How did this game die so fast?

How did this game die so fast?

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it didn't die, it was murdered

>battle royale
Streamers jump on every decent battle royale game then abandon them once another one comes out. Kids follow trends, only adults stick with one game unless we're speaking mmos

incompetent devs thought having shit skins and a boring map would help.

Artificial growth, that's what happens when you sponsor every big streamer to play it, as soon as they drop the game so do their fan bases.

Nothing more fun than seeing retards claim it's going to beat whatever shit they don't like, shill it constantly and saying how good it is, only to end up with it dead and forgotten in less than a few months. Good riddance, maybe next time don't make your entire cast of characters fucking niggers and shitskins.

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You motherfucker...

Having the worst battlepass imaginable didn't help. And capping how many lootboxes you got on level up was retarded.

Saturated market, forced politics, corporate warfare.

It has a skeleton crew making content while competing with chinese run company that has patch every other week

Do skins really matter?

why do you care so much when video game characters arent white

They tried competing with Epic, and everyone who's tried so far has completely flopped and died. Both Steam and Apex are shining examples of that.

Do a shit update with one character and useless skins
Shitty battle pass that is nigh impossible to make worth it unless you play 24/7 or hack
Framerate/Lag issues server side
Hitboxes are retarded since no one has more health or armor for being slow and huge
Gets boring getting reckt at ~200 kills and going against people with 2000+
Nothing new in ages or any hype

Game is interesting but like all BRs has no real staying power except cosmetics and streaming, also all kids still are addicted to fucknite so.

ugliest characters of all time

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It's just another battle royale. if the game had some old school FPS game modes it would have had something to actually stand out.

Apex Legends
>Releases one new character so far
>Released an incredibly underwhelming battlepass that is 90% useless dogshit

>Released its latest battle pass for free
>Has had multiple changes to the map since Apex has come out
>Has added multiple new weapons and items since Apex has come out
>The battlepass is only 70% useless dogshit and has some actually good skins and items
>Just had a massive event which caused huge changes to the map again

Apex is literally just a standard Battle Royale shooter, it's mechanically solid but it's stale as fuck and I can't imaging ever going back to play it

Respawn are retarded. Should have made Titanfall 3.

Can't say for sure, but when my brother (who buys like 5 games a month and never finishes one) was going on and on about how awesome it was I stayed away.

He also fell for No Man's Sky and Anthem hype. He's the dumb consumer companies love.

skins are the only reason zoomers play games where have you been

Apex Legends was an inside job.

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They never added Titans or a Titan mode. The abilities are crazy unbalanced. The characters talk way too fucking much. Someone shut mirage up. The gunplay is great but really it's marred by the ability thing, it and cowadoowee are neck and neck for tightest shooting BR but Apex had the leg up with considerably better ping and servers. No solo mode. No duos.

>play for a month
>level based lootboxes are garbage
>ingame currency worthless
>No incentive to keep playing after the month is over
Playing the game for the sake of playing it only lasts so long. Badges at least offered some reward for certain ingame achievements but otherwise, you cannot unlock anything from playing the game and paying real money just to unlock a skin for a game you're already done playing is only done by people who likely already had a game siphoning their hard earned allowance.

But user haven't your heard? They fixed No Man's Sky it's not fixed and anyone telling you that adding cars and base building fixes this barebones trashheap is fucking delusional.

One mode, one small map, with new content barely worth calling a trickle.

Everything else is distant secondary. Apex has the bones of a great game, but people got bored of the game because there's so little content and EA's tendencies towards horrific follow-on support will probably doom it.

Bad example. Bangalore is red-hot.

It's a solid game, but seems like most people are over the genre. If they had more carrot dangling then a lot more people would continue to play.

Whites are superior