Lets be honest, Infinite isn't anymore edgy than shadow, and Shadow gets a pass all the time on being an edgelord. He doesn't break the feel of the universe, he's got a legitimate reason to be in the plot, has a unique powerset that's interesting, and doesn't go around cursing or shooting guns like shadow did.
Why the hell does everyone bitch so much about infinite in sonic?
Mostly for failed potential. His backstory is laughably bad too.
Seems like SEGA is banning him from being in anything which is disappointing. I'd take him being a recurring villain over Zavok and the Zeti any day.
Nolan Reyes
>shadow >hated youtu.be/C9XPfPHgtMY?t=15 In the words of sonic boom, he's only the most popular character in canon.
John James
Cause he has a laughably inconsistent backstory.
Tyler Carter
what's inconsistent? its straight forward and never changes, he was a mercenary who went as far as you can go with just conventional weapons and technology, realized how utterly pointless he was when dealing with super powered individuals that fill his universe, and decided to be a test subject for robotnik so he'd never feel weak again.
>that pic Fucking loved that comic and how many fans seethed from it lol
Owen Evans
He's not. Shadow is literally the edgiest character in sonic existence. Shadow the hedgehog as a game is worse than anything infinite could ever do edgewise.
Lucas Scott
IMO the only good Sonic characters are the original trio, Robotnik, Cream+Cheese, Mighty, Charmy and Gemerl. Everyone else sucks.