Well, Yea Forums?
Well, Yea Forums?
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i have been playing games for like 30 years and i've never seen this. how does this terminology happen? they just invented it out of whole cloth
and yes, i'm ashamed
What the fuck are you talking about?
mispelled nerfed i believe
Nerf this
Are you referring to the fact that they added an apostrophe and took away an e?
They should just make one of a guy shoving a bottle of coke up his ass because esports are so gay.
Ebonics + corporations trying to be hip
I wanted to show you a picture of a nerf toy, but it seems nowadays all nerf toys must look like gears of war weapons.
nerf are foam toys.
They mispelled but "nerfed" has been used for literal decades dude.
You don't need to be gay to enjoy a good sugary carbonated enema.
post edits
How do you do fellow gamers
I dont get it.
And yes, the guy is bleeding.
>The Asian one is a girl
Deepest lore, blew my mind when I found out.
I actually play high/mid tier instead of top tier exactly to avoid this feeling. Receiving a buff is way better than receiving a nerf.
where is his bottle of yummy liquid?
you clearly haven't seen the porn edit
same. i dont get it either
More please. I've grown nostalgic for out of touch marketers trying to sell me shit.
You clearly haven't seen the other coke comic where it's shown she's a girl.
Is coke seriously implying that drinking Liquid sugar will make you better at games?
They're implying that when you take coke anally you perform better and can clutch reliably.
No, the yare just tacking themselves to something that is "in".
Just like car commercials.
yeah it does
Yes, coffein is an enhancement drug
But a clutch victory means that you won a tought game based on your pure skill
The one on the left is playing casually
No, they're just shoving their product into something that's popular that they think will help sell more of their soda.
It's the same reason you see Coke ads all over every major sporting event. They're not trying to imply drinking it will help you perform better athletically. They're just saying "HEY MY FELLOW FOOTBALL FANS BUY OUR PRODUCT!"
We do you think overwatch and lol matchmaking is skewed so game are onesided?
Normies want easy wins, a hard win is too stressful for them. Being stomped feel better for them as they have an excuse to not justify their victory.
I assume it's a comment about parenting styles ("child abuse") in hispanic families and hitting your kids, or something about gang related violence.
Does his father have a stand?
>the clench victory
So relatable. I want to donate to their Patreon, got a link?
I've seen people doing the 'd shit since the days of Homestar Runner
in fact they were the first ones I remember doing it
Do people even still drink pop? I don't really go outside but the idea of it strikes me as anachronistic. Like smoking.
If you buttchug soda, do you get fat faster?
I drink ginger ale from time to time.
no, you probably absorb far less of the calories. On the other hand, you absorb more caffeine.
People absolutely still drink soda but more people realize it's trash for your body nowadays. I drink soda maybe twice a year at this point; carbonated juice accomplishes damn-near the same thing.
Depends on how soon you evacuate your bowels, but as a general rule of thumb you won't get fatter since you're skipping a lot of the processes that would extract more calories from the liquid. It's not being exposed to any of your stomach acid to break it down, or a lot of your gut bacteria to handle what your stomach acid couldn't. You're basically absorbing straight up sugar.
>soda bad
>juice good
>whole team gets shot while pointless banter is going on
I get it, because purple drank and black people XD
I don't have a great diet but dropping soda made a huge improvement. I dropped 35lbs in 6 months that year just from cutting soda and taking occasional 10-30 minute walks, and I've since plateau'd.
I'm just saying that the nutritional difference between soda and carbonated fruit juice is negligible. You get some vitamins I guess but probably have the ones you need from other sources.
>carbs bad!
Spotted the ketotard
>Valve nerfs Pyro
>Valve buffs Pyro
Cant win
holy fuck
Snake oil quack quack
Atkins works though. Basically the only way other than gastric bypass that gives fatties a fighting chance to shrink.
Well maybe you should attempt to actually work out and not just walk around like a fucking retard. Also stop drinking juice.
They're implying if you drink Coke, you'll become incredibly unhealthy, making you sweat molasses and gasp from breath.
>player of the match
I want to bend her mom over the couch and fuck her ass all night long.
have sex.
wow, a joke from 2013. *rolls eyes* realy original there pal...
it's because Blizzard has trademarked the phrase "play of the game" so no one can use it, even casually in marketing.
get this hothead outta here
somebody get this hothead out of here
Just so you know even in 2004 on Yea Forums of all places people used that thing to say "FIX'D".
haha i get it
you said the thing everypone said 4 years ago, reallllly based, our guy, kino humor and *flips through notes homosexually* redpilled. Wowee. Comedy masters here. *rolls eyes*
Back in my day, we had to hand-load one dart at a time and charge a separate lever manually. Maybe that one kid with easy parents got the gatling gun.
Nowadays these kids got their fully automagic assault loading systems and electronic firing triggers to shoot hundreds of darts per minute, reloading an entire magazine filled with darts in seconds.
its never gonna die, faggot
and its 7 years old starting December of this year
get this hotehad outta heeaaar
yeah and your days were dogshit, sorry to break it to you boomer wannabe.
People clinging onto something for dear life doesn't mean it isn't a dead meme. Bane peaked with the plane crash and has had literally nothing creative afterwards. Baneposting is just the hipster version of dat boi.
>Giving kids fully automatic Nerf guns and growing up with kick-ass guns
Holy shit Nerf is totally making the next generation /k/ as fuck.
Calm down there, big guy.
no they didn't
Great, that life saver had the key to life saving. Guess i'll die.
apart from not eating so fucking much
Sure but expecting people to live in constant discomfort for years isn't typically very realistic. I suppose you're a self-proclaimed intellectual who thinks fat people are just lazy but that's besides the point. Doesn't matter how you ended up as a lardball, when you do it's not any easier for them to lose wait by "just not eating lmao" as it is for normal people to go around hungry all day. People don't work well when they're not fed.
Someone post the lewd ones pls
Do you have the giant dildo one
>Can it fit?
>reminding me about that
The fact that you could literally see the fucking sight in tune video still gets me
Wait what is that about?
Imagine killing over a childrens toy.
Video of a Madden tournament where someone shows up and shoots the players. The video cuts out before the gun goes off, but not before you can see the laser sight on the player's chest.
Nerfs are just a cheap excuse for microtransactions and "knowledge of Meta" there should be more buffs instead THEN NERF when it becomes Meta
GOOD. People who perpetuate a market for sport games that are LITERALLY the same each after year deserve a hollow bullet exploding in their faces.
>Only Lewds of the MILF is this trash
What happened to you Yea Forums?
Why does Yea Forums fantasize about being fucked by black guys?
>he doesn't know
I didn't even know people played Madden competitively. There's an established community for this?
You don't?
hey wassup
Are you implying that there are asians in Yea Forums?
What...don't I know?
It was something people used to say in early 00's internet, like "pwned". I believe it started a reference to the Homestar Runner cartoon Teen Girl Squad
me on the middle
>guy in the middle
haha, us gamers, am i right?
they should say "downgrade" instead or something that isn't a weird ass term that you can't relate to anything. "nerf" sounds strange.
Snake oil quack quack
as played out as the joke is, this is actually pretty funny and the art is good
>the World of Warcraft ending
10 millions hours on paint
A true patrician can see when even their favourite character has some broken shit to them.
Try again retard. I was at 250lb and one day it just clicked with me and I ceased all junk food and stopped myself from buying anything. I ate 800 calories a day for years (which is also equally as unhealthy). Saying that you can't stop is just admitting your a weak person.
FIFA - And NFL Gaming are larger than EVO.
>young boy being around a young girl
How is this realistic? Does nobody remember COODIES?
go to /fit/ read the sticky
you sound gay.
>Apex Legends sales.jpg
>Apex is still successful
You will never be a real woman
Everyone's back on FORTNITE.
a Nerf gun is a type of toy shaped like a gun that fires plastic round. They're old as sin and started out as toy revolvers that shot suction cups.
The term nerf comes from a joke where early patches in FPSs, be it online or through expansions, re-balanced weapons making some stronger and some weaker. The joke is that guns that got weaker got turned into nerf guns instead.
Is the guy using the Amaterasu?
My fart fetish unironically started with that video
>he didn't have girls who were casual friends
this is why you ended up here
Snake Oil quack quack
if only applying for a job was this easy
Literally no one did in the 90's you fucking zoomer. If you were under 10 and were hanging out with girls, you were a fucking faggot.
Your not wrong
But morale is an important thing
If you had enough of being a fat piece of garbage, you can find a way
>going a day without food
Ramadan is upon us
But uh, don't get any ideas.
You are seething way too hard, faggot.
does chris-chan is being all tsundere with blakey?
Me too superman, me too
It comes from drag racing; a "nerf bar" is a foam bar that goes on the bumper if a car. Then Nerf guns used the term for their foam guns that don't hurt very much.
and why are you here then?
me at the bottom on the right
this isn't /lgbt/
yeah right nigger
snake oil quack quack
>the term "Nerf" comes from nerf guns!
The underaged in this fucking website. I'm fucking done.
>falling for the go woke go broke meme
ketosis is basically an emergency shutdown mode for your body. You're not meant to live that way outside of survival situations. You might be able to run for a month or two without doing permanent damage, but you're overclocking your heart and several other major, important organs.
you're fucking wrong though, it is the nerf guns. Dementia kicking in, gramps?
Why does the mom get darker skinned every panel?
>your main gets nerfed
>barely matters since they're still top tier
Snorting powdered Ritalin makes you better at games.
Coodies were for girls you liked you boomer-larping zoomer
>Your main gets a buff
>your main gets nerfed
>was already low-tier as fuck
sad oinks
>zoomer using urbandictionary definition
>I literally wanted to fuck by the age of 6 even though I had no idea how
>would surround myself with girls to maximize my chance
>figured out how to have sex from porno mags
>girls my same age had absolutely no idea what it was
>slowly teach one girl
>end up having sex with her on the floor of my baby sitters bathroom
>could orgasm but no nut
>had sex with her almost daily for a year
There are self hating hapas, that's for sure
I do wonder what the law says about two underages banging, is that illegal or what?
>tfw you hate all corporations except for the ones that make ads that are diverse and #relatable
>you’re main is so average middle of the road that there is no reason to ever buff or nerf him
>keep it up
You were at a crossroad
Road A was >>
Road B was reddit.com
Yet you still chose Road A.
>nerf is ebonics
Go to bed, Ivan.
Evidently you don't remember when this board and the cripple board creamed themselves over RWS blatantly pandering to them
i dont get it
>When a character you like gets buffed
>Great, now everyone is gonna use them
>Wolf dSmash kills 5% later
>Blaster reduced damage on shields meaning nothing has changed
>Olimar got a bugfix that is technically a buff
3.0 Balance patch was pretty funny
based and redpilled
>I've been playing one game for 30 years.
Unless I feel the nerf was desperately needed ala a character or skill or whatever being the meta and everything revlovling around it I never really care. What pisses me off when a character is changed in a way as in only to punish people who use said thing alot. Examples would be a decreased range on a spell very slight change in move speed different bullet spread. The kind of shit that all it really serves to do is throw off people who have used the thing alot.
>1 of like 4 players on earth who played blitz presprint.
>They give him sprinting.
My dick was diamond that day. Only issue was he became so good everyone just started spewing I only played him due to his buff.
Thousands of obese fat fucks have gone YEARS without touching a carbohydrate WITH NO NEGATIVE IMPACTS
Get the fuck out REDDITOR
jokes on you i usually play shit characters so i would be right in this situation
>Herman is still S+
stupid ass zoomer kike
*shoves dick in your mouth* OwO what happened? *cums deep inside your throat* HMMM that was refreshing!
>The term nerf comes from a joke where early patches in FPSs, be it online or through expansions, re-balanced weapons making some stronger and some weaker. The joke is that guns that got weaker got turned into nerf guns instead.
Actually learned something new today. Thanks user, I was always wondering where it really came from but never bothered to ask.
>I think I'm at the objective
what did he mean by this?
But I only like nerfs/buffs if the character was obscenely overpowered/shit.
>tfw you'll never be a perfect shemale sissy slut pornstar.
really made me think
Based as always Coke Esports.
inflation fags get the rope first
Snake oil quack quack nigger
>”heck yeah”
Just when I thought this place couldn't get any gayer. You just had to open your mouth.
>tfw no more Nerf bolt action rifles
That’s fat though
Why the Coke bottle turn him invisible? He uh vampire or something?
I'm fine with a character I like getting nerfed so long as I can see the reasoning behind it. People complained about when Answer got nerfed in GG Rev 2.1, but I didn't really mind even though I play as him because it just nerfed some of his moves and buffed some others to encourage people to ply him a certain way, rather than a nerf to balance the game. That's how it seemed to me anyway.
it says "why so sour"
Snake oil quack quack.