Ghosts m.p. is the best in the series

Ghosts m.p. is the best in the series.

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It's literally one of the best cods, I've never heard a vaild reason why it's dah worse
>came before lootboxes
>decent story set in dystopian America
>character custimazion
>snoop dog and weed
>unlock and not have to buy all the reticles
>Michael Myer, the predator
>maps got nuked, changed and kept playing
>balanced guns
>cool maps
>select fire
Call of Duty sucks ass because retards playing the 360 version of ghosts bitched too much

Anything after 4 (4 itself was the beginning of the decline) is trash.

It was kino

OP im sorry but you are absolutely pathetic. This is not the best COD game. Youre literally the first person i have heard say this. You are so bad.

COD sucks ass but retards comparing MW2 to Ghosts is so baseless when MW2 was horribly balanced whereas ghosts wanted to be an esport and fun

What's so bad about it? What does black cops 2 do so much better? I'll tell you, Nuthin.

its probably one of the worst, in front of black ops 4 and 3 and iw

Give a reason, besides "it's just bad"
>you probably just weren't very good

>no Ground War
>unsatisfying killstreaks
>clunky gunplay
It's fucking shit m8.

i played ghosts a lot, even tried it on next gen too
it suffers from bad maps and bad gun play

>poor visibility makes thermal/tracker a requirement, especially with all the ghillie sweats
>shitty netcode makes close range a coin flip
>schizophrenic maps that are too open and too closed all at once
>slow as molasses without spending all your perk points on ready up/quickdraw/agility
>20 squad points for a 4th loadout slot
>have to rebuy equipment for EVERY squad member
>attatchments are purchased per weapon
>ripper OP

Squad points drop like crack supply on the first of the month, Wym shits no issue you'll be finding things to spend them on if you don't suck

I liked the setting, it was like the whole latin america was Venezuela and they decided to pick a fight with the US.

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>Buying games with lootboxes
>In every game
>unironic smoke weed every day
>aesthetic cancer
>Rip off Zombies Mode
>K7 and Ripper
>Maps that aren't Firing Range or Summit

Black Ops 1 is still the best.

Don't buy prestige 10 until you bought the other 9, I had all but 10 paid for and only ever hit prestige like 2 and a half

Black ops 1 sucks ass and is the most overrated COD besides BO2, Zombies is lame AF too because it's just the same 1 zombie and 1 dog, with the same larger slow zombie 1 hit kill you ass "boss" at least extinction has objectives and more than 1 enemy at a time, firing range sucks ass. And no you could not change your character skin in any COD before ghosts

>Infection better than Zombies
>Shitting on Firing Range
>Caring about aesthetics
Absolutely awful opinions/10

>decent story
>South America unites into a superpower....somehow

Fuck zombies if you want to kill zombies should've bought L4D2. Firing range isnt even the best BO1 map let alone worth bringing up VS good ass ghosts maps like Warhawk.
>caring about aesthetics
In a fucking series that the only way to tell a good player from a bad player is weapon skins.

Cleary no world cup that year and yeah cause a story were Russia successfully invades the US that's so much better. Fun fact MW3 takes place farther in the future than ghosts

>>South America unites into a superpower....somehow
That's a pretty good idea though. If all the cartels made peace and turned their attentions outwards, they'd become a threat. Just look at IS. They did some damage with left over gear. Now imagine a group that had the money and means to by state of the art weaponry and had their claws in the underbelly of the US.
The story was shit because of the characters and just nonsensical plot points.

>Fun fact MW3 takes place farther in the future than ghosts
LOL, fucking what? Source?

> Played this for AGES
> Have two main playstyles - ChainSAW or knife only
> Everyone else either uses the Ripper, Honey Badger, or M27 with thermal sights
> Thermal sights just gives an online multiplayer easy mode. even with the anti-thermal perk it makes it so easy to see any movement you can sit in the back and three-shot anyone at any range

Yeah, it was fun and had a chainsaw machinegun which was badass and my personal fave, but the balance was so out of whack it was hilarious. Oh, and you could have a LMG with a grenade launcher and a grenade launcher on your secondary slot too, so you had 4 noobtubes at once.

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>Unable to appreciate how Zombies game should be done.
>Muh skins
>South America Big Chungus super powers is a good story,
Again please leave, you're not smart enough to understand these things.

South America if united and modernized its military would make China and U.S shit their pants
They have an absolute fuckton of resources and the same impossible to evade landscape the U.S has.

Thankfully spics are very stupid and fall for jewish tricks all the time so they keep killing each other to get goldberg his nose candy

What triggered it in ghosts was somehow the M.E dried up and some dictator took power and wanted revenge for all the CIA meddling that made it third world

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It was pretty average. I did like the transforming stages and Extinction though.

Oh yes CALL OF DUTY ZOMBIES a game where the enemies only come from windows is the right way to do zombie games and not dying light.
You sir are the retard here

My apologies the prologue does I forgot COD ghosts has the time skip

Once we drain the oil what else is there? That's why the oil rich nations are becoming medical and technological powerhouses because they know the oil days are limited

also they had a super elite brainwashed, hijacked and fucking slammed a satellite into the ground like a missile and used roarke as their intel commander, for what i remember

Nuclear power i suppose.

South America is not dense as the U.S and big enough to have several power plants ans export nuclear materials for $$$

>this is good now because we've gotten a bunch of shitty games
No that's no how it works.
It was shit when it came out and it's shit now.
MW3 was the beginning of the downfall of CoD and Ghosts cemented it.

i remember that the shit hit the fan because they brainwashed the best fucking agent of the usa so he knew how to lead their armies and how to attack usa in a way that it would cripple em quickly

It wasn't shit it was the same quality as even COD 4 either they were all shit or non of them where because they are all the same damn game

Ghosts was the game that made me drop the series

>hijacked and fucking slammed a satellite into the ground like a missile
it was actually several giant metal rods

MW1 was the peak of the series for singleplayer
MW2 was the peak of the series for multiplayer
Both have been a constant downhill ever since

No it doesn't, it takes place in 2017 or some shit. Ghosts is 2050s.

the most advanced shit they have in ghosts are the satellites i think

Ghosts multiplayer is exactly the same. As any other CoD. So how exactly is it "the best"?

>Only come from the window
Now I know you're retarded please stop embarrassing yourself already.

Why did the graphics look like blurry mess


Wow this totally isn't a cluster fuck

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Explain how a hole in the wall to the outside world isnt a window, even on moon when you are standing outside they come from spawnpoints that are windows

ITT: zoomers

Here is your Call of Dutu bro

It's not really the best but the game is overhated compared to the games around it. Last gen Call of Duty multiplayer was only cool because it was hip never because it was good. No one has ever given a reason why COD ghosts is bad without making points that also destroy the other CODs, its literally MW4

>giving a shit about CoD MP past 2

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>Stop commenting any time. you have no idea what you're talking about.

How is call of duty zombies the right way to do zombie games retard? Because you can play it after a lobotomy? I remember the strategy when the hell hounds came was to sit in a corner, what a game.