ITT: games white """people""" can't appreciate

ITT: games white """people""" can't appreciate

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>can't appreciate
>posts the most overrated gta
ok retard

Attached: 1446167259283.png (273x391, 191K)

Only real OG niggers such as myself like GTA SA


Only people with under 5" dicks do so that makes sense

>Only real OG niggers such as myself like GTA SA
That's funny because CJ does absolutely everything in his power to stop being a nigger.
He jumps in at a rough moment in the families and desperately tries to get Sweet to notice him but Sweet's niggerness not only put his own life at stake, he got his family kicked out of their own fucking city.

Kendl, Cesar and CJ work their hardes in San Fierro to start again, still doing criminal shit mind you but not this "YO DIS MA HOOD HOMIE NIGGUH" shit that got Sweet fucked in jail, they're becoming a decent-tier mafia with the properties and business, then CJ hits it big in Las Venturas and secures a steady income with the casino.

By the time he goes back to Los Santos he's not the retard niggerfaggot that rushed to a shootout because his retard brother got himself into a chokepoint, he's a fucking mafia-tier businessman with support from the triads and the government. And the first thing Sweet does when he goes out of jail (Thanks to CJ's efforts throught the whole fucking game) is to whine CUZ MUH MOMMAs BLENDER NIGGUH SHEEEEIITT

Fuck Niggers. CJ is a respectable black american.

this picture makes me uncomfortable

wrong, this is the most liked gta