Reminder people only like Shovel Knight because it's easy

People would love Cuphead more if it wasn't just a shitty series of boss fights and had actual levels like SK.

SK has some seriously good level design, but then you play a skeleton character like Spectar Knight and he has the ability to heal whenever he wants, it kind of makes an already easy game much easier

Attached: shovel knight treasure.jpg (590x332, 66K)

you've made this exact same thread 3 fucking times in a row.

Also, SK is unironically more challenging than cuphead, which doesn't say much but still worth pointing out.

>Also, SK is unironically more challenging than cuphead

How lol - none of the games bosses or levels even come close to twin headed dragon.

sounds like you're just shit at cuphead, op

Nah, but how you can think SK is challenging is utterly baffling

It's like a casualized Ducktales (which even the remake has a harder final level than anything in SK)

They're both really good games, I don't see why one has to be better than the other.

Attached: King_Dice_reflected.png (200x180, 54K)

You have to play a game before talking about it, user.

>People would love Cuphead more if it wasn't just a shitty series of boss fights and had actual levels like SK
what does it matter if a game consists of either only boss battles or only regular levels

Personally, I feel that SK has better/more varied gameplay, but for some reason I'd always replay CH over SK (unless they release a hard mode for the latter).

SK has regular levels, regular levels+Boss fights and just boss fights

On all levels, SK shits on Cuphead (except difficulty)