Hero of the story ideolizes villain

>hero of the story ideolizes villain

What was jimbo thinking

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Vic Boss!

>but i thought kojima was based because mgs2 predicted sjw's taking over the world

“The black is indolent and a dreamer; spending his meager wage on frivolity or drink; the European has a tradition of work and saving, which has pursued him as far as this corner of America and drives him to advance himself, even independently of his own individual aspirations.”
Based snake
“The blacks, those magnificent examples of the African race who have maintained their racial purity thanks to their lack of an affinity with bathing, have seen their territory invaded by a new kind of slave: the Portuguese.”

socialism destroyed all that it touched. Cuba and Venezuela are living proof

Che is a hero though.

>right wing and conservatism exploiting south American countries
>people start demanding more human and workers rights
>right wing bootlickers destroy latin america with civil wars becasause those darn workers wanting rights will affect the billionaires bottom lines
Maybe I consider you looking into where teh term banana republic comes from. Western porkie materialists are a mistake.
>being the "wrong" ideology next door to a massive oligarchal imperialist empire like america hurts the economy. Imagine my shock. Just ignore that latin america countries have a history of oppression by capitalism and slavery. Haiti is far worse than cuba because of their capitalist slave history.

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>Che Guevara
Americans ladies and gentlemen

This, how many Latin American countries does the US government have to destroy before you guys realize socialism is bad?

this but also blaming the leftist controlled opposition instead of just conservashits

How he over through the Cuban dictatorship is a good read though.

None of that is wrong, but you haven't provided a reason as to why socialism is the alternative. Because you can't. When asked, most marxists always resort to criticizing capitalism (while assuming that their opponent is a capitalist) because they know that defending marxism after the numerous failed states is a fool's errand.

NatSoc is the way forward for all workers.

>don't do socialism, do socialism
Right wing authoritarianism and Left wing authoritarianism end up in the same place.

this. nationalism have aways been better for the workers than marxism.

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Right wing fascist governments can just take your land and shoot you in the head without a trial. What's the fucking difference? Do you hate having basic legal rights?

>Vic Boss!
why the fuck did they call him that again?

>believing the false dichotomy

>Big Boss

>NatSoc is the way forward for all workers
Unless those workers are Jewish, handicapped, gay, or whatever other traits are considered undesirable.

nice meme

che was a spoiled rich kid with too much time on his hands who decided to larp as a communist. he spent the entire cuban revolution being worthless hiding in the mountains, and then got his ass killed going around trying to spread communism in countries that had zero desire to turn. he was a retarded faggot.

"Victory" Boss or some stupid shit like that.

>This, how many Latin American countries does the US government have to destroy before you guys realize socialism is bad for the US government.

How did the US destroy Venezuela?


Che was 100% right, all he wanted to do was restore Cuba to the people from Imperialist Americans.


Are you fucking blind?
Big Boss in Peace Walker is morally grey, not a hero, although he did once again save the day.

>thinking Big Boss is meant to be seen as a hero or goodguy at any point during his trilogy
Genius Kojimbo was thinking more than you, evidently.

>big boss

>Call me Snake
>Uh, sorry, Vic Boss
He clearly said "Call me Vic Boss" right there, why did the script do something so arbitrary and stupid?

by putting immense tariffs on it and trying to get nato and nato-aligned nations such as south korea or australia to do so as well

>Big Boss
He's the antihero in Peace Walker stupid asshat


really makes you think

But I thought socialism was so based they could be self sufficient and don't need to rely on a capitalist global market to support their economy?

please explain

All this article proves is how dishonest politifact is.

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>not realizing Big Boss is the villain in PW

ok incel

the fact is that any populist platform is easy to ride on and exploit peoples with. this is why the USSR and China became shitholes. even while espousing populist communist idealism, they practiced authoritarian state capitalism.

But he’s the protagonist. Protagonists can’t be evil.

Take the fucking L and admit communism was shit. You're a big boy, I'm sure you can do it.

In Peace Walker's tapes Kazuhira Miller says that Yukio Mishima made him think and leave the JSDF, Kaz confirmed far right.

>Big Boss
>villain in any game aside from MG2
Kojima has spent the past 10+ years making Big Boss a good guy. Not that I'm defending his shitty story writing, but don't spout your headcanon as fact.

>Kaz confirmed far right
Then why was he trying to help poor African child soldiers learn to read in MGSV?

when did i ever deny that? those who preach it are unrealistic. you know the meme of "there's never been real communism"? well yea its a meme because it's true, because implementing it is practically impossible.

I dream of a day when people realize that any form of government in today's high-tech era serves only, and exclusively, to exploit and drain the populace of its resources, whether through soft power or outright oppression.

I dream of a day when people realize they don't need governments, at all. Wars aren't fought between "nations", but between governments who use their own populations as canon fodder.

>far right
>that entire anti-nuke, love the world, no war speech he gave in MGSV

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Every retard thinks MGS2 was about the people they don't like. MGS2 was about the way information would be uses, and Kojima was right they were talking aboit stuff like the rise of social media and fake news, about digital data overwhelming our senses.

Kojima was NOT talking about sjw or alt right shit.

this is a weird thread to see right after watching escape from LA

he saves the world from nuclear war?

>digital data overwhelming our senses
its followed up very well in MGR.
Fucking raiden has to open up like 50 sources just to check something

>retards literally cannot stand a fictional Japanese character having different political stances than themselves

Can we all agree that PW and PO are better than V?
Especially on vita when you can up the framerate and use the right stick

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yeesh really trying to repackage nazi as natsoc is like trying to feed someone shit by calling is fecal cake.

I don't see anything wrong with no. 1. Also private property =/= personal property.

based che and bibo sticking it to shitty western goverenments.
Reminder that this crazy mother destroyed the UK despite losing the war.

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Tariffs and sanctions were put on Venezuela in 2014, AFTER their currency had already lost 90% of it's value.
Venezuela was well into the socialist death spiral at that point with shortages of many goods and services under Chavez.

Who am I kidding though, moronic socialists will never see the fatal flaws in their ideology.

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che and fidel stood up to the cia's exploitation of less fortunate people and won. America demonized them for that

Politics do NOT belong in videogames

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Socialism and communism only works in small groups or in a society where everyone has something intrinsic in common with them. The second you inject some kind of difference between the average person it all falls apart.

isn't that movement a big as joke now like it was in 2014

I dream of the day when anarchists realize that abolishing governments creates a power vacuum and nature abhors a vacuum.

>I'm not a nazi, I'm a National Socialist

>Hates niggers
>Hates fags
>Hates and kills literally everyone that does not agree with him
Based Che. He could become the hero of /pol/.

Kojima’s protags can’t be bad guys

big boss was a bad guy so yeah

he regretted all of these things tho

You do realize that MGS3 and beyond is Kojima taking the piss and reveling in how retarded his fans are right? It's what we deserve after spurning MGS2.

Before or after being lined up and shot?

>all we want is politics OUT of games journalism!
>sets up a games site that's just /pol/ with ads

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>GG was disingenuous AND retarded?
imagine my shock

What's that stuff on the bottom?

>What's that stuff on the bottom?
literally just capitalism except you and your boss have the same skin color so that makes wage slavery good for some reason.

The only reason I would love to see the nazis win is to find out who they'd blame for anything going wrong.
>wtf, crime still exists? but we killed all the non whites!
>also why am I poor and everything is shit and also living in fear of being killed by my rulers for questioning them

>Big Boss in MGS3
>Straight Hero
>Big Boss in PW
>Morally Grey
>Big Boss in TPP
>Asshole Villain
Best Character arc

>hey it's a socialist state
>it's kinda working but them being socialists is no good for the big fat US
>let's invade them/bomb them/sanction them/meddle in their politics and destroy their system
>see, socialism NEVER works
Ofc socialists criticize capitalism, because capitalism never allows for another system to coexist. I don't believe in socialism, but capitalism was the bigger mistake here because it takes down everything else with it.

>duuuurr huuur

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>suddenly silent
Kek, is the US to blame of North Korea people starving because muh sanctions? this fucking commies are all reatrded.

>muh pol boogiman!!!
also /pol has ads already you stupid moron.

>>hero of the story ideolizes villain
When does Che ideolize some mutt?

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>Kojima was right
Bruh, this was a common theory way before Kojimbo used it in MGS2, the war of information thing was already a widespread political theory by the end of the 90's, there's even manga about it, like Deadman, it's not like Kojimbo was some sort of genius, he just read newspapers and magazines like everyone else.

>tries to start a revolution in Bolivia
>Gets ratted out by the poor


>NatSoc is the way forward for all workers.
that's dumb and you're dumb

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>Tariffs and sanctions were put on Venezuela in 2014
Nigger what? US has been embargoing and sanctioning Venezuela since 2000's you dumb glow in the dark nigger. wikileaks.org/wiki/Category:venezuela

>Kek, is the US to blame of North Korea people starving because muh sanctions?
Technically, yeah. And they aren't even that starving, it's just that their choices of food aren't as big since they can't fairly trade with other countries because US constantly pressures their vassal states.

>"wtf don't put sanctions on us"
Sometimes I wish operation unthinkable actually happened

I mean I could've just written Fascism too, you're right. Or are you actually trying to say that the fasces isn't fascism?

Moral of the story: fuck secret government agencies.

>i don't know anything about fascism or nazism but what my /leftypol/ bros told me

jews always control both sides famalam

>>"wtf don't put sanctions on us"
>dumb niggers like you can't into geopolitics or even UN rules, that which US pretty much created and owns
Why am I not surprised?

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But both of the above eventually decay into the third.

I meant to say that Wikipedia is a garbage source of information when it comes to anything related to politics.

Shut the fuck up commie, the West's only mistake was not helping Poland in 1922

>being a degenerative factor is the way forward

>Shut the fuck up commie
Make me, faggot.
>not helping Poland in 1922
lel, you do realize that the good goy West was eagerly fueling the flames, right?

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t. InfoWars


cringe and bluepilled

>kojima kojima kojima
>not a team of writers (at least Kojima + Fukushima) consulting a bunch of experts about short-term predictions on the coming age of the internet

>National Socialism is Socialism

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>modern day burgers are still brainwashed into being deathly terrified of communism

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Is this fag like an actual incel or something? no one would be complainging about MK11's femal characters if it weren't for him aside from some fags on Yea Forums

>Loses to Poland of all people despite outnumbering them
So this...is the power of the revolution

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Well this one is more about the history of a political ideology rather than the applications of today. Either way, if you follow the quote chain and see who I was replying to, you'll see that it was just so that he could see the fasces and verify that the picture was indeed referring to fascism.

I imagine actually believing CIA and State Department lies.

>buying into propaganda
The “jews” targeted were communists trying to overthrow the government, and attacking civilians using thug groups like the historical antifa (where the modern incarnation got the idea)

It's common sense, dumbass. Even high school history commie teachers know Wikipedia is trash.

Not that user, but wikipedia often handpicks sources they want to use, kinda like fagbook does.

Damn, I've never seen that happen anywhere else ever. You sure showed me.

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Cuba is proof that it improved a place though. Cuba is objectively better now than it was before Castro.

>to Poland
Kinda disingenuous don't you think user? They were in the middle of fighting a Civil War against the White Movement while simultaneously fighting Germany, The UK, France, Czechoslovakia and Japan and all of the other allied countries. To imply it was just a 1 on 1 against Poland and the Soviet Union is dumb

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>has a wage system
>has private property
>involved selling off state assets to business elites within the nazi party
>was the origins of the english word "privatization" which was first used to describe the nazi economy
>took money from Swiss banks while simultaneously bitching about jewish finance
>was supported by german and American industrialists because they were afraid of muh jewish bolsheviks (who were never in a position to take over germany even if they wanted to)
>was originally praised by Churchill and Roosevelt prior to the war as a movement of anti-communist moderates who would save Europe
there is literally no practical difference between fascism and capitalism other than the degree to which the police state is actively oppressing minority groups. both systems behave the exact same way economically.

I can tell you don't own anything of actual value.

>gg is one person
it was/is? a backlash against the increasingly unbearable progressives
some people wanted to keep that shit away from games
others went further to fight it
woo big deal

I really enjoyed PW. Never got to play PO.

At the the US got the K/D ratio, the USSR was getting pounded by Finland despite having the ability to call up more men than the entire population of finland and it was a fucking neighbor, don't even get me start on Afghanistan that's 3 to 1

The civil war was wrapped up by that point and the reds were on the offensive to link up with the Communist in Germany, they made it to Warsaw and got fucking dicked then was continuously chased around till the west told Poland to accept the peace of riga

>was originally praised by Churchill and Roosevelt prior to the war as a movement of anti-communist moderates who would save Europe
I assume they were talking about Mussolini?
To be fair, when compared to the Nazism, Italian Fascism does come across as moderate.

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No one cared what churchill said prior to the war, not even the UK government.

>The civil war was wrapped up by that point
P-S War started in 1919, no? Allied intervention in the RCW effectively ended in 1920 at the earliest

I live in a south american country (brazil) and what the fuck are you talkin about? US had and has nothing to do on whats happening here. Our problems are caused especially because of an communist/socialism mindset that the state should provide rights left and right and intervene on a lot of economics situations. Its an altruistic goal yes, but the state just cant do it right for pratical and logical reasons, and the reverse effect will always backfire hard. That said, the bigger and more powerful the state is, the worst it is for its individuals/population.

Look how that turned out, eh?

>asshole villain
>you only find out about it at the very end while playing his more heroic doppelgänger who will also go full villain after the events of the game
Kojima is too much of a pussy to write a villain protagonist

>t. olavete

Olavo de Carvalho has nothing to do with this

on vita or ppsspp you can use the second stick for the camera.
basically turns the game into MGS3 sub

>At the the US got the K/D ratio,
At the rate of civilian casualties, sure.
>the USSR was getting pounded by Finland despite having the ability to call up more men than the entire population of finland and it was a fucking neighbor
Well, if you've ever read upon the Winter War you'd know that the USSR used far more outdated weaponry than Finland. Didn't have automatics, used old tanks that couldn't get through most terrain, used outdated planes that couldn't fly away too deep into enemy territory. Used outdated intel, so would often times fight in the blind. And so and so forth, there's a good book written by Finnish and Russian historians together. The main historians who wrote the book are Ari Raunio and Yuri Kilin. And most Soviet soldiers died from frostbite/hypothermia, not from actual finns.
>don't even get me start on Afghanistan that's 3 to 1
You mean that place where US is still stuck to this day? That's infamously known as the "graveyard of empires"? I mean, you can start, but judging by your argumentation, your knowledge of history is grade school tier.
>The civil war was wrapped up by that point
I hope you aren't serious. There were still multiple fronts fought here even after WWII ended.

The war went on until 1921, the battle for Warsaw was 1920, allied intervention did start before the battle but it had no importance to the actual since it was just starting up, so it was all Poland for 2 years, the soviets also had more men on the front with Poland as they saw it of great importance

You know Finland only had ammunition for like two weeks right? And they were using world war 1 equipment, that's still a huge fucking blunter on Soviet's part
I'll agree with you on the civil war part, I was thinking of something else
About the us in Afghanistan? They don't care, you seriously don't it's not like the soviet's Vietnam, the war in Afghanistan for the us is like that distant thing where you hear one Burger dies in like 4 months, if anything Syria would be more important

>Civilian casualties

>they aren't even that starving

So they're starving, right?

Well once chamberlain shat the bed then people started listening.

It's more an issue of the common people refusing to attempt to build their own power circles and instead feeling inclined to support whatever their corporate/government overlords tell them to. In the advent of BTC and other cryptocurrencies, pretty much all of the ruling bodies realized that there was an actual threat to their iron grip over the collective economic structure of the world, and they invariably shat themselves and tried to ban it out of existence and track down anybody who used it, while demonizing its general use as being exclusively the capital for child pornography, illegal drugs and firearms, and other illicit activities. Years later and now numerous brick-and-mortar businesses are using crypto as an alternative payment system.

I'm not saying that we need to subscribe to crypto or only do things that cause governments to lose their minds. We need to start actually just creating things and circles that do not demand a pass through some wall street kike's wallet in order to operate, and serve only the people, not the powers that be. I'd personally like a non-syndicated collectibles trading network for those who want to dump their old collections.

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>There were still multiple fronts fought here even after WWII ended.
Killing civilians in the Ukraine and the Baltic under the guise of being anti communist doesn't count as a front

>And they aren't even that starving
Get a load of this retard.

What you just described is the exact thing that Stalin did to the Ukrainians

>You know Finland only had ammunition for like two weeks right?
Have you ever picked up a history book? They only started to run dry on ammunition near the end of the Winter War. By that time they took a bluff on saying that they called for help from allied forces like England, which tricked the USSR into signing a peace treaty.
>And they were using world war 1 equipment
To some degree this is true, but they were also given some help, think of it like the big lend lease during the actual WWII, from other allied nations at the time. Also a big game changer for that time being were automatic rifles. Very good for ambushes. Which Soviets didn't have.
>the war in Afghanistan for the us is like that distant thing where you hear one Burger dies in like 4 months
That's because of two reasons. They aren't fighting an active war and nobody is prepping the Taliban against the US.


Same as people were starving here in the USSR. cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP84B00274R000300150009-5.pdf

>Killing civilians in the Ukraine and the Baltic under the guise of being anti communist doesn't count as a front
As a Balt, I find this especially funny.

NatSoc is neither nationalism nor socialism done right.

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>the soviets also had more men on the front with Poland as they saw it of great importance
Wiki says that the Russians had less men than the Poles though.

Is that supposed to be a bad thing?

>tfw Nazism forever ruined ethnic nationalism and nationalism

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Well given how the Russians were trying to colonize the Baltic, I don't know why you'd think that, also finland ended the war with more ammunition and tanks than they started with because of all the captured Soviet equipment
Not for the battle of Warsaw, the Soviets brought more men as the war against the white army was turning in their favor, once the Polish actually pushed them back the Soviets sued for peace

113,000–123,000 on the Polish side versus 104,000–140,000 on the Commie side. I'd hardly say it's overwhelming numbers on the Soviet side. Invading what is essentially a failed state while it's in the midst of a civil war and being invaded by literally every major great power, and being fought back to your capital isn't exactly an overwhelming victory

>mfw JCP was the only party that oppose Janpanse expansionism in WW2

You can always look at Malaysia...

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I meant white ethnic nationalism, non-whites can do it fine.

I fucked that one up, kinda. But it's pretty common knowledge that US committed mass warcrimes in Vietnam. Hence why the US quickly pulled out of there.

>Well given how the Russians were trying to colonize the Baltic
You do realize that most of the Baltics were colonized by the Russian Empire before that, right? Like, technically speaking not much of anything had changed. Also, ever heard of these guys named Latviešu strēlnieki?
>also finland ended the war with more ammunition and tanks than they started with because of all the captured Soviet equipment
A lot of the captured weaponry was damaged due to cold.

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The Polish were disorganized and didn't even have a proper state, they're army was a mess
They were pushed back to to Warsaw, they won despite all odds and pushed the Soviets away from Warsaw and started chasing them around, despite Soviet cavalry outnumbering them they still defeated them with their own, they pushed the Soviets even into Minsk before they sued for peace
You can't say the Soviets were any better than the Russian empire

>Che is a hero
Cállate enfermo de mierda. I bet you are not even a spic

>You can't say the Soviets were any better than the Russian empire
In most ways? They were. I mean, the Russian Empire was so fucked up that there were multiple revolts even in before 1917. Like the first revolution attempt from 1905 to 1907. That should've already been a big enough flag for the heads that things are going down hill.

Right, but again, the Polish invaded the Soviets when it was in a state of disarray and being invaded by MULTIPLE Great Powers, and after the most devastating war in history up until that point. The fact that Poland barely managed to hang on is not a great victory for Poland. The Battle of Warsaw was impressive, yes. But the original post implied it was a one on one fight between the Soviets and Poland.

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I bet you faggots zurdos hate US imperialism but it's OK when it's your kin, either the soviets or the Foro.
Peron was right about you fuckers.

Not that user, but to compare Imperial Russia to the Soviet Union is retarded. Revolutionaries in Imperial Russia got sent to Siberia at worse, under the Soviet Union they would have been put up against the wall and shot, and then their entire family would have been shot.

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Venezuela also only started to go downhill when Chavez died.

The Polish were also mess that's why any Soviet defense stopped the Polish in their tracks, the first polish offensive was a complete Trainwreck, during the second polish offensive the allies told them to accept the peace of riga

Ahem "onward to Berlin over the corpse of Poland" OH NO NO NO NO

>All these people who didn't realise that PeaceWalker was subversion, presenting a cheerful and lighthearted tale on the surface whilst actually it's about a Warmonger who idolises a terrorist and becomes a rogue nuclear state

You people are the reason we got MGS5

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It's the same shit as Deus Ex. Nothing is predicted. A lot of those things were just already happening to varying extents.

Yeah, I'm not trying to undermine the Polish victory, I'm just saying that it's disingenuous to imply it was a weak Poland standing up against the Soviet Union

>under the Soviet Union they would have been put up against the wall and shot, and then their entire family would have been shot
Do you have a single source to back that up? There's a whole database of documents in Russia, available to the public, where each criminal charge is registered. Out of that there's also a complete list of people charged with different degrees of penalties for each passage of years. Unironically enough, during the early Soviet years the population started to actually grow and not decline. On top of majority of regular people supporting the state. Which was a registered fact by different nations.
Also, a shitload of revolutionaries were killed off after 1907.

People tend to forget that Poland was being backed up with supplies from nearby states, especially France.

>Communism is for the workers
>Kills workers that were on strike

Also, why do people constantly say that USSR invaded Poland but never mention the fact that USSR responded to Poland's aggression on Czechs, Ukrainians, Germans and so on.

Those were clearly fascist counter revolutionaries. Good riddance.

>Do you have a single source to back that up?
Sure. I'm currently reading "Soviet Union: A Documentary History Volume 1: 1917-1940" by Edward Acton and Tom Stableford. Page 358 goes into detail about the nature of the Great Terror and the extent of the political reprisals under Stalin

Is that why the Ukraine and polish were helping each other out during the war?
Also >Germans
If you're talking about the greater polish uprising thats actually retarded there is no reason why the Soviets would give a shit about that
The Czechs gave Poland that strip of land after their government collapsed when the Krauts walked in

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>the author and the main character are the same person
Stay retarded

So wait, you're reading a book on the USSR written by westerners who got their sources from?

>Is that why the Ukraine and polish were helping each other out during the war?
Poles were literally trying to steal clay from Ukraine.
>The Czechs gave Poland that strip of land after their government collapsed when the Krauts walked in
Good joke.


So who won the rap kino?

>I dream of a day when corporations rule the world

Don´t worry, we are getting there.

>ok, I know the USSR signed an alliance pact with Nazi Germany
Nigger, those kinds of "alliance" pacts were signed between Nazi Germany and most of Europe. What kind of 80 IQ nigger tier propaganda is that even? Is this meant to be aimed at chimps who don't know history?

Yeah, what's wrong with a book written by Westerners? If it was written by Russians would it somehow be more objective?

The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact agreed to split Europe right? It went a bit beyond a simple Non-aggression pact

Poles stole it after the peace of riga was signed and even then the higher ups in poland weren't happy about it as it destroyed their relations
Will they ever learn?
>During the interest
The Soviets were suppose to be the counter balance to the Nazis, instead they actually helped them by supplying them with oil
The thing that scared many onlookers wasn't some gay ass Luxembourg Germany no war plz treaty, it was a treaty that was signed between two great powers that were supposed to keep each other in check
World war 2 only got as bad as it did because the Soviets sat on their ass and let the Nazis take it all


same with mgs2, raiden idolises the false solid snake (solidus), his genetic father masquerading as the president of the united states. multilayered, theme of identity, hero worship, awesome shit.

could be the same thing with no. 3.

Solid was always better than Big Boss anyway.

He didn't write about the superiority of whites, but he did say his spiel about negroes as he didn't see them as people who would join a cause.

Politifact buries the confirmation of this near the bottom of the article of course.

Lol only because of tourism for rich college commies.

Reminds me of this.

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Do you hear yourself here? How do these two men know what's happening in the USSR when they themselves were abroad or maybe never in the USSR to begin with? Like, where do these people get their information from, that is my question.
jstor.org/stable/j.ctt32bw0h here's a book written by a Western author with very credible sources cited. Check it out and compare it to what you're reading now.

>The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact agreed to split Europe right?
The only existing copy of this page was shown by the US and even then there were a lot of dubious mistakes and controversies surrounding it's appearance in the courts. It's such a fucking meme.

>Poles stole it after the peace of riga was signed and even then the higher ups in poland weren't happy about it as it destroyed their relations
Serious attempts were made as early as 1918.
>instead they actually helped them by supplying them with oil
You do realize that most countries helped Nazis in one way or the other. The UK supplied the nazis with tanks, the french with rifles. The US was also giving both oil and money. In the end it all went down to quora.com/In-1941-future-president-Truman-said-If-we-see-that-Germany-is-winning-the-war-we-ought-to-help-Russia-and-if-that-Russia-is-winning-we-ought-to-help-Germany-and-in-that-way-let-them-kill-as-many-as-possible-What

>Communism is bad because it doesn’t work!
>That’s why we need this system that collapsed in twelve years!

Why are Nazis so goddamn stupid?

>World war 2 only got as bad as it did because the Soviets sat on their ass and let the Nazis take it all
Technically most big powers were supposed to keep in check one another at that time. UK, FR, US. They were also supposedly keeping both the USSR and the Third Reich in check. We all know how that ended. And let's not forget that everyone knew a good way before the actual official start of WWII, that a new big war was brewing in Europe.
>inb4 conspiracy theories

>How do these two men know what's happening in the USSR when they themselves were abroad or maybe never in the USSR to begin with?
The vast majority of the sources they cite are primary sources and documents contemporary to the period.

>The only existing copy of this page was shown by the US and even then there were a lot of dubious mistakes and controversies surrounding it's appearance in the courts.
Holocaust denial tier argument

>The UK gave them tanks
The treaty of Versailles literally said Germany could not have tanks
That link you posted was the west trying to play Germany and russia off each other so they can kill each other
Everyone expected the Soviets to join in since the Nazis were having speeches about destorying the bastion of communism
The US gave no shits until France fell

are you kidding. aside from few regions, Che is well-liked and celebrated through most of latin america.

not him but brazil (and venezuela) have the unique positions of being shitty countries with more corruption than any other countries in latin america. they will forever be bad no matter what kind of government prevails. i think your culture just fucking sucks bro.

How is exporting one shitty form of government any different than exporting another? Both the CIA and Cubans were doing the same shit by toppling governments and imposing a repressive system on top of them.

He was ratted out by the Bolivian population
>Well liked

great reading comprehension retard

>The vast majority of the sources they cite are primary sources and documents contemporary to the period.
I can only take your word for that and all I can suggest is that you at some point compare it to the book that I linked above.

That's literally the official history of that page. Do you even know what the fuck you're on about? It literally only appeared during the Nuremberg trials and in the hands of the US govt, with no the dumbest backstory ever.

>The treaty of Versailles literally said Germany could not have tanks
Yes, many treaties were signed. Doesn't mean that someone somewhere couldn't play around them.
>That link you posted was the west trying to play Germany and russia off each other so they can kill each other
Which I'm pointing at contextually to the fact that there were many great interests at bay who profitted from war.
>Everyone expected the Soviets to join in since the Nazis were having speeches about destorying the bastion of communism
The Soviet Union at the time was in shit tier condition, literally came out of Finland demoralized. Only preparing for a defense and not offense. That's on top of the ongoing infighting we had.
>The US gave no shits until France fell
They didn't give much of a shit even then. It was more rhetoric than action.

>*one of the dumbest backstories ever.

>Our problems are caused especially because of an socialist/communist mindset...
West Europe is socialdemocrat and doesn't have the same problems, maybe your problems are far bigger than just what you said

based jews trying to save european civilization from being destroyed by the eternal kraut

>The Soviet Union at the time was in shit tier condition, literally came out of Finland demoralized. Only preparing for a defense and not offense. That's on top of the ongoing infighting we had.

the winter war started after Poland fell, reminder that the Polish troops thought that the Soviets were there to help

Why is Yea Forums obsessed with America?
Even in situations where America is irrelevant to the current situation seething fags bring it up.

Both snake and che fought for what they believed in and left a legacy in the form of an ideology, even if they were wrong.

The reason why the Winter War happened to begin with was to prepare for a war with the Third Reich. Status quo is the most you can do then. Kinda like how the only thing that Russia could do during the Balkan War was to step in and not let NATO bombard all of Serbia and instead just keep the status quo.
And I'm not saying this because there was some glorious motif or anything, this was more of a strategic perspective of USSR needing more buffer zones and time for preparations for a defense.

I wont take the excuse "because its the culture" anymore. We brazillians have heard this for so many years, even through our own people, that is unreasonable that even if the culture was a problem at some point, we just didnt do anything about it and just accepted getting fucked. No, it is an ideology mindset problem mostly, that basically blinded all our people and made us dependent of an paternal "caring" figure, the state. And i present another point of view, we have corruption exactly because theres just too much bureaucracy and the state just has too much power to not be abused and used. Its basically a cyclic system, and the only way to end it all its to reduce its power and size.

I'll not get on the topic of West Europe being or not being a social democrat, but i can assure you of one thing, they sure have much more individual and economic freedom than we have, and the state just doesnt have that much power. That said, Brazil always had a big, powerful and intervener state and things got even more fucked when the dictatroship of 1964-1985 happened.

>an argie mongrel mutt being racist
Color me surprised