Days Gone

>looks generic
>don't bother buying it
>see positive fan reactions
>outselling MK11 also
>decide to rent it
>it's actually pretty decent
Why was it panned so heavily? It's honestly more fun than Horizon Zero Dawn is

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Other urls found in this thread:

>rent it
You have an option that most of Yea Forums doesn't use. If they did, they would be far more open to gaming

It's just another open world and/or zombie game that even Sony didn't market very well as they presumably want to shut down Bend Studio in the near future. So the public perception can only be negative unless positive word of mouth spreads.


This game was a guaranteed success before it released and has nothing to do with it's quality.

Stop spamming this shitty thread, faggot. You outed yourself the moment you mentioned MK11.

>female critics all triggered at the "ride me like your bike" line
>normies loved it and loved the rest of the game along with it

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>s-s-stop it
>the catalog is meant to be smash threads till the eye can see

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>It's honestly more fun than Horizon Zero Dawn is
absolutely this
I would wait for a sale if you're not a fan of zombies/wasteland stuff. But I love that kind of thing, and I think it's great despite the jank/rough edges.

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what is it about this game that makes SJW game journos seethe so much?

This is like the 100th variation of this same exact thread and it’s really starting to look like a shill op

>”L-look 4channers these people who reviewed our games haha white people hahaha please buy our game it’s not shit!!!”

I'm glad he did. The other one will limit soon and I need to repost my screenshots.

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Anyone who doesn’t see this as the unironically better future for the board is a dumb fucking drone. Fuck Sony and fuck its dumbass userbase.

Only encouriging us even more, little bro

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not him, but the reason we're shilling so hard is because it's that game that everyone counts out but is actually worth everyone's time, if you temper your expectations for a AA jank fest.

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white male biker

what did the bingtendie mean by this?
grammar is all over the place and I fear he might have been seething when he typed this

>Endless Smash threads are a better future for V than dedicated gamers trying to show people the merits of an underdog

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I hate this fucking place.

>more fun than Horizon Zero Dawn is
doubt it

HZD had a great story and is the first step into a great series of games, it had fucking robot dinosaurs and a complex lore, with town, cities and interesting NPCs

also, it wasn't a glitchfest filled with bugs
BTFO shill

Supposedly the game IS an open world glitch fest worthy of it's current notoriety, but otherwise it's assumed people just weren't happy about playing another micromanaging zombie game with a white male protagonist.

Happy it was successful either way for the studio behind it. Fuck people who just pick games due to the skin color of their lead characters, that is the true definition of racism that goes unspoken.

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I only played for about 5 hours but its solid 8/10 for me right know

Because it triggers non whites. Non whites hate to see white people working together to overcome challenges.

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I have both, and it's way better than HZD for me. I thought HZD was boring as fuck, despite the amazing dungeon things and the dinosaurs looking really cool. This game has kept me hooked from jump, despite a few shit moments here and there.

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Because when it launched it was a fucking mess, devs have fixed it but this trend of releasing games that are full of bugs needs to end.

This game looks great but the bike looks slow as hell

I'm on the last mission and I have a few criticisms
>takes ages (about 5-6 hours) for the game to find it's groove
>plot urgency/interest depends entirely on whether you like the cast
It's still a solid 8, I just think it's not for some people, at least not (((journalists)))

It is at first, you slowly upgrade it

Based Ancap Nigger

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It's not. It's a little slow at first, but you get nitro and engine upgrades.

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at start yeah but you can get early upgrades

This so fucking much
It's based and redpilled Trumpkino
Go guy this game and a PS4 Pro to dab on libtards epic style


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Horizon Zero Dawn had robot dinosaurs, much more original setting than another "zombie apocalypse"

>plot urgency/interest depends entirely on whether you like the cast
The other 2 points are valid but this is the legit the dumbest fucking criticism I have ever read. Holy fucking shit. How else are you supposed to care about the fucking plot of any story if you can’t bring yourself to give a shit about any of its characters? What else are you supposed to judge a story by then? Dumbass.

meh I thought the same until I realized i'd be doing the exact same mission over and over again but with different dialogue each time. Honestly this game is dragging out like fuck, I thought lost lake would be near the end but there's two more camps after

Give it time, you'll get sick of 1. Go here and batman vision investigate

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Good to know, just seemed a bit slow in that video.

that clip is early in the game and he isn't using nitro at all

Just because the protagonist is uneducated white trash doesn't mean he's a Trump supporter.

If you focus solely on missions and don't fuck off in the open world you will have a much less fun time. If you don't play open world games a lot, you have to treat them differently than linear shit.

Buy this game and stick it to the trannies, journalists and sjws Yea Forums! They'll hate if this game sells well, and WILL commit suicide, if you just reach into your pocket and pay the small fee of 60 USD. Truly a small fee to pay for such a true and noble cause.

I basically agree with this, except it clicked for me within the first 2-3.

It's meant to be that way, guy even comments how garbage his beloved bike has become

The bike.

>panned so heavily
72 isn't bad its mediocre

Kino easter egg


Same thing as Ghost Recon: Wildlands. Journalists hate anything that's "just" white bro shooting with no moralizing in the story, even if the world looks beautiful and you can have fun wrecking the place.

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The same journalists give out several 9/10s a year so their 7/10s become more like a 5/10

how do I guy this game

I'll definitely say this the games photomode is great and probably the most detailed in terms of options to customize you screenshot

Game kept bugging out at move the truck part so I stopped playing it.

>that was so clever of me hehe

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thanks mate lets laugh at the sonybros together

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>no reason to talk about MK11
>”outselling MK11”
it’s actually psychologically fascinating that people spend years of their lives sitting on this website shitposting and shilling

All my shots only fuck with focal length and fov, except that green shot earlier. I fucked with the color on that.

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so you enjoy repetitive tasks, grinding for upgrades while riding your bike in a barren and soulless landscape?
and all the enemies are zombies, one human enemy faction and lots of bugs

get out of here shiller

I keep wanting to go more in depth but it's overwhelming with the options

Fuck off with this threads faggot.

It's not a bad game but not a good one either
very mediocre, as is most of the open world zombie stuff by default

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There are a few human factions, dipshit. Marauders, Anarchists, Rippers, NERO, Normies. Not that there's much to them besides being enemies. It's not an RPG. There's no rep system besides the various camps you find around the world that you level up to unlock weapons/upgrades. That isn't really a grind, as you get rep as you do the story and turn in stuff you collect through normal play. I haven't felt a grind at all except maybe once when I had a few points left in a rep level and wanted a new weapon so I go out and get a few zombies.

As for barren and soulless, grinding for upgrades... yeah your whole post makes it obvious you haven't played it so why the fuck should I even continue this conversation?

speaking from experience faggot?

of course I haven't played, I've watched several gameplay videos and all I see is the same shit over and over, is this a Ubisoft game?

>there are many factions
oh wow I guess it very interesting since they all act like brainless cardboard NPCs with no depth
>it's not an RPG
so it's an adventure shooter, with muh bike to upgrade

I wouldn't give a shit about you and your shill thread if it wasn't for the fact that you compared it to HZD, which is to date one of the most interesting new IPs from Sony in the recent years
Days Gone is another generic zombie game, Dying Light was way better than this glitched garbage
stop praying it like it's the second coming of Christ

I'm not even him, faggot.

Days Gone is a retard filter.

If you're a midwit who gets a boner at the thought of a boring game with an "interesting" concept, go play HZD. If you want a good game and don't give a fuck that some people think it looks stale, go with Days Gone.

t. someone who actually owns both and isn't mouthing off about shit he doesn't know

You mean sort of like this attractive and stylish bald manlet wielding a katana?

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Its an average game, not terrible. didn't have a big budget and it shows, but it does have soul and you can feel it

Funny thing is Yea Forums does this all the time. See Apex Legends

Eh I played this and Horizon and even though the character designs and plot background in Horizon are WAY worse Horizon beats this game. The gaemplay is cheap open world TLOU and they don't do anything with the main character's shitty attitude beyond "muh dead wife". Both aren't all that great though so I can't muster up the will to care which one people like more.

>open world
I honestly don't get the appeal. I'm playing Witcher 3 now, and after 10 hours it feels like a fucking chore. What does open world even add to the table besides having to slog thorugh some shitty forest inbetween missions?


it doesn't just have an "interesting concept" you dense cretin, it's more than that

you can climb this old, collapsed building while witnessing how nature recalimed everything around you
and for once you're not shooting enemies with your rifle/shotgun/crossbow but you're planning how to take down every single enemy, studying them first and then planning an attack
Meridian is a wonderful city, the ritual of the sunrise/sunset is wonderful to witness, there's the Hunter's Lodge, the world is vast and full of life

you should compare this game to something like STALKER, which is obviously 100 time better than this game
go play TLOU if you like these games

The funny thing is that that actually matters a lot for kids.
There is a reason why some many people that grew up with DBZ love Gohan so much

Honestly, it's really fun for me.

Maybe I'm not far enough in but nothing feels like a grind and shitty busy work. Everything has a purpose and gives you something of value. I'm even starting to remember the map and where to drive which rarely ever happens.

My biggest complaints so far are some really heavy fps drops on base PS4, the gunplay could be better but it's honestly nothing you can't get used to and the upgrades do make quite a difference (however I can see why some journo shitters would have problems) and how much seems to have been cut from the game. It's really obvious.

Even when it was first announced like 4 years ago it looked so fucking stale. I get that a lot of people like these collectathon open world RPG/Action/Stealth/Crafting games but it always looked like a horrible mishmash of all those ideas without anything unique.

Go back and play GTA III and Max Payne 1 if you want to understand the difference between free-roam and linear.

But at least you were accurate enough to realize it's the genre itself you dislike unlike all the retards on here who shit on every single open world as if it was each specific game they hated rather than the genre.

>all this redditspacing

is this the power of shillbots at work?

you should compare this game to something like STALKER
Yeah it looks more like an open world TLoU, shallow gameplay mechanics and all.

That’s the biggest problem for me. There’s no hook. Everything this game has to offer looks like something I’ve already played before In other games, and already done well.


>rent it
it's just a generic fun game you beat once then never touch again, renting it is the prime way to enjoy it, but it would hurt my ass to spend 70$ on it

>it’s actually pretty decent
And it got scored of 6/7 out of 10 by most reviewers. A decent score for a decent game with nothing much to offer we haven’t already seen. Serviceable, but nothing stands out.

why do you still care what incompetent game-hating clickbait bloggers have to say?

its a decent game and looks good but buggy af which is inexcusable

>why is he still smiling? what am I'm paying you idiots for?
>why is the thread still up? I've reported it four times already!

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>chadtendo makes the snoys seethe so much they bring them up at the slightest mention of something negative about sony



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>it had fucking robot dinosaurs!!!

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I rented it too and got bored after a few hours. I could think of a half dozen open world games that are more enjoyable.

Have patches fixed a lot of the jank?

>Why was it panned so heavily? It's honestly more fun than Horizon Zero Dawn is

white male protagonist in current year +3

Wild lands was underrated as fuck. Very fun to play with a couple buddies

Open world games are good for people who like immersion. Witcher 3 is so kino precisely because you can walk around in the forests and listen to the wind. Plus the narratives are pretty much top tier in gaming.

no. i doubt most of the jank can be patched out. some fps/freeze issues have been fixed, and there's more work that could be done. But a lot of the jank is related to the game/dev itself and not bugs. It doesn't get in the way that much regardless.

You're sort of right and wrong. It does nothing new elementally, but it combines all of the elements in such a way that the combo IS something new. It's the best damn open world post-apocalypse adventure I've played in a while. Kind of like Mad Max with more content and a better story.

World War Z is the better game.

Man I’m really on the fence about it. My brother likes it but he typically tries to justify his purchase even if it’s a shit game. Think I’m gonna rent it

Tell them it was Deacon, Deacon St. John. They know who I am.

Because of the anti straight white agenda. Stop pretending otherwise.

It got panned because it has a white male protagonist

it's not worth the full price risk if the concept doesn't REALLY appeal to you. If you REALLY like the open world zombie wasteland wanderer biker fantasy, it's way worth full price.

Journos being turbo faggots as always . the game is a bit unpolished but in overall is a good game and yes i also think is better then horizon.

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>Why was it panned so heavily
PC culture is against it.

still more innovative than zom-err, I mean


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Playing it right now. I feel satisfied playing this. This game is the game I would've wanted to play back during the zombie craze, and this game scratches that itch that never got scratched. Not only is it a phenomenal zombie game, it's an excellent single player game. I'm hoping for more guns - such as a DMR variant of an AR-15; like a MK12 SPR clone, and a 10mm Glock 40, because I'm getting tired of these fucking bears and wolves man.

I won't sit here and say it's great or special, butvI don't understand how people choose this to shit on say it's generic but Last of Us, State of Decay, etc are all well received. Same shit and if anything Days Gone is better.

Ghost Recon was a way better, and a funnier, open world game when you gith retard cartel lords, had some kind of RPG elements, and it was fun with Co-OP
also The Division is a better game
>meanwhile on Epic Store World War Z sells 250k copies and it's not even a triple A game

this game has just a bad vibe dude
TW3, HZD, STALKER, GR:W, The Division are better games
TLOU is like Uncharted, streamlined garbage with muh deep emotional story

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People run for gazebos and buildings and shit when it starts to rain. RDR2 did that, right?

>I don't understand how people choose this to shit on say it's generic but Last of Us, State of Decay, etc are all well received
You know damn well why.


So i am in act 3 now how much longer do i have?

Deacon St. John is also the name one of the developers gave their penis for sure.

To those saying there are no repetitve shit how do you explain thr bounty missions and clearing camp shit? That is some typical ubisoft shit

Eric is based, his YouTube channel is great if you can deal with how slow he talks.

>Ghost Recon was a way better
Eewww, look at this "person." I bet this guy doesn't even own guns. What a fucking disgrace, Wildlands was the most atrocious piece of shit I have ever played. The developers have never touched a fucking gun in their life. This was supposed to be an immersive, tactical military shooter - but it's fucking dogshit. The gunplay is even worse than the AI. Get that fucking noguns shit out of my face. Wildlands had NO EXCUSE for their shit.

2ildlands w

As a gun owner you think DG is good?

like 75% of the DBZ fanbase is black or at least quadroon

I've seen this criticism of the new GR before and I always find it funny. A tactical third person shooter designed to be played with friends doesn't need to have realistic guns to be a good game.

The horde stuff is great and makes for some really fun moments and fights.

>get to cave
>too lazy to get of the bike
>probably emty anyway like some of the other ones I checked
>fuck it, I'll just drive inside
>turn headlights on and drive
>tfw there is a horde chilling in the dark and they all slowly get up while you can't turn the bike in such a narrow spot

I still avoid them after this.

Days Gone has that same RPG bullshit, but once you go tier 3 and above it's not as noticeable and game breaking. But Days Gone doesn't have "TOM CLANCY" in their name. Jesus Christ, there's so much wrong with that game, it's not even fucking humorous. The game was released in 2018, I expected more than that. But we're dealing with Ubisoft, don't ever expect anything other than complete and utter dogshit from them.

what do you mean by rpg shit? like bullet sponges? I'm not seeing any of that.


>Game with friends makes it good!
Anything with your friends makes anything good. Lighting bags of dogshit on your neighbor's porch with your friends is fun. "With friends" isn't a reason to excuse shit games.

>not using gamefly to rent every game


Use the level 1 & 2 guns. The devs said they're going to be making a new difficulty with fast travel removed, so hopefully they remove the tiered weapons.

I found a Nero injector in one so I always feel like going in.

I mean that sounds awesome I just worry it’s too samey and unpolished

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