Just bought this on sale, any tips?
Metal Gear
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Have fun
it's shit
the main campaign sucks fat wiener ass, but the multi is good.
not many people are playing the game, so good luck trying to find lobbies
Is it possible to solo the online stuff?
yea but its gonna be hard as FUCK
your gonna have to be really fucking good at multi-tasking
you can also just build some specific buildings that will fuck with the AI and screw them over, like having them climb something and then fall and lose a 1/3rd of their health
When you get a skill that lets you do a drop attack, Climb fence, at apex of climb do drop attack, ded zombies
No tips really but you're going to be using the fence and pipe for the enitre shitty game so you may as well use one that isn't going to suck.
How are guns in this game? Are they useful and is the ammo rare or something? Because every gameplay video it's always a guy with that spear
>Any tips
Bash your fucking dick in, twice as hard if this is your first metal gear game
Guns decimate everything, shotguns and ars are top tier but ammo can be expensive early on
guns are good but ammo is retardedly scarce and really expensive to make. but i think the coop stages have ammo boxes that spawn
Main campaign only sucks if you were playing around instead of rushing to the cooking pot. Otherwise, it's your standard variety but highly polished zombie survival game.
Get your money back, it's soulless cashgrab.
Yeah. Just play the fucking game you idiot
Have fun. Don't miss the potatoes in the trash pile (IIRC its with a refrigerator) in between containers and the orange sheds in one of the early missions or you'll be mad.
A spit in the face of Kojima in the form of a "game", refund it out of principle.
Guns are great but you have to make all the ammo and that means tediously gathering lead and copper. It takes so long to get that a lot of the time you don't even want to use it. In the end, it's really mostly for emergency situations because your most reliable weapon is always going to be fence+spear.
> highly polished
>you're going to be using the fence and pipe for the enitre shitty gam
mad cuz bad
Explain the post 2 posts above yours then.
What's so good about the cooking pot?
yeah my kid played and had to take a huge hiatus before the last stretch because he had been using almost all guns and was bone dry on ammo resources.
if you really want to use projectiles, use heavy arrows and make damn sure you collect them back up as you drop enemies.
for major stealth kicks play naked on anything other than base defense style missions.
Most important post in this thread.
Oh yeah, you actually have to eat and drink in this game, how much of an annoyance is it?
aslong as you got your shit together its only a minor inconvenience. but if you dont set up some farms and keep track of your bottles then your not gonna be happy
give the xof bro a rake and watering can.
give the night nurse a rake and watering can.
give the crippled kid a rake and watering can.
give the sassy black cop a rake and watering can.
give the male mei ling a rake and watering can.
there now the rest is up you you and your fence and your spear