>He's not playing gacha games
What's your excuse?
He's not playing gacha games
Sebastian Perez
Caleb Morgan
I can look at pictures on the internet.
Aaron Stewart
I can go to /c/ for free
Isaiah Bailey
But fgo mate
William Powell
Puzzle and Dragons powercreeped my waifu into oblivion.
Asher Wood
Superior gachad rolling in
Joshua Anderson
They are boring.
I wanted to like them since itd give me something to do with my phone beyond phone posting on the shitter but they're just not fun.
Jack Jackson
Oliver Miller
>tfw three gacha games that I play are having events that I need to grind
Fuck my life, I am sick.
I should have never got into this gacha shit.
Isaiah Myers
I don't know any "good" gacha games. The last gacha game I played that I like was FFBE but I quit it a year ago. I tried that top anime game (FATE something) and I didn't like it.