So FGC also went political now? All is lost

So FGC also went political now? All is lost

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Pretty much. You have people like James Chen claiming that avoiding political discussion is actually a political statement.

well that sucks.

what's wrong with terfs
i thought feminism was good

>One furfag's stream is the entirety of the FGC
I mean NRS is probably pretty SJW, but the rest is probably trying to stay neutral through the sterile e-sports environment.

>LMAO UK parliament talked about my terf tweets today that were taken down earlier! @joannaccherry apparently thinks teleporting fullscreen from a sand trap and chopping Sonya or doing the fatality as intended in Mortal Kombat is hateful conduct to women lol

Cool, I should tell him I also hate women.

he's the gaymer of the year and one of the richest FGC player of all time. Like, the autistic face of community

Yeah, but most of the time he tries to play a real fighting game, he gets his shit pushed in.

>i'm going to see anti-tranny feminists and dykes be labeled as alt-right within my lifetime

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Did you just disregard everything I said?

why would you be mad about someone saying fuck terfs
terfs are like a massively tiny subset of people and are also crazy fucking feminists who usually hate men even more than normal feminists
literally no one likes terfs

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you can't let this one sit user. go show him whats what i've got your back.

They piss off trannies so they are alright in my book.

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How is this FGC? This is a sonicfox stream

suck his penis then, I'll watch carefully

>So FGC also went political now?
>one guy does thing

And Trans inclusionary feminists are exactly the same thing but they play along with mental illness so, same exact shit.

Only fags suck cock. I'd totally plow his ass tho.

but they would probably think of you as an obstacle as well
like yeah i get that they don't like trannies but at the same time they don't like anyone
at some point you gotta ask yourself "is spiting one group of mentally damaged retards worth sticking up for another group of mentally damaged retards"

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Want to explain how its not, little brain?

Imagine still trying to gaslight people into thinking sjw freaks suddenly don't exist after almost 10 years of their bullshit.

What the fuck is a terf?

Trans Exlusive Radical Feminists.

Imagine not being self-aware enough to know that giving them attention and a platform like this is what makes their "bullshit" mean anything.

>j-just ignore it guise

didn't he get his ass beat in every fighting game he won at last EVO

I'm fine with them weakening each others agenda while i study the art of the blade.

A feminist who has the temerity to think that cutting your dick off doesn't make you a woman.

Think about it, user. Games that pander to SJW mentality don't sell. We see it all the time. This shit might be annoying, but it's far from inescapable.

This is why people wash their hands of politics. Because past a certain point it's just retards arguing with retards and it's better for your health to just tell them all to fuck off

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Be honest Yea Forums: do you wish for violence against SonicFox?

Boomer feminist who calls out trans freaks

>they'll evemntually just go away if you don't voice your displeasure hehe
I bet you got your ass beat in your local hebrew school with that attitude.

Just Dbfz but that game is as good as dead now lol

He's a nigger so i know he has a gun hidden somewhere. But yeah i wouldn't mind if someone dropped a piano on him or smth

they usually sell extremely well

>anyone on Yea Forums
>part of the FGC

I don't play vidya you dork. This is about the safety and future of the white race and christian values.

>source: kotaku

Why does the furfag have to compete against altright transphobes in these toxic duels anyway?
Shouldn't they just give him the awards to send a message against hate?

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He's right they do, because you retards consider having a black character or non-white protag as sjw. With your autistic standards, yea SJW games sell well

Name a single reason why niggers should even have a right to exist. I'll wait.

>Sjws do something that affects everyone
>a day later people realize this and start saying how sjws are stupid for doing it/influencing it
Imagine honestly thinking this. They dont get their power from Yea Forums threads, they get it from twitter, and the direct communication link to devs and other freaks like themselves so they can harass and bombard devs who step out of their arbitrary line.

>siding with men-hating feminists
They're much worse, user

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If you don't want to proudly support liberal politics, you are 100% for sure a conservative nazi.

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I take men-haters who are actual women over men-haters who chopped their dicks off and put on a wig any time of the day.

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If you don't punch at least one nazi on your commute to work every day you are a nazi.

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It's just sonicfox so far. Hopefully it will stay that way.

They are the same exact fucking shit retard. Just one is ok with trannies. I'm starting to think you're a fucking tranny.

>trannies off themselves every day
>niggers kill each other every day
>but somehow this negroid faggot furry is still alive and well

Sonicfox a nigger? Lmao, he's probably whiter than you. Faggot furry trash is not someone I would call a nigger.

1. He's probably the whitest nigger there is. Meaning his family is loaded with money so he can lose without taking a loss.
2. Has anyone actually seen him commit to a gay act?
3. Even though the FGC is filled with minorities, his sponsored team is almost entirely asian.

Why are you even entertaining the irrelevant musings of a furry?
Do as I do and just merely ignore them, as their opinions are meaningless drivel.

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ignoring them is what let them get to where they are in the first place
sucks to have to talk like some sort of faggot, but you really cant let these assholes fester, they'll take you down with them 10/10 times