
>wide hips
>girly face
he’s basically girl without tits

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Other urls found in this thread:


cool thats why i jack off to him


Attached: 0E2C229A-4117-4A4B-85BB-90E5B2E095A6.jpg (700x790, 70K)

cute! more

>tfw no link bf

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>he’s basically girl without tits
*blocks your path*

Attached: 46526194-10161224273155074-2438172214323838976-n-1145649.jpg (714x960, 126K)

nah, he still gives me an uncanny valley vibe

i'm straight, but i fap to some of his fanarts though

Attached: Link.jpg (480x685, 84K)

So the ideal Japanese man?

i miss link's hat

>thinking being skinny means your hips are wide
your hips will be wider than your stomach if you're a healthy weight with no muscle. get out of your chair, fatass

It's kinda annoying how they made him so much prettier than Zelda. He was always a pretty boy but prior to SS they were typically in the same range of attractiveness.

looks like timmy thick

Every single design element behind BotW Link is meh. At least TP Link had more pronounced muscle definition.

Attached: Link wrestle.gif (245x294, 947K)

His hip bones are as wide as his shoulders even without any padding on them.
It's a pretty feminine trait.

How is his face girly at all??? I don't understand what you people consider feminine about it.

TP Link has the best overall design of the series. So does Zelda.

imagine being this cuck

Same here. I'm 100% straight but often fap to twink trap doujins.

What does that have to do with femdom unless you're a fag who takes memes seriously?

they're often draw like girls and play the girl role in sex

it's gay to not fap to traps

Imagine thinking regal or Royal behavior automatically implies femdom.

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Attached: Link.gif (540x491, 1.99M)

I have hips like that and I am pretty sure I'm a guy and not ftm

The fuck is femdom about tp zelda you god damn autist

>liking Link's outfit means I want Midna to sit on my face
That's preposterous. Who'd want something disgusting like that?

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>I have hips like that

TP Link gets bossed-around, slapped and literally ridden by Midna you dumb fuck. Why did your brain immediately go to TP Zelda when she's the most submissive iteration of the character since the NES? Midna doms her too.

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I look really similar to him face and body build wise, only I'm overweight. Down to 170 lb's but If I was about 140 then I'd look just like him. What sucks is I only ever get men flirting with me but I'd say Link is more boyish looking rather than feminine/masculine

I just want a gf again. I've been so lonely for so long.

Man BOTW is fucking ugly.

One of the better Links, but easily the worst Zelda. Brown hair is disgusting.

>Link, Zelda, Ilia, and other precious blonde & blue-eyed Hylians getting T W I L I D O M E D

God I wish that was me.

Attached: 68391647_p0.png (549x772, 313K)

The meme images and the fact that she is more serious and refined, as opposed to the more cutesy types like SS and Ultimate Zeldas.

She didn't have brown hair in TP though. And even if she did I'd disagree. We have enough blondes.

Too bad about his ugly face

Attached: unnamed.jpg (900x900, 63K)

This. He looked cool and I still wanted to fuck him so bad.

best Link design is Toon Link

the fuck even you are saying mate
Link is crazy cute in this game

botw link is chadest of links

>flat chested girl

My dad is going to be happy to find out I'm not actually gay, Thanks OP.

you’re not a girl if you don’t have tits.

T-this isn't real, right?

So Lucina is a boy

Let's fix that

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How did you make Link's face even worse?

>Lumps ponytail in with other traits

>this is Link in the next Zelda game bro

Attached: 1557002397216.jpg (988x700, 147K)

Imagine playing as a twink faggot and not best girl Linkle

Attached: 900x.jpg (900x467, 37K)

Linkle was a huge disappointment. Could have had a sexy girl Link like pic related but got some plain-looking flat-chested moeblob.

Attached: 03-Linkle-wahou.jpg (600x660, 59K)

always looks really good in these still screenshots.

would fugg all 3

That's a pretty gross standard outfit you're proposing there, user.

That kinda nonsense would be fine on the barbarian outfit, tho.

And you are a man without moral standards.

Bimbos are trash

I love the redesigned costumes. Its probably one of the best mods I've played

nobody cares what you think nigger

The outfit itself isn't perfect but the general look is much better than just ripping off Elf from Dragons' Crown.

>it's sexy so it's a bimbo

Cute > Sexy

And I'm not gay so I disagree

Haha :D

At least gay people have taste. You're probably an eunuch.

I require sauce

He was peak twunk kino in Twilight Princess

Attached: tp2.jpg (500x462, 50K)

The earrings I can give or take, but the ponytail is the best addition to Link since the graphics got good enough to show that he has chainmail under his tunic.

[Morittokoke (Morikoke)] Eiketsu Ninja Gaiden ~Haiboku Hen~ | The Champion's Ninja Side Story ~Failure~ (The Legend of Zelda)

Link has the body of an athletic Japanese male. It's only in fanart or gaylord fantasies in which this guy is depicted as overtly feminine or twink.

You're both fags and don't try to deny it.

Because he was designed by rice dicks and this is the pinnacle of asian masculinity. Why do you think asian women keep swarming white guys?

i'm 100% straight, i only like girls and traps

It's to appeal to the female audience. Once the japs start doing that, franchise become garbage, it's always like this.

Thanks mate

Post more Midna, yes?

Attached: Cheap Trap.jpg (537x537, 61K)


why do japs design male protagonists to look like faggots/femboys/traps whatever the fuck in their vidya

Nope, he's just not a fatty. Fatty.

that body is disgusting to even look at

Traps are gay, you gay.

>draw a girl, call it a boy

Traps are not girls.

Traps are not 2D.

Also futa is the supreme choice for closet homosexuals

traps are girls with dicks and property of straight men

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an elf head on a dwarf body

Not that user but traps are gay and so are you and your mental illness of self doubt is only going to hurt you

>i-it's average for hyrulian!

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I hate this artist oh, so god damn much

ive beat my dick off to a certain gender bender link doujin at least eight times

i don't have self-doubts, i'm a straight guy who likes girls and traps

traps are just girls with a worse genitalia that's pointless looking at the big picture since they have a hole

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Care to give a url?

>>traps are just girls
It must be nice being mentally ill and living in a fantasy world.

traps are fantasy characters


>low key shilling faggotry
gay is degenerate


> low key
Niggers out.
