing the Alien Link monster and the Cosmic Fortress Golg'nar reprint over to the TCG?
Also does anyone have an Ojama deck list? I saw they got a link monster and want to retool my shitty raccoon/ojama deck from ages ago.
>Ojama deck list
Is that still viable even?
>I want a deck based on pic related, is it possible in current meta?
buy 3 of the structure deck, they were decent but were overshadowed by blue-eyes at the time. You can try them out with the new guardragons, but idk how well that will work out.
probably not, but it looks really fun.
Apparently they made it where ojamas and those ABCXYZ cannon guys can synergize together.
5Ds added 3D animated signature monsters and I will forever hate it for that.
I want my epic Egyptian God animated entrances back
I meant on YGOPro, I'm not playing physical at the moment. I actually used to play the 3-Felgrands but the format has changed since then.
Nice, I also played ABC. What can I do with those two together?
The first two seasons of GX are unironically what I always wanted when I watched the original series as a kid. Fun and ridiculous, not taking itself serious at all.
they made some spell/trap support to link the two together.
5DS was on the level of Duel Monsters, but nowhere near OG or Millennium World.
GX only actually got good at the Supreme King, maybe toward the end of Society of light. The knockoff god cards were fucking shit.
>I actually used to play the 3-Felgrands but the format has changed since then
you can still use those cards as a base. I haven't played physical until recently(pic related), so I'm barely learning the new meta which is why I brought up the guardragons.
Ojamassimilation and Ojama Pajama.
Season 0 > Duel Monsters > Vrains > Arc V > Zexal > 5Ds > GX
Why do you hate 5DS and not acknowledge Millennium World?
I don't like the 5Ds characters.
>Millennium world
The final season of the Yugi series?
I count it in DM
is morphtronics any good? I had a god tier morphtronics deck circa 5ds release but I haven't touched the card game or any vidya in about as long.
>I don't like the 5Ds characters.
It's not as if they were amazingly written, but there were a lot of nice moments like Clear Mind.
>I count it in DM
It has nothing to do with Duel Monsters, they butchered the anime version.
so something episodic and slice of life?
That's okay but the original manga was always a shonen. GX should have been an ongoing spin off series, now we have no idea what Jaden is doing and that's kinda dumb.
Speaking of, Did Playmaker v Bohman already end?
>missing the point of GX this hard
No one cares about the Sacred Beasts. No one cares about the society of light. Season 3 was trash.
GX was at its best in between. Dimitri stealing Yugi's deck, The Chazz beating an entire school into submission and stealing their best cards, using a seance to summon the spirit of Jinzo, characters like Belowski and T-Bone.
This guy gets it. Slice of life with card games. Chillin' out with the crew in the schoolyard.
For the record, I did also like 5Ds. Haven't seen much beyond that.
SoL stuff was always boring as fuck for me, I don't really see the appeal. Plus, GX shifted its "point" with each passing arc, it was never concrete.
You're not missing out on anything though after 5DS.
the manga version also suffered since Takakashi was sick. The anime at least gave us the kisara/kaiba childhood. The canon parts were done quite well especially (little) Yugi vs Bakura.
SoL needs good writers.
it also builds relationship between characters which pays off when things get serious.
They ruined a lot of the confrontations and especially all the stuff with Kaiba's father selling his soul and becoming the embodiment of Zorc. It also makes no sense because it was supposed to take place in the back room of Bakura's father's museum, not some random portal.
I can get how they'd enhance more serious parts, but then the serious parts still end up miles better.
I think lumping together each series like this really takes away from the extreme highs and lows that each series has. Battle City, for example, is a fantastic season, but when you intersperse it with the virtual reality arc, its pacing becomes terrible.
So I tend to rate series by major arcs:
Arc-V S1(Standard)>5Ds(S1) Dark Signers>GX S3(duel monster world)>ZEXAL II(barian emperor's onslaught)>DM S2(Battle City)>5D's S3(Ark Cradle)>DM S4(Millenium World)>GX S4(Senior Year)>5D's S2(Meklord Emperor's onslaught)>Dark side of dimensions>Arc-V S2(Synchro)>VRAINS S2(revenge of the Ignis)>DM S1(Duelist Kingdom)>Season 0>GX S2(Society of Light)>5D's movie>DM S3(waking the dragons+world championship)>VRAINS S1(tower of hanoi)>DM S2.5(virtual world)>GX S1(freshman year)>ZEXAL I(arclights revenge)>Arc-V S3(Xyz+Fusion)
Arc-V as a whole is a garbage series, but its initial season aside from a few episodes is one of the best parts of yugioh as a whole.
oh, forgot two things
tack the DM movie and season 0 movie to the very bottom of the ratings. They were both horrible.
It'll hold up about as well as a Yu-Gi-Oh! game simulator without an updated banlist that isn't Duel Links will hold up
ie download ygopro instead.
they can pull off some fun plays, but they're not really competitive.
True Draco players RISE UP
I'm mostly interested in the new LOTD because maybe, just maybe its success will help fund something good like Tag Force again
Keep dreaming. The future is mobile because Konami is shit.
Konami has been going for the easy profits lately. Even the new LOTD is just a glorified port, it's basically just an expansion on what already exists. And people have already remarked on how basic it's looking so far, the title screen looks like a fan game
The only reason I'm not mad at 90% of it being recycled is because I've never played LOTD and I'm down for playing through all the old dlc on my switch