Game fucks with people who pirate it

>Game fucks with people who pirate it

Attached: deval.jpg (1200x675, 163K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>game fucks with legit copies and get blasted by devs when people bitch



Cuphead. If you pirate it, the title theme is some satanic music and OP's pic is the result of doing a spectrogram on that shit

I don't remember what game it was but there's a game where you need to enter a elevator to continue and it never arrives and the the next floor it just keeps going forever.

I pirated it twice and that never happened desu

>pirates leak perfectly normal useable version of the game anyway

Lmao this

isnt cuphead on gog though

>some satanic music
It's just the regular title theme played backwards and slowed down

>pirate game
>get popup thanking you for trying the game and asking if you'd consider buying it

Cringed so hard. I actually only pirated it to see if I could run it but after that shit I'm not buying it.

Is this a Hotel California reference?

>actually pirated it to see if I could run it
>get caught
>fuck them for not wanting people to steal
yeah sure, as if you were gonna buy it before

i really was. but i'm not supporting gay reddit marketing tactics like that.

Yeah and it was uploaded day 1

>shut the video off
>turn sound off
>can still hear it

Attached: 1546829169337.png (596x748, 248K)

quantum break

>Crysis 2 - Kept making your HUD glitch out so everything was fuzzy
>Crysis 3 - Gave the final boss infinite HP


Attached: 1514556166057.png (491x585, 51K)

>game is programmed to fuck with the piratefag

Of course you were
For mental Gymnastics user.

How do they know if a game is pirated or not?

>preventing people from stealing your game is gay reddit marketing tactics
>yeah bro if you let me steal your game for free I will buy it later 100% for sure but if I actually have to buy it without stealing it first screw them
I think you've been here too long
it's stealing, if you want to do it at least admit you are stealing, I'm fine with people who pirate so long as they admit they are pirating and don't try to pull some bullshit reason as to what they are doing is morally right.

Seething buypig

they didn't prevent me from pirating it you retard. did you even read what you replied to? they thanked me for pirating it and asked me if i'd consider paying for it.

>That one hentai game that says on the TOS that it will take periodic screenshots of your desktop if you breach the contract
>Zero XP pokemon B/W
>Exploding base in C&C
Damn it I want more examples.

yes he said that a pop up said thanks for trying. I assumed it meant "lol thanks for trying to pirate the game retard buy an official copy" and wouldn't let you continue, but if that isn't the case I will agree it is a stupid marketing idea to thank the people who pirate your game and beg them to buy an official copy while letting them play the full version.

>Zero XP pokemon B/W
Unironically the best way to play the game

Probably fake, I've pirated it for my siblings and myself multiple times on different sources and it's fine. This is 100000% some fake boogieman to scare people pirating it in the first place...

>it's stealing
There's no such thing as stealing on the internet, as this is impossible, by the simple fact that files are always copied and distributed around the internet, and the owner never loses its files. This is not stealing, this is copying/piracy.

>if you want to do it at least admit you are stealing
How you admit to do something that's practically impossible to do in the internet?

>I'm fine with people who pirate
See, now you have decided to switch terms. Piracy is not the same thing as stealing.

Who exactly gets to see this? I pirated the GOG version and had no idea this existed. The way I see it they just wasted time trying to own pirates.

thanks for trying out the game you actual fucking bathwater temp IQ dumbass
the pop up was like
AHOY Matey! We see you're playing an unofficial copy of the game! Thanks for giving it a try, and if you like it please consider purchasing an official version!

I cringed and decided against supporting the faggots. What part are you not understanding here? If they hadn't given that gay little speech I would have. But now I'm just playing my pirated copy.

that's exactly what I said, why would they let you play a pirated copy of the full game if they know it's a pirated copy? That's stupid, either let them play their game or just block them fully.

Spyro glitching the fuck out and constantly wiping your progress and Zoe the fairy telling you that you've got a cracked copy of the game instead of her normal dialogue. It's completely playable all the way to the final boss, but it's a soul-crushing experience. Then it crashes during the final boss, and then it wipes your entire save data clean forcing you to start all over again.

piracy, stealing, whatever, it's not like I'm going to lean the correct terms to not offend you, as long as you know that you are stealing/pirating it's fine as long as you realize that you're not doing the world some great moral justice or think it's fair to take profits from someone, if you pirate and say "yeah I'm pirating for whatever reason deal with it" that's fine but if you're like "I'm pirating and SO SHOULD YOU because I demand it and everyone who doesn't is an idiot also I'm better than everyone and pirating is the best screw you" then that's just dumb

but it's even dumber to pay for full price single player games with mtx and a season pass
you're literally in the wrong if you pay money for any ubisoft or EA title

The only people trying to twist piracy into being "morally right" or even neutral are actual niggers and third worlders, everyone else just knows what they're doing and don't care for morality.

people can do what they want with their money, traditionally piracy has been about this simple fact and how pirates don't have to spend their money on digital data and if people want to that's fine as well. Now pirates not only want to do what they want with their money, they want to make sure YOU do what they want with your money as well, piracy is immoral or at least a moral grey zone but acting as if you are somehow a better human for stealing/piracy means you are only doing it so you can somehow feel better about yourself and act like you are superior to others for doing something that shouldn't make you, if it wasn't piracy, you'd be going vegan.

How does piracy detection work for this kind of 'you can still play the game but here's a message' thing? Like I get the whole valid key business but if you're playing a cracked copy and all the files are the same and the game never connects to the internet to validate or whatever, how does the software determine that the intended validation has been subverted.

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He's coming for you.

people can buy guns and put hits on people using money if they want, too. you're in the wrong if you support predatory business. i don't give a shit, go ahead and do it, but you're an idiot and you're in the wrong.

Usually there is more than one piracy detection method. Whoever cracked the game managed to get it to start and assumed job done and released it.

not paying for the product I created is foremost, morally wrong in my book. If I drew a picture and would want to sell copies of it for 50 cent but some guy comes along that copies it for free with a copymachine then I consider hat mental property theft.
All in all I just think it boils down to if you respect and value the creator and have the empathy for them. I think its wrong to steal from and disreagard creators

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If the game thanks you for pirating then that's just cuck behavior. They don't deserve any money.

You're ignoring everything I have said. Go look up the real meaning of piracy, you retarded Apu poster.

>then I consider hat mental property theft.
So you're an idiot?