WoW Classic

Can you go home again?

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No, you can't.

We're going home!

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I am already on home.

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I aint racis but, fuck elves fack ohcs fuck tralls fuck dwarvs fuck gnames fuck tuureen an' fuck the undead

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absolute unit

yes you can its time to trust Ian Hazzikostas one last time.

He fought so hard for modern wow but it was not enough.

Wow classic will be his last crusade and this time it wont be infested by the corporate greed.

How do you guys plan on finding guilds? I wouldn't mind joining the /vg/ trannies but they usually go Alliance.

>high fantasy mom
>plays as a human

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>twitter memes

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yea how do you find the realm which wont die and will be the most popular?

Do you pick a streamer realm?

'ate 'uman normalfags
'ate nelf trannies
'ate fackin' manlet races
'ate generic cities
love me orcs
love me bulls
love barrens
love me mudhuts
love me no shoes
love me thunderbluff
love me orgrimmar lok'tar ogar

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>got the cataclysm guide for free as a pre-order bonus with cataclysm
>almost all of the info in was outdated in two patches
I didn't even pay for it and I still felt ripped off.




Ay, we goin; home lad. Keep Alliance dogs out, earth mother bless.

>Post yfw that dog is probably dead

>reading a guide for a game

go home, /vg/

Just fucking release already. I'm tired as shit of the same fucking discussions, I just wanna grind to 60.

Those guides look old and the huge resolution is probably from a modern smartphone. The picture is probably recent.

72 days until July 16th.


it would take years to get through all of current WoWs quests and content. Should I just play Classic?

>love me bulls
I bet you do. Go back to your shed

>trust a lawyer

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where are my dadcore male human boomers at?

26 y/o boomer here. Wife and two kids. Great life. Cant wait to properly include 9 hours a week of classic playing time into my schedule. Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday nights from 9pm to midnight. Leaves Wednesday and the weekends open for hockey and family. Kids wont ever even see me playing cause their bedtime is at 8. Hehehe sneaking little devils. Cant fucking wait to roll an orc warrior and be the reliable comfy dungeon tank.

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>'ate generic cities
>plays horde


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how are horde cities generic

stop with the reddit boomer shit, these threads are cringey enough


Uh oh! Baby needs his fortnite time! Just saw some 13 year old on r/choosingbeggars whining about his Roblox coins or something. Was that you? Hang in there little buddy. You're entering a brave new world

I always went horde but I'm going alliance this time. Which race has the best starting zone?

Progression chart

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Enhancement raid shamans R I S E U P

Im your age roughly, six fig job. 401k, healthcare, house. the works. would love a wife and kids. been on a few dozen dates. every chick was the same, wanted me to try to romance her with pick up artist tactics, or reveal myself to be a pushover beta. i was just stern and consistent in my attitudes, i want a family, i have a stable career, a home maker wife who acts like a woman, not a shrew bitchy man-woman chimera.

We go our separate ways and i see them chasing down millionaires or bad boy types a few weeks later. Literally no women want to be mothers. its sad. id love to start a family. im genuniely considering surrogacy. well ive known some women who want to be mothers but theyre alcoholic late 20s cat ladies who also have been around the block. not giving my children a whore for a mother though. sorry not sorry.

P2 is ass.


Paladin tanking in Naxx on twitch right now. Haters eternally btfo.

>tfw no high fantasy mom

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Fuck I just realised if they go with Classic+ with an alternate history Garrosh will 100% be a good guy. The only consolation of playing BfA is that it was confirmed in every other timeline Garrosh was the best warchief the Horde ever had. This could be that alternate timeline. If Phase 7/8 is a limited version of outland capped at level 60 we could poach alternate Garrosh to be the future leader of the Horde he was destined to be

Dire Maul is a big game changer when it comes to gearing up for raids.

I feel your pain. I went down your route at first, but decided to go full ascetic monk mode. I will not have offspring until this world fundamentally changes.

ass if you're trying to level, that's the wpvp phase

don't bother m8, unless you ben playingn since day 1 thers no point.

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>In WoW Classic, you’ll have the following character limits per WoW account:
>A maximum of 10 characters per WoW Classic realm
>A maximum of 50 characters across all of the WoW Classic realms in your region
>Only one faction per realm on PvP realms
>No overlap or regard with the character limits in Battle for Azeroth

>Only one faction per realm on PvP realms
Absolutely fucking based. Faction pride is coming back, lads.

That pupper is just fine, thank you.

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Say it with me boomers:

Sheesh pal, what an awful and internet-warped attitude. Sounds like you're taking a small minority of cherry-picked /pol screencaps and Facebook friends and generalizing an entire gender of human existence. Man I'm a stay at home dad right now because I just graduated college. My wife knows it may be some time before I find a job but money and investments dont matter. It's how nice of a person you are. How true and confident you are in yourself. Cant make someone else happy until you're happy brother. That's the boomer way. Women can smell desperation son.
T. 26 y/o boomer again

help frens

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>Only one faction per realm on PvP realms
Did they remove that?

simple as

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PvP realms don't exist anymore.

Good that you managed to have a proper marriage, it is very rare these days.

No it wouldn't, you only play the content in the latest patch in WoW once you hit max level in a few days. You skip all of WoW's older content.

It won't be the same. When you were a kid, you picked a class and race combination which you thought was cool. Now you'll pick it from a minmax perspective. Same with professions - you'll just pick engineering instead of something that would suit your character lore-wise, for example. The leveling zones? You've already seen them all. You will never again experience that feeling of terror when you wandered into a never before seen area and was attacked by enemy with skull instead of level. Let's be honest - you'll launch the game, make character, do some quests in the starting zone, realize that you're bored and never touch the game again.

>The only consolation of playing BfA is that it was confirmed in every other timeline Garrosh was the best warchief the Horde ever had.
How so?

People have been playing this game on private servers for many years now.

>implying I haven’t already forgotten half the zones
>implying the game is exciting because it was new and not the art style, vastness, etc.
>implying dungeoncrawling with your friends won’t be the hype at shit

>PvP gear
>Dire Maul

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dude I looked it up, there is lots of regions and even worlds with 1000's of quests. How is a newcomer suppose to get through all of that..

Nah, most of us played a lot on classic private servers and had fun. Vanilla is a timeless masterpiece.

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Is 320 spell power good for a level 60 warlock?


I've never done any of the Alliance vanilla zones, so they'll all be new to me. I can't wait.

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I don’t actually think I’ve done EK in all of my days of playing actually

Will be fun for sure. Got a taste of west fall and redridge when playing on private servers for a bit

They wiped 3 times on Noth and are doing something else now lel

go to church

Why do you think you need to complete every quest?

>lets make the raid carry us because we are fags and don't want to clear shit efficiently and think somehow auto attacking is more engaging than pushing a heal button even tho raids are just there to get gear to shit on people so who on earth would give a fuck about your specific raid role but lmao carry us R I S E U P

What? Are you serious?

some bronze dragon said this timeline's garrosh is a complete failure and in basically every other timeline he was awesome

Yes, they can only have so many Classic servers.

You can get to endgame entirely through dungeons. They streamlined the leveling process like hell.

I never thought about it that way.. you're right lol

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Fuck me, Blizzard is just twisting the knife at this point.

>blizzard will ban all bloatmaxed addons for classic
>tfw can finally play as intended

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Female or male troll shaman? what profession?

On retail you can choose to have PvP enabled or not. If you have PvP enabled you'll be phased with only with people who have PvP enabled. If it's disabled you'll play with other people who have it disabled.
Every realm is now simultaneously PvE and PvP.

When you recruit the WoD orcs into the Horde you have to kill a temporal anomaly version of Garrosh to access the alternate dimension. The bronze dragon helping you recruit the Mag'Har explicitly says in countless timelines Garrosh was a hero and was seen as the greatest warchief the Horde ever had. It was just Blizzard's way of saying sorry for fucking up the entire plot the past couple of years, kinda funny how they're making the same mistakes but with Sylvanas now. If Classic ever does progress I really hope they just go full fanservice with the lore and retcon retail's current storyline

>It was just Blizzard's way of saying sorry for fucking up the entire plot the past couple of years, kinda funny how they're making the same mistakes but with Sylvanas now.
It's just childish writer logic of erasing whatever came before so they can leave their mark.

>Now you'll pick it from a minmax perspective.
No I won't, I will pretend to be a girl and play meme specs.

who the fuck is garrosh

There are no PvP servers in retail.

This is the gayest shit I've ever heard. NuWoW sucks so fucking bad.

Cant wait for Classic, gonna shit all over the zoomers expecting free handouts.

we named him means...heart of garrosh in orcish...

God damn. I never thought I'd see the day.

>tfw most of the companion options in classic involve heavy grinding

Might just stick with my hunter pet actually. Killing thousands of whelps was fun as a kid, but now.....

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>didn't even tank an add for Anub
>tanks a Noth add once in a century
>b-but he's applying Nightfall!!!
Would rather have a Hunter spamming Wing Clip with Nightfall on.

guys I went home early without burning myself out

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Mechanical Chicken was my favorite option.

there's always good ol' reliable prairie chicken

>duel a guy and win
>put on lawless and kill him while he's typing
>ress him and kill him again

If I do engineering I will definitely get one of the robot pets

Otherwise, Ancona Chicken all the way :^)

huh? did you even read the post i wrote?

I remember when the Nostalrius drama was happening asking in a few threads if Blizzard caved, made Vanilla servers and charged a subscription fee to play it people almost unanimously told me 'no' and would stick with private servers, mainly because of the way they were treating retail at the time. I wonder what happened between then and now to make people change their mind, especially considering retail is currently in the worst state its ever been.

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>Would rather have a Hunter spamming Wing Clip with Nightfall on.
This, it's the most uptime you're going to get with nightfall.
Realistically it should go on an off tank but enhance and ret memers, who both collectively have dogshit uptime on the proc, wont stfu about nightfall.

you need to let go man


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Wait. I just remembered I pre-ordered SC2 SE like the stupid child I was

Do I get my account-wide pets like Grunty for Classic?

yeah trying to get a coffee date with a church going mlady soon. we'll see how it goes but i dont have my hopes up

>Wanting to support Nu-blizz AMU's, Regardless of game
>People cling to the hope that nu-blizz both won't fuck it up day one and not creep in over time once people are comfortable.
Blizzard players [all games, including those that are waiting for classic] are worse than the shills. Shills don't fool anyone but do it for selfish reasons. The players prop up their numbers and pay blizzard. Its like paying to suck someones cock after they've beaten you.

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I can't decide between troll or tauren resto shaman lads, especially for pvp

I don't think they've answered that. If I had to guess you'd only get pets available in Vanilla, like the CE pets.

>formerly great development does good thing
>support them with wallet to reinforce doing good thing

Why is this bad?

Mechanical chicken is from a quest but the engineering pets are good too. Wasn't ancona sold by the night elf at the race track in 1k needles?

When did it become possible for horde to do "CLUCK!" ? You could get that for maximum rare chicken

A damn shame, but I can see why they’d do it

Once again, Ancona Chicken reigns supreme

I don't know if they've addressed "account -wide" perks at all.

Yeah, it’s super easy to get. I’m betting on it being an unpopular pet because of how simple it is

If you're picking for pvp reasons, out of those I'd go tauren.
Troll is "best" for resto pve but the difference is so marginal.
Orc is often considered "best" for pvp as the stun resist is really really good, but tauren warstomp is great on its own as well especially since shamans have no stuns.

Should also note, if you give a shit, that its relatively uncommon to pvp in a deep resto spec, even shamans that heal dont go much farther than 21 in resto. But it depends, of course. And you can make anything work, its not "bad" just kind of a waste as it's often not that easy to healbot in pvp and you're much better used purging, dropping totems, as well as quick heals on your friends.

subs are < 1 million, they had to merge pvp/pve and they're about to merge factions

i would have said you could get cluck done if you got someone on the alliance to sell the chicken feed on a neutral AH but i might be remembering wrong

>the wily Trolls carry a seething hatred for all other races
>is cow

Ah yeah that's right, horde couldn't get the feed except for cross faction AH.

Also a good tip for anyone who wants to make some easy money over the course of leveling up: sell your faction's pets on the cross-faction AH for a few silver every time you log in.

Re-read your post and think about how insane you sound.

this shit was okay, but at the end you only had a few valid options
minmaxing sure is a bitch

>doing business with goblins

"Pushover beta." "Only want badboys." "A homemaker wife."
Trust me chief, we all read what you wrote. You have a lot to learn about being an adult pal.

Name a post more reddit than this.

unemployed stay at home dad lecturing me on what it means to be a man

yeah, right then.

>money and investments dont matter. It's how nice of a person you are. How true and confident you are in yourself
seriously what fucking world are you living in? is it planet earth? how much brain damage do you have? i intend to put my future kids through college and afford them dental insurance, and a nice neighborhood.

i dont just fart out kids with any random whore willing to go to bed with me. that doesnt make you a man. you're an unemployed loser with no plans for the future lecturing me on what it means to be mature.

which one are you going for anons?

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anal thunderfury

Thunderfury of course.

Lets get some classic vids anons

World of Roguecraft Episode 1

World of Roguecraft Episode 2

World of Roguecraft Episode 3

What is home to you?

new season, check it out
this problem doesnt exist anymore


Thunderfury was useful for threat generation right through to Black Temple. As far as longevity goes it's the best legendary of all time.

Sheesh pal. You alright? You sound... well... lonely!

Desolace, killing Kolkar


>it will take people less than a week to do everything the game has to offer when it comes out
>even as a casual player once you hit 60 there's barely anything to do

>The best weapon that is heavily Shaman based
>Shamans cannot use it

Why do we suffer so?

I mean you could make an argument that a big hammer flinging fiery balls is just as shamanistic

no, idiot

So what was that about addons, how will they ban them? Also, which addons will be banned, they said stuff that automates gameplay but does that include something like deadly bosses as well?

>how will they ban them?
They won't

"Q: What about addons? Will there be addons? I can’t play without addons!
A: Blizzard has stated that they will be breaking addons that automate gameplay, such as Decursive, EZHealing etc. “Normal” addons will still be allowed"

It's Activision, they won't do shit. If anything you should worry about the thousands of bot that will roam free.

>classic dies within a month, only players left are zoomers following around some random streamer
>meanwhile, retailchads will get 8.2 with nazjatar and all the azshara content
>classicucks will crawl back to retail

>going home
>not picking the exact same shit you did the first time
i dunno where you think you are buddy

>modern addons will completly trivialize encounters
>modern addons will complelty ruin your servers economy
> score for classic will be a thing
>gearscore for classic will be a thing
>if you arent playing X you wont get an invite
vanilla surely is great but the cancerous community will kill it before the first year

Outlands. Unironically

>BfA is garbage.
>Most people hate it.
>It's been confirmed all the important WoW players like Swifty, Kungen and Towelliee will be moving to Classic.
>Future is uncertain for retail.

Anyone else worried about this? I'm feeling a massive population drop in BfA in favor of Classic.

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Why does it matter? Server population in retail means shit because of the retarded CRZ shit and even if the game got millions of players, a sub fee, expansions that costs just as much as a new AAA game, a cash shop, level bossts and allows you to buy gold for real money the game gets less updates than even indie games.



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I don't know the lore but aren't Undead just human?

modern addons are actually less powerful than 1.12 addons

>tbc zoomers

And from where did this poster get their info?

>cash shop confirmed
>wow token confirmed
It's doa, mates


Vanilla was great too. The game just peaked for me with tbc. Then it got worse every expansion starting with Wrath. I left during mists

not him, but considering blizzard broke decursive during vanilla there's no reason to think its going to work with classic


It's not confirmed but I'm worried that it will be a reality

I played a boomkin in vanilla wow but I hated it.
Am I going to enjoy playing a mage?

Have they said these will be in?

the absolute state of retailfags

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it's literally in the beta files, some redditor found them while digging the beta

im pretty sure it was an UI thing, probably for exchanging your retail tokens for gametime without having to launch BFA, since they share the same subscription but not the same client
Bros ... Blizzard betrayed us ...

You do realise they are doing this wow classic based on modern code right? Chances are they are editing the code so it will accept the same subscription but not the same client.

It's over. Chinkdale won.

chinkdale is shutting down as soon as classic launches

crogge won

... why ....

26 here too. No wife, no kids, no job, fat, depressed but I'll play a lot of Wow too

Give me one (1) good reason why the debuff limit should not be increased.
Tip; You can't
It was not a design choice, it was a technical limitation of 2004.

Corecraft when, lads?


Classic cucks is going to defend!


>unzips TSM and undercuts 100 of your items in a minute
nothing personnel goyim

>after you have waited 10min for the AH to search the items because of potato coding.

>belf babbies

It takes a few months

People arguing for limited debuff slots are retarded or nostalgiafags
There is 0 argument for it, don't even bother

Classicucks getting jewed hard lmao

How much would balance change if they removed this, anyways?

Well it's just in the client, we don't know if they will be in the game

Imagine if they just redid all the expansions by starting with WoW Classic and moving on up to following the original plan of only 4 expansions to reach level 100

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you'd have to buff bosses by 20% at least

god i hate blizzard, we could get instant searches, showing stacks, uncapped mailboxes, faster mailboxes, more than 48h auctions
if blizzard werent a fucking piece of nigger shits

DPS would increase by like around 10% for all classes

Gearscore is actual doomsaying. Every single character is forced to wear certain lower level blues in vanilla raiding up to AQ/Naxx because of crazy itemization. Private server chads will be laughing at any gearscore in LFG.

lvl 33 orc shaman shimmering flats at 3 am

The creator of the addon confirmed he's working on a classic version of the addon. Get ready to get declined to every dungeon group.

Can you please reply to my fucking question above?

I swear to fucking god if 50-60 dungeons turn to that I will consider tracking him down and fucking his shit up, it's designed for fresh fucking players ffs

which question

bitch at least get me a blue post from the wow forums confirming it.

based. fuck casuals

I'm confused, this addon does what exactly? See what bosses you've killed previously?

same here. but for me it peaked in ulduar. best time of my life.

I'm assuming they are going to use the same addon and macro rules we have in retail so they can keep a leash on the shit you can do. Don't want people scripting or using a fall through dps macro in 2019!

After all the transmog bullshit I unironically prefer the most basic looking gear

maybe for MC/Ony/ZG/AQ20 pugs, not dungeons

>no way to gauge performance of dungeon runs
Yeah, no. At best they can track raid kills if Blizzard will track them in armory which I doubt. Remember, there are no achievements.



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yeah, and it tracks your success rate/time

basically a perfect tool to weed out deadweight shitters

mark pls

>40man onyxia raid
We going home my fellow brothers and sisters

We need to DM him to stop this shit now, this has caused so many issues (along with gearscore), both are abominations.

i thought there was no real debuff limit, every debuff counted but not all were displayed. did i get that wrong?

Druid only raids lets go druid chads.

yeah cant wait to sit outside for like 2 hours just waiting for retards to get their shit in gear

noooo ... this can't be happening ... it will ruin the vanilla feel ......

it was originally 8 debuffs, then 16, then 40 in tbc, and then completely removed later

Sounds like a potentially useful tool that could be misused. Hopefully we don't see people trying to use addons like this for fucking RFC or some shit.

aw fuck yeah, thread is now 1000% more based.
airdropping some naturepills

Based druid reference dump
Tanking endgame content
Farming in heal spec
Farming lashers in dm
PVE spec = PVP spec
KILLING named quest ELITES SOLO /w appropriate gear @ level.

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but in that onyxia video that guy screamed "thrpw more dots" why would he have done that if dots wouldnt matter anyway because only 8 allowed. it makes no sense.

>39 holy priest + 1 shadow Onyxia raid



because ony was in the air during that part

>ony with more than 25

buffs go up to 32 but don't display correctly, debuffs go up to 8 but there's a priority system that protects important debuffs like curses

Why not?

Ms paint animation did not make this clear

your homes a shit


Hopefully beta soon

People get buttmad about it cause "muh boss hp"

nigga just increase that shit so people can use spells, talents and weapons with procs. imagine how much more fun classes with dots and debuffs could be. no no no that could make something besides the 4 cookie cutter dps specs useful shut it down

>do so

Fuck, now I have to watch it again.

you can't min max anymore as (almost) all abilities will be random. you can however still pick the talents you want

How do you pay for anything?

There's no need for a beta.

I agree it should be updated, but bosses will become trivial. They would have to buff them somehow.


who /no resets/ here lads

For all you newfags out there, it's 3, 2, 1, not 1, 2, 3.

My wife's boyfriend works at Blizzard.

people who never experienced actual vanilla still yearning for it, spins my head

>people actually falling for this
I know most off you faggots haven't seen a line of code in your life but come on.

Nothing to see here goy, it's just code.

tell me Yea Forums. what do you want to see in classic+

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Demon Hunter
Flying mounts
Blood Elfes
Death Knights

accounts that weren't subbed before 2006 banned would be funny

Im not telling you anything you look shady

gonna have to keep high level spirit/resistance plate and other trashbutt gear in your bags to trick the "scan your hidden ilevel score" addons into thinking your decked out fury warrior isnt naked from all the leather and mail

How is it any different from people wanting to play Ocarina of Time over Skyward Sword today?

CNt you reroll though?

Debuffs were increased to 16 slots which is what we will have from launch this time, I assume (since its 1.12).

>sold my account for 500
bro dont do this to me

who the fuck wants that minus stamina shitty sword?

Whatever happened to SwoleBenji and his streams?

It's like someone killed him IRL.

just want bc raids fuck the rest

>warsong gulch isn't until 1.3
>arathi isn't until 1.4

wake me whenever those are ready

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Cute dog user.

i hope so

Ok what else

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cant wait for classic release so some chad pirate will steal all of blizzard's code and make free private servers
fuck giving money to blizzard jews

Most likely, this is how the last 3? beta tests have gone
>We acknowledge your feedback but fuck you, gonna do what we want anyway

because half the people who said "No!" are third worlders who would play retail but can't afford it, and the other half feel like classic should be free since it's old.

Mages are fucking insane. They fluctuate for #1 DPS compared to Rogues, and Warriors depending on the fight, their AoE DPS is the best in the game, and combined with their CC they can solo farm certain raid/dungeon trash. They delete melee cucks in PvP, they have important utility with Sheep/decursing, and after the raid you can open a portal to Darnassus to cuck everyone who isn't paying attention.

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Bosses would need to be retuned but thats an incredibly small price to pay for massively higher viability for many specs that were almost completely locked out raiding entirely because of the debuff limit.

- Hyjal (but not cata shit)
- More quests and stuff added to the less complete zones
- Ruined Quel'thalas with the blood elves as a faction and not a playable race
- Echo Isles repopulated with Darkspear (but not cata shit)

Gee willy cant wait to Rank up solely by Worldpvping, gonna be jolly great time!
>Literally having to corpsecamp lvl 49s to compete with faglords who account share
Oh man all you fuckboys who just wanna worldpvp casually dont know what the ranking game is like with this shit.
People are going to die IRL just rushing to lvl 60 so many more are going to kick the bucket killing lowbies in Searing Gorge allday

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ah yes, wonderful
>take a break for a a month
>literally never get an invite into anything ever again
this is how it's currently working

Make sure to ask for tbc heroics too.

>tfw the moment I hit 60 im going straight to redridge to blast greenskins
BLAPBLAP you hunchbacked shits

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Why is project ascension so much fun?

100% agreed. Would this make any of the meme specs like balance or Ret any better though?

>LFM entry level raid 3 DPS, requirement is having 2 raid tiers above this one so i get ze epic carry, full ench/consum break=kick boe/orb reserved


What's the reason to hate on Yea Forums based streamers?

the same reason to hate on anyone that is attention seeking on an anonymous image board

A beta for classic will only make devs waste time on false bug reports from "vanilla veterans" from private servers.
The only thing I can see them doing is some sort of stress test, but even that is worthless since I'm sure they can spawn a gorillion characters in their test realm or something.

I play pretty casually as an undead mage on lights hope. level 24. why am i a fuckboy

Nah. Honestly it would probably only be a big change for spriest and maybe some offspec warlock build. The unviable dps classes like ret or moonkin suffer other problems (often related to bad itemization or going oom easily).

Thank god I am going into classic with my guild and wont have to deal with these retail fags.

I wanna play WoW but the current game is too boring and sucks for pugging. 'Nilla Pservers gave me a better experience

yeah, but the rerolls are random as well

expand on some of those tucked away mystery subzones, or retcon the retarded cataclysm zones into something better

maybe a few extra dungeons

A shame. I’d love to try either of those classes but I’m a DPS guy and really don’t wanna level to 60 to find out I’m a gimp.

nerfing mana is a better solution, hybrids will still be low to mid dps, no balance changes needed

Why rush when the ranking system won’t be available for months? Know what you’re talking about faggot

>gonna roll prot warrior
>gonna do the 96+ BRD lava runs for Ironfoe
>mfw I'm not gonna let a single fury warrior, rogue, or meme spec into ANY of my groups
Feels good to be a bull

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the honor system isn't in at launch you absolute retard. there will a ton of people who reach level 60 before it's out.

lets say they roll it out 1 month after release. that is so much time that I would argue semi-hardcore players will be at cap.

How are people not worried about blizz fucking this up? How can you ignore what’s happened to retail and assume that vanilla will be different.

ITT: people that don’t know shit about software development

>tfw rolling druid with 2 warriors and a rogue
I'm gonna spend my life in that shit farming Savage gladiators and Ironfoe for my bros

I started with TBC. I played until MoP. I hated what the game had become. And it looks like the current state of the game is even worse. Classic looks like fun to me. I did a bunch of the Vanilla content during TBC. It wasn't current at the time but I still had fun

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Whatever it ends up being will be better than retail and FF14 so why worry?

Blizzard won't kill their golden goose. Starcraft is proof that Blizz knows how important their classics are

>not inviting the fury and rogue warriors to get it done fast
>not being master looter and taking it for yourself
>not enjoying the pissed off whispers and forum posts about how you fucked them over

you're no bull, cucklord.

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The ranking system will exist before any BGs are released, know what youre talking about faggot

Attached: CompetitiveOverwatch.webm (1920x1080, 1.16M)

Elven Women love BIG, ORC **CK!

>attempts defending blunder via totally unrelated rebuttal
Are you a TBI victim?

yea but you implied in your post that people will poopsock and die rushing to 60 no life-ing it so they can rank up in a non existent system retard.

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Because the project leader actually played vanilla and seemed really into it.

>Gonna play paladin
>Will stay tanked spec for 5mans
>Wont ever invite a single dps warrior

Just check his fucking steam holy shit can you not see he's playing Dead by Daylight it's double exp or some shit I dunno what the fuck it is. He said like four days ago he takes time off to spend with his gf so stfu stop shilling him already.

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>of a 15 years old game

You realize people will do just that even without Ranking up? Not saying its a bad thing just stating it will happen. Read what the post was replying to stupid niggers

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My unrealistic hopes and dreams

>Classic released
>huge success
>TBC next
>another success
>everything after TBC is retconned
>new post TBC expansion that feels more like Vanilla and TBC

TBC lore is retarded though and the first mechanics that ruined the game showed up there i.e. flying mounts. That being said, I'd love an "alternate" TBC where we keep all the good stuff.

It's based on the new architecture, you didn't even play back then zoomer

This but without TBC

Why hasn't anyone started coming up with Classic WoW guild names already?

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Why not just Wotlk without the retarded things? Same for TBC.

Still looking for a girl to take care of me after Classic launches. comfyliving#2812

this or some form of "classic+" are literally the ONLY way that classic will remain popular and financially viable over a long period for blizz. All of the neckbeards who want it to stay 1.12 forever are delusional.

wait, what?

neither did you, private server cuck.

exposed yourself, played mid 2005 myself

Has there ever been a funnier post than this in the history of the intranet?

Attached: 40EB19B1-2359-4F99-B32C-49957770C776.png (640x1136, 139K)

proof it

>porting the rule sets and data of a 15 year old game to the database/server infrastructure and game engine only a few years old
Lots of brainlette posters on here today

I dont live with mom anymore so I need some other girl to take care of things like food and cleaning around the house.

You two fucking cunts can prove it with this link:

>lore faggots
Play a single player RPG for lore and story

TBC was awful though

>paladin tanks
>half classes have 1 button rotation
>other half have 2
>cloak of skill

I would rather not go through that again.

I'm not the first one you answered to but you got outed by the first few guys


post the proof private server cuck

log in and screencap when your account was created.

Alliance guild dedicated to ganking undead players

i dont have an account

Lmao another "vanilla veteran" exposed as the private server cuck he's

We don’t want to prepare Blizzard for the name changes/bannings

Any half retard can edit the HTML to make it say whatever they want

>muh Spacegoats and Starwars lore is good
fuck off i wanna kill dragons and shit
WTLK was good aside from all the casual garbage. Imagine WTLK but with Vanilla mechanics.
>No flying, immersive and big environments
>No flying, world pvp without 1second casted mounts ooc to escape trouble
>No fucking garbage Arena pvp with 2v2 and 3v3 being considered the only way to pvp and gear up
>No Resilience
Maybe keep most of the actual good skill design

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broke 2 scroll wheels on my mouse from raiding as a bm hunter

Finally decided on Nelf Druid. Now for the final consideration: male or female?

+has a dick
-grown man in a dress
-tranny larping

+looks good in a dress
+option to erp
-has no dick (probably)
-not canon

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If WoW Classic turns out to be a shitshow, I'd like to see the whole of Yea Forums to ridicule each and every one of these home posters.
I'm so sick and tired of reading this.
Can blizzdrones be any more obnoxious?
>Member home?
>Oh, member Barrens chat? Where's Mankriks wife? Hahaha!
>member windfury totem? Oh, I loved windfury totem! Bam, bam! Haha!
>member farming scarlets in Tyrs Hand all day long?
>member retadins? Oh yeah, squirrel enrage! So funny, haha!
>member your old friends and guildies who'll never come back? Oh, I member those guys!

Attached: Member-berries.png (311x513, 205K)

I was the first to respond to him; he’s an idiot, just ignore

The current WoW video creators are all cancer.

Frostamus making 10+ minute long videos telling you to grind scorpions and spiders in Silithus.

Fucking really?

I can't wait for Based Benji to make some actual content.

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Are you suggesting that you'll have to tranny ERP if you go male?

guys i leveled to 12 in vanilla does my opinion matter? XD

Why would you exclude the ‘o’ for “of” but not the ‘t’ for “the”?


meant to put that in fem

This is possibly the most reddit post I've ever seen on this site

Neat. I wonder what the 5 and 3 day credits were for in april

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Why would you ver see yourself in humanoid form?

>rent free
Leave the thread, then. It’s not like we’re shitting up your smash threads.



why are you even clicking on these threads, dont you need to shitpost in smash thread nr.8678364 zoomertranny?

>Be Giga chad head priest with Atiesh, Get sick portal to a locale typically a Pain in the ass for horde to get at in the process

The choice is obvious

>mfw /ourguy/ swifty makes a new incredible warrior tricks video for classic

actual boomer here who played vanilla (35y), vanilla servers were a lagging shitshow that crashed all the time, which blizz usually gave gametime back then

Is he even going to play classic?

Will you rush to the ""end-game"" and min-max immediately Yea Forums?
Or will you take your time and experiment as if you were playing for the first time?

Take a close look on what retail WoW looks right now and tell me with a straight face that this does not concern you. You DO know that those are the guys who are responsible for Classic as well, right?
Or are you just pretending that they've got a shroud of competence left, or some very good devs who are tirelessly working on delivering your true Classic experience?

Joke's on you friend, I'm not from reddit.
I know you won't believe me, but it's still the truth.

Not a smash fan either, just tired of seeing like 2-3 home threads up 24/7. But yeah, keep insulting people with buzzwords you pretentious pricks.

>got insanely gear carried by his guild and made videos of him "dominating" undergeared players.

Bit of both. I want to blast through early game to get a raptor pet and get to dungeons. After that I’ll take my sweet time

ill rush this time so ill be the one who will be ganking the lowbies in STV, sweet revenge

Rush. You don't wanna be stuck with the shitters having problems clearing easy raids.

reported for transphobic attitude

Swifty just copied videos from Jammno back in the day.

Even if you're rushing it takes forever so I don't think anyone should intentionally waste time.

pls no

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Kadgar was great
>go collect 876 crystals
>thanks but i only need the one
>reward is 875 crystals

This. I oppose sharding but understand why they're doing it - huge login queues and server crashes would turn off a hell of a lot more players than starter zone sharding.

>I'm going to go into threads I don't like and shit them up b/c I'm such a small, sad person
You sad, sad child

got locked out of my acc for logging in too much, post a pic of yours fast

>trash throughout most of the game
>only becomes relevant when spoonfed gear
>barely tank without a shield while leveling (wow what a bitch)
>not even ¼ of group utility a druid offers
>sucks up all gear from poor rogues, etc. (what a faggot)
>randomly will steal cloth/leather for their 'world spirit set' wtf?
>needs a baby sitter in pvp or they can't catch anything (WHILE IN GOOD GEAR WTF?) and look like a total faggot basically slowly chasing people down.
>needs entire guild to help get his thunderfury because he's a bitch and can't solo anything and the process takes multiple raid resets (wow so much for being considerate of others)
>sucks at leveling like a faggot
>Attitude problems, thinks they are the main character (definitely has a small dick)
>Gets disarmed like a bitch
>LITERALLY cannot even do their signature quest for the WW axe without tons of help
>needs to take out loans for his mount like a true goy
>couldn’t solo elites if they tried

Attached: 1557019693757.gif (316x443, 519K)

>1 month
Might seem like forever compared to retail the past 8 years but it really doesn't take that long.

Stop posting about the coins. All it means is if you buy a coin in retail to extend your subscription you also extend your classic subscription

actually you could carry people in classic because the xp penalty for running a dungeon with a overleveled tank was insignificant, people were asking for it all the time in chat and were willing to pay for it, just like in retail now with all those 3rd party mythic run sellers. you could go 1-60 in 2 days if you had enough gold or a guild who would boost you. and with the wow token being a thing now you can bet some losers will pay for a 1-60 boost

>can't do xyz without help
Anonfaggot, that (used to be) literally the point of MMO's and moving more in that direction is the huge appeal of classic WoW. You're not supposed to solo - just play a single player RPG if that's what you want.

I can't decide if I want to play a shaman, druid, warlock or if this is pointless because I won't actually enjoy vanilla. I'll still probably pay the sub to try it out though.

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Swolest of the Binge here.

You could have the lowbies kick you from group, mob tag, have tank pull aggro, kill pack of mobs, and re-invite before the 60 second instance kick.

This is how I leveled accounts for people.

the chad holy paladin

So what? They'll miss out on half of what makes Vanilla a great experience to their detriment. Why does it bother you? There will be plenty of time to hit max level and get some good blues before BG's and HK rankings

wow isnt everquest, you could pretty much solo 99% of the quests, it was just dungeonquests or the last step of some longer questchain that was impossible to solo

it was funny in the first thread. let it go.

>I'll still probably pay the sub to try it out though.
You might as well, unless $15 is a lot to you. If you're not feeling too confident you probably shouldn't over-analyze things and just play whatever seems most fun at the time.

was it confirmed to be a techincal limitation?

well if youre going to play on a pvp sever at launch this wil bother you because these scrubs will gank you in STV because you took your time while they got leveled from chinese bots

8 was.
16 was a design choice.
Not sure why you'd listen to some random assfuck on Yea Forums ever about literally anything.

So git gud

Mostly it's that Blizzard has actually been quite clear they want Classic to be as vanilla as possible. They aren't gonna add LFD/R and Badges and shit cause literally no one is that stupid

It'll finally be Vanilla with decent ping and dramatically reduced risk of shut down

>wake up
>pants covered in cum
>washself off
>hop on wow
>all server pops are listed as low
>nerviously load up classic
>all servers are full

How is it every time I think I'm set on what I want to play or what faction I want to pick I find a way to sway me back/away from it

not him, but thats what they told us back then, but thats PR speak of forum moderators and doesnt mean its true. it was probably a design decision which they might have regretted or something, it sure wasnt a limitation of the engine, more like a limitation of the server hardware they used, the servers were already bad enough without the cap most raids would have probably shit the bed if players would have gone all out with debuffs

i doubt will happen with the classic server architecture because you simply wont have a near unending number of players online to fill spots if you gonna PUG shit

>all server pops are listed as low
I hope they display player counts for classic realms

STV chilling in the dungeon dodging ganks

Rush while playing 6-7 hours a day.

How could people let these flawed player made systems 100% control who they let into a raid? I remember stories of gearscore totally fucking everything. Like if a healer trinket droped everyone would roll for it because it would give them better gear score

Why is anyone assuming the information will be available to There are no m+ completion times, there are no achievements, why should we assume that raid boss kills will be recorded and available for consumption anywhere? Has Blizzard stated that classic toon swill be available in the armory?

they wont at launch, because new servers will show "new server" instead of population level, you have to make a new character and check how many people are fucking around in the starting zone to get an idea of how many people there are


People don't want to check the armory of every player asking them for an invite, so of course they will take the easy way out and let an addon decide for them.

The question is why don't players have a group of friends to play with? Level up, meet players, build a rep, then your gear score doesn't matter. Logs are sufficient if anyone needs to prove anything.

raider .io checks your armory achievments and not your gear

4am BRD runs

we dont know yet, but if doesnt happen they will just do what they did in vanilla - inspect

Resto Shamans will take ironfoe aswell so watch out

because server communities were destroyed with dungeonfinder and sharding

some people have a life and cant play 24/7

Those aren't the kind of people that play WoW though

vanilla wow wasnt designed for casuals

which won't exist in Classic you mutt
>inb4 it'll have sharding

shit happens, sometimes you have to miss your normal raid times and try to catch up on a weekend pug

Darkshore, fishing a long the beaches amongst the carcasses of sea creatures and murlocs

Yes they are, vanilla wasn't that hardcore

yeah lets hope it will stay that way, because casual tears will flow in amounts you have never seen before, im not sure nu-blizzard will be able to resist the promise of causal making a quick buck by giving them what they want

the wow token has been confirmed for classic, so enjoy all the casual moms buying pvp and carries

You can experince a lot of the content playing 3-4 hours a weekday and 6-8 on weekends. You could even clear naxx if you buy gold.

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Blizzard saw their subs drop what, 80-90% from over-casualizing the game. This is their opportunity to get those subs back. They'd be incredibly dense to make the same mistakes twice.

Fuck yes. Grinding for gold is like working for less than minimum wage. Can’t wait to buy my epic mount with cash.

They just need to add transmog to classic and all the mega casuals will flock and sub to classic. Easy money for blizzard.

i dont think thats the problem, if you ever played vanilla, which you obviously havent, you would know that playing casually is extremly depressing and the reason why pretty much every casual quit the game after a the free month back then; compared to modern wow your progress is so excruciating slow and the rewards so sparsly streched that you will feel like getting nowhere ever by playing casually. unless you play on an rp server where progress is not your main goal you will quit the game 100%, vanilla just required to much attention and had no instant gratification mechanisms by design to satisfy the average retail player of today and be worthy of the little free time they have

You got to kind of rush through Classic so you play with some decent people who know what they're doing when you hit 60 rather than the slow trash that takes forever shitting up your groups a month into the server. Also helps you take advantage of the auction house a bit. You can control certain markets.

whats the point, without the new player models and textures those mogs will look like shit anyway, i doubt the retail cucks will be satisfied

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>muh projection
ok pal

what will they xmog to without old raids to solo

i'm gonna bitch on the forums until they implement a Transitioning gender to character creation. also where are the black gnomes? has anyone brought this up before

The Original Dev literally made WoW becaues EQ was too Poopsock and they thought a game that could appeal to a wider spectrum of Casual - - - Tryhard would be fun

You actually could not be more wrong

They will buy raid carries with the wow token.

What casuals call the "leveling experience"

>Being bad at the game so leveling slow af with third worlders, china farmers, little kids, girl gamers, dadgamers, and old people / normies.
>Getting into sub par guild cause the good guilds fill real fast.
>Getting ganked while out in the world.
>Can't farm the mats you need cause Chinese / hardcores will have mafias controlling it.
>Be behind all your friends.
>Miss out on epic corpse camping and PvP.
>No one to help you get attuned and to run low / mid level dungeons cause everyone has progressed past the point of needing it.
>Have to pay guilds and tanks for content.
>Be slave.
>Have to farm in an ever inflated economy.

Yeah, "leveling experience"


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boycott WoW classic due to there only being two genders and no way to input your own gender or race text

no seriously, just normal quests take such a fucking long time you will be logging out in the middle of them only to have to clear the whole fucking cave again when you log in next day, or escort quests that take half an hour fail on you because you had to open the dorr for your wive or some shit like that, but youll see soon enough, casuals will be in for a rude awakening

i think it's fucking disgusting that i cannot receive a gender change. maybe in 2004 stoneage this was acceptable but we are literally being raped by blizzard in 2019

orgrimmar, home. Good memories of hanging out there all the time and looking at peoples sick nasty gear as a lowbie, sucks that im gonna be playing alliance with my friends when classic comes out but eh its whatever i guess.

the definition of a casual back then and a casual today was very different friend, causals today are literally women and guys who only can play half an hour per day, casuals back then were kids who played after school was over


Casual means someone who's bad at the game, like the people who only collect pets and transmog.

>complete four world quests in 10-15 minutes
>get current tier heroic raid gear ilvl item that can titantforge to near-mythic raid gear
that's today's retail casualness

no, that's not what it means; it means you don't have the time or inclination to put in the effort to do whatever it takes to make your toon the best. Which is fine, just don't insist Blizzard fuck the game up catering to casuals.

based. rolling troll rogue for the 100th time no matter how much my minmaxing fag friends cry i wont have will of the undead or whatever the fuck its called.

boomer here who played actual vanilla, we had no word for "casuals" because there werent any, they were just quitters, because they would quit before 60. instead we had what we called "treehuggers" which were basically people who whined about being ganked on pvp servers

My First character was a Shaman, that I played only on Friday-Sunday while my friend who's account I was using was busy with his GF. It took me 4 months to get 60 and shortly after I got my own account and Rerolled priest

You're an idiot if you think people don't want something to strive for, to work towards. That Wanting feeling is what drives good MMOs and ultimately is the engagement metric that lead to the data-designed treadmill that killed them off. The thing is you can't just indulge players, if you just give them whatever they want it's unmemorable and unfulfilling. Working steadily for 3 months to level up, get into MC and eventually Manage to complete the Benediction quest isn't just a dopamine hit of "wow new gear" It was like scaling a fucking mountain filled with memories. The BRD groups successful and messed up alike. The PuG Tanks I befriended spamming UBRS. That time Headmaster's Charge dropped for my Lock bro and we celebrated by Guild Raiding Un'Goro to get him Mats for 30sp enchant.

Your opinion is shit

this. fuck these people

Casual means everyone in this thread except me

>Play PvP game
>Complain about getting killed

>Play grinding game
>Complain about the grind

>Play a game with unique roles and specializations
>Complain about not being able to do everything

Attached: 1505813747196.jpg (205x212, 10K)

Nope, my best friend and healer was what made it home and she has to much good going on in her life right now for me to entertain the thought of getting her to go back.

well i dont know your sepecific situation but as you have seen in other comments people commented on why you need to rush to 60, and the same will be true for classic. there was a reason why people kept rerolling on new servers all the time whenever blizzard brought new ones up, the catch up game got harder the older the server was. im happy for you that you had fun despite taking 4 months to get to 60 but you miss out on a lot by not rushing too and its insanely more difficult to get anything done if youre late to the party. ill applaud you on your persistence but youre rather a minority who can still enjoy the game despite it being clearly designed in a way that rewards the rush to max lvl

I'm not even sure why these people count for anything, really. That's not playing the game, it's reading the shampoo bottle while you take a shit-level investment.

Casuals to me are the people who play a medium amount, maybe do LFR and chores each week to keep their character current enough to do the next patch's quests and heroic dungeons/LFRs. In classic they would have been the people who hit 60 and maybe got dungeon blues.

Don't even need to keep toons current in retail, the catchup mechanics are so ridiculous world quests give out heroic raid tier items.

>cant role play defender of the light who protects the weak because prot paladin is not viable
shit game desu

Memes aside, how long til Classic dies? I give it 2 months.
>Loot trading
>Pay to win
>1.12 itemization
>16 slot debuffs

i hated how much gear m+ handed out, there's literally nothing to do unless you want to start poopsocking mythic raids

My copypasta is cold waiter, please bring me a fresh one.

Think about it a few months we can play Halo 3, the best Halo and Classic WoW, the best iteration of WoW.

Fuck. I can't wait to be 15 again.

Man you guys need new material, it's getting boring to reply to your same shitty copy pasta

Pushing m+ keys is the only thing I enjoy about retail but yes, loot is way too easy and completely invalidated every patch.

casuals are the kind of people who play on low pop servers to avoid having to wait for quest mobs respawning every single time, and if classic will have the same respawn timers as vanilla you can bet your ass they will roll on low pop servers, but PUGs on low pop servers are pretty much impossible unless you get lucky without LFR or something like that. but maybe discord groups will help such people get their shit done, but im pretty sure the majority of casuals will just go back to retail because it simply offers more of what casuals want and its designed with them in mind pretty much anyway

I'm picking a class I've never played before and I'm not going to look up anything about the class before going into it. I'm going to read quest text, figure out how to play on my own, and take my time enjoying the game.

And there's nothing you minmax autists can do to stop me

Attached: gnomey.jpg (400x490, 40K)

you will quit the game before you hit 60

Casuals weren't want you're describing now. retail is entirely casual now if you're not pushing high m+ keys or raiding mythic. There was no equivalent to "collecting battle pets, mounts, and transmogs while not interacting with any other player at all" back then.

If all things go well the game will start to fall off hard around AQ40 as 90% of shit guilds realize they're not good enough to kill bosses like Skeram/Cthun/Ouro. This is inevitable and happens on every server as is the nature of the game. WPVP motivation falls off as world bosses become irrelevant, pvp dies off as all rankers have finished by this point and new rankers won't start due to the effort not being worth the reward when t2.5 is available and the content difficulty spikes such that guilds will disband and implode.

If something else kills the game, it'll be half the casual population quitting as soon as the honor system hits due to no BGs to appease rankers grinding 20 hours a day, or streamers quitting and pulling 1/2 their server pops with them.


Literal neverplayed

you should play ESO instead because it offers pretty much what you want, classic will just disappoint a player like you. is ESO you can pick whatever and just explore and still have fun, in wow classic you will just suffer unless your expectations are incredibly low

as soon as phase 2 comes out and you arent 60 you'll be singing a different tune, but by all means go ahead taking your time

trannies like chromie play gnomes

Good luck.
What class?

I made this mistake on my first character. Just jumped in and rolled a priest thinking that I'd be Bigdick Mcgroupsalot. Got to level 56ish before I realized how much I hated healing people.

>you should play this shitty boring MMO instead of the greatest MMO of all time because ????

I'm going to pick on the character select screen and go from there my dude. No point in listening to the cacophony of mixed opinions from people who probably didn't get to max level or even play the original game

unfortunately the game wasnt balanced in such a way and unless you dont mind being bullied by 99% of the games community for playing "sub-par" in a game where you cant avoid the other players like you can in retail, you will quit the game because youre gonna be fed up with the "toxic elitist community"

Well, I wish you luck.

youll end up in a low tier "all specs allowed!!" guild that gear checks bwl for 4 months before disbanding

I made shaman because it sounded kinda like the Red Mage of wow and I always liked Red mages.

>End up Bigdick McGroupsalot and fall in love with healslutting

I guess this is fine

im actualy playing ESO right now, its pretty great for casual fun, you can just pickwhatever and go in any direction and you will still progress, its what zoomers expect when they hear nostalgia tales of boomers. in retrospective questing was absolute dogshit in vanilla and the thing that made vanilla good was the raiding and the world pvp

and so what? Not everyone feels the need to be server first.

>"you wont have fun unless you follow a guide and mixmax every aspect of the game"

isnt this pretty much the exact type of attitude that you guys shit on retail players for having?

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do what you want but dont pick a healing class unless you like healing (people will shit on you if you do anything but healing, this isnt ff14 were youre allowed or even expected to do any damage as a class that can heal) have fun user

Can't wait to see all the shitters that roll Shaman sucking at doing their job.
Good thing you can at least put down your totems and be somewhat useful, but on PvP, 99% of the shamans are the easiest kills of your life.

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Honestly, those players will be the most likely to quit early when they realize they're not having fun rushing past everything.

minmaxing in retail might like make you 2% better, you cant really do anything wrong anymore in retail

>play wow
>dont clear content because youre in a shit guild
>dont do any relevant pvp because youre a shit player
>dont experience world bosses
>dont experience end game content
>dont achieve anything meaningful in game
>because youre not actively participating in these things because youre a low tier shitter that doesnt get involved in anything, you wont be part of a larger sense of community
why even play classic?

I swear to christ you zoomers treat vanilla as specs being more important than the class.
Every class that can heal can spec to do other shit. Yeah, in raids you're going to heal, so fucking what. That's one fucking part of the game.
Shamans don't healbot in pvp, they purge, totems, blow people up, AND heal.
It's the same thing for every other hybrid.
You nerds may as well play on a cata onward server because that's what you actually are trying to play. Not vanilla.

the point is you wont make any progress, you will be hitting a wall you cant overcome and quit the game because of it, if raiding was you end-goal

the meta is very much efficiency focused m8, it's clear you're the one that'll end up quitting early

world questing wasnt the fun part of vanilla, it was raiding and worldpvp once you had your gear, which is exactly why everyone is rushing to the top, to get to the actual good part of the game

That's how I know you didn't play Vanilla lmao

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boomer here, played a priest to 60 as shadow specced and had to heal anyway all the time in dungeons or party questing, hes not wrong, if your class can heal people will expect you to heal because there will be a shortage so might as well spec healer from the get go to make your job easier - respec was too expensive in vanilla to just change on demand

okay zoomer, what were the cool quests you remember from vanilla, hard mode: no class quests

>, if you ever played vanilla, which you obviously havent,
I did, played for 3 sometimes 4 hours a day after school with 12-13 hour binges on weekends. I hit max level with 27 days /played because I spent so much time dicking around ganking and doing dungeons. I still managed to get decently geared before the end of the xpack because I made friends while leveling with some guy in one of the top guilds on the server. I probably cleared further than you despite being a retarded 14 yearold who clicked abilites.

Youre obviously a nostbaby who thinks that all vanilla is about is "muh hardcore naxx/r14" grind. Vanilla is enjoyable when played casually because its about the journey to 60, not rushing to max/bis and literally anyone who actually played the game and isnt some pserver min-maxing autist will understand that.

Of course you'll heal, that's literally what I said.
However you can easily heal dungeons in whatever the fuck spec you want.

This games a broken, unbalanced piece of garbage. Rogues will chain stun you for 23 seconds, sap you, and open up on you again. They'll do this chain CC a second time and there'll be quite literally nothing you can do because the game is just designed that way. People are chasing some dream that the game is gonna be full of really friendly players but if private servers and nu wow's community are anything to go by, this won't be the case. It'll be full of cunts that completely ignore eachother, use addons and out of game tools to get around talking to anyone. Welcome to the internet circa 2019.

Not even gonna bother with you buddy, stay salty though, keep showing everyone how much of a vanilla connoisseur you truly are with your diligent comments about it

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waiting for quest mobs to respawn only for them to be tagged by some passerby so you can wait another ten minutes sure was fun, or that escort quest that failed because opposite faction dude thought it was fun to kill your mob or collecting those ingredients for the westfall stew with like 1/100 drop rate, man i loved the vanilla questing such a great time i had

>"the meta"

holy fuck this just depresses me. at first i would laugh at zoomers regurgitating pros and streamers opinions on "metas" and "optimal" shit but now i think they've actually fully taken the bait and view classic in this light.
just depressing man.

when did the idea of playing a game and having fun die out? why is everything so focused on this type of bullshit? it seems like the games that are so much more heavily focused on "the meta" and that type of shit are usually the games people complain about the most and i dont see how people dont see the connection

*Crits you twice for 2k*

>the meta
This faggot.

I played then and I know what I'm getting into now. I also play P99, want to tell me how since I started years after server release I'm not having fun and already quit?

bla bla bla, you seem to forget theres a lot of group content in the game on your way to 60 which is rather hard to do casually, unless you call a 2 hour run with some randoms to finish up all quests in wailing caverns as "casual"

admittedly, I don't know. I only posted that because I'm fucking retarded

knock off the generational memeing, every single post it's fucking weird

you forgot >muh meta

the people it takes less than a week for are poopsocking niggers that no one wants to associate with. Casual players who hit 60 (10 days played time) will have a mother fucking shit ton of shit to catch up on.

cope more retailcuck

>what I thought was fun is everyone's idea of fun
gd now I see why people shit up these threads, you >meta faggots are insufferable.

>i have no argument so ill just admit defeat and post a smug reaction picture
okay reddit

overcooked pasta

This is the cringiest team I've ever had.

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It's not that, although "the meta" is overblown.
But in raids, some things simple don't work well. This doesn't mean the content won't be cleared, but it does mean people will be carrying you. 40man is a lot, not the end of the world, right?
Except when you've run the same tier for 2 months, you end up getting sick of carrying someone playing "bad" on purpose and expecting others to pick up their slack. This comes into focus more sharply if loot issues come up or if the guild encounters any adversity. Or if a few of the guild's healers dont show up and the retlol refuses to heal - you decide that he is a faggot and the resentment begins.

It's more a social issue than anything else. You want to get in/get out and get your loot and go do other shit, not waste time because someone's "fun" means taking advantage of you.

The roll a rogue or don't join a PVP server.

tell me im wrong. go ahead and provide a counter argument

well the problem is 99% of the server will follow the meta so you will be just alone and bored when everyone progresses past you

Imagine playing overwatch in this day and age

I reckon you'd have to be a huge homosexual prancing lala boy fairy poofter chocolate thief butt pirate to do that.

its not the "meta" its how the game was designed, cope harder

just make it crystal clear off specs are the first to be benched if there's a problem

Low lvl pvp is fun as fuck in vanilla
Can't wait to gank zoomies like who are trying their hardest to rush to max and not enjoying their time ganking retards

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new thread

>then be a crutch reliant shitter or don't play on PVP servers when your interest is in PVP
It ain't my fault the games a shit show. I would like to enjoy the PVP but it's just so unbalanced and boring. It's sluggish as shit too.

You're right, that helps, but again it's a social issue in that some guilds don't realize that's what's necessary until it's too late.
It's one of the reasons that joining a guild where an officer is a memespec is a red flag.
And a lot of players wno't realize it either until it's too late.

It was obvious to everyone people who can afford a sub would be playing it.

Imagine if you end up playing on the same server as one of the wow personalities like swifty, kungen or towelliee ..

If by alone and bored you mean I won't have to deal with shitters like you I welcome it. By your (and others') comments, no one will roll an alt b/c >meta, >loneliness. Is that what you're saying, metachamp?

well you're certainly not defending lordaeron if you're killing it's natural-born inhabitants. call it because thats what you are.

>Low lvl pvp is fun as fuck in vanilla
not until 40 unless you're a hunter honestly
40-59 is "OK" but would be more OK if it wasn't 99% waiting until someone has at 50% from fighting 2 mobs then sucker punching him

its not a social issue per se, its simply how game mechanics will affect the average player. if your progress hinges on 39 other players and you feel they are the reason youre not getting anywhere youll start to try to optimize your group to advance. and by doing that a lot of those scrubs you carried will be fucking salty when you kick them for better players, especially if it happens to them over and over and they arent getting anywhere

not seeing the problem desu

>how the game was designed
The game was designed so that if you don't rocket to max level immediately it's no fun? I wonder how they got any new subscribers after the first week of sales.

I shit on sodapoppin yesterday on a private server called henhouse. he flipped his shit on stream.

>Nooo! You can't kill that guy fighting 2 mobs at 30% health that's toxic

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why do you feel the need to lie user

nobody said toxic
it's not heinous either
it's just bland as fuck

no i mean all the friends you made will stop playing with you because youre holding them back, enjoy the first month because youre one of those that will quit 100% ive seen it many times before your whining is typical

>Dude you killed that 10% hp guy on an escort quest? Seriously uncool bro

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>Stop ganking people you're just wasting everyones time no one wants to do these bland quests

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kek okay discord tranny try ganking me when im 30 levels above you while youre in quest greens, who will be ganking who i wonder

>admitting that you can't pvp against a discord tranny without a 30 level advantage

Based SwoleBenji trolling girl gamers, bronies, and trannies.

Thank GOD I already learned and never have to do an escort quest again. Skipping all that shit even if I have to grind boars for 3 hours to compensate.

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not him but as someone that has dueled many of the namefags from /wpsg/, the trannyposters are by far the worst players i've seen in my entire horrible self-loathing life.
I'm not saying duels matter, because they certainly do not. But i am saying these zoomer literal homos are just as terrible at everything that isn't a jackoff chatroom as you already would imagine.