Mordhau thread, post buff pissed off old men, running the world.
You guys like the maul or the evening star better?
Mordhau thread, post buff pissed off old men, running the world.
You guys like the maul or the evening star better?
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Someone give me a quick rundown on how to make my boi cute
>1v1 in battle royale
>he's got executioner's sword
>die without getting a single hit in
Fuck that weapon and its completely fucked timings making it impossible to parry or chamber
I’m akchually looking forward to 1v1 and I feel like rather than these large scale battles the only progress I’m making in terms of gitting gud is in battle royals.
>2 bandages
just use a medkit brah. Also recovery time on evening star is way too long imo, Maul all the way.
I mostly use this in frontline where I find 2 bandages way more useful than a single medkit.
This guy comes up to you in Taiga and slaps your archer's ass. What do you do?
>in this medieval combat simulator
Let him destroy the archer before dueling him to death.
>he thinks the game is about medieval combat and not about being as fashionable as possible
Which weapon has a classic claymore looking skin think i saw someone use it.
i'll have a response to your thread finalized within the week
how do I git gud
Grab a spear and spam stab
Has matchmaking/server stuff improved at all? Probably gonna pick this up but I've heard some really bad things on that end.
Use Respect emote
Carry on unless he wants to fight
>playing on Taiga
>making my way to the enemy camp when I encounter a Red
>we take a minute to stare each other down
>hear a horse coming up behind me
>watch a Red and his horse disappear into the river
Greatswords only skin is a Claymore, looks dope, was the first skin I bought
I havent had a single issue since they came out with their "fix". Just use the server browser
Do you guys think duels will be better than for honor once they add that mode?
An IRL executioner sword is not meant for battle, is designed just to chop someone head off in one blow.
If you use the server browser it's fine and they just patched the game last night to make the server browser load faster. I'm pleasantly surprised by how fast they are fixing issues like this.
*nicks your head off with the tip of my greatsword*
What's the difference? The game gives no info on the stats on non combat items from what I see.
Call me Mr.Lucky
nope i chambered it
Thank you wikipedia
>maul or the evening star better?
executioner sword
yes, infinitely so
you can mathematically prove that for honor is poorly suited for dueling as it lacks most characteristics that make for an interesting dueling game (proper footsies, mindgames, reads, 3d movement dodging)
This is my dueling character Cassius
I die to head shots instantly but i rather not ruin his aesthetics
>tfw all those children going to sleep at night not being tucked in to bed because their parents are in the mardhau mines making someone else richer and bending over to entitled plebs
its not fucking fair bros
Unless they buff kicking, we'll be stuck with the same problem for honor has in that the optimal way to fight by far is to just wait for the other guy to get bored and give you something to react to.
There are already duel servers in the server browser, just search for duel and check the filters.
It will be nice when they make it official though.
I fight for honor and rape
>morphs in your path
anyone else get the occasional "meme" kill feed? I got spiritbombed after killing someone with a firebomb and rekt after taking no damage during a duel
I killed an ally with a smoke bomb once
shields are supposedly getting nerfed, and they aren't THAT strong when you get to full autism tier dueling due to how powerful dodging + long weapons are. a falchion using shieldbro will never land a hit on a greatsword dodge-build unless the guy fucks up. i think short spear + shield might be the only real viable 1v1 build, but even that suffers from the issue of spear swings being weak and stabs being somewhat dodgeable
>Main a short dagger
>Carry a Recurve Bow to give armourfags a false sense of security
>They see you and just run at you without bothering to block or feint or anything
>Casually step past their retarded castle forged zweihanders to blow their carotid artery out with my dagger
Fuck armour
Fuck fancy weapons
But most of all
Any warhammer users here? Which end is better for which situation?
The skinny end is better for pleasuring yourself.
Based peasant.
Better than Chivalry?
>rapier and shield
im gonna backstab every time
Does movement speed also effect swing speed?
might be a server setting?
10/10 user. Brilliant.
it's a fashion game, bro.
whats the point of the peasant perk and why did it take up even .0000001 of dev time? I am entitled to a full refund while also keeping the game
the best part is that i actually managed to win most of my duels with it playing on the eu /vg/ server
It's to have fun.
>playing as read team
>blue team has stables
>my team is suicide rushing castle's walls
I'll buy it once it works.
>want to try out the battle royale mode because getting bored of the regular modes
>everyone else is already done with it
>Accidentally decapitate 2 allies while swinging at an enemy
>Achievement unlocked, Highlander
why does it seem like when i'm dueling someone it feels like they attack "faster" than me regardless of what weapon they're using? I know I'm doing something wrong because after I parry them and then I attack their attack comes out faster and hits me or if I feint and they parry my attack still comes after their attack. I know I am probably not doing something I think I'm doing. maybe i'm not riposting properly. i don't think the guys i'm playing against are doing accels
>less than 200 players away from beating for honor's pre f2p peak
Can we do it?
why he dont have fucking armor on arms?
>read team
>pepe is reading a book
Wait I improved it
He doesnt need any cuz he's a fucking champ
Send golds I'm poor
>at 9 kills in a single life, 1 away from the achievement for 10 in a life
>get 2 of my kills stolen by archers
>do enough damage to someone with flesh wound, 2 seconds before they die I get TK'D by a catapult
thats it. I've had enough. I am going to kill every single catapult nigger I see.
half those perks are fucking worthless dude, just take armor.
who here /kkk/
Am I crazy or have I've been seeing people build Ballistas out in the open? How is that possible?
What's the point since there's no way to be black in game.
Cute Asian archers DLC when?
Yes, people are infact that stupid. You can build ballistas with the toolbox if you have 6 ammo, press R to cycle through things to build
Left Click, Q, Left Click
How's my guy? Gonna switch out to the regular kettle helm when I hit 15.
No pic but my jabroni wears nothing but a heavy helmet and carries a big sword.
i'm not very good at the game
i prefer actually hot archers
If women and black people ever get added the KKK look will be part of my main
>teammates who stand directly behind you rather than circling the enemy
>they slash through you
>give the enemies free easy ripostes
I'm going to have an aneurysm.
Get a small spear, throw the small spear. I wish there was more weapon slots so I could basically use javelins, I love throwing weapons but 3 is nowhere near enough to be effective, especially if you want to actually use the last one as a melee weapon..
>need 6 ammo to make it
Oh no wonder I've never seen it. Thanks user!
Have sex
Wow you think I can afford armor these rocks cost me all my money
>give the enemies free easy ripostes
i've come to realize that you can get a lot of kills while fighting 2-3 people at once since they really let their guard down and you can riposte and target switch onto someone
If you're not a very experienced player who can 1vX frontline is gonna give you an aneurysm no matter what
>tell someone on my own team to stop being retarded
Is being so garbage you make your own team angry what zoomers consider fun? Or is that just his way of coping?
Greatsword: the most versatile sword in the game.
fuck plate and shieldfags
Kind of moved onto the billhook as of late. God damn I love that weapon.
>try to backpeddle
>some absolute cunt is right behind you swinging
circle your enema
slash him in the back
me in the bushes
calling someone mad is simply the best comeback. its completely foolproof because if the person responds back, you just keep calling them mad. granted, it wouldn't work in real life because you'd just get punched in the face.
>surrounded by 3 people
>they are all extremely defensive and never fall for the target switch riposte shenanigans
>watch teammates die in droves to the easiest ripostes ever
>seething over a video game
what a faggot.
>MB1 spammer.
>Team that has the most archers loses
Really makes u think
Tried this, whiffed everything. Get killed by people who can swing a greatsword sideways in like 0.1 seconds
Fucking phoneposters lmao
"have sex"
Is it gonna be like it chivalry where there was a specific game mode with specific duel maps, round based? If not it'd be great if someone ported them, they had such soul
they really should just make a hardcap on the number of people allowed to spawn with ranged. It will probably result in teamkilling to take each others bows but who cares, archers are subhuman
Wow she's terrible
wtf bros i thought forhonor was going to kill mordhau?
Take that back
Telling people to stop doing something in a game NEVER works and makes people actually commit to it. Just roll with it or play the situation, if you are losing and know you are going to lose dont make an effort to push forward, even if you take all the points you are going to lose in most cases if the enemy has a lead. If there is a problem enemy dont wait for someone else to fix it, set out on a mission to fix the problem yourself.
>everyone complaining about catapult
>noone doing anything about it and continue to just keep fighting infantry
All it takes is 1 fucking firebomb, run right in there and get it done, it only takes one person to do this.
Who /conquistador/ here?
Consider how old For Honor is and it has that many people playing it. Why cant I like both...
i really love this lol
>Get killed by a guy
>He has level a level 1 helmet, level 1 armor, and level 3 pants
I want a city map.
That many people are only playing it right now because a new season just started with a new hero. It'll halve within the week.
>killed armourfags with only greatsword
feels good
Anyone who likes for honor is garbage at it. It's a proven fact. The better you are, the worse the game gets.
this. for honor is no fun at high level
Why does that matter, are people playing it or not after how long its been out? Consider if Mordhau will have events to keep players coming back, the numbers only go down, not up. I want this to be popular too but any game with a skill gap has everyone whos shit leave after the first month or so, which is 90% of players at launch. Skill based games never keep high playerbases.
It has shit range, no more than a one handed weapon. Gotta use that to your advantage
>circle your enema
You have literally 2 ways to attacks, what else is he supposed to do besides maybe stab once
>tfw suck so much I can't even tell how many times I got beheaded because the scoreboard is too small
What am I doing wrong bros? I think I'm doing okay when it comes to fighting, but I always fall behind in score.
When you leave your spawn don't forget to kick an archer, it brings good luck.
Backstab cunts and play the objective, I always finish top 5 and I'm pretty garbage.
Overhead, under swing, feints, morphs. Plenty of ways to fight rather than spamming swings.
Well for one if you are hitting teammates you are losing score every time you do. All I can say is you probably aren't doing as well as you think. Even when I play a joke class like a bard I still wind up getting plenty of points just by running behind people and smacking them on the head with the lute.
How do you fight multiple people?
>can't block every attack
>try to swing, get staggered every time
This shit will kill the game
Yeah I also always feint and morph when attacking the back of an enemy who doesnt even see me, its the best tactic
Get good. Play aggressively. Create openings.
Average zweinigger everyone
Based but bluepilled
>Only one hound
Don't get into a situation where you have to fight multiple people.
You said there are only 2 attacks in the game. Complete bullshit.
>player from the alpha bullies a bunch of nooblets on launch day
Duh, they better add antlers helmet and a stag emblem. Boby B cannot wait.
Hollywood tropes are not aesthetic.
Is there a mechanic that kills people when you parry? I was using the bardiche and blocked the attack from 2 different people and it somehow killed them. Was it just an assist?
>not using the move that's most effective in whatever situation you're in
sounds like ripostes. you've gotta hit riposte just before the parry. it's a matter of prediction.
>Play aggressively.
No way fag. Use spear and play like a pussy. Try to get long range stabs and if they get too close, backpedal and stab them away. Right now, 90% of people will not see a long range spear attack coming if you stab and move forward at the same time. That said, enjoy fighting against guys with shield and rapier, they will murder you.
House Clegane uses three.
Boar wine, Your Grace?
>spamming swings
He's pretty calculated.
Shitty For Honor.
I know, maybe I will get armor pieces with emblems space and add 2 more?
That will work.
How does the toolbox build a tiny ballista, is that mode specific?
six ammo
>tfw enemy team has engineers and we don't
i honestly think black people and browns would be a worthy addition. you could make zulu warrior cosplays and various middle eastern set ups
you got 8 archers instead
>It's a clever engineer puts spikes around corners and in bushes episode
we vietnam now.
If any of them parried any part of that swing it would have stopped.
Does it oneshot people like the big one?
Just keep parrying until the right moment
Once it looks like everyone in your face has attacked at about the same time, make use of Active Parry to block them all and Riposte after the last guy makes contact. Follow through with a big horizontal swing to chop all their heads off.
Making additions to this game would be so easy. Just take _____ culture and add their weapons and armor to the game. It could even just be skins for longswords or armor and it would still be okay
quick rundown on peasants
you ain't ready
They should buff rocks by making them a 1 cost item and giving 3 ammo instead or something. It just can't compete with throwing axes or knives.
1. Put on comfy hat
2. Equip Scythe
3. Reap
Did axe get stuck in your sword at 10 seconds?
Anyone elses game stutter a lot?
>Joining server
>Server is full
HDD poorfags pretty much can't play the game
are you using borderless windowed?
Everytime I play there's a madman like this on the other team carrying their shit.
>light armor looks great
>it has the best customization
>it's shit
chase mechanic is shit and heavy armor should be more expensive
Honorfags BTFO
why do i drop by longbow if someone attacks me while i'm using it? makes me panic
Can't wait for catapault niggers to get good enough to shut down entire maps and make frontline unplayable
>you've gotta hit riposte just before the parry
no you don't you fuckin idiot. there's a window immediately after a parry where you riposte
>tfw shield
>Greatsword does more damage to heavy chest armor than a halberd
What niggery is this
because git gud bownigger
How good does my PC have to be?
Unironically git gud you actual shitter.
are you incapable of reading the recommended specs you fucking nigger
that pic makes me... UNF... HNNNNNNN.... hnnnn.... NNNNNNNNNNG
thanks doc
I wouldn't mind that type of diversity for once, they should add samurais too to please the weebs
>equip the heaviest armor i can
>use dagger and bloodlust
Chase mechanic is great but it shouldnt set in immediately or atleast not against everyone.
No its more like a rapid fire crossbow, its not as good as some people complain it is, just once in a blue moon the stars align and you have found a spot that every dumbass insists on running through so your incredibly narrow line of sight is not an issue.
Is there any sweeter feeling that nailing someone in the head with the javelin?
People think their dick swings 2 inches from the ground when they see someone alone and have numbers at their back that they just start swinging all over the place, hitting their own team and leaving openings.
Tercio reporting in
Get dodge, watch people drop their spaghetti when their thrust attacks are side stepped.
It's really fun to play frontline right now if you know how to do a simple feint/morph. 99% of current players get staggered from that single animation and then lose all balance once you start pummeling.
Only problem i have is shield fags because i have to overhead/get behind them/break their stamina and in frontline by the time I get there there's 3-4 others backing them up and dealing with them while trying to not get stabbed by shield holder becomes a pain in the dick.
You don't, you stop being a faggot and wear a helmet, or you fucking die
>not using a spear
You goofed it.
there are no pikes in this game
Is there a reason to use the Buckler?
>Scroll up, down
>Scroll up, down
It keeps happening.
Spear is the next best thing, especially considering its reach and that is actually pretty good.
>It's really fun to play frontline right now if you know how to do a simple feint/morph. 99% of current players get staggered from that single animation and then lose all balance once you start pummeling.
Agreed. I love it. It's going to get a lot harder when players learn how to feint and morph.
Most one handed weapons have shitty stamina drain reduction when you parry with them. The Buckler gives you the same kind of stamina efficiency as a two hander.
I do that almost every attack I do. Shitters don't know what hit em.
>ghost bug
>have to reconnect
>by the time I do someone has taken my spot and I get kicked out to the main menu
fully released game by the way
who here /troglodyte/
I've been having a real mixed time with this game, it feels like the only weapon I've found that has the range it feels like it should is the Halberd. Most fo the 2-h swords feel like they constantly miss when they should be hitting.
I am not a fan of getting full health from killing someone.
light armor isn't bad at all just get dodge
Can someone Post his Warhammer Fantasy Halberdier Knigga?
>the three peasants in bright yellow on DM barricading the ladder entry to the tower on Mountain Peak and just sitting there being smug
had a hearty chuckle
the game should just ban you if you pick rapier
>no chase mechanic
>be in heavy armor
>now have to use a shield because archers will just shoot you, run away and rinse and repeat
It's currently the only way to deal with hordes of retards. Just one not-retarded player there parrying and this guy is dead. The thing I absolutely hate most about mordhau when compared to chiv is how difficult it is to mow down bad players because so many offensive and defensive tools were removed.
no it should ban you if you pick zwei
rapier is the best weapon because even though it does like no damage it triggers the shit out of all types of noobs
I'm gonna miss the old bloodlust when it gets nerfed
Axemen are the future. Accept it.
Just matrix attack the projectiles
The future belongs to maul user, im sorry
is there a way to preview equipment/armor on your guy without actually having to spend the gold?
>Yea Forums says this game is like chivalry but better!
>no duel mode
>frontlines is a cluster fuck and basically supremacy mode instead of an actual attack/defense siege type mode like chivalry
>like 4 maps and they are shit
combat feels better I'll give you that.. but, yikes
should have been an early access game
I do respect an out of nowhere maul throw
*triggers kniggers and peasants*
>mfw getting kicked from servers for 3 firebombs and spamming laugh
Are there any gay/flamboyant voices you can use for taunts. "Tallyho, old chap" something like that.
I wish you could talk in battle royales, I stole some nigger's horse when he got off to open a chest and really really wanted to talk shit to him
Press C - 4
>throws a rock at your head
nothin personnel french fry
>dodges backwards 100 times to retreat
I will be back and more powerful than ever
Knight voice is basically smug cunt mode with voice lines
And I mean that quite literally, it's perfect
The knight voiceset is pretty fitting since it's pompous as fuck and you can insult people calling them commoners and peasants
I'd say foppish but in hindsight it is probably the manliest voice
wtf is C-4?
and how do you taunt or do the sword flippy shit?
fuck this game tells u nothing
The only way I can get kills is if I sneak up on someone, if I try to fight normally I just end up hitting buildings and then dying because everyone else can swing their weapons faster than me for some reason
Literally C then 4, you brainlet
Stay mad mon amie
no one can refute any of this.. Yea Forums is deluded as usual. if this game were made by EA or UBI it would be eviscerated.
fuck me
what's a good setup to run with the recurve bow (not longbow)?
you can CLIMB?
Needs more wrinkles.
>gordon ramsey
Bowniggers get fucked
the toilet on this bitch
Imagine if she sat on my face haha
Yeah senpai, just walk up to most higher up surfaces and space bar, you can go full parkour in this game
Alright, I'm downloading the game now so I wanna ask a few questions from what I've seen.
>How aggressive should you be in combat?
>How effective is the regular old sword?
>What should be top priority armor besides a helmet?
>What's the "dance" you should do in combat (meaning should I strike first or wait for faults)?
>Who, in a battle, should be top priority?
>Must-have perks?
This is just testing your fucking luck at this point
Apparently, you can climb up to the middle flag tower on the blue side on the camp map. Saw an archer standing there the whole game.
and i think i'm testing my luck when i just run up and swing someone and just hope they forget to parry
I tried giving him a little more age but his hair quickly turn grey
>>How aggressive should you be in combat?
Learn to measure your opponents and your differences in gear. If some guy comes at you with a big ass weapon, and you're using a shorter blade, your windup will be quicker, so you should be more aggressive, for example
>>How effective is the regular old sword?
Very, if you're good
>>What should be top priority armor besides a helmet?
Helmet and chest. Shouldn't worry about legs too much unless you're going to fight on horseback often
>>What's the "dance" you should do in combat (meaning should I strike first or wait for faults)?
Feint or morph to see how your opponent reacts, always circle around him since you can walk out of the hitbox or an attack you'd take when you fuck up a parry
>>Who, in a battle, should be top priority?
>>Must-have perks?
Depends on your build. If you're going to melee, you should consider bloodlust (full heal on kill), and if not at least tenacious (faster hp regen) and second wind (recover stamina when hitting) so you can sustain yourself better. Consider using friendly in your loadout if you're going to play a team mode
Imagine doing this 8 hours a day. Thank god i am not a wagie and took the Crypto pill.
soibois get out
>barely touches it with the legs and they come flying off
Jesus almighty.
Who /bandit/ here
based and plebpilled
>maps are shit
>frontline not as good as the main mode from chivalry
if you have an unequipped shield on your back does it work against getting stabbed in the back?
Hey alright.
i used to do nothing but punch the shit out of people in chivalry
can i do this on here
refute what i said, frontlines is just a clusterfuck and half the time is stalled in the middle of the map
protip: u can't
Changes you would like to see?
>Shield users move slower with shield up so they can be kicked
>Punishment for rapier thrust spam/possibly longer delay on thrust
>straight up remove archers
>better maps
>how do I spin my sword like that
>how do I build mounted crossbows
>how do I play actual songs on the lute
>how do I shout
>tell them to press end
frontline is good, but the maps are too small for 64 players. 40 max
We heard you the first time, faggot, fuck off while we enjoy the game and it grows and you can do nothing to stop it.
>newfags still think im talking about my characters face and not the fashion
Fuck off retards
Nope, only against projectiles
Rate my bois
>chamber rapier thrust
>he thrusts me again before I hit even hit him
haha epic
combat in this game looks goofy. I started doing what the top players in the servers were doing, doing these weird awkward looking swings and immediately doing a 180 degree turn towards the end of the swing and running away.
Third person was a mistake. Refunded the game because high level gameplay is cancer.
I don't need to refute anything, the game will keep growing and we will keep on having fun and you will seethe all the way to your death. Bye bye now.
Try morphing the chamber into an overhead
>Takes forever to find a server to play
>When you find one, the ping is through the roof
>faggot doesn't wear a helmet for fashion (like a fag)
>stab him in the fucking face for 100 damage
every time
i'd say third person isn't actually that strong when it comes to really high level play because you need those pin-point headshots to kill people in 2 shots instead of 3.
that said i hope they disable 3p in ranked because i simply don't think the game is meant to be played in 3p
Try not living on Tasmania. I can choose from at least 50 servers with a ping of 30 or less
>stab fucker in the face for 70 damage
>they backpedal
>swap to dagger and throw it
>when u are fighting a spearfriend and this old fucker comes to your aid
seething how? I am enjoying the game just disappointed in frontlines mode and the maps therein
if you can't handle criticism of a game without a coping mechanism, then have sex
>spent the past 3 hours trying to duel a maul using gay furry
>didn't manage to kill him more than half a dozen times while he topped the board 5 times in a row
Lads, hand me the rope.
Polish your armor.
>Swarmed by three people
>Blocking like a madman
>All of them attack at once
>Riposte LMB with Eveningstar
>KACHUNK (+200) KACHUNK (+200) KACHUNK (+200)
why no body hair
>Go in for the killing blow on a troublesome enemy
>Ally whos """helping""" comes in from offscreen and eats your swing
>Enemy splits your head open like a watermelon
Oh hey I beat him to death with a pan last night
How is parrying/chambering affected by having high ping? Do enemy animations still play fully for you or do they just instantly teleport their sword into your face with nothing you can do to stop it?
This. I'm shit at kills 1v1 but I always have a lot of assists and I always play the objective.
>Fighting a Rapiershitter
>He goes for in for an attack
>Parry, then riposte
>He recovers and hits ME before my attack connects
Why is this allowed?
>calls others shitter
>gets hit
hold on let me just switch to my full 3 tier armor rapier shield cunt
not good/good
I mean I still turned his head into mashed potatoes, but that doesn't mean him being able to do that is any less retarded.
I want actual javelins or a perk that makes throwing your weapon quicker.
The only people who complain about archers are shit at the game. Archery is weak as fuck and the arrows drop like bricks. You can literally parry arrows out the way and chase down archers. Complainers need to get good.
Who /cavechad/ here?
>tfw I've actually managed to top the scoreboard with this shit
use a dagger lol xd
What's the purpose of polearms? Starting to feel like a greatsword or zweihander is better than them except in a bit of range. I want to like polearms, just it was stupid how easy it was for me to get kills as a greatswordsman compared to polearms
Every once in a while there's a game that comes around that reminds you what fun is, why you started playing vidya in the first place. This is that game, even when I'm getting fucked up I'm having a blast, just the act of parrying attacks and dueling some dude is fun enough even if you lose. I'm home bros.
Fuck this shit. Every single server has turtling rapier/short spear faggots on the top 5 at all times. How do you even deal with them?
Chamber you stupid nigger.
How does my lad look?
Then I’m stuck in a thrusting match until some cunt chops my head off from behind. Is that really the only way?
chambering is literally too slow vs rapiers or shortspear + shield if you're using a longsword
Morph attacks. They'll see you swing and then mistime their parry. If its a shieldnigger then just walk away
You think it's difficult to block a chamber? Or even difficult to just chamber a chamber? Shut your mouth you dumb scrub, chambers aren't free hits.
how to look cool and trashy. take notes bow niggers, this is the last thing you'll ever see.
based walking tree
>tfw putting points in Dodge
also how do you keep tracers on after closing the game
A comfy boi
average mordhau teammates:
>maulman: will sometimes appear when you are overwhelmed by leaping off terrain and braining two enemies. any swing that isn't overhand causes him physical pain.
>2h sword guy: usually decked out in some ornate armor, either really sucks or is at the top of the leaderboard. will occasionally teamkill when excitedly swinging
>executioner sword guy: stopped the tutorial after they explained horizontal swings. will cleave everyone in a 5 yard radius every few seconds, especially you.
>beartrap expert: you only know he's on your team because you constantly run into traps and fall over. almost never seen because he is busy beta testing the death screen.
>robin hood: follows along with the team and provides close range support. goes after enemy archers like a parasitic wasp to spiders. will eventually get fed up after getting killed by a throwing axe and swap to a sword build.
>oxygen bandit: exclusively plays default archer. allergic to any enemy being within 50 yards of him, but also unable to hit any enemy unless they're within 5 yards. will stand as close to spawn as possible and pepper the nearest allied ass with arrows.
>pokeboy: only uses spears, only knows how to scroll his mouse wheel up. able to poke enemies with spear from two spawn points away to great effect but utterly useless once someone closes the distance.
>the """honorable duelist""": has a rapier and some overdesigned leather armor set. will seek out enemies on the fringe of combat for 1v1 duels. complains endlessly in chat when he gets his head caved in by a rock because he has no helmet.
>the waste of space: a bard, guy that only throws rocks, or guy that only uses frying pans. saw someone do really great in one game with this build, but fails to realize you can't use joke weapons without actually being good.
>the viking: has nothing but axes. will somehow throw axes for half an hour, making you wonder where exactly he's getting them all from.
>this is how the average rapierbab views himself
makes sense
You "people" are dogshit at chambering.
Yeah but she's pretty so it's somewhat more impressive that she actually bothered to pick up a skill.
This except my KKK warrior will also be black
spear guy here, accurate
I can chamber thrusts pretty well but it feels like doing it with swings is a nightmare.
>chamber his attack
>he attacks again and hits you before your chamber hits him
yes i'm just bad
chambering a stab is obscenely easy, even for retards with no experience in chiv/mount and blade. you aren't hot shit for being able to chamber a stab and I would put money on you blowing dicks at the game.
So as a brawler, is there any reason to not wear armor?
who polechad here?
>>the viking: has nothing but axes. will somehow throw axes for half an hour, making you wonder where exactly he's getting them all from.
I have no explanation for this, I think they pick them from the ground
if ur going for a hajime me ipo build
i miss the immersive set pieces from team objective but appreciate frontline being more dynamic, especially with engineers building fortifications and shit
its more neat than just being an attacker or defender, instead youre both
There are plenty of ways to flank, countersnipe, or otherwise just ignore the majority of useless archers. That said, the extra speed would give light armourfags way too much in a brawl where they already make no sense.
If you can't drag a stab or morph, you are bad, yes.
Bear traps are fun
Chivalry didn't have a duel mode initially, right now you just have to hop TDMs or skirmishes.
Nah, executioner swordfags are usually decent enough to get near the top of the leaderboard but still get most of their kills from flank attacks
How much gold do you have? How are you farming it?
And why didn't we get any bonus for the two wasted days?
Do tell how you're going to flank someone running in the exact opposite direction of you, is keeping track of you and shooting at you with 0 way to catch up.
Fucking armchair gamers so fucking retarded make up how you're going to do something that you damn well know you couldn't do fucking faggot retard
>2 handed weapon
no shit. If you play right you should never be hit, you just have to abuse the jankness of swinging and moving.
>Thinks the issue is landing the chamber, and not that fact that the rapier can fucking recover from being chambered and stab you before your swing connects
Try using literally any slow weapon, see what happens
What if I'm both Robin Hood and Pokeboi? I chuck my spear as much as I poke and axe archers questions then bitch I can't punch them in the face while only having a shield in my inventory because being able to block arrows and fist faces would just be too much.
Can I make a viking?
Block his counter and riposte. EZPZ
Easily, there's tons of axes, helmets and armor pieces that fit
Motherfucker you aren't listening, you're still in the SAME situation because he can recover and hit you before your punish connects. Go use an Eveningstar or War Axe against a rapier user and see what happens.
no he fucking can't you are literally making shit up
my knigger
Come back after you've tried it
>wah wah i dont know how to move my mouse after left clicking
Waste of space here. Don't worry. I know. I want to die in real life too. I just want to have at least something nice and silly in my life though.
>morph thrust into a swing
>his thrust that was timed to chamber your pre-morphed one comes out faster than your swing
Then what?
I've never seen them be able to get a swing in following you chambering, just that they've parried the chamber followup, which can be countered by morhping etc
Yes but your options are limited. Like 90% of the armors in the game are middle-age European.
>not morphing into a dragged overhead
Never gonna make it.
mr lucky
You flank them before you're in a 1v1 situation, not after they're aiming at you.
>pick red team
>win every match
fucking dragging ruining another game to be honest
Dragged overhead does not come out faster than an already wound up rapier thrust, nor does dragged anything.
>he doesn't know how to accelerate
oh I see
so the situation here
is if they take notice of you you lose
and that's okay, because you're supposed to have 0 way to fight back and should just be playing stealth 24/7
fucking retard
Let him kill the archer and cheer him on. Fuck archers.
I've tried that many times (especially 2v1s) and they just block it - apparently with the tops of their heads. Most annoying thing ever
>Accelerate in a game with capped dragging speed and angle
>being so mad you come to Yea Forums to complain
>all these faggots forgoing leg armor
I get most of my kills from sweeping legs with my billhook.
This but unironically.
A game that literally tells you in the tutorial how to accelerate.
No, you don't lose. You simply don't kill them yet. Not killing them isn't the same thing as dying.
>The Boxer: Wearing nothing but shorts and gauntlets, every point put into Perks, somehow tops scoreboards regularly by just running the fuck around pounding enemies to death with Brawler haymakers and weaving around attacks with high movement speed and Dodges
Never make a video game, your ideas are retarded and no one with half a brain will ever listen to them.
>somehow tops scoreboards regularly
Yes, and every weapon has a maximum speed you can accelerate and a maximum angle you can reach; both of which are heavily capped. It's incredibility noticeable if you play at high dpi, your mouse slows to fucking crawl the second you start a swing.
you can see that when a new match starts everyone is waiting to join the red team
How about you open up the Advanced Stats page of a weapon sometime and realize how the game actually works?
It's not my fault you don't know how to deal with archers other than running straight at them.
go play chivalry then if you want autistic spinning
thats literally the reason this game was made
that is how you deal with them, because chase exists.
and that's a good thing.
Unless it's Frontline Mountain Peak, then the red team loses 90% of the time.
One of the greatest things is being able to pick up weapons that are embedded into yourself. Put my weapon away to punch someone earlier, and saw a throwing axe stuck in my fist, so I grabbed it and chucked it into the guy's face.
Here's how to get 90%+ winrate in the game.
Join a server, join winning team, continue joining winning team every match until the lobby has cycled so much that they lose, then switch.
It's usually red, but I've been in stacked blue teams that have won like 7 in a row.
chiv had the same thing you brainless retard. both have swing manipulation but the turn rates are capped
>Wear 0-1 Leg Armor
>See a guy with a halberd/billhook
Literally where in post did I say I wanted spinning? I was saying you're fucking stupid for saying "lol just drag" when dragging has been rightfully gutted in this game. And because everyone in this thread apparently forgot this stat exists, dragging effectiveness is literally completely different between every weapon.
These are supposed to be archetypes you actually see in game.
>The Dreamer: Builds for punching but spends most of his time daydreaming on the death screen. A good match is him sniping a handful of last hits during large melees.
>especially with engineers building fortifications and shit
this literally never happens in any of my games
guess I will have to make it happen
It's dumb. I don't mind archers getting cucked but it makes light armour pretty garbage, the slow aura should apply to those who have quivers only.
How to git gud?
How do you accelerate a thrust? I know how to move into the swing, but I can't accelerate a thrust.
>no shield user stereotype
Someone make one, I'm not funny or creative enough
>here's how to win a lot: be on the winning team
wow that's some truly revolutionary shit user....
>when youre able to steal the enemies catapult
you are fat
by moving forward :^)
>some friendly level 2 archer cunt starts teamkilling you to use it
every single time
How about not running away in the middle of a fight like a pussy?
If you had your way this game would die over night because that is anti fun.
If he's a shitter, just brain him and keep using the cata.
this is my man. hes just a happy old man.
Tbe fucking window to feint and morph is so fucking tiny. I feel like im fighting the controls more than the game
I see boxers all the time and they keep getting a ton of kills. Either they go all perks or bring a firebomb or two with them, they circle around guys real quick and give them 2-4 quick hits to the sides/back of the head.
Who aryan lakers bois here
I don't know what kind of mental patients you're playing with, but fist fighters have literally zero defensive options outside of leaning, so they're guaranteed dead the second you hit them once.
People using primarily stabs make up a solid half of the game. Those people happen to be the most vulernable to dodging.
Dodge skill and it works T: brawler +3 firebomb
yes you will sadly, but my friend was doing some very interesting cheese keeping walls built up around capture points and deploying spikes at chokepoints
its always funny seeing someone ragdoll off of one
Damn, that's actually much more For Honor players than the last week where it had around 5-7k.
Dodge skill is pretty awful and doesn't bring you outside of the range of most weapons unless you were already skirting max range. Like a single swipe from a greatsword, zweihander, or spear/pole weapon and you're done.
Who else /grug/ here?
>Some dumb cunt TKs 5 people on the point with a catapult shot
>As soon as they all respawn they run right towards him and start spamming kicks on him
hmm i dont have any armor so maybe dodge gives more range without armor or something because literally nobody can hit me if i do dodge backwards and rightafter dodge side and repeat
>the immovable object: was born with a shield welded to his arm. players say they'd have a better chance at landing a solid hit on level geometry than ever getting one on him. perpetually lumbers towards you and stabs you while your sword bounces off of him like its made of rubber.
what the fuck its deleted all my loadouts
I'm so sick of retards being too lazy to aim so they fucking push the catapult all the way to the cap point only to lose it during a blue charge.
garbage performance, shame
Finish matches
There is literally no fucking way "fists" should be viable in this game the same way "fists" aren't viable in real life combat.
I'm gonna bet on the guy with a hammer/sword/axe than the guy with fists every day.
>A game where you are never EVER killed by the person you are actually fighting
Jesus christ, I'm going to have an aneurysm out of sheer frustration if I keep playing
what does the peasant perk do?
>deathmatch filter
>want to 5v1 or get 5v1'd and feel like a badass when I triumph
>all duel servers
Duelcucks are fucking betas.
>spend all points on full heavy armor and the best perks
>pick a shit
>wait for someone to die (won't take long)
>pick up their weapon
just locks off 80% of equipment
its just a thing to show off you killed them with the shit perk
If it were realistic then punching someone in armour would only hurt yourself. But this is more a meme larp game than an authentic historical experience. qt grills when?
Takes away all the good items in favor of complete trash like pitchforks, literal sticks and frying pans
it peasants
seeing as that's a two year old ubisoft game on steam so it's not counting uplay players that isn't bad. i do wonder what the active player base will be for this though because i've seen plenty of people reeeing about shields and spears in frontline lobbies.
I can't help myself fom wanting to use silly hats.
Works on my machine
Servers where all ranged weapons are restricted when?
cut this pretend game rivalry shit out, nobody cares
I care. I care immensely.
There's nothing more cathartic than seeing the absolute panic in a range weapon user when you close with them. They've jumped to their deaths to escape it.
Why is nobody poking you? they are all retards or what
this is the worst, if i notice someone pushing a siege weapon to the frontlines i kill em
Anyone else loving the Arming Sword? Super fast, the stabs feel powerful, only 2 points, and looks fabulous.
Can I play?
they started this shit
Sure, but with "armor" like that, you'll die in one hit to pretty much anything.
>Tab out of a BR game
>Think the game is still pregame
>Oh weird, that dude has a sword? Didn't know you could get that in pregame
>Dick around and duck his blows then punch and kick him to death, while not getting hit by his sword a single time.
The less serious I get the better I become. How does one harness this power
>close the distance with a bowman
>they pull out a rapier
stop giving a shit about "winning"
i have this same problem
Why are duelcucks so pathetic bros?
>Duelers are pathetic
>But not me, who gets his kills by attacking people already engaged in combat
Guys is the game fun at stable frame rates? Mine is stuttering and frame skipping constantly and I can't have fun.
cry more
Git gud
What’s your spec?
Stay mad you pathetic dueling faggot. God, you duelcucks are the cancer that is ruining deathmatch. I want an all out war but every single deathmatch server are pathetic duelcucks like you. No better feeling that getting 5v1'd and triumphing on the battlefield.
im not the one that died :)
*backstabs u*
>Be naked with a scythe
>turn around to see a guy in full armor as he arrows me in the gut
>dodge his other shot and hack him up while also avoiding some cock on a horse
>die to the BR death circle melting my ass cheeks
I'd like to imagine I would have killed that guy and made him look silly
I'm downloading this game right now but reading this thread is really making me regret it. You people are fucking losers.
>I want big battles
>But I choose to avoid the 64 player modes specifically designed for big battles
Who /estoc/ here
Just got 3rd leaderboard as a dumb grug with a large club. Memeing on people is really fun, win or lose.
Anyone have any dickass rogue builds? Preferably no bows.
Dueling is important for learning to fight
Shields are easy to 1v1
Archery is underpowered
Horses need balancing
Maps need balancing
Game is still kinda unoptimized
I want an every man for himself where everyone is fighting each other at the same time. I play frontline all the time but when I play deathmatch, I don't want beta duelcuck servers. I want all out fucking war. You are PATHETIC. I spit in your general direction.
>The backstabber is a weeb
Like pottery
I backstap duelcucks with no shame or mercy. I chop their pathetic fucking heads off right as they're about to have a victor in their little beta "honorable" duel. I laugh and cum.
>being influenced by Yea Forums
not me, specifically avoiding it because i heard its only good for stabs and i wanna slash niggers
Who are the bigger faggots, the guys with the default Huntsman kit shooting their teammates in the back, or the guys with the Brigand kit wildly swinging their swords next to their teammates?
Keep them theyre fine, its satisfying to get the drop on them and watch maltesers start dropping. Even if I dont focus on them I use crossbow sometimes to harass chokepoints and narrow paths before going in with a hammer. The worst ranged players seem to be the ones that sit way back and deal more damage to their own team, dont push on the objective and will get alike 3 kills the whole game. Use the bow to fuck with the front lines of a fight dont sit on the other side of the map decorating the arena.
How does it make you feel that duel is going to be an actual mode added later on and it will quickly become the most prominent mode in the game because the combat system shines in 1v1 situations?
>mfw the rest of us will be having fun sharpening our skills in intense duels while you are stuck with the five spergs like you in empty deathmatch servers
>Unlock weapons first
>Going around in peasant rags
I do love me some peasant hat but fashion is absurdly expensive.
>anime picture
every time
triple firebomb brawler is actually insane. if the enemy is on the defensive they get completely fucked. to top it off using a ammo refill gives you all 3 back instantly.
>shoots you with a stray longbow shot
>hits your left toe and oneshots you with my hunting perk
>heh nothing personell kid
was solaire banned?
>wields two crossbows
tropical temperature IQ player right there
>stand still in a secluded part of the map
>enemy shows up
>continue to stand still facing them, do not react
>he dances around a bit before coming at me
>still standing still, at this point Im pretending Im AFK
>looks like he takes the bait and does a swing way too early thinking Im not going to react, cleave his head in one hit after moving sleight out of range
It worked in Dark Souls invasions and it works here.
I fucking hope it becomes it's own mode. Then you faggots would stop plaguing deathmatch.
Rememeber to make an attempt to destroy their catapults and structures, making a focused effort on them can turn the entire tide of a battle.
>tabard over plate
Muh dick/10
It's a win/win. You get your "all out war" against the ten or so people not playing duel and the rest of us get to have fun without backstabbing niggers interrupting us.
redpill me on the billhook
>make an anime character
>everyone starts raging because I "don't look realistic"
The salt is hilarious.