overwatch BTFO
Overwatch BTFO
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based straya cunts
Lmao Aussies so mad
Why do Australians care enough to dislike Overwatch?
Shit internet means shit matchmaking.
Overwatch is still a thing?
I thought it was purely a SFM porn franchise at this point.
And this is why I prefer PC.
God bless you Aussie cunts.
They're Australians
They hate everything
based shitposters
Why are Australians so fucking based?
All the while, LoL breaks bank and laughs at everyone else
Based Aussies working the blizztrannies into a seeth.
>Americans still can't into banter
Gay cunts.
eSports are for manbabies who never amounted to anything in their lives.
>graphical quality is indicative of game quality
the absolute state of blizztards
you don't know what banter is
Based aussies, keep up the good work lads
unironically cringe.
One of the guys I played with got really into Overwatch November last year, i have no idea how given the state of the game at that point. Now while I do try to not shit on people for liking things I just genuinely don't know how he can stand it, we indulged him for a month or so because he had just got the game and the rest of us had already dropped it so we played with him for a time but now it's at the point none of us have played with him in months because the only game he plays is Overwatch.
the comments. lmao Blizzkeks coping hard. has there a more pathetic community?
yup, I'm thinking he based
why are aussies such shitposters
>Grassroots cs:go communitie hates the 100% artificially created scene that is overcuck
Stop the presses
Aussies so tough their nanny government regularly bans video games and took their guns away lmao. Cunt's act rough but they're a bunch of pussies.
it's about shitposting in real life. banter. making OW fans mad.
and it's hilarious
It's in their blood.
I'm proud of my CSGO bros, I was watching the stream this morning when it happened. I know I've picked the right game to spend +3,000 hours on and multiple tens of hours travelling for.
People who are really into Overwatch usually have something wrong with them.
when your game is from 1990 but is outlasting a recent dying piece of shit
i hope this helps explain things a little bit
Not surprising for the overwhelmingly white and male fanbase of csgo to be against a game that embraces, and thrives in, diversity. Blizzard and the Overwatch community don't need them.
I know your probably baiting but you can still get guns in Aus, it's just harder too and with proper background checks.
that's fucking weak
what a pussy ass bitch but it's not surprising coming from a blizzardcuck
I even don't play CS
Sure, up until the next "buyback" (confiscation)
>glue here
They're a country that used to be a literal prison dump. That explains shit on its own.
>Competitive Overwatch
kill yourself OWfag
It's ironic you post that picture since someone got banned from an overwatch tournament because blizzard thinks its a nazi symbol now.
>you share a board with blizzdrones
Now if only the CSGO devs could work magic on the aged Source engine and make Blacksite not fluctuate between 144fps and 40fps depending on where I'm looking. It's the only "BR" mode I like.
pǝsɐq ǝɹɐ ʎǝɥʇ ǝsnɐɔǝq
>competitive Overwatch
Mate your getting more anal than a hooker gets. Take a lax on the couch, cunt
It's all just a misunderstanding. Overwatch is the name for the collective of people who review CS:GO reports and ban cheaters. The CS:GO fans chanting are all cheaters who got banned.
>thats just an OMEGALUL
>obsessed with Overwatch
Because we feel like it
incredibly based
based australia
Australian here. I fucking hate this country and we're not nearly as based as you think. Just look at Melbourne, you can walk around all day without hearing a word of English, easily. The universities are FILLED with the most aggressive SJWs in the world, and getting worse. Bogans are fucking everywhere, meth and ice addicts are unavoidable and homeless mental cases line the streets.
That's just one city, but the others aren't a lot better and are quickly following or sometimes worse already (Sydney, Perth).
But I do
Lad's chant it with me
you can't prove that you aren't mad
>muh melbourne unis
fuck off mate all unis are like that
1. That doesn't even make any sense games made in 1990 didn't look like CSGO they werent even 3D yet.
2. What does the graphics have to do with the game quality itself? What does that mean exactly? Overwatch has a completely different style to CSGO.
3. OMEGALUL? What the fuck is that
lmao CS is still played competitively? I thought it fell into obscurity
Respawn's Titanfall/Apex apparently run on some kind of heavily tweaked Source engine, maybe in the same sense Source/Goldsrc and IW engine(Call of Duty's) were derived from versions of id Tech.
Counter-Strike doesn't need to be gigantic maps for people to go wall-running and jetpacking across but it shows there's room for meaningful growth and development for other properties that could make use of such capabilities.
Now if only Valve was interested in developing stuff like that.
That's pretty much the same deal with every major city on the planet, foreigners flock to them and form ethnic enclaves like tumours while urbanite faggots welcome them with open arms
and yet quake is fucking dead
Except Asian cities.
Because Asians aren't retarded.
slasher does a podcast with gootecks and i can 100% assure you he is NOT based
The entire centre of Melbourne is a Chinese/Streetshitter paradise. The area called "Melbourne Central" has multiple 15 foot adverts in the major foot traffic areas completely in Chinese or sometimes Korean, either for random Chinese movies or advice on getting into universities without knowing a lick of English. The only white people you see are literally homeless. I'm not talking ghettos, I'm talking 'complete domination'.
So is Overwatch.
can't get over how cringe it is faggots used twitch emotes outside of twitch chat
>outlived arena shooters
>outlived the Halo era
>outlived Call of Duty's dominant period
>perplexed Valve at continuing to be more popular than TF2 which they were convinced would supplant it
>survived the year of hero shooters with nothing resembling even a bemused reactionary update
>living comfortably in the era of battle royales with a new game mode
Two decades and counting.
>Yea Forums says something is not based, 100% of the time it is based
Never change
He did a podcast with the pogchamp man? Poggers
That is also how everyone feels when you reddit queers use the term cringe.
Beta as fuck
There are people who have had twitch rot into their brain so hard they use emotes in real life conversations and it's just as awful as it sounds
>The universities are FILLED with the most aggressive SJWs in the world, and getting worse
You can say this about any developed country in the world at this point. Its like this in Canada too
>Graphics fags
ill never not laugh at this fucking joke of a human being
he may be correct a lot of the time, but slasher is definitely not based
blizzard pixar wannabe shit literally has less detail though.
go fuck a koala using vegemite as lube you digeridoo boomerang bitch
I know that feel. PepeHands
They arent human neither
>and, the graphics...
What's wrong with bogans?
Neither can you mate, neither can you
t. Robbo
Dare I say based?
overwatch does suck though
These cunts can be based sometimes.
Never said it was good in the first place, because it's shit
I never said you said that I was implying the opposite
so is OW and CSGO lmao
mmm quake now THAT's a game.
that tends to happen when nazis use it as their new symbol
what a legends
what are the odds of stgggs hacking though?
no wonder australia has so many muslim massacres. Literal landmass full of nazis.
Based prison island
it's so soi, cringe and bluepilled
what an npc
I know this fag from quake. Who is he outside of quake?
>Screencaping Slasher
Absolutely state of competitive Yea Forums
Then its all good bro.
They already have Source 2. They're just taking their sweet time porting CSGO to it.
Yea Forums is banned in Australia so they have to find something else to shit up
>make one change in my browser
>evade ban
can gay sex become a nazi symbol
this is not going to look so nice once they start doing a
Valve already said they cannot recreate the spread patterns thing with source 2 around when Dota 2 source 2 backport launched
And that's why multiculturalism is nothing but a lie, people would just self segregate once their ethnic numbers are high enough.
Wait, is it still banned in Aus? It got banned in NZ too, but only for a week or so.
It's still banned by my IP, yeah.
The irony is them thinking csgo is any better. Both are shitty fucking games appealing to esport fags
1 has custom content
Based I'am a huge TF2 fag and I can agree with this. Its too bad nobody fucking played quake champions.
I don't care
>Overwatch BTFO
I think you mean CSGO fags so butthurt that someone else could possibly be having fun doing something that they have to stomp their feet and shit themselves.
Suicide is the only cure for you
I play it still
I usually hate my country but sometimes us ausies are alright.
Not that csgo is good but it shits all over overwatch.
shut the fuck up casual
Thread is lacking context, the venue had a csgo and overwatch tournament going at the same time and the sounds of the OW tournament were too loud and the csgo crowd could hear it
>Refering to gootecks as "pogchampman".
yup I'am annoyed the FGC autist in me as been triggered.
Thats good man atleast one of us could stand the Que time.
Thankfully, CSGO has these things called mod tools and map tools, so it can appeal to literally fucking everyone.
Amazing, now if only we could get that on a more modern engine.
Or at least a new fucking Source with some more advanced physics.
>lacking context
its literally in the OP's image you mouth breather
How do you do that? I only got my phone working
>people genuinely think OW is deep and nuanced in the comments
holy fuck dude
they also think games are art
>tfw didn't even need to do anything because of based ISP not being filled with soft cunts
Holy shit, did this user legit just get banned for saying that he evaded an ISP BAN ON Yea Forums because a mod/janny thought he meant he evaded a regular ban FROM Yea Forums?
Jesus fucking christ.
>game based on aim, brain, movement and teamplay
>lol random first shot goes anywhere stop to shoot one hit kill garbage that is CSGO
Yeah, I'm thinking aussies are cringe.
Considering the number of pedo threads that survive an hour or more while actual vidya threads are deleted in minutes, only the lowest IQs qualify for moderator status.
But casual normalfags love both games user. Don't even pretend they don't
What year do you think this is?
E sport tier list, not counting dead games or fgc
>God tier
Dota 2
>High tier
>Mid tier
Rocket League
>Low tier
>Retarded tier
Every battle royale
Shooters are what you play when you're not good enough for fighting games.
hey janny, it's me, just wanted to let you know that you're a dumb cunt, i'll also be reporting this post myself so you can see me telling you you're a dumb cunt
not a fan of dota 2 but other than that this list is pretty based
DOTA 2's pro scene is legit fun to watch even if you don't play the game in the first place.
I've recently been thinking about just how bizarre Australia is.
Hardass prisoners dumped on an island just so they would die to the wildlife and they start their own country instead?
That's pretty sweet, isn't it?
>saying twitch emote IRL/ on unrelated media
This is orders of magnitude worst than when nerdy retards turned "lol" into a word.
a good list for once
not true, the game's a clusterfuck if you have never played it
csgo is the true god tier, enjoyable for any kind of viewer
OW is just disappointing, because it could be really good if Blizzard weren't such complete mongoloids who think they know better than everyone else. They're finally starting to listen to their playerbase and have begun fixing the problems with the game, but it took them way too goddamn long (and probably wouldn't even be happening if a ton of popular OW players/streamers hadn't come out and talked about how awful the game is right now). Maybe in a year or so, after role queue has been implemented and people have had time to really make use of the workshop, the game will finally be in a good state. It might just be too little too late though.
>History lesson
>1 month ago
Seems pretty cringe
>Not counting dead games or fgc
So a game only counts if the dev and sponsors are pumping millions of dollars into artificially inflating their scene, without a single comp player left who only plays out of passion and love of the game?
>it's a literaly who twitter screencap episode
hey, AUSSIES, do you guys ever use the term SICKCUNT? i think it would be funny ironically
Just stop getting mad at memes 4Head
That's hilarious. I play both CS and OW and I approve. Can't imagine being angry at that.
Nearly all Australianisms are only used ironically
>everything is banned, muh safe space
>pro CS:GO league
>nothing is banned, give zero fucks about toxicity or cheating
It's Australia, if you give them a chance to act like cunts they are going to.
oh, okay, but do you guys use it? SICKCUNT
Nobody in Australia even plays CSGO anymore, the 30 people in the crowd are unironically seething that their game is dead.
When a douche pretends that he is cool, that's a sick cunt.
i'm the SICKEST SICKCUNT south of NSW
>guy actually banned from reddit for shilling
>shills here and you all eat it up
>""""""""""""""""""pro""""""""""""""""" CSGO
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>zero fucks about[...]cheating
it was best when James was allowed to cast, improvise and joke about some of the cheesy things that were done. Valve employees apparently hated that and thought they were Gods at event design.
Now we have things like this in every tourney.
Siege is pretty great, it needs a better spectating system and more tournaments tho. More money too but I wouldn't be surprised if they announced bigger prize pools soon seeing that Invite had $2 mil
>a symbol that is commonly used by millions should stoo being used because a few americans are giving a vile meaning to it.
No, fuck you.
Yeah, I'm sure the FGC has passion for SFV.
Overhype was always a baby's first arena shooter. Literally lacks real balance and competitive edge.
Go 2 bed brat, afults are talking.
doncha know who i am mate? im the sickest sickcunt in western australia!
>silver shitter
>gacha shitter
kay, homo.
>no argument
>resorts to ad hom
You cheated not only the game, but yourself. You didn't grow. You didn't improve. You took a shortcut and gained nothing. You experienced a hollow victory. Nothing was risked and nothing was gained. It's sad that you don't know the difference.
>When a douche pretends that he is cool, that's a sick cunt
No it fucking isn't. A sick cunt is when a guy does something that IS cool. A douche pretending he's cool is called a poof, fag, tryhard, dumb cunt or retard.
What about Tekken? It's bigger than it's ever been and is getting hype as fuck
>those comments
Why is everyone on Twitter typing in lowercase letters?
God, I can't wait until China nukes that shitty island. Aussies are without a doubt the most horrible creatures ever bred into existence. Then again, all anglosphere "countries" are cancer in human form. Just let based Russia destroy them already. They're not even humans anymore.
That's the exact fucking problem with SFV, we all told them corporate esports interests would fuck FGs and then just a few years later we got the exact outcome that we warned them about.
>all of Australia has been banned by Blizzard
I bet blizz is crying while being surrounded by money while valve is going "counter strike what now?"
the last good Quake game came out 20 years ago user, it being dead doesn't prove anything
What is quake?
You're not wrong about Dota 2 or MOBAs in general being a clusterfuck compared to the fast-paced and clean action of Counter-Strike or Quake, but I've always felt that if you at least know the absolute basic fundamentals of what people are trying to do(kill monsters or destroy the thing in the enemy's base), Dota 2 has always had good commentators able to keep laymen up to speed even if you aren't keen on the nitty gritty of stuff like the carry, solo mid, etc. or what each character can do specifically.
>Team Shitquid
>Tfw my father watches CSGO and Dota 2 all the time on some Esport channel
Thank God that he only watches when Danes are playing.
What are the boomers in your gif laughing about?
They remembered Doom? Or somebody bought Monster?
If Yea Forums is the internet hate machine, Australia is its real world equivalent.
I dont use Twitch chat so I am safe, but I regularly say shit like "lol" out loud by accident, I have a difficult time communicating differently over text than IRL.
doto 2 virtus pro team. think the opposing team pick a meme hero.
I never follow the shitshow what's really wrong with Overwatch?
Is Tekken 7's better than Dark Resurrection?
It's popular and reddit (which the majority of Yea Forums posters totally don't go to like, for reals yo) likes it. REEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Put League over Dota and it is right. Despite Siege being my favourite game on the list, most FPS games can make for crummy Esports because of how impossible it is too watch. Hoovering third person cams are shit, and watching them spam between players just gets confusing and naseuting. ASSFAGGOTS games are actually really good to watch for this reason. Easy camera angles. also more room for entertaining metagame.
everyone hates OW though but why go full tilt in a different fucking event?
go back
It's funny because I hate Overwatch, but I hate Australia and the abomination that is the current Counter Strike more. Do they really think they have any ground to stand on when valve has given up even supporting the game outside of adding GUN SKINS FOR $200 AND ESPORT CASES WITH KNIFE SKINS YOOOO?
the OWL is clown show and the game itself being shit doesn't help either
How childish
It's still not dead even though we've posted SO MANY THREADS SAYING IT WAS
>It's popular
Will Blizzard ban the entire crowd?
Where do you post fellow redditor? /r/Yea Forums? how about /r/4channel? What about the many greentext boards? /r/wholesomegreentext?
There's so many that you can't fucking hide you go there you 15yo faggot
The game is fine. But the community is a bit cancerous, and the moderation is a complete fucking joke. But what is more baffling is that the game, is fairly new, and really poorly lends itself to being an Esport. Yet for whatever reason an insane amount of normie businessmen/sports team owners got duped into investing lots of money into the pro league. It is kinda outa touch and hilarious.
Because it's what we do
>Go to concert
>Band mentions other place from the city their playing
>Boos, people calling them pooftas and battlers
>band mentions the town their in
>cheers all around
It's a STRAYA thing
wow, just wow
stop projecting nigger lmao
>yfw 1 19 year old game is still BTFO of fps
I'm not wrong though. looks like the Yea Forums sub has over a million subscribers too. Stop pretending that reddit and Yea Forums aren't the same fucking faggots anymore.
>those post times
Why are Aussies so great?
What you just described happen(ed) in comedy clubs. I haven't seen one in about ten years so maybe America just became a giant pussybucket overnight.
I still play QC. Im having a blast with it, thinking of upgrading to 144hz monitor just for it.
ovarywatch more like ovary(an cancer) watch haha checkmate femenests
I'm just talking about from an FGC standpoint; Tekken is getting more attention than it's ever had even without any Namco input (ie 7k for winning the World Tour). I hear it's as good a competitive game it's ever been too, but I don't know
most of these fags have never came to this website
it's the tricycle of FPS and it's community think they are hot shit
How can they not recreate MATH on Source 2?