Hypocrisy of Mobile Gaming

>Yea Forums claims mobile gaming is shit
>spends literal hundreds/thousands a year on gachashit
>companies happy to provide more
>keeps being a filthy mobile paypig

What the fuck is wrong with you, Yea Forums? If you want mobile to go away STOP SPENDING MONEY ON IT

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I dont even have a phone

>The stock isn't cheap so investors should look to buy on weakness during an investment year.
No, they shouldn't.
They've made the bed called Games as a Service and it's time to die in it. Oversaturated market competing for too small a market cap. Mobile in Asia will uptick them, and then it's dead cat bounces all the way down.

But i'm not spending money on it!

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I don't even spend money on mobile games. If anything the only thing I play is the android port of Morrowind and that is just the PC game on OpenMW.

Don't have the money to blow on useless micro transactions and i'm not gonna support that on any platform.

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>Yea Forums claims mobile gaming is shit
>spends literal hundreds/thousands a year on gachashit
wow it's like these aren't the same 2 people or opinions. what a dumbass
yes, mobile games are cancer.

>shareholders prioritizing profits over creativity and actual video games
yeah man what a surprise, video games are better than ever! It's just nostalgia to think vidya used to be better than it is now

>Yea Forums is one person
I love this thread!

>the same 2 people
this garbage harry potter fakeVN trap fills threads almost every day. Yea Forums is directly to blame for her popularity.

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They all want to abandon ship for mobile, So they can repeat the graphics gimmick for a dumber market and release slightly better looking, Shitty games for a profit each year. And the microtransactions as usual

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