What fucking story????

What fucking story????

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Other urls found in this thread:


You mean you haven't played those time limited events that have never come back? Woops, guess you'll never get to experience it.
Not like the MCU movies are on fucking dvd and streaming or anything.

>Playing Overwatch.

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half playerbase

the one where half of my semen count disappear

more trash stories and more weird players, honestly I thought that game has the weirdest fanbase

Here is the writer of those stories

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>What fucking story????

the story is that blizzard is trying it's hardest to cling to their last successful IP so they can milk it when everything else they do is failing.

...I don't want to sound like a retard here but is Genji and Mercy's relationship just a self insert fanfiction?

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Yeah but they already adapted the scene where half of the player base disappears tho

This isn't so bad, white/asian is objectively the best race. Looking forward to fucking their daughter in 18 years or so.

half their fanbase disappearing

>overwatch storytelling
>here's some flashback cinematics where nothing actually happens because they can't affect the game
>fortnite storytelling
>the government uncovers a vault in the ground and players need to solve puzzles to unlock each key which includes destroying a key hundreds of times to move it and sacrificing your weapons and ammo by throwing them in a volcano to fill up a meter.
>After completing the keys all players in the game simultaneously entered the vault which is literally where weapons that got removed from the game are located and people vote on which weapon they want back by breaking a crystal to free it first
>When the weapon was chosen everyone was teleported out into the sky then the volcano erupted completely destroying the most popular location in the game

Attached: vault fortnite.jpg (1280x720, 137K)

>Looking forward to fucking their daughter in 18 years or so.
This is so fucked up when you think about it, it's funny. A girl you may fuck 18-25 years from now isn't even born yet. Weird, lol.

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Overwatch was SUPPOSED to be their version of The Avengers, they just fucked up the basic lore so much that they still needed to print 20 prequel comics and shorts/scenarios to fill in the gaps. Almost everything written for OW takes place before the "present day" of the story and even the works that take place during the recall of Overwatch members focus mainly on reviewing backstories.

Overwatch lore sucks because it introduced the characters first but didn't elaborate on their pasts enough so they've been spending three fucking years beefing up their characters and the story hasn't moved past the very first cinematic. It would be like if the MCU dropped The Avengers first and then released all the prequel movies to fill you in on who the characters are. It's pathetic.

That sounds cool, but Overwatch isn't even consistent with it's own lore/story and most of the time shit gets retconed.

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Wow, Yea Forums wasn't lying when they said Genji is literally Chu selfinserted.

Noooooooo, it couldn't be.


>release one short story and 0 comics in the last year
>okay guys, we're almost ready and have everything put in place now!

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>The last cinematic had a part where there was suppose to be some grand reveal of a villain framed in a way that was meant to be shocking.
>It fell flat because no one knew or cared who he was.

As expected from master lore writer Michael "white woman/white man not right" Chu.

From day one, Genji is a self-insert for Chu. Most of the time they just bow down to the crazies and make whatever they want canon, but this time his self-insert was involved, so he just made whatever he wanted and the Pharmercy crazies had to swallow it, it was hilarious

How much context do you need?

People think incels are literally nazis and evil people who hate womyn. Truth is they just have bad personalities / looks, and can't get laid.

Look up brap barns. Watch the roasties freak out over fantasy and then you will know why "incels" are viewed as bad.

Also a couple of shootings were declared by incels and them labeling themselves as such. It's all fucking stupid and just for those bandwagon motherfuckers.

Its now socially acceptable to bully ugly men who can't get dates because we've been told that they are a danger to the world.
To be fair, being unfuckable used to be a quiet, solitary pursuit but now the Internet let's likeminded people circle jerk themselves into conspiracy so I dunno maybe there is a non zero level of danger.

I don’t play this game but I will admit their events seem pretty cool and well done.


Toxic masculinity is a real issue and the reason men act like they do.
Oh and also shame everyone that does no have sex with women regularly, act like an "alpha" male and make them feel bad about it :)

>Its now socially acceptable

Has the game's story progressed past the intro cinematic yet?

All bases covered. Don't get laid but especially don't not get laid. Unironically honk honk. It's a good time to be a married boomer.

I don't keep up with the lore but isn't said lore a fucking mess? I remember something about mcree age differing a lot.

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Finding out which character is gay or trans or some faggoty shit next.

Honestly kind of based not gonna lie. If I got a qt wife out of it like he did I’d absolutely do it.

>playing fartnut
kys you'reself

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McCree's age was fine until Ashe was added. He went from random teenager in a gang to co-founder of an internationally known weapons smuggling gang at age 15-16 even though his tattoo and jacket say the gang was founded 100 years before the game takes place. Of course the lead writer also couldn't get the date of two events right in OP's article with other random "lore" shit still messy like Reinhardt's bio saying Overwatch was formed before it actually was and Reaper being around for 20+ years even though he got his powers just around 8 years in the past.

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going by wow logic...

you REALLY THINK they can keep shit straight?

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you can think that wow's story is stupid but at least the timeline is mostly consistent

Normal fags get out

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>at least the timeline is mostly consistent
After retconning entire expansions

>following IGN's twitter
>giving them any sort of attention

Nah self-inserting/favoritism ruins everything. Metzen doing the same thing with Thrall was half the reason I hate him

>twitter screenshot

>IGN, still farming capeshit clicks, has found a way to fuse two absolutely unrelated things
God I fucking hate games journalism

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When has it not been socially acceptable for unattractive men to be treated like shit?

Is D.VA stil a starcraft master or no?

Based and redpilled

what does Yea Forums use as its source of vidya news?

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plebbit thinks incels are literal walking nazi's and will shoot up a school on a moment's notice. It's funny because the people condemning incels on plebbit actually contribute to shootings by ostracizing vulnerable people further where the only camaraderie they get are like-minded people thus radicalization. Furthermore their logic is evil in the truest sense of the word - replace the context of incels with any other group of people. This type of shit is why I've gotten so blackpilled - the same people who bitch about something also perpetuate it and never admit to it while claiming righteous motives.

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No, that got retconned a while ago through the writer's twitter.

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Yea Forums


It constantly boggles me how school shootings are so demonised whereas school culture is normal. Psychological aid should not be seen as a sign of weakness.

>Best SC player is GURLLLL in Overwatch's retarded universe
>Meanwhile in real life

Attached: Highest earning ESPORT female player.jpg (820x561, 145K)


Incel detected. Don't you have some black pilling to do?

The reason why people are against incels is because they openly spew vitriol and misogyny. If you visit r/braincels you'll find that people quickly post really murderous thoughts over really mundane things. That's why people hate incels dawg.

>timeline is mostly consistent

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Too many fail to understand that if you ostracize someone enough and leave then feeling as if they have nothing left to lose except their life, then don't be surprised when they lash out violently.

The events are just too good for this game

There always seems to be a catch with that crowd who preach about toxic masculinity. They'll usually like, retweet, reblog about love and acceptance and having a good time while also keeping people of specific genders and orientations at an arm's length. Word for word, they'll spread posts like:

>"im stressed out that ppl don’t know my intentions at all times. spoiler alert: top priority is, i love everyone. second priority is to have a sexy and fun time"

Being posted from an account called something like "ihatecispeople" "ihatewhitepeople". I'm all for discouraging what they'd consider to be egregiously "toxic behavior" across different demographic and always will be, but it was pretty eye opening when I took a closer look at the people I followed on social media. I want to give these people a chance but it's kind of disappointing when you see who supports the same ideals as you.

'Twas truly a day for the ages.


>that includes stuff like the rest of their franchises.

Are we seriously going to see warcraft characters in Overwatch ?

As many people have said before the Lore is compiled of random plot things that have little to no connections to one another [mei investigating the massive storm phara investigating the evil AI zarya getting fucked by the omnic guy that everyone forgot whatever reaper is trying to accomplish] and the comics that would help explain whatever story they want to tell consist of flashbacks to character you'll never meet or going over stuff that was already talked about in their profile
They straight up said the gameplay has no connection to the story since they can't explain situations like why reaper would team up with 76 to shoot tracer in the face in bum fuck australia Even TF2 gave a reason on why it's red vs blu fighting pointless battles and that just proves how much of a crap writer chu is

sounds kino, too bad i dislike the gameplay

no we're going to see heroes of the storm characters

poor tossgirl cut off at the bottom, even if she could barely compete with fourth stringers, she was still a head and shoulders above every other female at the time

so a grand total of 2 characters ?

this sounds pretty cool, too bad the game is fucking garbage.

Just NPCs hating what their overlords tell them to hate because they're on "the right side of history".

alternate universe what if the the gay bomb drooped

fuck man i want the crossbow back

They haven't turned everyone gay or into a furry yet.

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>Ricki Ortiz

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youre so fucking gay bro, thought you had to know

user. that's out universe

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Half of the playerbase did disappear

Go back

>Blizzard would rather make movies than video games
I hope this is news to no one.

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I dont get it

If they copy everything else, does that mean Brigitte gets a pixie cut like Captain Marvel?

i dont play this boring game anymore but I know there is no story beyond 'these characters are rivals' and 'this character is gay'

Curious is the trap maker's art.

These are all trannies, aren't they?

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>Too many fail to understand that if you ostracize someone enough and leave then feeling as if they have nothing left to lose except their life, then don't be surprised when they lash out violently
The fucked up thing is school shootings and teen suicide are one and the same. Both extend from the same base issue. Then when the kid is pushed to the furthest extremes its a case of who they think is too blame;
>If they blame themselves
They're another number in the teen suicide stats.
>If they blame others
Then its a school shooting.

They would rather make epic phone games senpai. Its gonna be lit.

You tell me

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What the fuck does IGN mean by this?

Scarlett (Male)

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ricki ortiz definitely is.

>9 days since Total Mayhem was in the arcade


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his efficacy unwitnessed by his own eyes!

>Cant fucking come up with a decent release schedule
>cant fucking build a map editor or a decent game mode outside of the delivered few
>every character who isnt waifu bait gets lost in the void
>refuse to put their own lore in the game in fear of losing Chinese player base

Its time for an actual expansion or a new overwatch.

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based total mayhem chad

they're going for the plot where the snap disappears half their playerbase

>Chinese self-inserting as a Japanese

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I'm alright with it, I long to see tumblr sperg out over being "baited" by their imaginary PharahxMercy relationship.

Whatever it takes.

I wish I could've been int that thread

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....they literally said that the game has no story and that all story elements are unconnected to the game.

>such good art wasted on these four hacks

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>it is ok to bully people that are not socially acceptable
>this bullying causes people to develop mental illnesses which then makes them do school shootings
>also people do kill themselves
>then people complain about mental illness
>nothing is done to stop mental illness from being caused and people start getting to be socially unacceptable
then we starting to go back to square one where nothing will change.

>TFW i won the gengar across from that kirby in that same shop in the year that picture was taken

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It's been too long. They launched without a story or anything even resembling it. They can make story-driven Overwatch content, but most of that audience has long since moved on.

>shitty game filled with toddlers and brainlets just following a trend
>events sound absolutely kino

is it the porn story?

>Coming next summer
>World of Overwatch

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People who will cart out excuses and cry for any other headcase on the planet, but only one brand of defective moron is worthy of scorn.

Probably cause the devs seemed like they are passionate about their project, the original single player fortnite, but got stuck on this goldmine multiplayer royale shit.

This is what happened during their last big event where they changed the entire map to snow midmatch.

Attached: ice tempest event.webm (640x360, 2.95M)

>MCU-like story
god i hate zoomers so fucking much

>brap barn
>mfw its real
>people take it seriously
my fucking sides, literal clown world

Attached: smugendros.jpg (464x464, 156K)

>overwatch hitting the shitter
>we could be in the timeline where battleborn is still alive and focuses on gameplay instead of nonexistent story.

Can't blame him. It's like how when black or Mexican weebs self-insert they make themselves look like 6'4" Gokus instead of being short and fat. Everyone wants to be better.

But then pitchford would be up his own ass so much more than normal

Overwatch could honestly be pretty cool if they gave it a real story mode. Make it like sonic adventure 2 with a good side and an evil side to play through, with one neutral one or final one at the end. Hell, they could even have smaller side character stories if they wanted instead of a main story, or even as DLC. Missions tailored to the gameplay of each character. Why they don't do any of this is beyond me.

Also, it wouldn't kill them to get more creative with some new game modes that aren't push the car.

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The magic all powerful macguffin will turn half the population gay.

I would still like that more than hearing blizzard be up their ass about them trying to make overwatch the MCU of moba shooters.

the devs care a lot about the game
epic as a whole is fucking awful but the developers who work on fortnite legitimately have soul and it shows. i'd argue they care too much because they let the community fuck them sideways on balancing issues

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>CTRL+F for Wikipedia


This is unironically an intelligent post.

10/10 user. Here's a picture for your troubles.

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Apparently saying meany things over the internet is doing the greater good.


Didn't they retcon the entire story of overwatch?

maybe more people would care about Overwatch lore if it felt like anything in the actual game was impactful
but it's just good guys shooting other good guys because they're in a simulation i guess? it's entirely separated from this narrative they're trying to create, it's just an awful mismatch.

>It's funny because the people condemning incels on plebbit actually contribute to shootings by ostracizing vulnerable people further where the only camaraderie they get are like-minded people thus radicalization

So many people don't get this, continue to do it, and wonder why "right wing terror groups" are recruiting these people

>Truth is they just have bad personalities / looks, and can't get laid.

No, incels literally are 'I hate women because I can't get women'.

>Look up brap barns.


>Its societies fault I'm a loser

>no me.

they can't make an interesting story because none of the characters are interesting
except Zenyatta because a robotic monk so enlightened that it manifests its own soul is fucking brilliant

>They aren't dumping this shit universe

I'm done

is that asian krammer

That means more comingouts

nice way of missing his point

How the fuck was TF2 able to have a more coherent narrative than Overwatch when it's two teams with the same character going at each other

Be nice if they actually did something with the so called story. There's fucking nothing. No character has a clear goal, no twists,no nothing. It's not even funny, like tf2. They have a bunch of stereotypical characters with the most bland 'lore' ever, doing the most safe for kids banter one could ever write.

Fucking do something interresting dammit. Make Mercy be a evil torturer or something, and that's why she developed healing. FUCKING DAMMIT DO SOMETHING, ANYTHING THAT ISN'T THIS BLAND VOMIT

One game had competent writers while the other game has Blizzard writers.

I can’t wait until this whole “Universe”
thing crashes and burns. DC realized they can’t do it and are going back to standalone films.

Marvel has fucked up more than they improved anything.

I wouldn't mind the saturday morning cartoon thing but, it's a terrible saturday morning cartoon...

Problems like this can’t be fixed. You’ll never stop violence, rape, any of that shit unless you want some Equilibrium style world with drugs that kill emotion and keep people under control.

To stop any of it you either have to be everywhere at every time, and you can’t. Education is the only thing, but even the. some people are just fucked up and will do it anyway.

How many times have people been educated about rape, gun violence, abuse, drug abuse, yet it still happens?

I can’t be the only one who had to sit through a bunch of corny videos like Strange Danger in elementary school, or safe sex videos, and I grew up in the fucking hood going to shitty schools and we still had people come in and educated on all this shit. So how the fuck does Jimmy and Jill Suburbia run around talking about “teach me about rape”?

Or is middle America just that fucking daft?

I wrote Overwatch off as some faggy leftists appealing shit a long time ago, and never touched it

Who else was here when Yea Forums made an user feel loved?

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Think about it. Does any of us have free will?

If any of us were to die, would the world stop turning? Of course not. Our lives are ultimately meaningless in the grand scheme of things.

Living on in the memories of our children, grandchildren and family? That is nothing more than a human delusion invented to give our death artificial meaning.

We have evolved to help each other to increase our chances to survive in this world. Back then it was to hunt animals for food; now we do it for basic tasks like a bartender making your drinks in exchange for money, or having a child so they can take care of you in your old age. This is the natural order of things, and will continue to be so.

However, it's by giving this basic human ability to work together "meaning" that we as humans made our worst mistake. People try to call these assistances to each other "friendship" or "family", when in reality it's just our selfish way to make our personal lives easier.

"Love" exists just to make us reproduce. "Anger" exists to teach us what is detrimental to our existence.

When people were undeniably of a lower genetic quality in the past, the obvious solution was that they would die to filter out the gene pool. Now we force ourselves to care about their survival by facilitating their worthless existence with systems such as welfare for bottom feeding ghetto trash families.

You don't need friends. Your family exists purely to give you ground to walk over. Make yourself the king of your world and fuck over everyone who stands in your way of self improvement.

If you feel that your life is worthless; you may as well go out with a bang.

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unironically based

i fucking hate it when one half decent joke is made at the start of a thread and the entire thing is derailed by le epig reaction images put me in le screencap

this, it's plebbit incarnate

This. Religions are just a means to an end, a way to become powerful and wealthy by claiming there's some god in the sky that is behind our existence. If they ever commit atrocities, they'll just label it as "doing what our god wanted".

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scarlett is based af kys user

Terrible game but credit where credit is due, that sounds like a great way to involve the players while still making it in-game content.

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babby's first existential crisis

>People working suicide hotline actively wishing for people to kill themselves.
If there's one way to know you're going to hell. I think it's that.

It was lame. After the poster got enough (you)s the no fun police came in and chastised us for all responding to the same post.

>everyone saying terrible game
Fortnite did literally everything right and people just hate it because younger kids like it, despite the fact that these same people were probably minecraft or halo autists.


Since no gentlemen have spoken thus far, i think ill have to do it myself.
*ahem* Overwatch is a shit game with ult centred gameplay design, maps full of choke points and strict gameplay for the characters where you should play as devs want you to. With all that said
Fuck Overwatch
Fuck Blizzard
Fuck Activision
And especially, fuck enumbre

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Why so many people is using this "incel" meme now? I find it curious because most of those who use it are homosexuals leftists or people with other similar diseases. Do these people really think it's so easy for an ugly nerd to get girls as it is for them to get homosexual sex in their asses?

All I know is that when I tried it, I didn't have fun. That doesn't mean I can't respect the thought they put into these events. No wonder they've managed to keep their playerbase.

Do you really need to have it explained? Incels are subhuman trash and should all be gassed, everyone knows this.

I think the big breakout moments came from the Supreme Gentleman himself, back in 2014 or so, and that Leaf in Toronto in 2018 or so. So now everyone's into their business, in an effort to find the "why" of their mass murder. As a consequence, being an incel got exposed to the mainstream.

>Look up brap barns
i looked this up and it somehow exceeded my expectations. holy fucking lol

I don't even know what that means. The Overwatch team is already formed so are they talking about the introduction of a big bad or something more ambitious like the release of a campaign using their maps or a new PVE mode?

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I see it as the new "cuck"

I will search on those dates ... I do not have much internet culture but I was curious as to why something that has "involuntary" in the name suddenly became an ugly word.
This does not make sense, how can a guy be hated because he does something unintentionally? It would be the same as cursing a cripple because he can not walk. Or curse a black man because he can not understand math.

This made me laugh, thanks user

Ironically, homos/trans activists end up shitting all over women's rights.

That's just based off your own confirmation bias about how one vocal extreme views another extreme. Neither side is perfect.

Overwatch's story hasn't fucking moved at all, everyone's still the in near identical situations to the ones they were in 3 fucking years ago

The quick rundown on incels for me is involuntary celibate men and women seething at their inability to be able to start a relationship and be sexually intimate.
Before getting nuked to hell and back after the incidents, they used to seethe, shitpost, and not improve themselves at all.
I'm not speaking on behalf of the whole incel community mind you, but I personally believe that it is a cynical ideology that is a consequence of not being a well-rounded person that is able to accept the reality of romance and sexual intimacy, however one may put it in today's accepted practices of one night stands and dating apps, being a hit or miss.

Overwatch didn't even have that interesting of a premise to begin with so who cares how far the story progresses. The important thing should be Blizzard trying to address gameplay flaws.


Attached: Based.jpg (600x479, 53K)

76 is gay and tracer is trans but, neither of those things have story behind them, it's just from some random tweet or some shit
>basically j.k rowling saying Dumbledore is gay but, never mentioning it in a book or movie, even though she had the chance even after announcing it to the world

>tracer is trans
she's gay not a filthy trans

being a gamer. If you were one you would know.

>A PvE mode 3 years late
Mind you, the most direct competitor to Overwatch, TF2, released in 2007, had its PvE mode added in 2012. But still, what the fuck, they really should have PvE out the gate or in a year after the release, while adding their own tweaks to the MvM formula.

>people want me to kill myself because I'm an autistic white male who enjoys video games
I'm not hurting anybody

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I'd play if they would add a no building mode.

>Tracer is Trans
When the fuck did they reveal she's a tranny? I know she's a lesbian but I mean c'mon man. This sounds so fucking blizzard that I'm almost inclined to believe it despite the lack of a source.


you know it's true

They are never doing a single player Overwatch.

The PvE is shit who cares Blizzard should be focusing on salvaging the multiplayer to make it as enjoyable as it can be.

>their version of the avengers is coming
Isn't that what the game is?

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There are an extreme few incels who are the way they are involuntarily

>Apparently worked a suicide hotline
>Openly saying you'd encourage someone's suicide
why are the people in this world so fucked up
That genuinely got a feeling of disgust out of me

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Imagine people doing this to trannies.

this is good, it only makes those lads stronger in the first place I mean isn't this the reason why they spawned out of nowhere in the first place?

If mean are becoming self aware then so will females eventually to how they play in the role of 80% 20% rule as well instead of 90s proximity dating.

What exactly would be the solution to this anyways? I don't think we can fight out instincts unless porn gets good enough and end up like Japan.

It's easy to talk tough on the internet but few people probably live up to their boasts.

>involuntary celibate
>some of them are the they are involuntarily

People cannot function without having some kind of boogeyman or enemy to focus their energy toward to distract themselves of their own insecurities and shitty lives they refuse to face

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Yea the main reason why Trump got elected was because the opposition looked insanely retarded lmao. If those people did not exist Hilary would've gotten organically elected in the first place.

Yes I know what incel means but few people who claim to be incel or are accused of being so are actual real incels with crippling disabilities or extreme deformities.

lots of buttfrustrated incels in this thread lmao


I don't think Brigitte would be Captain Marvel. There would have to be an "Endgame"-like event and they would have to release a character with a counter to the bad guy literally a month before the event. When the event happens, she only appears like twice to do trivial shit when she could have stomped Thanos not only in the beginning, but also when he comes back.

I just hate it for causing a single game mode to explode in popularity. It sets a bad precedent since publishers are retarded and will chase a trend ignoring what made it popular in the first place.

>Work on suicide hotline.
>Find ways to expedite the suicide.
Unironically based. Too few of them.

Tossgirl is not.

Attached: tossgirl.jpg (550x367, 34K)

>but few people probably live up to their boasts
Doubly so for garbage redditfags.

I just don't like battle royal style games in general. I don't hate fortnite because it's popular or that young kids like it. 20 somethings even hated Pokemon in the 90's and look how that turned out as it's still the most successful franchise of all time. Older generations hating on what younger generations like is a cycle that will never be broken.

Someone tell these redditors to HAVE SEX

the one thats like the TF2 comics but shit

I've always found OW pretty hilarious. Don't know any other game where parents routinely gun down their children.

Never come back? They're all replayable every archive event....

Some hot takes for you but all undeniable facts:

>there is a story
>it is going somewhere
>Chu is not the only problem, in fact he hardly is compared to the actual issues
>there are multiple writers
>the only writer for Overwatch with a self insert was Metzen
>story was low priority for Jeff who was the project lead because he quite literally thought "No one cares about story in a first person shooter"
>most of the promotional material, like the award ceremony and the first character biographies, that were released in the beginning were made to "evoke a feeling" and promote the game not for accuracy
>Metzen wanted to build the story as they go along and simply retcon anything that didn't fit
>Chu admitted that a timeline wasn't even constructed until well after a year of release
>most of the problems with the story were made before Metzen even brought Chu onto the game from writing quest dialog in WoW
>Jeff purposely puts an artificial buffer between releases, this goes for lore or gameplay related material, he actually thinks this is a good thing "I want players to digest what we release"
>the Overwatch team that does most of the user related content is called "Team 4" and is hilariously understaffed, when the game was finished a team that was already too small was gutted to a quarter of it's original size so much so an animator on the team complained about it at GDC
>Jeff wants the Overwatch team to unironically feel like a "small indie team", this isn't a meme Jeff said it first

The truth hurts

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yeah i have the free will to spray my baby batter inside your mom

Mortal Kombat comes to mind.

I like save the world, but battle royale is the worst fucking genre to ever exist in the same world where MOBA was the previous holder of that title.

So the story is shit and Blizzard/Kaplan is shit at running the game and shit at managing his team. Not really a hot take there.

incels are evil who take out their anger of not getting laid on other people instead of trying to improve themselves

Those last three will always piss me off, I still do not know why they decided that letting Jeff do that shit was a good idea.
You have the resources of a AAA company yet fucking refuse to use them to the point that an actually dead game in the same launcher has a similar update schedule regarding game play content.
Actually fucking retarded

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>wants it to feel like a small indie team
What the fuck does that mean? This is like when EA said they wanted to make indie games because that was in at the time.

Most will meme about Chu being the entire problem with the story when in reality he's sitting on over a novel size about of content and stories along with a PC filled with character charts and biography. If you want to judge him on the quality, go for it. But the story itself is not that bad, for what it is. There are plenty of small details that are pretty decent but all of this is shadowed by the fact that lore is released as such a slow pace that no one really cares about the story. They wait months and years for updates for them to only feel lackluster because after all that time you want more.

>No fun allowed

>and yet Save the world is barebones, riddles with glitches and bad decisions and STILL isn't finished.

>tfw the only material that takes place AFTER the cinematic trailer is "Honor and Glory" (though 99% of it is a flashback) and Reunion

And don't blame Chu for the story barely going forward, it's Jeff "Tigole Bitties" Kaplan who thinks players can't handle too much content at once and wants everything to be trickled out. Probably because he's still trying to convince everyone he didn't ruin the MMO genre back when he was a guild leader in EverQuest.

>Also, it wouldn't kill them to get more creative with some new game modes that aren't push the car.
I've written up some suggestions for non-point control or payload pushing modes on the forums. They just get ignored, laughed at, or people raging about how dumb shit. Blizzard will never do anything besides the four main modes as main modes.

Why are you mad? This is obviously just a marketing ploy to lure marvel fags in. They will only keep the game alive as much as possible, bringing uninspired characters


>Overwatch was just about introducing characters for gameplay sake and making interesting game modes and character loadouts
>Overwatch starts to die out because it's the same game for 3 years with almost nothing new to do and the community is filled with SJW toxic trash tryhard comp shit
>in response, Blizzard makes characters fuck each other and makes characters gay to drum up appeal and to appease the faggots that still play the game

So glad I dropped this shit after the first year. A fucking embarrassment, like almost every nu-blizzard game. I should have learned my lesson from Starcraft 2, even though I still play co-op mode.

>in response, Blizzard makes characters fuck each other and makes characters gay to drum up appeal and to appease the faggots that still play the game
Tracer was a lesbian long before your second point was a thing, so what's your line of reasoning here.

You made my point for me. Tracer was practically introduced as a lesbian. 3 years later, they make one of the most popular characters, Soldier, gay. And now characters are fucking each other.


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>even though I still play co-op mode.
I played it too until I realized they left it for dead and have barely added any content in the last two years

>And now characters are fucking each other.
They are? Can you point out where the devs stated this?

Everyone next door yelled "have sex". CSGO players confirmed virgins

imagine being paid a living wage for the most expensive part of California, and all you have to do is write barely a page of story a year because OW cucks won't stop funding the game through loot boxes

These people are fucking insane. I have no idea why society gives these types so much praise and approval. Where did we go wrong? Why are we giving legitimately deranged people so much cultural power? Why can't more people see past that bullshit?

They added a new commander a few months ago, but yeah, it's basically a dead game entirely and they don't give a shit. They're just milking the small audience left with the pro scene.


>implying I follow this shit

People say that Mercy fucks Genji, even within this thread.

>These people have cultural power.
Where? Let's field the armies. Let's see their power.

why don't you ask the right-wing retards who don't know what empathy is

>I just spout whatever bullshit I hear first.

>Literally appealing to emotion
There it is.

there's a difference between masculinity and toxic masculinity you fucking CHUD

>muh fee-fees
Gas yourself.

go b2 reddit and never come back please

The line is arbitrarily drawn wherever it suits the argument. Boys playing basketball and making friendly banter? Friendly masculinity. Boys playing basketball and making friendly banter, but the recipient is a faggot? Aggressive toxic patriarchal behavior that only serves to disenfranchise others from being individuals.

I'd like to point you to some posts where people on your side are doing exactly that:

when the recipient is part of a historically marginalized group and the "friendly banter" targets that aspect of them then yeah, it is toxic behavior

And nothing of value was lost.

tu quoque

I saw that screenshot too

This is what you people brought upon yourselves.
You love to create monsters like "ebil jooz" "esjaydoublez" and other..
Yet you forget to look in the mirror.

>I don't follow anything and believe what Yea Forums says 100%
You really are dumber than dogshit.

it's true, you can play them once every year! isnt' it great my fellow blizzardbros?!

Any and every group is marginalized, and no human alive who isn't an 11/10 alpha chad is devoid of points of scrutiny or elements of their lives which fill them with insecurities. The issue is whether or not you intend to tackle these points of your life and greet them with a smile, or regress in shame and hide away from it whenever another brings it up. There are terrible people in your day to day life, and they will attack you with immeasurably worse than your teasing buddies who earnestly like you. And this notion of it being exclusively a form of "masculinity" when women can be equally scathing and vicious just as gal pals is insulting.

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they couldn't even keep s76 straight

I'm still not certain what the fuck toxic masculinity means. It just appears to be a very broad term that changes it's use based on who the person using it is.

i don't think anyone is saying it's "exclusively" a masculine thing, and there are plenty of people who acknowledge that women have a similar issue

Google is your friend

based and redpilled

>i don't think anyone is saying it's "exclusively" a masculine thing, and there are plenty of people who acknowledge that women have a similar issue
Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, ever raises it as an issue with women anywhere even remotely as closely as they purport it to be a solely male issue. I have seen people, many people, even press the notion that female territorial/venomous behavior is a result of masculine competitive traits and patriarchal conditioning for tribalism. There is no such thing as "Toxic Femininity" because nobody will ever actually address it as a problem.

Honestly if battleborn had done well they probably wouldn't have made borderlands 3

>lol these people are miserable I hope they kill themselves
You know what? This doesn't bother me. What bothers me is that they claim to have the moral high ground for doing so

>Recently, after tweeting about toxic masculinity and its relationship to violence
I still don't understand. Humans are animals. Animals are violent. Men are more violent than women because we have a sex hormone that naturally inclines us to be more aggressive and assertive. Is this toxic masculinity? Because to me that's just part of being male.
>not because of biological characteristics but because of rigid societal norms created around femininity and masculinity.
This shit is completely untrue.
>Toxic masculinity is a narrow and repressive description of manhood, designating manhood as defined by violence, sex, status and aggression. It’s the cultural ideal of manliness, where strength is everything while emotions are a weakness; where sex and brutality are yardsticks by which men are measured, while supposedly “feminine” traits—which can range from emotional vulnerability to simply not being hypersexual—are the means by which your status as “man” can be taken away.
So it IS just being misused? Because 9 times out of 10 whenever someone calls out "toxic masculinity" it never has anything to do with this


i dunno man, i see plenty of women criticizing stuff like slut-shaming and internalized misogyny and gossip/cattiness which could fall under a hypothetical "toxic femininity"

yes. yes it is

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MSM and normies dont like the idea of how these socially ostracized people can connect with other socially ostracized people and now western society thinks men meeting up in a group = conspiring to commit mass murder.

Holy shit, this is pathetic, Blizzard.

99% of that is directed at men. Don't pretend otherwise.
>internalized misogyny
Basically "Toxic masculinity" embedded into a female body, but you cannot simply say "Toxic Masculinity" when they are women. It's still a backhanded anti-male sentiment.
Pretty much the only time it exists against women, but that's so thoroughly accepted these days beyond limited gripes in regards to when it actually devastates someone's life that it's buried within the normie societal mindset. I sure love hearing "OMG LET'S SPILL THIS TEA GURRRL" when a woman tells all of her friends how much of a shithead her s/o is, but when a man wants to complain about his girlfriend/wife, men call him a faggot and tell him to get over it, women make fun of him for being whiny (before telling her, and all of their friends), and he might even get shit for his complaints depending on how severe they are (rarely that bad). But please, tell me about how this toxic femininity actually exists, I want to know more.

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>It's funny because the people condemning incels on plebbit actually contribute to shootings by ostracizing vulnerable people further

Yes and no.
You're forgetting the part where places like Yea Forums use rhetoric and endorse behavior that encourage people to seclude and ostrecize themselves
For example:

jimmy go to the braincel subreddit

Normie isn't even a Yea Forums based word anymore.

>society is rejecting the ugly betas who have historically built it

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>It's still a backhanded anti-male sentiment.
Nothing about the concept of toxic masculinity is "anti-male".
>when a man wants to complain about his girlfriend/wife, men call him a faggot and tell him to get over it
That's toxic masculinity! Now you're getting it!

>Nothing about the concept of toxic masculinity is "anti-male".
The presumption that toxicity expressly cannot be female and that it only exists as a male construct is explicitly anti-male. You can lie to yourself all you want and pretend that those who espouse this notion are pushing an agenda of equality, but it's just the pendulum swinging in one direction, pushing the opposite direction of the "toxic" male behavior into the void of outright venomous perceptions of standard male bonding or attitudes.
>That's toxic masculinity! Now you're getting it!
And there it goes. Men act terrible to one another? Toxic male maligned terrible behavior. Women act terrible to each other and men? Lmao yeah that's just normal tho, leave it be.

What fucking went wrong with Overwatch? Yes, I know it's a piece of shit, but plenty of piece of shit games are popular. What killed it in particular, what killed the e-celeb market for it?

It makes plenty of money off the owl. It's not dead by any means.

You fucking normie, I bet you play Fortnite

>HotS gets tied to Overwatch after OW cannibalized it and left a skeleton crew behind
>OW's "writers" start retconning shit and don't let the people left design anymore skins because they always were better than the shit in OW
>HotS finally dies a miserable death chained to a game focusing entirely on esports
Please just let it die with dignity, user. It hurts enough already

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The story premise should be simple (Villain Organization has risen up, hero Organization must return) but they fuck it up by having too much background information on each individual hero and having third party neural characters that don't belong to either organization.

Are they finally going to explain why McCree has been in his 30s for over a decade?

It isn't, but it IS from here, and it is one from a long, LONG line of them.

Go on literally any board, and you'll find someone pushing a narrative explaining why it's bad to be, or associate with *normal people*, either because they're stupid, ignorant, shallow, or abusive, or because *you're* stupid, ugly, eclectic, or autistic.

The "blackpill" itself is an idiom of isolation. It's literally "I'm so much smarter than those around me, it's not even worth my time to try and relate with them"

The fact is, feeling like "nobody understands me" is a perfectly normal human reaction, there are people out there in the real world who you are socially compatible with, and internet communities like the incel or blackpill movements are dangerous because their rhetoric is just as much about making you vulnerable as they are giving you bad ideas about how to deal with your vulnerability.

But isolation isn't necessarily something to make you weak. These people were weak to begin with

>The presumption that toxicity expressly cannot be female
Nobody ever said that.

And people don't believe me when I say Chu's Genji self-insert fanfiction is real.

I remember watching some of those Parkland interviews.
>Dumb bald beaner admits to everyone bullying the shooter for being weird
>No consequences whatsoever
No wonder he wanted to shoot her and everyone else.

Probably because they kept changing things constantly

Really? It seems like it hasn't changed at all.

Normie is a term reddit immigrants came up with so they didn't have to use the long standing -fag suffix.

>This is what you people brought upon yourselves

You stupid faggots act like /pol/ started this cultural phenomenon when the entire board is a reaction to things around them.

One, that's wrong.

And two, even if that were correct, "_____fag" still fits that description, as that term came about during the mid-00s height of calling everything bad, undesirable or lacking "gay". It only achieved banality through ubiquity.

Reminder that all the Fortnite events come at the cost of employees being worked 50 - 100 hours a week and being ostracized by coworkers if they take breaks. Epic is working its Fortnite team like a sweatshop.

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>chink company treats employees like drones
Who would've guessed


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Next OW game will be some sort of Destiny-like shooter
screencap this

Highly unlikely since ActBlizz owns Destiny as is and D3 is already in the works. Might end up as one of those other shooter mobas tho

Am a tranny and I agree with this. There is some bad parts to being a woman but I'd say overall my life has been much better. People never really cared about me until I started being seen as a girl. Being a male is soul crushing unless you're in the top 1%.

Since when was it socially and morally acceptable for brain diseased leftist normalfags to brag about working in suicide prevention and hoping video game nerds would literally kill themselves. What is wrong with people

Instead it should be like Apex where there has been 1 update since release and the devs treat it as a good thing

Didn't Bungie quit Activision?
Yeah D1 and 2 are still under their wing but I'm pretty sure D3 will have nothing to do with ActiBlizz unless I got the wrong info.

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It's ok when "we" do it.

It aged fucking terribly.
First few weeks of OW were some of the most fun I've had in an online game. Nowadays I can't bring myself to play an entire QP game. It's fucking stale.
OW had huge problems with excessive mobility a while back and to counter that the devs added Brig, which in my opinion was their worst mistake. Now the competitive scene is stuck with the same meta since god knows how long.

The difference is Metzen railroaded the entire story around his SI and the Genji/Mercy thing is literally only hinted at in side material.

Because there's no meaning or purpose in modern societies. It's a nihilistic existence where only social conflicts and hedonism keep us engaged.

They talk big when they're trying to show off to their reddit friends for that circlejerk karma, but they wouldn't have the guts to do it on the job. All it takes is one suicide note where "even suicide hotlines turned on me", concerned family investigating, and getting police involved to get one dead career.

>It's a nihilistic existence where only social conflicts and hedonism keep us engaged
maybe for you faglord

It doesn't matter if they quit or not. ActiBlizz still owns the IP.

Sorry, its not so based anymore

I'm surprised there isn't a case like that

I'm sure that going off pure statistical likelihood, it happened somewhere at some time.

That’s some sickening shit. It’s one thing to take joy in a person’s suffering, but this is pretty bad.
This also proves reddit is a place that is pretty goddam evil in its actions despite what they say

christ im a nihilist and even i can tell you're being a faggot

Bungie took the IP with them

People really really really try hard to please women in a feeble attempt to get sex from them. They also have this misconception that men and women are the same despite us being completely different in biology and what gives us fulfillment. They’re the majority and it makes sense since weak people who are opportunistic and aim to please others instead of doing what’s right are playing it easy.

They are probably the only people that are worse than those that lift and fear their whole lives around trying to please women instead of doing what’s best for themselves, family and friends like we as humans evolved to do.

Let them be. Learn from their failure and use it as a reminder to never be weak like them.

>everyone has a right to life
>unless you haven't had sex
time to kill all babies!

This is deserving of a You

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Because people want new insults since the majority that uses it isn't creativity and they need to be a sheep to feel like they fit somewhere in society.

Leave these loners alone.

All calls into suicide hotline are recorded. If it was found out somebody did get a caller to kill themselves they would be in deep shit so I doubt xir actually does it

>MCU-like story

Is this the new Souls-like meme?

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>with characters so bland it's impossible to quote them without using google for a quote that isn't their ult quote

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"incel" isn't the same as "virgin", though
incels aren't even necessarily virgins

How many trannies would be in OW Endgame?

I honestly don't think people like that are smart and/or emotionally stable enough to remember that they're being recorded.

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overwatch has no story. blizzard are jews
overwatch has no story. blizzard are jews
overwatch has no story. blizzard are jews

Well, they're working on that, what with trying to push post birth abortions and all.

Marvel has been cancer to storytelling. Every time I hear any other work compare itself to the cinematic universe, I exhale a strong gust of air out of my nose. Even the Nips are doing it.

>right-wing doesn't know what empathy is
>when the left is literally calling for the murder of a vulnerable group


>Even the Nips are doing it.

Maybe now they can make something that doesn't take place in japan/japanese highschool

The cinematic universe will be taking place IN high school - multiple high schools.

pretty much why i tried getting a refund from them, but of course they refused after completely abandoning save for the world for almost an entire year that totally wasnt them running out of manpower as they shifted everyone to BR

>76 Mercy ships since launch
>"Gotta fix that"
>Ana comes out, people now ship her and 76
>... but they also still ship Mercy 76, and now there's some D.Va 76 daddyfags
>76 is now gay and Mercy/Genji now have shipping lines

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I guess gay marriage is okay in my books if it's chicks

Elliot roger beta cuck crackers

>What fucking story????

The graphic novel that they canceled before release because ..... reasons?

Do you think any of this matters?
People will still suck that semen up because they are too deprived of any intelligent thought.
Do you really think the people who play these types of games have any sort of attention span to care about these thing and not just masturbate at the thought of them being a part of the "in" crowd.

It's progressed into regression while moving forward into stagnation.

Actually it's now socially acceptable to bully men who look better than you.
Since the majority both men and women are maybe, MAYBE, 5s they have begun to gang up on the actual lookers.
This majority, being sub par specimens, mindlessly fuck eachother endlessly creating epidemics of stds.
They then treat a looker like shit because they want to pick and choose their partner and find a good match instead of mindlessly fucking anything that moves.
When the looker shit talks the hordes of goblins they get called an incel and berated for their "misogyny."
Then of course you have the actual incels who just cant catch a break with thier looks or personality and get shit on because it's fun to shit on other people because fuck you we're animals hur dur.
But in reality every time I see someone use incel they are either a used up roast beef sandwich or a sub-par specimen and sometimes both.
Either way, fuck you fat used up excuses for human beings.

TF2 had writers who tried pitching a tv show, but ended up settling for lore events and comics when it all fell through.

Overwatch put the game first but tried jigsawing the lore in. The money that was used to improve the lore went towards an e-sports league and bad stop-motion videos where nothing actually happens.

The original build for Project Titan had the Jumper class (uses Tracer's model) as a male. All the dev team did was slap some decent sized tits on it and renamed it Tracer.

Unironically correct. The left is full of tyrants and needs to be stopped

Some of the project Titan characters look legit great.

The way Tracer jumps around in the E3 reveal trailer and in one of her highlight intros is also a reference to Jumper.

Avengers has become the new dark souls, in that everyone knows just enough about it that people are going to use it to describe other media, even if they don't quite know what they mean

She's a blacked streamer now

OV lore is very minimal and doesnt go into pointless details. By lore I mean whats actually in the game, they can add whatever fanfiction they can in tie in media or on websites that I will never read.

>Looking forward to fucking their daughter in 18 years or so.
you gotta have sex first before you set such a goal.

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