I work at gamestop and I'm autistic

I work at gamestop and I'm autistic.
Ask me anything.

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Why do you work at gamestop?

Are you looking for a new job since all GameStops will be shutting down soon?

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I'm guessing you're a girl? Because the only reasons to hire someone at gamestop are that they're sociable or they have boobs, because gamers.

No. The gamestop I work at does pretty well. I guess you could say we are highly functioning.

How often do you get people buying really weeaboo games? Do they live up to the stereotype?

How much do you make?
How many customers per day, on average?
How many people actually utilize that rewards program you guys have?
How many angry customers do you get?

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would you eat this

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couldn't you force your way into something better? some hiring manager would probably hire you just so they don't feel like shit not hiring someone with an illness

>watched 2 seconds

how come

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>Not chewing the raw chicken
What a pussy

oh god it literally looks like vomit

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only if she vomits it into my mouth like a mother bird

Not a girl but I got boobs.
The real weebs don't go to gamestop. We only get some entry level weebs. They surprisingly come in all shapes and sizes, but all of them have the same familiar glazed look in their eyes.
>How many people actually utilize that rewards program you guys have?
Most. A lot of them do not even know they have a rewards program until they discover their mom set them up with one.

what's the worst experience you've ever had with a customer?

Who the fuck buys physical copies anymore?
Besides autists like you

something deep inside me instinctively is telling me fuck no. would be great for a baby bird though.

>Get a $20 Gamestop giftcard for helping my parents move.
>Half joking but not really tell my mother to stop funding my life ruining addiction.
>Check Goyspot
>Onimusha remaster 20 bucks aight
>"New" copy.
>Being it up.
>He checks the drawer, they are out of new copies.
>He looks at me like I just whipped out my dick and shot his dog as he goes over to rewrap the copy I brought up.

You autist have really done a number on these guys lol.

You got Battletoads?

What colour are Sonic's arms?

you got the fifa?

>Not a girl but I got boobs.
What did he mean by this?

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>The real weebs don't go to gamestop.
Yeah I notice most people order now to avoid dealing with people. It made me laugh seeing Senran Kagura Peach Beach Splash in a Best Buy wondering how anyone would come to pick it up.

That he's fat, how did you not get this ?

And I actually like OP for his selfreflecting sarcasm


boob pills

Did you know there are public butter fountains in the united states in case you need emergency butter?

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How many Chads come by?

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Nah man.
It's always after a customer brings in all their shit for a trade in. I hate watching their facial expression change from one of anxiousness to animosity after we tell them all their shit is worthless.
Yeah, but it's exclusive to rewards members who pre-order.
Chads only come to buy CoD and Madden after a new release.

Yeah of course. How else would you flavor your fast food while you're on the go?

Bro I paid SIXTY DOLLARS for this copy of Madden 11.

I want a cat and a pizza.

Chinese people eat pizzas and cats?


I used to just tell them it was like 20 bucks less than what they were supposed to get if they brought it a lot of games and pocket the 20 :)

Are you autistic?


How does it feel knowing that Gamestop's financial instability and constantly changing leadership will likely lead to bankruptcy within the next 6 months?

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What is the most awkward encounter you've had with a female