they allow porn games where Epic does not
Why do people want steam to have a monopoly on game distribution?
Kind of funny, nobody really considers 50 bucks a month a whale anymore.
Epic its on its brigade of *think of the devs/publishers, fuck the consumer*
search what a monopoly actually is you mouthbreather wojack poster redditard
>Steam doesn't care about being politically correct
Skeleton King in Dota 2
>Steam isn't owned by chinks
They just sell your data to them
>proved they are worthy of trust
Except for that time they allowed random people to log into your account and see your CC details, your full name, and where you live
>No one wants to hang out with Fortnite zoomers
Except for people who want to make some real fucking money
I think it's funny how you fags always manage to not mention great alternatives like GoG and always epic so please go off yourselves so you don't shit up everything with your chinky smell
You'd think americans would be familiar with duopolys and why they can be turbo triple cancer. Especially with the way epic are doing things.
Steam doesn't have a monopoly. I have no problems with other launchers, I've bought games on most of the big ones Uplay,, Origin and GoG. What I don't like is Epic bribing developers to make their games exclusive to the Epic store which is just bringing console bullshit to PC. On top of that I don't want to be forced to buy games on a store that is just inferior feature wise in almost everyway (still no fucking cloud saves?). If Epic wanted to compete they should have spent more time developing their store to get it up to par or at least close to what Steam is. As of right now it's still just a barebones store lacking a ton of features.
Skeleton king was changed because of blizzard and not chinks. Chinks had low violence modes for all "problemtatic heroes, pugna and cli kz still exist in their skeletal form, clinkz got reworked to summon burning skeletons, wraith king can summon skelettons, the troll neutral creep can still summon skeletons with new updated models.