What's Phil gonna show to make the world believe xbox is back baby?

What's Phil gonna show to make the world believe xbox is back baby?

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His dick

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Actual video games.

Halo: Infinite gameplay

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How can one man be so based?

because he's not just bringing talk... he's bringing the games
all he does is win, user

Probably nothing at this point although I hope I am wrong, I would like to get the next gen xbox but the xbone has been a waste for me.

Gears 5 gameplay, Halo Infinite gameplay, next gen Xbox which will be more powerful than PS5 and this:

no games

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You know what really grinds my gears? Apex Legends (and Fortnite, if you care about that) don't require a PS Plus subscription on PS4, but they DO require an Xbox Live Gold subscription on Xbox.

Why the fuck would Microsoft do this when they're trying to win back gamers?

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Is he really short? Because the camera angle makes it look like he is a manlet trying to look tall.

Battletoads 2019

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It has to be the same hardware or better than PS5 and a good Halo game on release would help. I don't really care that much about PS exclusives even if some are alright. But at some point in the gen I want a console for multiplats that are not on PC or are comfier on consoles.

Phil is 6'6", my user.

Not to be a M$ shill but I think most people that play online got gold already

You also need gold to play Warframe but you don't need PS Plus. Spencer is a fuckup on all fronts tbqh.

By making the new xbox all digital. Fuck disc am I right

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If there was actually anything meaningful to save on this I'd say sure. But as much as I hate discs there isn't really much to gain from not having a drive.

That's a really fucking stupid argument, I'm an Xbox gamer (still rocking the 360) and I rarely buy online because I think it's a rip off. I'll only buy it every now and then, usually when it's on sale. Seriously, you must be a real corporate cuck to actually say something like this.

I want to get an XB1 for Halo, but the free online for F2P games on PS4, meaning you don't have to shell out £60 a year for unlimited online play of these games, is a pretty big selling point.

I didn't know the game but I just looked it up - yeah it seems it's a common policy for free to play games. Sony's policy on this issue is clearly just better. I've always been an Xbox guy with the OG Xbox and the 360 but I think this is one of the only things that has actually made me think of getting a PlayStation (the other would be free online on the PS3 - I never did get a PS3 but I probably should have to be honest).

Nothing, Microsoft IPs are in shambles while nintendo's/sony's are revered more than last gen

>A dedicated studio for crackdown since people said he was playing crackdown3
My personal
>playful Corp joins ms because fuck you I wanna fuck lucky sister

I love ironic Xbro posting

Sony is finished!

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killer instinct 4 would be nice

If he can somehow make OG Xbox and 360 games playable on PC, he'll go down as the GOAT console manufacturer leader. I don't want to have to buy an Xbone just to play the Ninja Gaiden trilogy, Panzer Dragoon Orta, and Breakdown. And emulation is years away from being where it needs to be.

>tfw finally growing out of video games
Feels good.

Where's 2 and 3??

you have to go back zoomer

you aren't funny

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Sony is the scum of the earth, this much is true but imagine a games market
dominated by Sony :-(
not a nice though eh?

Which is why we should boycott the PS5

If every Nintendo Fan Sega Fan PC fan and even Playstation fan goes out to buy
a Playstation 5 it won't be good for any of the companies because there will be
no competion in the world of consoles and the gamer will miss out the most.

thus meaning that Sony will be able to sign up every developer under the sun
with relative ease because there will be no profit in the: Switch, X-BOX?
and that ain't good....................

so here is a plee

DON'T BUY THE PLAYSTATION 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And we love the glory of the burning pikachu,
It's flesh is scorched off, it's blood is boiling too.
Oh, I'd like to stab it through and through and through,
The pokemon are gone!!

Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon, as well.

4k 9/11


financial power that even tencent cannot match as he absorbs every studio

>releases all games on pc
>xbox is back
stay delusional

I'll bite the only reason people buy playstation is because of the jrpg and other Japanese games. If Japanese developers didnt have their heads up their ass they would support pc, switch and xbox. Unfortunately PC is not getting everything, switch is getting late ports and xbox gets nothing

Just go back to OG Xbox/early 360 days where everything they published and funded was weird and experimental and give the freedom to devs to do what they want. Also give companies money for games that would never get funded normally.

Besides Persona 5 (which the PS3 version is playable on PC due to emulation), Star Ocean 5 (which is apparently a shit game anyway), and Witch & the Hundred Knight 2 (which I've literally seen no one talk about since it released), what other JRPGs are on PS4 that aren't on PC?

have sex

>Just go back to OG Xbox/early 360 days where everything they published and funded was weird and experimental and give the freedom to devs to do what they want

This man gets it.

Buying Bungie for Halo games, Lionhead for Fable, supporting Rare for Viva Pinata, were some of the best ideas of all time. Then they stopped doing the right things.

They need to kickstart new, strong franchises made by passionate men.

It's a platform. Next console will be called Xbox Evolved or XBE. Why you ask? Because E is the fifth letter in the alphabet.

Samefag here, also forgot about Kingdom Hearts and the Digimon games. And I guess Bloodborne if you count that as a JRPG

Last Remnant got a remaster only on PS4 that also resulted in the Steam version of the original being delisted

>Phil spends 5 years telling us the games are coming
>It's 2019 and there are still no games

Waiting for the xbox backwards compatible tech to come to PC so we can finally get Rare Replay

dude needs a better fit

He's not just brining hype user, so quit your bitchin.

I don't even see why it was necessary to delist the game from PC just because of a console remaster. Oh well, I bought it on Steam when it was on sale for like $5, so I'm good. Sucks for anyone that didn't buy it before it got taken down, though.

Nothing can convince me that Xbox is back. I have absolutely no reason to purchase an Xbox if they keep releasing their games on PC.

Why Sony gets away with making PS4 exclusives available on PC but Xbox doesn't?



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Why haven't they made a sequel to Ryse son of Rome?

>PS Now
You need to have a good internet connection because game streaming is still a giant meme

Crytek still want ownership to the ip while doing nothing with it

Truly the worst managed dev out there

Most people's internet speed is too slow for PS Now so it's not a viable option.

He'll show some hype third-party announcements that will be better on PC.

Speaking of, does the PS4 remaster have any new content over the PC version? The PC version had new content and was completely rebalanced from the original 360 version.

I've been barking a quantum break sequel for and that's never gonna happen.

how about some good games

>All those cancelled Rare games on the 360 era
Im absolutely furious

For a game being streamed at 720p and 30fps, this looks great. I just wonder how bad the input lag is.

>there will never be another Viva Pinata

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They are making a (spiritual) sequel though.

Yet you didn't grow out of shitposting on Yea Forums.

>yeah he should totally just obliterate any reason to buy an xbox so that it dies as a platform and there's only PS weebshit and Nintendo babby shit left to play for people who don't want to spend £500+ on a gaming rig
Typical PC moron.

But they are doing this, picture related. And there are weird and experimental games that have come out, like Recore and Quantum Break. It's a shame that these games haven't turned out as well as one would like, sure. But some have done well: Cuphead, Forza, Gears.

I think Microsoft's main faults with the Xbox One were their hardware choices for the platform back in 2013, not their software choices. They have made the right choices for software, supporting new and innovative games - it's not necessarily their fault that these games haven't turned out great. The main problems with the Xbox One were 1) less power than PS4, 2) always online requirement, 3) unable to buy pre-owned, 4) need to buy an expensive bundled Kinect, etc. These were all dramatically poor decisions which hurt the platform. Don Mattrick was obviously a fucking moron. Anyone with even a passing knowledge of the video game industry would know that overly-expensive consoles ALWAYS lose.

Bungie stopped making Halo because they wanted to. There's not really much Microsoft could do about that, except choose to carry on the series with a new studio, which is what they did. And even though Halo 4 and 5 have faults, I'm still glad they exist, and I do think the gameplay and graphics of those games are really good (the story perhaps not as much, but still). It is better than no more Halo at all.

>hurr durr only men can make good things meem XD
I'm no SJW, but American Psycho and The Hurt Locker are two examples of good things made by women. If something is good it doesn't matter what sex that person is, unless you're some /pol/ retard who obsesses over that kind of thing.

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>but imagine a games market dominated by Sony
The PS1 & PS2 era says hi.

By the way I realise Forza and Gears aren't necessarily "weird and experimental", I should have worded that better. Those are examples of successful games, but obviously they are big franchises. Nurturing their IP like this is a good thing, obviously. But yeah, in terms of the experimental games, like I say, they are supporting that kind of thing. It's just a shame that, apart from Cuphead, they didn't turn out that great.

Making backwards compatibility available for PC doesn't mean it ceases to exist for the actual Xbox. There will still be console babbies that insist on buying the console no matter what content comes to PC, and no matter how easy it is to build a PC that fits their budget and is still capable of playing games decently. Case in point: the fact that the Xbone has even lasted this long. I know more people with Xbones IRL than I know people with PS4s, and they aren't getting them for either the BC or the "exclusives".

Its Sony ip that's in shambles
>last of us turned into LGBT agenda
>God of war is more about being a dad
>infamous is dead
>killzone is dead
>GT is a shell of it former self
I would be surprised if uncharted does the same as the last of us. Death stranded and that samurai game is your saving grace

I want playground to get off their lazy assess and implement much needed qol features to future FH games. The auction house is as dumb as it gets. I also want them to implement more interesting features like moddable terrain for sick custom tracks and a destruction derby dlc would be sweet.

Control doesnt look that interesting and I liked quantum break. If that game flops one of few things are gonna happen.
>they get shutdown
>get bought by Tencent's
>get bought by ms
>mobile games

>get bought by ms
I think they'll do alright, but that's the best future outcome if they become vulnerable to a buyout.

>Bungie stopped making Halo because they wanted to.
Has nothing to do with anything I said. I said Microsoft stopped investing in ambitious, daring projects, now they just make sequels, or make new franchises which are mere clones of existing ones.

>hurr durr only men can make good things meem XD
>I'm no SJW
You are, otherwise you'd consider the word "man" to refer to "humankind", which I do. Then you would have realized the important word here was "passionate".

The fact that you PC morons keep saying "just build a pc" while games sell better on consoles makes you more pathetic than the console babies. The good for building a PC is for porn games and that very low. I would only build a PC for production reason but gaming reason wouldn't be it

Thanks for your blog post.

>sales = quality
I'm sure the Toyota Camry sells more than a Lamborghini. Must be because the Camry is the greatest car of all time.

>Nurturing their IP like this is a good thing, obviously.
Except Microsoft has been terrible at nurturing what little IP they have. Instead all we get are forgettable entries in the same long-stale franchises

The 2001 Toyota Camry is an unironically good car

Will Phil ever escape this perpetual recovery mode he is in since the xbone e3
This whole "this is it, guys" is growing old
Can he finally kill the bone in favor of windows 10 Xbox branded PCs, and cloud dummy clients, and call it a day

Can someone tell me exactly what happened to Xbox to make this all go so wrong?

he should just release kino again

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>no matter how easy it is to build a PC that fits their budget and is still capable of playing games decently
I've looked, and it is essentially impossible to build a gaming PC for £190 / $210 (the prices of an Xbox One S on Amazon UK and US respectively) that will definitely be able to play all the same games as an Xbox One, unless you buy all second-hand eBay parts. At that point it might be possible, but incredibly difficult.

>Making backwards compatibility available for PC doesn't mean it ceases to exist for the actual Xbox
It would definitely remove reasons to have the console. If I were you I would just wait on Xenia to get better, and maybe support them on Patreon if you're very desperate to play 360 games on PC. They've come very far with that emulator, although obviously it isn't perfect yet. Alternatively, Xbox 360s are pretty cheap on eBay - just make sure you get an S or an E model to avoid the RRODs, obviously.

I haven't played the latest Forza games, the last one I've played is FM4 on the 360, which I was a big fan of. Of the current gen ones, I've read that Project Cars 2 is pretty good, with dynamic weather on basically every track I believe, and apparently it's the most realistic for physics before you get into the hardcore sims like Assetto Corsa, rFactor 2, iRacing, etc.

>Xbone is announced as an "entertainment machine" with a specific focus on live TV
>Console also has super draconian DRM like the console needing to connect to the internet once every 24 hours and needing the Kinect plugged in to work (failure for these conditions would result in being locked out of ALL games until you comply)
>Physical games would still be tied to your account
>Any sort of benefit to the consumer such as game sharing isn't properly explained
>Sony immediately seizes the opportunity and makes a humorous video showing how used games would work on the PS4: by putting them in the disc drive with no strings attached
>Xbone is $100 more than PS4, yet also technically weaker
>Only studios opened are Black Tusk, which was opened to make "the next big Xbox IP" and Xbox Entertainment Studio, a TV production house.
>Black Tusk's IP is cancelled after MS buys the rights to Gears
>Lionhead is closed
>Halo MCC is released as a massive buggy turd
>Microsoft continues to cling to has-been series like Gears and Dead Rising
>Gets shit-canned in sales

>Has nothing to do with anything I said. I said Microsoft stopped investing in ambitious, daring projects, now they just make sequels, or make new franchises which are mere clones of existing ones.
That's not true at all, they supported Cuphead, Recore, Quantum Break, Scalebound (it's a shame they cancelled that, maybe they were unnerved by their other exclusives getting low Metacritic scores; Scalebound looked okay though, not my kind of game necessarily, but it looked polished). They have absolutely supported new IPs, it's just a shame they haven't turned out so well. Perhaps they should choose better devs? I dunno, it's a hard problem to solve

>you'd consider the word "man" to refer to "humankind"
I have never seen the word "men" used to refer to humankind by anybody. "Man" is sometimes used to refer to humankind but not "men". The fact that you think I am automatically an SJW because I noticed your use of this basically confirms that you're a /pol/tard.

>Sony immediately seizes the opportunity and makes a humorous video showing how used games would work on the PS4: by putting them in the disc drive with no strings attached
Xbros BTFO

The latest Forza games have done critically well, so did the latest Gears game, and Halo 4 and 5 did pretty well critically (4 moreso than 5, although 5's multiplayer was received better than 4's by most). What else should they be doing? 343 are already having a "spiritual reboot" of Halo in response to criticism. I don't know what else there is you expect them to do.

Halo Infinite

Launched it with bundled Kinect, which made it $100 more expensive than it was supposed to be. Ran games a worse framerate and resolution than PS4. Threatened always online DRM that required you to check in at least once a week or else it'll lock you out of your games. Kinect was seen as a massive invasion of privacy. Game purchases (even physical games) were tied to your account, so you can't borrow/trade/sell/buy preowned. Some PR guy actually doubled down on all of this (basically saying anyone who doesn't have a constant internet connection for always online or resorts to buying used games is a third-worlder), which was seen as a slap in the face to it's potential customers. Literally no exclusives that didn't end up getting ported to PC besides Rare Replay, which is a rom compilation.

They dropped the ball on this disc-less console by it only being 50 dollars off from the Xbox one S

Sony has at least 10 exclusive series that pump out a massive selling, critically acclaimed game every few years. Microsoft has barely 2, every other studio they acquired has been run into the ground to the point of worthlessness, case in point Rare. Gears of Wars has tragically small sales compared to at its peak. Backwards compatibility is single handedly keeping Xbox relevant, and even then, PC does it vastly better.

Whatever it is, he better remember to not take any guff from those G.D. potato aimers.

>FM4 on the 360
It was on the first roster of bc titles to roll out after the announcement and then it got pulled AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
If you liked FM4 then FM7 is finally getting to a state close to it in terms of quality. FH is the best open memeworld racer out there but with much less realistic physics vs sims.

Crimson skies 3 with ace combat/war thunder controls

FH3 and FH4 are the highest rated games developed by MS this gen, which is kind of sad since it highlights how far Halo and Gears have fallen
Gears 4 was just a cheap rehash in terms of story with a meh multiplayer
>Halo 4 and Halo 5
4 had a decent campaign but a garbage multiplayer. 5 had a great multiplayer but the worst campaign in the series.
>What else should they be doing?
Investing in new IP they actually own, or revisiting old IP but actually make them good. Look at Crackdown 3, over 5 years in development and the end result is a game with less content and features than Crackdown 2.

As much as Xbox deserved to get BTFO for the horrible Xbone pre-launch announcements, I just hate Sony's smug hubris. Especially since they're scummy as well (censorship, adopted paid online, no backwards compatibility whatsoever, the sticks on their early batch of DS4s would degrade in record time, focus on cinematic experiences instead of actual games)

>"Man" is sometimes used to refer to humankind but not "men"
It's called "plural".

>The fact that you think I am automatically an SJW because I noticed your use of this basically confirms that you're a /pol/tard.
You started by denying this, and then acted like one. Blame yourself.

>but the worst campaign in the series
That's pretty debatable when Reach exists, campaign was still bad though.

As long as halo and gears is cross platform
I will never buy another Microsoft console, hell I doubt that would even make me, Xbox has no games isn’t just a meme



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