What went so wrong?

What went so wrong?

Attached: file.png (616x353, 491K)

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Nothing it was the best of the post-2 games, though they're all still interchangeable.

It's way too bright, even looking at that image makes my eyes hurt.

/pol/ plot about killing white Christians

holy shit i remember when my friendo downloaded this and let me play for a bit, it goes like this
>go to a quest guy
>skip/sleep through his dialogue
>quest markers appear
>walk to one for 2min
>its 4 guys doing something
>kill them with one clip
>back to walking
>enemy camp has 6 dudes

Same as always, doesn’t have enough new stuff to keep it interesting all the way, and the basic game flow stays too similar all the way. First region was fun, second was ehh, third was boring as fuck.

Also, why the fuck it had so small selection of guns? You’d imagine that they would go all out on gun porn, but nope.

Dull characters
Dull story
Dull villain
Dull graphics
Dull & repetitive world
Limited weapon choice
No innovation
Vehicles handled like shit

Music was okay though

I enjoyed it, but I missed far cry 3&4 and from what I can tell they’re the same games. Might try New dawn when its on sale

>After playing the game I started dressing exactly as the dude on the left of Joseph in OPs image (in his costume from the loading screen though, ingame and in OP's pic his costume is horrible)
>Went from being a 22yo kissless virgin to having a date tomorrow

Attached: abr27.png (176x176, 20K)

Ubisoft made it. Not enough weapons.

Too scared to go far enough to make the cult interesting or differentiated from the regular townsfolk. Some of the areas looked nice and I enjoyed traveling around but mostly it was just shit.

Was pretty above average, the characters they make are always S-tier it's pretty crazy.

Found the image rather easily

Attached: file.png (2000x2510, 3.8M)

Nothing? lt was honestly the best Farcry to date with decent bad guys and great, atmospheric music.

Far Cry 5 soundtrack is extremely underrated.

>S-tier characters
>Dull characters

Attached: file.png (179x178, 46K)

l honestly developed a crush on that qtie.
tfw no religious daddy to hurt you

Post a pic of your outfit

You had to be told that this looked good to women? The jeans offset the business attire up top by saying you're successful but not so much that you can't relax and spend time with her.


>You had to be told that this looked good to women?
The game never told me that, I just liked it enough to copy it and then noticed women love it

I mean your outfit, anything looks good on a videogame character.

>anything looks good on a videogame character

Attached: file.png (320x320, 145K)

effay af, would wear


Because if you beat Far Cry 5 once, you've beaten it 3 times: all 3 story regions are nearly exact clones of each other. Plus, the Infamous difficulty is an absolute joke. It was like playing Halo on heroic difficulty

I honestly wouldn't recommend New Dawn. Save your money.

Attached: tzs8du2rsdj21.jpg (1024x576, 77K)

The game is pretty accurate though

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 69K)

So Assassin's Creed with guns?

what did you mean by this?
