>bayonetta 3
>no sign of life in over 2 years, in that exact same timeframe sekiro was, teased, announced, and release before it even got a screenshot
>animal crossing
>no word on it for more than half a fucking year
>super mario maker 2
>drip fed videos and picture leaks and no little to no solid info when the game is releasing next month
>pokemon SS
>no info or reveals since it's reveal
>astral chain
>may be shown at E3 but at this point I doubt even that much
>daemon x machina
>still no solid release date
>castle crashers remastered
>no release date aside from "summer"
>lethal league blaze
>supposed to release on consoles in spring yet still nothing
>windjammers 2
>only in alpha and will most likely get delayed
>guilty gear XXACPR
>still no release date two years later
>almost nothing to look forward to on the ps4 to even tide me over
how long until E3 again?
Bayonetta 3
dunno lol
>persona 5
>no more info after best buy leak
does that mean no metroid prime trilogy either?
Nintendo always announces release dates at the last minute dumbfuck. And they didn't want to release much the first half of the year because there were a million big budget third party games coming out on the other consoles. Once the second half of the year gets here they're going to release a ton of stuff when there is little competition.
>Death Stranding
>FF7 Remake
>Shenmue 3
>FF7 Remake
i'll believe it when they prove it's not vaporware
>still no word on Grandia remasters
>still no word on Crystal Chronicles
>Pokémon Sword and Shield will be the best pokémon experience ever ahahaha (raughs)
Bayonetta is more than likely in development hell right now considering statements made by Platinum, and Platinum's desire to pull away from Nintendo as fast as possible, Bayonetta 3 will be the last Platinum game on a Nintendo platform.
Animal Crossing is apparently being delayed into 2019, because Nintendo will need to delay games into next year to make the inevitable 2020 drought less intense.
Super Mario Maker 2 releases on the 28th of June, there is literally a trailer for it's release date available right now. The game has had almost no information given about it for some reason though.
Pokemon Sword and Shield is standard, both in it's handling and in it's complete lack of quality.
Astral Chain could see delay into next year, the game was announced too close to it's given release date, and there's no way Platinum can handle this sort of workload
Daemon X Machina needs a delay of about 2 years to be moved off of Unreal 4, or the developers need to just admit that they made the game for other platforms in order to explain the games horrendous performance and visual quality relative to other Switch only titles.
Castle Crashes is shit
Never heard of Lethal League
Don't care for Windjammers 2
I'd be surprised if Guilty Gear comes to Switch considering low sales of third party titles on Switch.
PS4 has much more better games coming this year, you are delusional.
E3 is a month and a half away.
Persona 5 will not be coming to Switch, Sega are moving to make more of their games multiplatform, SMTV will be coming to PS4 and PC however, since it's engine is easily ported unlike Persona 5's.
FF7 Remake will be shown at E3 this year, SE is having a concert for the game during E3 this year.
Grandia remasteres is misnomer, it's a port, but not to Switch explicity, it's a port to android platforms, with the Switch getting a release too because of platform similarities. It's slated for this year too.