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Other urls found in this thread:


I'm sorry that I don't care.

someone spare this man a puff

if the fag wanted to breathe he should have made better games

>Bills are eating me here in the bay area
no shit

>has asthma
>keeps puffing his "medication" anyway

So is he dead now or what?


Inhalers are for asthma attacks, right?
It's not a medicine that you have to take periodically to stay stable. Right?

>San Francisco
LMAO, learn to sell your zombie VN

Wowee. It's like bringing in infinite, parasitical brown people makes healthcare more expensive.

>lives in bay area
>Can't afford anything
Lol no shit

>need health insurance
wasnt the entire point of obongocare that you would have affordable healthcare?

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Yeah. You take it to stop fits.

An inhaler cost like 20 bucks

>Inhalers are for asthma attacks, right?
no theyre for regular use

It backfired and it's more expensive for most Americans now.

what is stopping this man from just moving to a less expensive state and finding a decent job? like just sell your shit/back out of your lease and catch a bus to a flyover state

If you're using an inhaler for regular use and not only for attacks you need a lung transplant.

Affordable healthcare for niggers and super poor, poor and middle class got fucked hard.

He can't afford $20 after he bought his morning starbuck and some avocados and kale

umm lol I can’t Feel bad for anyone that lives in that space

Imagine living in the first country in the world but not being able to afford basic medication which is available to everyone in many other countries. Must sucks not to have universal health cover.

Depends on the kind of asthma you have, but if it's severe then you take Ventolin at regular interval, you take more during an attack obviously.

Albuterol isn't a fucking daily medication. This fag is just trying to get attention.

You nazis are literally getting game developers killed!

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ever heard of trump

And live with the peasants? No fucking thank you.

>move to an inexpensive place to live in like Indiana or something

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These people believe suffering and not making it in California is better than thriving in a flyover state.

Stay sleep never heard of chefs clearly.

>Bitches about being broke
>lives in SF
Go fuck yourself Mr. Oscar Chavez. You deserve any and all pain you created yourself. Have you tried not being a complete retard?

>bay area
He deserves it, utter moron.

You are wrong.
t. asthmatic



He got laid off right? can't he apply for unemployment/neetbux? how does it work in the US?

You could had free healthcare instead. That's the future you choose.

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many states (state leaders that are passed around a lot of lobbies) made their own rules and didn't participate in it

>Must sucks not to have universal health cover
I mean, everytime we try to get it, idiots think we're trying to convert America into a socialist hell hole. We can't seem to win.

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Lol, there's the rub. Obamacare is not a government subsidized healthcare plan like so many foreigners were led to believe. Instead, it was just a set of laws telling insurance companies and customers what they can and can't do. One of them was that all citizens have to buy a private health care plan. If you don't, the government will give you a fine. The idea was that if low risk customers are forced into a plan, rates would go down. They didn't.

I'm glad Sam and Max ended before nu-Telltale took over.

>American healthcare

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>Living in the Bay Area
If Telltale fucking moved when the entire Bay Area became Silicon Valley 2.0, maybe they'd still be alive.

I unironically know someone like that, a coworker of mine is a hyper-socialist type that complains about the government not giving her enough to live on.
Meanwhile, she buys a local artisanal coffee and baked good that is like $16 every morning.

>The ACA was working before Trump!
Underage, unemployed, retarded, or all three.

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He's evidently a vidya dev of some kind, coding, programming or designer so you probably have to live in california for the easiest access to jobs

How the fuck is this my fault, exactly?

Hard to feel pity for these subhumans

Wtf is this bullshit. Game is fucked

At least we're getting some figures.

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Should learn to code.

Don't talk about shit you don't know.

This. I had asthmatic bronchitis when I was younger. Had to take regular asthma medication every day twice and ventolin whenever I did something out of the regular.

My asthma disappeared when I was around 15. I can still feel it slightly when I'm sick.

What kind of asthma does this fuck have? I also have it since i was born basically and i take my medication like once or twice a year, maybe its because i workout and run a lot so my lungs arent dogshit but still do most asthma patients take their meds and have attacks daily?

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republicunts did what they could to gut it like they do all government programs so they could say hurr durr see gubamint doesn't werk lmao!

>It's not a medicine that you have to take periodically to stay stable. Right?
There are a different ones.Ventolin is literally salbutamol so it just for asthma attacks. It doesn't work for long time.

>A Jew
>Being honest
>Giving things away for free
Lmao don't forget to donate to his new campaign goy

>lives in the bay area
>can't even afford to breathe
>stays there

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Faggot sounds like he's going ham on the preemptive buffer when it's supposed to be like one fucking puff a day when you wake up.

>American "Health Insurance"

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Wasn't Telltale Games successful? How did they suddenly go under?

I have no sympathy for anybody living in California.

I'm a poorfag in an already poor third world shithole. So please tell me: How much money do you need to eat the 15 days it takes your employer to pay you? (At least wagies get paid every 15 days, right?)
I mean buying shit to cook yourself and eat at home.


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>bay area

move to some rural place and start shoving cow shit at some farm you libshit tranny cocksucker or suffocate eat shit and die you worthless subhuman commiefuck

>orange man cause of all bad in world
Retard. Obamacare fucked insurance long before trump ran for office.

gee it's almost like if you're forced to pay for something the ((people)) who you buy from can raise prices unscrupulously

>land of the free!
>by the way if you don't move to another state, change jobs, lose friends, and objectively live in worse conditions than before then you're a cringepilled cuck who doesn't understand life!

He lives in the bay area, so the collective shit cloud of bacteria produced by the faeces lying of the ground would probably worsen it.

get your fucking snake oil out of here you 2 digit iq mongoloid

Because they want to live in San Fran and pay $10,000 a month for a shitty apartment. Don't diss their lifestyle bro

Some people have to use their inhaler twice daily

it'll come back

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Season 1 of TWD was successful
Everything else sold like shit

Coastal liberals literally LITERALLY dont view rural or semi rural americans as human

the civil war was basically coastal elites fighting for dominance over those agrarian simpletons. history doesnt change.

bullshit, there are daily preventative inhalers (not pictured) and rescue inhalers (pictured)
if this guy is using albuterol everday his lungs are fucked, but hes most likely bullshitting since you can get it cheap

An albuterol inhaler, yes. Which is what this is. This guy's full of shit. There are different kinds of inhalers used for chronic asthma care though.

government plan for citizens to buy PRIVATE healthcare? what the fuck? and this was a democrat bill not a republican one? what the fuck is wrong with america

He's clearly lying.

yeah, that really seems to be working out


>and objectively live in worse conditions
Have you seen San Francisco? It's Little India over there with how much shit (actual human fecal matter) and homeless people live on the streets.

It does. I have wisdom teeth problem and getting them removed requires $2000 up front. Fuck off.

how is government forcing you to buy private health insurance not a massive violation of your rights? i thought americans were all about muh freedum

>objectively live in worse conditions
There is literally no positives about living in a city.

Honestly if you can code/program for vidya I don't see why you couldn't for anything else. There is all kinds of programming work needed in regular industrial business or simple computer technician work. It's so easy to make it in a flyover state it's like a whole different country compared to the coast.

I'm 30 this year and so far no signs. I also used to have pollen and mold allergens that also went away.

He can LITERALLY move like 1-2 miles away and reduce his daily living expenses by 60%, but he'd have to commute on the train every day 40-50 minutes instead of taking a shuttle or walking.

More importantly, he'd lose his San Francisco address.

I lived in the Bay Area for 14 years and never paid more than $1200 a month for rent and utilities.

>living in SF
try leaving

>be American
>get shot
>go bankrupt
>be American
>don't get shot
>get measles
>be American
>get fired
>go to Twitter to beg another job

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>even furries hate sjw propaganda

what a world we live in

If you wanted to go full beans and rice mode only buying the cheapest sustenance you can in bulk you could probably pay and live off less than $50 in food for 15 days. That might be more in Cali since cost of living is so insane there though so maybe add another $20 or $30.

Damn, there's allot of incorrect information on that post
>It's not subsidized
It literally is. Have you not actually used the healthcare? A certain percentage is covered by the government based on your income.
>The personal mandate never went into effect
The personal mandate was in effect the last almost half decade retard. This was the first tax year where it is no longer in effect as it was repealed (also was found to be unconstitutional as it was not voted on as a new tax)

Please never vote, you are too stupid

My gf had an asthma attack in the middle of the night so we drove to the ER in the middle of the night and they helped her, gave her one, gave us a bill and we left when she was ready. It wasn’t even that much either. They never turn away someone who needs it, they just want to leech off of others for an all expenses paid easy life.

Tfw had mine removed for "free" (well taxes paid for that obviously, nothing is free).

who hurt you sweetie?

That was the original intent however it got gutted and then turned into either get insurance or pay a 700 dollar fine.

an abnormal percentage of furries are nazis

>Live in the most expensive area in the USA, if not the world
>go outside
>drown in feces of homeless people whom your neighborhood keeps importing

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Isn't that an area where it is really hard to evict someone?
Just stop paying rent and buy inhalers instead.

To add to what the other have said, besides the fact that you're supposed to only take ventolin in case of an attack, it's also somewhat cheap. At least where I live.

Clarification, the ER would never turn someone away. This person just thinks they can have a free ride because they’re entitled.

>and objectively live in worse conditions
Rural towns have decent infastructure and internet connection nowadays too.

Either that boys head is way too big or her dad is the king of manlets

>My gf had an asthma attack
>We drove to the ER

Got fucking damn it what a bunch of fucking pussies are around when i have an asthma attack i literally sound like i am about to die from suffocation but i just let it pass with time dont even bother with taking medication

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That's what I'm saying. I use to use two inhalers, one for every day use and the other (albuterol, the exact drug he posted an image of) was for emergencies. He's taking his emergency inhaler every day for some reason trying to trick people into thinking it's his daily medication.

I checked his Twitter. He apparently is editor still looking for jobs but just tweeted something about "starting future job". He also still lives in California.

Thise asthma tweets were most lilely just being a drama queen.

This thread stays up but when someone wants to talk about epic games without being spineless shills, the thread has to go down.

So are republicans to blame why obamacare is shit?

Wtf like just breath dude damn it's not hard

How don't people who work supposedly lucrative developer positions have any money put away for hard times? I can sympathize with the idea that being out of money and soon out of required medication may be scary as fuck, but how the fuck doesn't he have enough money to survive 3 weeks without a job? If my life depended on constant medication I'd probably have not just some money saved up, but also the medicine itself if possible (assuming it doesn't expire quickly or such).

>It's all Republicans fault!
>Acas shit quality one of the driving factors of not only Trump's election but there got retaking the house and Senate years beforehand
What a strange type of revisionist history...

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>we drove to the ER
> gave us a bill
America haha. Such thing doesn't exist here, ER? You walk-in, you get treated, you walk fucking out.

Democrats just spend more on social media advertising and use Republicans as a scapegoat for everything they do. In reality, neither party cares about the interest of the people. They fight for the interest of lobbyists. You can see how much each politician was bribed from each lobby group on Opensecrets.com since it's legal if donations are public.

My asthma barely even bothers me anymore but she’s like an anxiety ridden mess like most women so she would panic attack her way to hardly any oxygen at all. Not everyone has the same conditions as us or others.

user an asthma attack can kill you, be glad you haven't had it that bad.

>be American
>have the rest of the world SEETHE at your mere existence

Hope he chokes. One leftard less to ruin videogames.

Over the last few years they hired enmasse and couldn't sustain said mass hiring due to lack of profits because of oversaturating the market. A majority of said mass hires were not wise investments either.

Albuterol inhalers, yes. They're are called rescue inhalers, so yeah, they're more for fits and such. However, there are also maintenance inhalers, like the Advair I have, that you have to take everyday. I have to take two puffs twice a day, and then my rescue inhalers during difficult periods.

t. have asthma

Why do people want to live in SF when San Diego exists? You can still act like a holier than thou Californian that way but in a city that doesn't look (and smell) like it belongs in a third world country. Plus then they can get jobs for Qualcomm or something instead of fucking video games


enjoy fucking up your lungs or dying just so you can act like a tough guy on a taiwanese knitting forum.

The entrenched Washington political elite are a bunch of grandstanding scum

>Being suprised it was Democrats
I take it your a foreigner? This is pretty typical stuff for them

>the future the DNC chose
Fixed that for you

Then how exactly did it get gutted?

Imagine having such inferior genetics that your lungs don't work properly.

>>move to podunk nowhere
>>no jobs

He posted a rescue inhaler, you're not supposed to use those all the time, only when you need it. He should have been on a control medication and had been exercising to reduce his dependency on the good stuff.

>Live in one of the most expensive areas of America
>Work in a shitty low paying job
>Can't afford healthcare
>Wants other people to pay for his lack of foresight
Ah yes a wise gentleman

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It didn't

Probably the best thing about being American desu

Pretty sure that furry's got hammer and sickles in its name.

thats a flat out lie, and you know it.

Use google you moron

yeah im a foreigner, i was under the impression than democrats = centralized government and republicans = private business. this obamacare thing sounds exactly like something republicans would come up with

It's the breathing tubes that constrict, not the lungs.

No worries i am kinda /fit/ so my asthma is basically non-existant right now

Congratulations, you put your stupid petty ideological differences over your own countrymen's health care.

>Have had shin splints for a year now.
>Terrified to go to a doctor because they can just leave you with a 3000 dollar bill and there's nothing you can do about it.

Everytime I see that these san fran fags exists it reminds me of this onion video

>get two pumps of asmtha medication the other day
>cost £18
>somehow these fucks are unable to afford even that
Christ what is the American healthcare system

did he died

A lot of modern dems and reps are neocons, there are very few outliers and neocons are shit.

>having literally no money stashed away to the point that if you end up unemployed for two weeks you're struggling to buy basic shit like food and medicine

How the fuck do people live like this?

That Max doesn't look nearly as good.

If I'm not mistaking, it's not republicans who have raised taxes and cost of living in places like New York and California. In fact most republican states have lower taxes and cost of living. Texas is red and home to one of the best economies in the world

They actually did. Then Obama put his name on it and then it became stalin era communism.

not even the same girl lol even if it were the belly is shopped lol

how do you define neocon?

>what is the American healthcare system
It's not American. It's Jewish.

get on welfare retard

Most of all people are financial retards. Around 78% of all working Americans live from paycheck to paycheck without savings or investments to speak of.

Majority of entire country is just few unexpected and rough months away from total economical ruin.


It's a lot more complex, like the states in dumbfuckistan, choosing not to encat the Medicare expansion.

Also a lot more of the proposed ideas got cut because of great propaganda. Whoever came up with death panels deserves a medal.

that's the entire point, the upper classes want to ensure the middle and lower classes stay where they are by financially overburdening them with petty shit like this

Wasn't there a study that said that like half of all americans live paycheck to paycheck?

And live with the REPUBLICANS? They probably don't even have enough Mexicans! Thanks but no thanks, sweetie.
>Most towns in the south are being overrun by Mexicans
Hmmm, well, I guess it's okay, you know, NOW. But it could use a lot more coffee shops.

>those comments

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Are you proud of these trashy people?

Four different jew middle men trying to gouge for as much profit as possible.
And if you suggest to try and fix this, you're a jew loving socialist.

Both engage in whatever benefits them.

depending where you live you actually have "free" healthcare. i live in washington and i'm poor so i qualify. individual mandate is the gayest shit out of obama policies.

why did you make le thread of a twitter post.... just for everyone to get mad at it?? why?? why cant you make good thread... you just make bad thread.... just want people to reassure ur opinion.... bad thread.... why bro.......

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Well as someone who grew up in California I can tell you getting out is no easy feat if you were born and raised there in a poor family.

But as for people who willingly move to San Francisco from outside the state and then whine that they can't pay their bills yeah, fuck em.

I don't get it.

Based Murrican system. Keeps inferior and lazy poorfags where they belong. Why the fuck won't retarded euros follow this? It actually works.

There are literally entire swaths of people who think America is just LA and NYC and the rest doesn't exist. You ever take an NYC fag out of state? They're legitimately surprised other places have pizza.

apologize to her right NOW

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This, a lot of the times you can take a gigantic pay cut and still have a better standard of life.

This guy is a loser. Albuterol inhalers are cheap as shit and should last you for months

They live beyond their means. Savings, are you kidding? Apple just released a new line of phones!
Also you would be absolutely shocked to hear how much people spend on an article of clothing sometimes.

>be American
>get your cock scalped like a banana as soon as you're born
>go to school
>get bullied and robbed by niggers
>become an adult
>marry tattooed roastie#6456
>get mulatto kids, half of them become trannies
>hobbies are watching BLACKED porn, NPC News#34235 and taking part in whatever hot ongoing Twitter outrage

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silence, ivan

>Reddit spacing
>Buzzword galore
Checks out

Hold on? How much does salbutamol cost in America? I could get it here in Ireland for like 10 or 20 Euro

>your own countrymen
Do "people" who live in Southern California think they're Americans? LOL.

That's how it works in Germany and Switzerland. Works fine here.

I took a look and the answer is No. He's been twitting about MK11 for the past 2 weeks or so.

>everyone laughs at the fat, ugly and stupid kid in class
>"m-my mom told me Im cool, you guys are just seething"

>live way above your income
>shit happens
>"oops, guize, may you give me some change"

These fucking faggots

It's a bunch of walmart dad-clones that work some sort of manual labor job and exist solely on bud light, country music, and consider metal eating utensils to be 'fancy silverware'.

aka Trump Voters.

>when you go 10 min without feeling oppressed

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>we *CLAP* stan *CLAP* our *CLAP* feminist *CLAP* icon *CLAP* clem *CLAP*

Can someone who understands Twitter language tell me what this means?

That's because the NHS subsidises the rest of the costs. How long have you been in the UK Ahmed and you still haven't figured out how the NHS works.

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I'm not american but here in Canada, Ventolin costs like 15 -20 bucks for each inhaler, how much more is it in the states?

That’s what it is, the Emergency Room. You walk in you get treated you walk out. Get over your superiority complex buddy.

>you're a good man
Holy shit

delicious seething

I turned down a job that paid 75K/yr salary plus commission because it was in the Bay Area. I'd prefer my choice to be 'sell or get fired' instead of 'sell or die'

1. It initially had a public option, but that was gutted because it wouldn't get the votes it needed to pass otherwise
2. Obamacare expanded the number of people who qualified for Medicaid and also provided more federal funding to states for it, but the Supreme Court ruled that states didn't have to participate if they didn't want to. Most Republican states declined.
3. The idea was that by making it easier for people to see their options (a federal website) and by making it illegal for people to not have health insurance, more people would, first of all, access cheaper forms of care covered by insurance like primary care as opposed to emergency rooms, and, second, offset costs by more people pitching money into the insurance pool. In addition to more regulations to try and get hospitals to use the most cost-efficient options, these were meant to lower healthcare costs.
4. Even though healthcare costs are still increasing, which is happening in all developed countries and is inevitable as the average life expectancy goes up and old people need more care, the increases have slowed down since Obamacare
5. It's still not enough and the U.S. wastes huge amounts of money on healthcare for stupid shit. Thousands of jobs exist just to try and deal with the mess caused by all the different insurance companies, jobs that we shouldn't need and American taxpayers/insurance holders are paying for.

meant for

This thread's almost as stupid as Trump.

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But how does that relate to blacks?

who cares. go back to your twitter if you love it so much.

I have this condition and it's no joke, it fucking sucks

Doug is truly based.

Imagine being in a continent where "Democracy" means your votes for right-wing parties and policies will not be counted and right-wing leaders will not be acknowledged, where "Dissent" isn't allowed on policies of migration, employee hiring practices, or crime prevention, "Guns" are devices entirely for killing innocents and can't possibly be used to defend yourself against those who would harm you, and "Wooden Doors" are things you're just not allowed to talk about.

People in this thread are acting like it was the worst thing ever but the reality is way more Americans have health insurance now than before the ACA.

Boo hoo welcome to the real world

this is so fucking weird to read

why america has prices so inflated?

have you seen those down syndrome and retarded kids that claps everytime they are excited? thats basically it

They shitpost under the guise of criticism, it's actually racism. This isn't hard to put together.

>jim sterling hates doug tennapel for this
so based

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They’re just jealous ameribro :P

Most people do. Often the area you live in doesn't leave that much left over. Even as someone who does save you would be surprised how quickly it vanishes when you have nothing.

And in a mass lay off of a single skill type it puts a big overflow of a profession into the market.

And if you have a medical issue on top, even a simple one, in the US you are beyond fucked. The real cruelty of is that medicine is so expensive partly because insurance is a thing, the prices of medical care inflate because its negotiated on the back end (used to work in the business its awful and the fucked up part is healthy people contribute far more to an economy than just letting them stay sick. On shear math level taking care of people is worth the investment)

The US the only real way to save money is to invest it in property, bank accounts are near worthless. But a house is what you struggle to keep when shit goes upside down.

So ya if you live in a country like that, and get dumped in mass into a now over full work pool in your area, your money goes fast if its saved up or not.

Explain Ireland then. Because its not subsidised here and asthma medication still costs fuck all.

Republicans are more about private industry being left alone by the government. Compelling the citizens to do anything with those companies is a different story.
Democrats are more then happy then supporting and profiting private industries as long as the government buracracy is involved and regulating everything, and getting a kickback
>I.e. Obama laundering half a billion to Green energy companies to see wind energy go from 7.1% of the energy production in 2010 to 7.3% at the end of his presidency.
>Same companies also donated massively to his 2012 campaign

>have expensive medical costs
>decide to move to most expensive cost of living region in the entire country
Damn, suicide is getting more subtle these days.

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>can be trusted

nah, and i´m not even american

hey petah, we are on Yea Forums!

I am not sorry that you are going to die. Learn to breath, nigger.

>that web

what the actual fuck

>if not the world

Fuck no. There are numerous cities that are way more expensive to live in than San Francisco. Tokyo, Japan is by far the most expensive city on the planet to live in.

>everyone laughs at the fat, ugly and stupid kid in class
Yeah, the fat stupid kid that beats the shit out of everyone for their lunch money. Now tell me, where is your army again?

Its fairly easy to maintain though? Puffs of Ventolin everyday

75k in the Bay Area is just 35k everywhere else.

I know people will disagree because you just have to save all your money bro it's so easy but if you're living in the Bay Area and you're not taking advantage of the restaurants, sluts or clothes then why the Hell are you living in the Bay Area?

Healthcare here is a political tool and a controversial product. Unfortunately.