I usually laugh at people who bought a Switch, but you guys should play this game. It’s really great. I’m glad that more people get to play it. Easily one of my favorites.
I usually laugh at people who bought a Switch, but you guys should play this game. It’s really great...
Or just use an emulator?
damn Penelo is a fine ass girl
this. It runs like dog shit on switch. Cheap port for $50+
zodiac age is on pc tho
nah the quality of life changes in the Xbox and Switch make it much better. Though it is a bit to pricey so most should wait for a sale
Why the heck doesn't the PAL (also NA?) version of the game have that cover?
This one is great but the one in the OP is even better in my opinion.
QoA changes? Like what? Press a button and the game plays itself?
I am and its good. Why do people hat this game again? I kinda bounced off because of how slow it was back on the PS2 but I'm having a blast now even without the x2-x4 speed thing.
Just bought it on Switch, and playing for the first time.