Why are AAA western games so shit?

Why are AAA western games so shit?

Attached: daysgone.jpg (1440x810, 311K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Japanese game good
>Western game bad

Western games being shit has nothing to do with Japan.

Why are they so shit? Can they improve?

>Can they improve?
why would they when people buy them?

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>weebs pretending Japanese games are good cause it makes their pp hard


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Why are AAA Japanese games so shit?

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Days gone is good

If you inserted waifus and an anime art style people would be all over it.

Odd considering how recent Japanese games are all attempting to replicate the successful elements of Western games.
Odd considering that the Japanese love The Witcher 3 and keep citing it as one of the biggest influences to their idea of game design.
Odd considering that most modern AAA Japanese releases are either unfinished or lacking in content.

Stop acting like Japanese AAA is greater than Western.

It was better than all western combined this year

>Odd considering that most modern AAA Japanese releases are either unfinished or lacking in content.
*blocks your path*

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They are not though

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Honestly? I’ve thought about it and tried to list them out.

1. Refusal to innovate, create new IPs, or develop new gameplay mechanics
2. Obsession with trying to make games more cinematic by turning them into fucking movies instead of actually using game as an interactive medium
3. AAA Western games are expensive to make, so the big name publishers (Like EA) try to ensure the game has mass, casual appeal. They try to please everyone and end up pleasing no one.

>Obsession with trying to make games more cinematic by turning them into fucking movies
This describes Jap games more than western games.

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dude, this game is literally the worst one in recent Fromsoft catalogue in terms of content recycling.

They're not made with the intention of being good games. They're made to be cinematic experiences for "everyone" (literal shitheads).

>What is Dark Souls 3


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unironically kino, rdr 2 justifies it being a cinematic game by actually having great writing and direction.

You go through the same location only once and it's optional. 2nd Gundir fight can as well be a different bossfight since the moveset is so different. And even with this in mind, the most uninspired shit locations in dark souls 3 still are more elaborate that the Sekiro level design on the whole.

>shit locations in dark souls 3 still are more elaborate that the Sekiro level design on the whole.
When you're seriously trying to insinuate that Hallway Souls 3 is a better game than Sekiro, you know you're being too contrarian.

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No it doesn’t. Almost every damn AAA Western game wants to be the next Last of Us. A straightforward, easy gameplay experience with elaborate cutscenes with a shallow mechanics.
Persona is an RPG. It’s going to have lots of cutscenes and dialogue because you can take time to interact with characters and you know, role play. It’s part of the genre.

>Why are modern games so shit?
Fixed. Gaming is dead. Let the industry fucking die, please.

>A straightforward, easy gameplay experience with elaborate cutscenes with a shallow mechanics.
You mean like Yakuza?
>Persona is an RPG. It’s going to have lots of cutscenes and dialogue because you can take time to interact with characters and you know, role play. It’s part of the genre.
But Persona doesn't let interact with any of the characters. All of the dialog is uninteractable. And a good RPG doesn't rely on cutscenes to relay the narrative and instead gives the player full agency to interact with the world around them. Persona doesn't do this, either. In fact, JRPGs are probably the worst offenders when it comes to focussing on being a movie and having shallow gameplay.

Sekiro doesn't feel like hallway, because the scenery and grappling mechanic deceives you into thinking that it's something new. It's a couple of shortcuts and ladders with open areas swapped for mostly useless verticality during exploration and jumping between little chunks of land. Yes, levels now do account for stealth approaches, as they should, but as interesting levels to explore they don't really do it for me.

>You mean like Yakuza
I don’t know anything about Yakuza. Is it a AAA franchise?

>Is it a AAA franchise?

Days gone is bad

Because western gamers are mindless zombies on par with even the dumbest gachanigger.
Even they know this, hence why they always point to old games from 2 decades ago when talking about how great the west is.
Like everything else in the western world, vidya's best days are far behind them.