Why is blue skin so hot?

Why is blue skin so hot?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I wanna marry and impregnate Amelie

I want to fuck her wet pussy with my hard dick, if you know what i mean

Color contrast is hot


I never like Overwatch porn and I hathe all of you Overwatch trannies

>tfw no thicc smurfo to dom in the bedroom
>tfw can't palm her head as you shove her noggin in your ass
>tfw she'll never tell you she likes being bossed around

this is the true suffering, gamers. this is the real folk blues.

video games

Go outside stormfag

I think it's the shading
Light blue or purple highlights
It shows all of the detailed and subtle curves of their bodies

>video game character with blue skin

Widowmaker has canonically purple/greyish skin NOT blue skin you blue faggots

Is that you outside?

what the fuck...


This person is a master in eugenics.

Listen to him.


Attached: overwatch_widowmaker.jpg (1214x624, 83K)

Don't hold your breath lole

Christ that's my wife right there sure I'll be dead after marriage, sex and have a bastard purple baby but its ok.

alt color skin in general is hot

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That you?

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I dont get it
I want to tear her petite little body in half with my throbbing member

Actually, blue skin isn't hot, not even warm. Not a simmer. Eats dead cold.

I only like blue feet.



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uma delicia

hate meme proportions
hate every overwatch character

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Is this the ERP thread? Any sluts around?

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Familiar facial features (White)
But exotic skin

All the Midna porn I have is futa...

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I prefer red

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Post more Widow for my erps sessions


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Hell if I know

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sauce me up


Looks better with the bikini on!

Not seeing any horsecocks user, what gives?

what did he mean by this

pursue coitus

You must wanna fuck dead people

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because you love dark elves you dirty dirty user.

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actually kinda bad compared to everything else yeero has done


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Because it is.

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WHy does she have the french flag on her nails

childhood trauma that aroused sexual fetishes

Did you know you can download porn and change the colour settings
I used to do this as a kid to jack of to alien bitches or she hulks
Shit was cash

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Mystique is the only one I wouldn't bang!

needs more space goats

I don't get it, what do you mean?

where are their horsecocks?

Penis in vagina.

I want to see her "Oh" face when I make her orgasm.

I would like to indulge in the sexual intercourse with ye maiden of Overwatch.

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>based retard

because shes french

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>wouldn't bang a shapeshifter
She can be anyone you wanted

>Let me see what you look like
>This is what I look like
>No. I wanna see what you look like when you cum
>Are you sure?
>Yeah show me, right now.

Sounds like a nightmare desu

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I'm not following

because it instinctually reminds us of the appearance of a person when we are choking them
and choking a woman while fucking her making her unable to fight back or resist is one of our instinctual sexual fantasies passed on from our ancient ancestors

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The fuck are you talking about user? At least explain

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You better have a source for more.

stop beating around the bush

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Based fellow Vampire Chad

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Blue skin is cold, user.

She's cool, not hot.

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Challenge accepted!

Purple skin is the way

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So if she is Mr. Vampire and Felicia is Cat People, what movie is Morrigan?

>tfw can't stuff your hands down her cool, clammy boobs

suffering. nipples are probably cool to the touch too!

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>ywn warm her up with sensual, tender vanilla sex
Why bother going on?

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I am depressed now.

This user has pissed me off unbelievably. I cannot believe I will die now knowing what this nigger meant and now my life is meaningless. Fuck you user you cryptic fuckhead. This better be soome sleeper agent code shit.

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I wish I was a direct relative of Widowmaker and that we had lots of no birth control incest sex together.

i would cum inside her so hard my nuts would come out of my dick

But you also are a blue person. Silly zombie.

>nipples hard enough to cut glass
>will never suck on the frosty mounds

Death is next door!

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Absolutely disgusting.

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/trash/ is where all of the erp threads are. Senran kagura, persona, whatever you want. We are happy to have more role players.

>Amelie will never be the one to blow your stupid brains out and release you from this horrid existence

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Why live

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Checking if thread is gay shit.
Can confirm. Faggots detected.

What confuses me a little about /trash/ is that /trash/ threads tend to be roughly even split between interest in women and interest in men. Whereas on Yea Forums if you get thirsty posters, they'll overwhelmingly be interested exclusively in men.
I mean, it makes sense, because there ARE heterosexual people in the world who typefuck. But I have no idea why those people don't show up in Yea Forums threads.

Imagine if some company in a country with legal prostitution had a business which paired with fantasy girls of your choice. They can have blue or green skin or just cosplay in general. You go on a little quest then get to fuck her at the end. You go to sleep together naked and then wake up on a park bench somewhere fully clothed and wonder if it ever happened until you check your bank ok.

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>tfw can never flick her stone cold nipples with your tongue
>she'll never sigh in embarrassment, staring down at you through the mounds
>her heaves and cool breath will never paint your forehead

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>Video Home System
>Vampire Hunter Savior

is she giving a footjob?


I have so many VHS tapes too... Leo the Lion!

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Her tits look delicious in the nude version.

Look it's real simple. All you do is learn an instrument and commit ritual suicide in front of thousands of fans. Then you can have a blue chinese vampire to fawn over.

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Use simple language, you intellectual fuck.

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user please i can only get so erect and sad at the same time

My ERP is bad yeah I know lole

>Widowmaker doesn't act anything like her premise at all
I always thought she should have been way creepier to go with the whole unfeeling brainwashed killer thing instead of the boring femme fatale that she is.

what a shallow word, almost as bad as "generic"

In english, doc.

She was supposed to be like that, pic related.

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It looks fucking retarded

It's a mystery.

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no, user is a nun who can't stand the sight of scandalous ankles

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I don't get it.
She's clearly purple.

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post it

how do you know she has ankles though?

based zhaan

White people are pink, and black people are clearly brown, but that's not how things work.

I'm afraid I don't follow.

user they cannonically have horsecocks
what? you didnt know? faggot?

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>Widowmaker's skin is blue because her body temperature has been drastically cooled and her heart rate has been slowed or some shit
>she probably feels and smells like a fucking corpse


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God, that's hot

That literally makes it better.

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Post the full image, coward.

please PLEASE give me the source

Not mad. Just disappointed.

It's exotic!


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Pretty sure it means insane and not fuming.


That thing will never fit.

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Formerly Chuck's

Scott's Weed and Feed

fuck i feel retarded for not thinking of this myself, thanks for this tip man

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I think he means holding hands while being in the missionary position with slow, deep thrusts, assisted by leg lock around the waist.

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This is, unfortunately, my fetish.

Bless you. This is about the max amount of hyper I can handle.

Wtf are you even trying to say nigger

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How do I delete other people's posts?

thats my disgusting fringe fetish

Fuck you mean nigga?

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I need more info

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That sounds kind of gay

WTF user

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I think I might know what you mean

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mind elaborating?

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Blue,Green,Purple,Pink skin I want to fuck them all.

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Same, but only with hair color.

What did he mean by this?

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i want to disappoint her in bed so bad

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I genuinely don't know, blue girls are just very attractive

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choking chicks is hot

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is she okay?

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Mind repeating that? I couldn't quite get it.



I hate being spoon fed but i need some assistance on this one

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Humans are hard-wired to seek out unique genetic traits. No human as far as we know has effectively procreated and begun/continued a lineage with such a rare trait.

I know that feel, user. Why are we cursed to be like this

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Translate pls?

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You'll get Draenei cunny and you'll like it, Goddammit.

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because you're attracted to women that look like they're going to hurt you emotionally

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The million dollar question

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Can you explain it to me using crayons, please?

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At least try and make sense next time.

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I dunno how much truth there is to that. I think it's mostly just entry level xenophilia.

Most people don't consider albinism to be a desirable trait. They have visible blood vessels, as well as certain bones, paper-white hair, and blood red eyes. Most people think they're creepy looking. I find it hot as hell, but I'm definitely a degenerate and would fuck pretty much any creature that is capable of knowing consent and has a basic understanding of hygiene.

Speak english please


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Have we deciphered this encoded message yet?

i prefer brown/dark blue desu

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I want to marry and impregnate a Draenei

Oh lens of truth, tell me what this post TRULY means...

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good shit

Alright, I think I've figured this post out.
user here wants to have a tough man under his employment, Richard (AKA Dick), beat up Widowmaker's cat, provided that the cat is wet.


almost as bad as shallow too

Wait wat

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Has no one actually figured it out yet? How fucking dense are you idiots?

He wants to hold her hand and pat her head

>google image search this in hopes of finding more similar content
>google automatically searches "mass effect andromeda peebee naked"
I already don't trust google, but what little there was left is gone.

>peebee naked

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We suffer together, fellow Dobsonfag.

anyone? it's been 5 hours

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can you say that again?

wtf nigger get some help


>they got bigger every game
Confirmed best girl

I too wish to fuck her wet pussy with my hard dick, if you know what I mean.

can you stop being so fucking cryptic already

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