Just started DS2 for the first time. Any tips for early game?

Just started DS2 for the first time. Any tips for early game?

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play something better

dont die

dont get hit

Yeah, play a good game instead.

Blunt weapons are OP.


Stop looking for tips and just play the game

Good to know. Just got a hand axe and I’m liking it

level up ADP to 30 (or 40) ASAP

otherwise your rolls will feel useless

Stop playing it. It’s terrible.

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If you're in need of souls you can use an ascetic on the closet bonfire to a boss to fight them again

Drop it and play something better.

Misspelt "strike", my user.

Hexes are not worth it, don’t bother with them.

Save yourself the trouble and uninstall it. It's trash that never gets good

The soul stone thingies that heal you are all you ever need. Buy a million of them from the old bitch in Majula when you can.

Keep a weapon that can cleave handy
Learn how Poise works
Don't bother popping status curing items until you'be learned a thing or two about the level you're in, just don't be afraid to die to conserve items in general
Be aware of your surroundings always

I just finished the area with the ancient dragon a few days ago but haven't played it since, is the rest of the game decent enough?

Delete the game.

Yeah. The DLCs in particular are the best content From Software has ever produced.

You have like 5% of the game left to go, just a few more boss fights
Not sure if you've killed them already but Throne Defender and Throne Watcher is a fub fight
Also what this guy said

Mating press Emerald Herald

>TrannyDestroyer has invaded!
>killed in one hit by a floating ladle

Figures people from here can't play the game without cheating.

Post your abominations

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my sl1 character's face was void of any joy

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don't do what I did and coast through life with dead-end jobs and shitposting on vidya game forums until your almost thirty with no friends and the only people who care about you are dead or dying.

I didn't need that user

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His punches are felt around the world

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play a better game.

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start with bonfire ascetic. kill armor shop keep, wear his skin, kill dragon rider, ascetic, kill dragon rider again. Spend your pile of souls from crushing those on STRENGTH. Drown priest lady.

>every post shitting on game is ignored
lol but now i've brought attention to this fact


>thats so magic user with 3 adp

it's a fucking evangelist

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only Ivory King is good

Is there a reason to kill armor shop guy

That's a killing joke reference isn't it? Genuinely good work.