Dude literally did nothing wrong

Dude literally did nothing wrong

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anyone who support this massive loser is a loser himself. Go have sex

t. bitch and whore

Dude did nothing wrong

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who needs sex when you call kill whores instead

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Original incel.


Roasties need to be punished.

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He became an incel icon for his actions.


>everyone I don't like is literally incel

if he tried dick all his problems would have been solved and there would be no game. When will Yea Forumsirgins realize dick is an option?

>Blames everyone but himself.
>Goes psycho when girls don't want to fall on his creepy dick.

It's not fair. He worked hard to achieve his dreams and only teenagers ruined it because they didn't like him.

>murder isn't wrong


Yes, and...?

>character blatantly is an incel but I have no argument against that so I'll assume you just call everyone incels

>murder is wrong

He killed people

And how is that bad?

And OP is a faggot.

And so if i am a girl? i just find it pathetic you guys admire this bad "villain"
You motherfuckers need fresh air and someone to hug you

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this, especially when you take into account that Kawakami was allowed to get away with the exact same thing


he's not wrong

Failure is doing something wrong.

Fresh air? Okay. Hugs are fucking gay though.

>nothing wrong
>attempted to rape Shiho

They both did something wrong
they lost to teenagers

this is Yea Forums, there is no one to hug them

Why is Adachi more similar to Yosuke than Yu?

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