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Other urls found in this thread:


>xbox tries to gain relevancy by pretending to be retarded


Twitter is so shitty.

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Hey, at least they are getting *some* relevancy back. Nobody has talked about them in years...

Why does every normalfag website have these kind of shitty "jokes"?


>website whose entire existence is to encourage (and effectively require with character limits) people to just spout their kneejerk diarrhea of the mouth for the entire world to see


jesus christ imagine being so fucking lonely you begin conversing with an unpaid digiornos intern

Wtf Hiro that's it I'm pulling all my ads off this racist shithole

Exterminate everyone that finds this funny


Because Wendy's did it right once and now fucking Crackerjacks and Brunder's Anus Ointment are scrambling to be hip and happenin' with the kids.



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Honk honk

I wish they only did cardboard art

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For the Love of God
Someone reply with a solid 'Nigger'

Imagine being a fucking Snoygoy and seething at everything that Microsoft does.

Coming to switch confirmed

SwitchBox dabbing on the snoys who wont even be at E3

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>Ignoring Microsoft taking a giant shit on Sony last E3 with their "only 4 games" while Chadrosoft kept announcing third parties after third parties

This guy, lol.

Just a reminder that Arby's is one of the only worthwhile corporate twitter accounts.

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that i played on my PC and ps4

Arby's is the only corporate Twitter that's worth a shit

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EPIN! I love being pandered to this is epic haha someone likes video games hey guys ;) Think i'll go grab a lunch there now

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Xbox be like:

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>following a corporation's twitter for entertainment
Americams are so fucking retarded

this but unironically

>us gamers, huh?

I know I sound like a shill but wow, seeing them put so much effort into doing a niche advertising play perfectly unironically makes me want to eat there.

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I swear to God, you better be kidding

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More like US(A) gamers!

Does nu/v/ really cares about xbox ore are you faggots just being ironic?
All worthwhile xbox "exclusives" are on PC so what the fuck is the point of buying an xbox?

Evey single one of those betas is a failed comedian. They all wish they could make it big so they circle jerk each other. Same with grannies telling each other they pass.

>A pleasant way of enjoying Supply and Demand
The NSA called they said they're onto you.

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Everyone here has a PS4 Pro. We all just like to troll and bait each other. It's fun.

I wonder if you inbreds even realize you're being advertised to

>Capitalism is always perfect and we can never criticize corporate entities.
>The fuck is a corporate trust?

That's the point of my post though.
It's advertising. But with the fun twist of communication.
Their twitters are run by their social media department. But it gives a laugh.
Use your brain cells. I know you have them.

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i need to edit Pepe as the badass Xbone Skeleton but im lazy

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I'd rather laugh at stupid memes than boring TV spots

this is actually funny


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this feels like a lifetime ago...

haha pop culture references and tired, old puns i've already read before
thanks for the laugh, arby's!

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>badass Xbone Skeleton
he's a skeleton because xbone is dead you actual genuine fucking retard. it's not meant to be badass.

holy fuck the iq of this board

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>enjoy looking at their arts and crafts the same as I would any other art blog
>don't even know where their closest restaurant is to me, don't even care because I've never eaten there nor do I intend to

What fucking difference does it make, honestly? I'll never be an Arby's customer, but I think paper crafts are neat. Sure they've got a whole ONE extra account following them on Twitter because of my interest, but that's still zero extra dollars in their pocket, and I get to see some cool shit out of it.

Businesses are my online friends haha

compared to the state of Sony the boneman is a god damn hero

Jesse been busy

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