Defend this Zoynyfaggots

Defend this Zoynyfaggots

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What the fuck is that? Some kind of Cthulhu shit?

snoymutts are pathetic

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Thighs should be a requirement for all cover art that have games with cute girls in them.

Zoomer + (s) oy + sony

right has bigger boobs

So we're just mashing random buzzwords together now to try and rile people up?

The ‘PS4’ at the top of the box takes up more space so the switch cover art wouldn’t fit.

>defending weeb trash

No thanks

welcome to 4channel

They can zoom out the image you know...
You're not this dense right, cuckhold?

>weeb trash
>japanese fighting game
Go back to playing Tranny Kombat fag

I'm not a pedo or a weeb so I don't give two shits about any of this.
Sony still has the best exclusives and game diversity (not the SJW diversity, where else will you see games like Detroit and Dreams, certainly not Xbox or (((PC)))). Anime has always been a gateway to pedophilia and other types of degeneracies. I'm glad someone is finally taking a stand against all this. Looks like you pedos will have to venture to the darkweb for your fix now :^)

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just where do you think you are

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just jerk off to real women

That doesn't explain the resized image that deliberately covers her legs.

So, you are saying this game is not gay enough for you?

So you're saying you're gay and only get off to white women being fucked by black people?

The absolute state of Sony fans

>if you're not a pedophile you're a homo
Pedo logic, everyone. Iconic since the pedo community is rife with homosexuality.

kekd again


Kek we got another one. Can't wait til hiroshimoot cracks down and turns IPs in to the Feds

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Yes, user. You can call me pedo if you want, but that doesn't change the fact that your favorite ''Californian company'' is censoring games and pushing gay propaganda.

>everyone who likes X is a pedo
>woman in picture is obviously a developed woman

Its amazing you proclaim anime is the gateway to paedophilia, yet Hollywood has a serious pedo problem. Not just that but said people always oversexualise minors irl. So basically what youre saying is Anime = pedos but oversexualising a 13-16 year old girl is perfectly fine.
Kill yourself pedo apologist.

If you're serious you're a certified moron. You have bullshit logic and your reasoning is so flawed it all falls apart at the smallest form of inspection and all you have to say as ALL your response is to just throw insults and accusations which is the defense of the tyrannous and oppressive. If it's not serious then you need to work at making it more obvious.

Oh to add to that, Japan doesnt have a paedophile problem as they have means to keep shit in check. Unlik your favourite hollywood producers who have to diddle kids.

>game diversity
>every game a walking sim with mediocre gameplay

>Japan doesnt have a paedophile problem
>he doesn't know how people "commit suicide" everytime there is a rape and it is reported and cops never follow on that.

Get a load of this fucking faggot

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You do realize that the west in general has a HUGE pedo problem much bigger than Japan. Ahem catholic church. Hollywood pedo ring. UK pedo ring. Guess which country tops sex tourism of middle aged men going to africa and south america to fuck lil kids, Italy, Europe. Guess which countries sex trafficking is a huge prob? Eastern Europe.

>game diversity
Except for that weeb shit, as you call it, the biggest PS4 exclusives all play the same. Over the shoulder, bow and arrow, openworlds that put a lot of emphasis on realistic graphics that all basically look the same. Even Ghost of Tsushima looks like it's going to be more of that.

Ohh. Good one. How long did it take you to think that one up? How will I ever recover.

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Yes I am aware, I'm just saying Japan usually has many problems that are swept under the rug for appearances sake.