Games used to have so much soul. I feel truly sorry for all the youngsters here...

Games used to have so much soul. I feel truly sorry for all the youngsters here, you have no idea what you're missing and understandably you don't want to play older games because they're just not streamlined for the modern player, meaning you actually need to invest in time to figure them out.

>in b4 nostalgia
You can say that all day but it's true, games today are nothing but overpriced waypoint simulators. The gaming industry went to shit the day they decided games should feel like movies.

I can't really word it properly but I would say it means games treat you as an intelligent entity. The problem I have with modern game. Sure some games are rollercoasters and they throw every possible thing at you, but at the end of the day I'm sitting there and taking the experience in. In other words, it feels much more like watching a movie.

Take Fallout for example. It's one of the greatest RPGs I ever played. It had everything, the atmosphere, the story, the whole game felt like whatever you did had a tremendous impact, for good or worse. I still remember many moments from that game and I played it decades ago. By contrast, take a popular RPG from the modern era. I played through Witcher 3 recently. Don't get me wrong, it's a good game, and I'm seriously impressed with the technology behind it. But for the love of everything that's holy, why is it that all that I do in the game is go from one waypoint to another, watch one sequence after another, and spend most of the time looking in the corner of the screen at the minimap? I really feel like the dumbest person ever playing through that. It's just not engaging. I would prefer the game just throw you into the world and let you explore on your own. Find your own adventures and stop holding my hand on every turn. I don't understand how with all the technology we have today we can't produce a good RPG in the vein of Fallout. As in, a truly immersive experience where the player feels true freedom.

tl;dr I miss good games

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Other urls found in this thread:

Simply put, we're running out of Monster. No Monster, no vault.

Attached: over.png (660x489, 446K)

>The gaming industry went to shit the day they decided games should feel like movies.
Stop playing cinematic shit and play anything else instead. You are welcome.

Old games were shit and the only reason we liked them is because they were all we had at the time.
The things that you might list as positives like "atmosphere" are only the result of the ancient technology that these games were made with.
They had to make up for the lack of any real content or gameplay by adding intentionally over-complicated systems and obtuse shit like inventory management.
"Finding your own adventures" was just another tool that older games used to give value to their games with the bare minimum of work.
There is no need to add another quest with actual NPCs and decisions when your could just copy paste a house and a few default NPCs somewhere and let the player "find their own adventures."
This tactic worked back in the day because many kids could only afford one game every so often, and so they would squeeze as much fun as possible out of the one game they had.
Nowadays, there is no need for kids to create their own fun in games when there are so many games that are free or cheap online that just straight up give them the fun.

Vault 13, now THAT was a Vault!

you sound like a colossal faggot. great crpgs are still coming out all the time, you probably just never play them and complain about never having time to do so.
and I say this as someone who thinks fallout is their favorite game
pic related has plently of soul

Attached: PyrokineticStream.jpg (1024x768, 232K)

If they have soul, why is playing them now such a fucking slog? I would expect something like soul to be universal, regardless of era or age. If you're suggesting that it isn't that would mean it's dependant on perspective, meaning only those old enough to experience that period are capable of enjoying them, which is the basically the definition of nostalgia. Your very suggestion that zoomers cannot understand contradicts your argument that it isn't nostalgia. For example, we have, for generations listened to classical music written hundreds of years ago. There does not exist a single person who was alive to experience the era in which many classical works were created. Yet, despite this, classical music is still widely listened to today. Even with music having evolved as it has, classical music still remains somewhat relevant. This would be a far better example of soul than what you are suggesting. You can't make the argument that classic retro games aren't being discussed, because they are, and there are plenty of zoomers who know the existence of these games. The reason they do not play them, is because when they do they are met with slogs of game design problems that the medium has overcome in the last 2-3 decades. Videogames are not soulful, they are soulless by definition. The idea that you can enjoy such an objectively flawed piece of work either means it appeals to a very specific interest you have or your perspective is tainted by your nostalgia. Video games are a child's medium and if you actually think there's any philosophical or self actualizing aspect to consuming them you're a moron. Go read a booking you fucking adhd boomer sperg.

Attached: 1552238613253.jpg (567x422, 59K)

>great crpg

Old games had atrocious gameplay. You can nostalgia all you want for a game that came out before you were born but Fallout was pretty shitty, you can't even make a normal run without RNG fucking you over, you pretty much have to rely on savescumming and some builds were outright impossible without cheesing (think of any run with less than 3 END or 4 AGI)

>builds upon fallout gameplay, has own unique lore and setting, creates a new balanced system for earning xp
>made by one guy
>not considered soulful
404, argument not found

They felt different because there was a ton of content packed away in corners of the game. You'd play 100 hours and still find new stuff.

If you try to do that in a modern game, 2 days after it comes out every website has a "How to find all the hidden secrets in New Game" guide, and Yea Forums is talking about how cool the moment is where you jump through the 10 hoops to find the Easter egg. So then, after a month, everyone has 100%ed everything and the game is forgotten.

Meanwhile, big budget games don't dare to do that. Those Easter eggs cost $10,000 to program, so they're going to make damn sure the player finds them,

And those times are NEVER coming back. Most of the soulful old games were made by small groups of nerds before (((social media))) was a thing so the games were just pure passion, unaffected by political correctness. Nowadays games are made by söy sipping california trannies focus tested to a shining blandness. In other words, video games are dead.

Attached: trash.jpg (300x400, 31K)

>boring combat where you just put points in skill and click, no tactics at all.
>shitty muh aliens lore with cringy politics
>ugly art and graphics
>just because it's made by one guy it means it has to be soulful
come again

Your own fault for sticking to AAA titles.

There are many great inovative games but when you play mainstream shit because you're too dumb to inform yourself you also deserve nothing more but that superficial shit.

In 2018, alone, we've gotten some pretty good AAA games.

Attached: 506761-sekiro-shadows-die-twice-playstation-4-front-cover.png.jpg (800x800, 72K)

>>boring combat where you just put points in skill and click, no tactics at all.
I posted underrail not fallout. it is quite clear you haven't played either games.

Sounds like Fallout

There’s nothing but superficial shit left anymore, every single game released during last 10 years has been braindead shit made for shit eating casuals. Vidya is dead.

Pic unrelated, of course

Zoomers, begone.

Attached: Fallout 1 Combat.webm (853x480, 1.73M)

Is that your only "argument"?

Never played that game but what's wrong with aliens? Aliens are cool.

>The gaming industry went to shit the day they decided games should feel like movies.
Ironically, Final Fantasy VII, one of the first and most influential movie games, came out the same year as Fallout.

apply yourself

i love fo1, it's hands down my favorite rpg in the world
i love old vidya
i hate your shitty post where you're trying to pretend that your completely subjective point of view is anyhow valid

i also like pillars of eternity and deliverance, and i'll surely remember stories like witcher's hearts of stone or entirety of nier automata just like i remembered my first fallout playthrough

not an argument

the old 3d rendered sprites in the style of fallout are very pleasing to the eye
its not realistic and its not too cartoony
it tells my brain that im playing a videogame

Imagine thinking this is good combat

I played original fallout for the first time last year, it was amazing and I basically beat it in one session. Great game. There's also a number of great games as good if not better that have come out every year since fallout. Get the fuck over yourself.

>literally just single shot or aimed shot for eyes: the game
>no actual combat skills to use, no actual tactics at all
thanks for.. proving my point?

If you idiots would stop using this meme word, I would try to take you seriously.

>you have no idea what you're missing and understandably you don't want to play older games because they're just not streamlined for the modern player
I don't get this shit. Are there really people out there who wouldn't play a game simply because it's "old" or because they may not be the target audience? I thought Zoomer was just a mindset similar to Nigger.

but it actually means something

>AAA games.
No such thing except you're underage and imprest with any shit anyway.

Because big corporations and marxists took control of the gaming industry

what you said is all seen in the fucking webm retard

Small groups of nerds still exist. Weird little soulful passion projects still happen from time to time. The difference nowadays is only that it is much harder to find them, they're buried underneath all of the other garbage games that are also constantly spewed out.

>meme word

Attached: 1527093262159.jpg (1280x1440, 334K)

Does Underrail have lots of different ways to interact with the world (stealth, speech, pickpocketing, combat, etc.), like the first two Fallout games did?

Kill yourself, shit-eating tranny

no. social skills are useless. you can't progress if you don't put points into certain skills

underrail has way more advanced stealth mechanics, where enemies have patrol routes and line of sight with hackable turrets and videocameras. it isn't just based on a simple diceroll like fallout. the only thing that fallout does better is speech

just like in fallout

>Games used to have so much soul
>you have no idea what you're missing
>games today are nothing but overpriced waypoint simulators
>tl;dr I miss good games

Attached: file.png (885x624, 406K)

FromSoft are tranny repellent.

I tried playing this remaster on split screen with my brother. The better graphics make everything blend in together compared to the old one where there was more contrast. hard telling the difference between a jackal and some rocks.

stealth is way better and more useful than in Fallout.

Speech is used only in a small number of quests. There's much more variety in combat abilities and perks compared to Fallout.

Except you can beat both Fallout games through purely diplomatic means.

I'm actually trans and I've platinum'd all the souls games, bloodborne and sekiro. Why would being trans have any effect on what games you like?

Of those two images, the top looks better, regardless of soul or any of that shit.
More detail and visual noise is not automatically good. Realism is not automatically good. High fidelity is not automatically good.
Every other medium has already figured this shit out, but videogames are still constantly pursuing the appearance of movies out of some misguided desire for legitimacy or prestige.

>get high charisma and INT
>get companions to protect you
>avoid combat when possible

it's quite simple really. f3tards can't comprehend it tho.

fallout is like the brodude fps of crpgs. very simple straightfoward point and shoot combat with gratifying gore. yet youngsters HATE it. I dont get it

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You can hack the turrets, using the card on the president, and convince the Enclave soldiers right before Horrigan to fight for you. Both are more than enough to kill him without firing a single shot yourself.

>assassinate the president and have your minions do your dirty work

Can't you pickpocket him?

i havent played Fallout back then and it felt great to beat both last year. Fuck you, it timeless classics, along with WarCraft 3, Max Payne, WtMB:Bloodlines and Morrowind.

Attached: 1554563621962.jpg (406x371, 89K)

Suggesting that vtmb is at all playable gives you away. Nice larp, boomer.

nope. pickpocketing is pretty useless in fallout other than cheesing money in san francisco shops.

vtmb is perfectly playable

breath of the wild is completely and unironically one of the most soulful games ever made, the amount of care and passion put into it is amazing

Alright, well that's one exception. Aside from that the game and is perfectly playable without any sort of violence. And I wouldn't be surprised if the Enclave soldiers were enough to kill Horrigan.

I nearly finnished Vtmb once.
I think I got stuck in a bug somewhere towards the end.

Git gud.

Attached: VtMB Stealth Kill.webm (800x600, 1.67M)

I've played through a bunch of class cRPGs like Planescape and Baldur's gate, but Fallout and Fallout 2 bore the fuck out of me.

It isn't visually nice to look at, the combat is either boring or frustrating, and the story/dialog is just not engaging at all.
I just don't get what other people see in it.

for me, the setting and build variety + replayability

>It isn't visually nice to look at
Wrong. The games capture a great sense of atmosphere, through their visuals.
>the combat is either boring or frustrating
Somewhat true, but there are multiple ways around engaging combat in most scenarios.
>the story/dialog is just not engaging at all.
Wrong, the games juxtapose the bleakness of a post apocalyptic world with black humor.

>companions then proceed to shoot each other because the AI is dumb as a rock
>or they receive a critical hit which sends them off flying because they have atrocious luck

>I played through Fallout recently. Don't get me wrong, it's a good game, and I'm seriously impressed with the technology behind it. But for the love of everything that's holy, why is it that all that I do in the game is go from one waypoint to another, read one sequence after another, and spend most of the time looking at the bottom row of the screen? I really feel like the dumbest person ever playing through that. It's just not engaging. I would prefer the game just throw you into the world and let you explore on your own. Find your own adventures and stop holding my hand on every turn.

am i the only one who found fallout combat fun?

bad post
how can you even type this when Minecraft is as popular as it is?

no, I love the combat. you haven't lived unless you beat fallout 1+2 with unarmed builds

Minecraft is a good game.

Do you put everything into STR and AGI?

I think it might be that I just don't like the setting.
Although, that being said, I did enjoy New Vegas, so I don't know.

I think for me RPGs need to either have some sort of interesting political/group intrigue to get invested in or some kind of magic/mysterious backstory to learn about to keep me interested.

In my experience with playing Fallout, I experienced much more bleakness than I did dark humor.

Death animations are fun, until you see them hunder times with exception of flamethrower, balance is horrible and majority of weapons are shit tier and waste of inventory space, especially with 2.

>I experienced much more bleakness than I did dark humor.
Have you played 2?

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His point is that kids don’t need to create their own fun when that is what Minecraft is.

strength is pretty unnecessary especially since you can just grab power armor, it is just bonus damage. agility is a must because multiple attacks per round. it is a lot easier with decent luck + jinxed too. you don't even really have to min max that much, I just had low charisma and decent everything else

Nigga at least use the hotkeys, along with setting the combat speed up, like what the fuck this is the worst display of your argument you can provide

The beautiful animations save it.
Otherwise it’s a fairly mundane TB combat system.

Do you get Power Armor right from the start of the game, then?

>he doesn't even know how to control companions

Attached: dog.jpg (790x1024, 78K)

Only a little bit, I wanted to finish Fallout 1 first.
Does Fallout 1 get more dark humor as you get farther along?

No, there is an insane amount of builds you can run. People complaining ITT have no idea what they're talking about and are probably just high time preference morons.

Try doing a melee + explosives build. So much fun. Kind of want to replay 2 and go go for an assassin build instead of my usual tank preference in any rpg

>are you a water chip?
Someone post the image

no, going to arroyo immediately would be hard as shit to do and power armor is extremely overkill for the first half of the game

You know in 1 you can have a low int and replay the game as a retard too. Still just as funny

Making buildings with virtual legos isn't the same thing as making up stories in a single player RPG.

In the first place most kids who play minecraft do so with their friends, and they play modded servers that other people have made.
Very few kids are making up backstories and roleplaying as their minecraft character.

Fallout 1 is a lot more restrained, and tends to be a lot more grounded and serious. Fallout 2 is where the series got more goofy. That being said, low INT runs are always funny in both games.

So is classic runescape, technically.
What is this supposed to show? Stealth in the game is trivial as fuck, and the stealth elim checkbox is janky as fuck. Most levels aren't even built for viable stealth. There's nothing to get good here. Post a webm of Dark Messiah if you want a get good game from that era you fucking drone.

fallout 2 low intelligence dialogue is fucking golden.

fallout 1 is definitely the most serious fallout. still has more actual funny shit in it than any bethesda fallouts tho.

Is Dark Messiah the only game to get first person combat right?

Attached: Dark Messiah Kicking.webm (960x540, 2.89M)

I’m 20 years old but I have older family that all had old PC games that I basically played since I was 5. Freespace, Fallout, Thief, etc.

I kinda consider myself lucky I guess because I’m not too spoiled on modern day crutches like waypoints. I love The Witcher 3 but as you mentioned my biggest complaint with it would be the markers. It’s just so much more fun going off journal entries or exploring. Probably the only game I’ve played where quest markers weren’t completely distracting is STALKER.

what image

That and Condemned Criminal Origins.

Kicks were pretty OP from what I remember

Every level was built around the kick

Attached: manofculture.jpg (448x401, 20K)

UnderRail is kino. Best crpg of all times.

>such a fucking slog

Stop projecting. It feels like a slog to you because you're a sub-100 IQ mongrel with the attention span of a down syndrome goldfish. That's okay, you can play fortnite and kawadoody all day erryday and leave the good stuff to people with proper taste instead.

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If you'd read past my first sentence you would understand that I wasn't referring to pacing. Poor word choice on my part maybe.

What are Yea Forums's thoughts on this?

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Player choice and agency are what define the videogame medium as such, nobody can convince me that emphasising graphics or story over the complexity of the world that the player acts upon (and of the actions themselves) is a step in a good direction. I can barely recall the story of any highly regarded recent game I've completed, yet will always remember insane shit from Dwarf Fortress, crazy clutches from counter strike vs friends over 15 years ago, ganging on people in Runescape and stealing their shit for fun (and how it went wrong sometimes). All of which left an impression on me because who would have guessed, that which you do and are responsible for will automatically be more important and personal for you. If you build a party and fail to beat a boss, it's your fault. If you win, you're equally responsible. Who gives a fuck about autopilot games that unironically flash step by step instructions on screen for the 500th time and prevent you from killing yourself with invisible walls.

Fun goofy game with a lot of detail.
The actual roleplaying in it is pretty shallow though.

play the eschalon book trilogy is you miss old school crpgs. relatively modern games that are like the older crpgs.

Neither did I, and my point still stands.

>So is classic runescape, technically.
user, I...

with the exception of speech, underrail has better options on how to deal with enemies and problems, social skills are only really useful to get some good ending in some quests and better deals with vendors so it doesn't compare to fallout in that regard

underrail is much more focused on combat and it does an excellent job at it making it much harder than fallout but still retaining viability in all of the builds you can make, pretty much every skill is viable to focus on it (except for the equivalent of speech) and you can win on hard with any of the combat related skills

There are still great RPGs being made today. Try Kingdom Come: Deliverance. It's pretty awesome for an RPG set in the "real world," as in a realistic historical setting rather a fantasy/scifi world.

>Some literal who Slavs managed to make one of the most immersive RPGs in years
Based as fuck.

Attached: Kingdom Come Deliverance.webm (1920x1080, 1.47M)

>tl;dr I miss good games

No you don't. If you did you'd be over at /vr/. You just don't like games at all but think if you had remakes of old games that you played as a child with todays graphics you would like them, but you wouldn't.

>Some literal who Slavs
Thos literal who Slavs have already made two Mafia games before Kingdom Come.

>Neither did I
You specifically said attention span. What the fuck do you mean you weren't referring to pacing. Stop doubling down you fucking triplenigger. Literally nothing I said implies that most old games are too slow, just buggy and terrible. The only argument I made supporting modern games was that they don't suffer some of the more common game design flaws of the previous era. Nowhere did I make or imply the case that I even enjoy new games. I even said games themselves are shallow human experiences by design. Glorifying any era as being anything more than that is retarded. OP and the rest are condescending fucking idiots. By playing video games at all you're already at the bottom of the totem pole.

It seriously is, kcd world is on point. Those little quests where you work as a city guard, take a stroll around the city, learning about customs and ways of people living there, this amazing sense of progression and growing strong, pretty cool combat that some can hate but i personally love it. Great piece of vidya, it's more of a Gothic game than any Gothic after G3.

it's also harmful how everyone talks about the bugs while game is almost bug-free. i've made some of webms so i'm one of the people to blame, but truth is i had maybe three non-game-breaking bugs through my entire first playthrough, on the early version of the game

Attached: 34612356.webm (1280x540, 2.91M)

You know, OP, the entire state of this current generation has made me reflect on gaming as a whole. It encouraged me to go back and explore games I didn't previously play or overlooked in the past. Heck, I'm even giving 6/10 or 5/10 from past gen a chance due to how sterile everything is and how questionable gaming journalists have shown themselves to be. I've also come to appreciate certain licensed IP games from the past years. Hindsight is always 20/20. You begin to appreciate the amount of work some devs even put into games that weren't that successful.

I also miss when games had worlds that were full of exploration and detail that YOU had to discover. You'd read hints and texts that implied secrets that the world held and you had to go find them yourself. Most bigger productions, even some indies games, don't do this anymore.

I only made that webm because it's pretty funny. It's basically a Falcon Kick.


>Discovered fallout with f3
>Loved it, went back to play 1 and 2 but had no pc at the time, was a poor kid
>got a cheap pc from high school when they upgraded, bought the fallout pack and goty of 3
>Loved 3 even more with mods
>Loved the story for 1 and 2 but could never bring myself to play for more than a few hours but still immersed myself in the lore and canon and hated what Bethesda was changing

I remember getting banned from the bethesda forums for making some black isle fanboy cry, fucker tried to claim fallout was his 'fireman husband' who went to save the day but all his friends died and he came back scarred and different as an analogy for the franchise being bought.

Attached: 1528664297970.jpg (442x454, 120K)

>fucker tried to claim fallout was his 'fireman husband' who went to save the day but all his friends died and he came back scarred and different as an analogy for the franchise being bought.

>just buggy and terrible
Try playing the good ones next time. You may realise that video games can be fun and the enjoyment of the medium is not mutually exclusive with appreciating whatever you consider true art.

Attached: 040b509f6abbaba58fe03f98a1665a1a.jpg (480x800, 38K)

I'm sure the fortnite kiddies you resent so much find fortnite to be fun too

How can hate the gameplay?!


They don't know any better.

>Tfw /his/ fag
This game gives me a raging hard on in so many different ways

Attached: 1551198315626.gif (800x800, 681K)



Didn't hate the games, I just got to easily aggravated with the bugs and never went back to look for patches. Between the entire screen going black/pixelated, the slow trading menu and my save file corrupting three times over, I gave up and just sat on the wiki for a few hours.

Now I just sit around and write stuff for my own p&p games that never go anywhere cause F4 and 76 pushed all my friends away from the franchise entirely.

were video games always $60? what did they cost last decade? in the 90s?


Im trans and me and my ten trans friends once tried to play bloodborne and we all burst into flames and turned into skeletons then ash as we melted.


Attached: sjwborne.png (1666x184, 34K)

I can enjoy old rpg's, but that's it, all the games before 1998 mostly suck. Nevertheless i know what you're talking about, modern games are targeted for the modern gamer, and industry's dedication to their development has decreased a lot, hence, if you really want to enjoy a well done game your best chance is to look a little back in time (that doesn't mean that there aren't gems nowadays, but that kind of games are rare)

Right now playing this.

Attached: Icewn003.png (1920x1080, 2.16M)

What's this?

I can no longer enjoy all the CRPG's that i used to love. I have grown out of my only hobby. Life is cruel.

Attached: 1538441418255.jpg (339x395, 26K)

Icewind dale.

One of the few classic cRPGs I've never played. Looks a lot like Baldur's Gate, though.

Fallout UI was pretty dogshit though.

Yeah pretty much the same engine.

fallout literally has a map telling you were to go you moron.

>Why are there no quest markers?!?!

Attached: Zoomer.png (820x324, 244K)

New Vegas had comparable amounts of soul

You can't seriously defend the inventory system.

did you fall for teh EE?
you can get the original complete on GOG or just pirate it im not the police

Nine year old game, user.


The inventory is pretty bad, I'll give you that. It becomes a lot more bearable once you get a mod that lets you just a scroll wheel.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Even if games are shit now, its still possible to get ahold of the old ones.

Just, Chill....

Also finishing this right now, but classic complete edition

>One of the few classic cRPGs I've never played. Looks a lot like Baldur's Gate, though
it uses the same engine but plays completely different
BG - openworldy story driven crpg thingy that became a staple of cRPGs
IWD - your classic dungeon crawl. There are some variations in quests and dialog options but you can count them by fingers on one hand. It still is a fun genre and IWD is pretty good at what it does. Surprisingly also much closer to the original tabletop DnD experience compared to what some might claim. muh roleplaying... nah bro it's all about killing monsters and getting cool loot

PS also IWD art and aesthetics are several tiers above BG

why do all the old crpgs retards claim have massive amounts of role playing possibilities really only have 2 or 3 actual viable builds?
unless you want to massively handicap yourself or know how to exploit the game systems, fallout 1 for newcomers really only can be played by tagging small guns speech and doctor.

>tfw boomer who never played fallout 1 installed fallout 2 for like 3 seconds and uninstalled

Attached: 652.jpg (600x600, 37K)

Because they're just casual "rpg" fans who post the same 2 or 3 overrated games that came out when they were 10 years old in 1998.

Is IWD's combat good and is it recommended to play the first one before the second or is it one of the instances where the second one invalidates the first (like Jagged Alliance)?

>fallout 1 for newcomers really only can be played by tagging small guns speech and doctor.
>and doctor

Attached: 1372713661057.jpg (379x374, 18K)

>Fallout UI was pretty dogshit though.
Pretty good, actually. It conveys in one 640x480 screen more information than a dozen screens in Fallout 4 at 1080p+ resolution.

Attached: fallout-1-quick-start-creating-a-new-character.jpg (640x480, 142K)


>fallout 1 for newcomers really only can be played by tagging small guns speech and doctor.
Imagine not tagging Unarmed, Science, and Repair. You can kill the final boss without even meeting him.

>why do all the old crpgs retards claim have massive amounts of role playing possibilities really only have 2 or 3 actual viable builds?
>unless you want to massively handicap yourself or know how to exploit the game systems, fallout 1 for newcomers really only can be played by tagging small guns speech and doctor.

Attached: 1545606237067.png (1267x785, 99K)

Bethesda aren't a good example. They have some of the worst UI design in the industry.

Attached: Skyrim_UI.jpg (1288x6292, 1.28M)

Whoever made this image must be incredibly autistic.
Everyone knows that Skyrim's interface was designed for consoles.

>yeah skyrim's ui is not very good i wonder what he will compare it to..

morrowind's ui was fucking terrible. it actually says things being icons was better. IT DOESN'T HELP WHEN EVERY POTION HAS THE SAME ICON.
with text that is alphabetical i can easily scroll to what i want.
the map was terrible in morrowind
the spell screen was terrible
the stats screen was terrible
the inventory was terrible.

god damn i genuinely hate morrowfags. every aspect of their game that is objectively complete shit is praised by delusional fucking morons because they want to appear hardcore.
absolutely fucking pathetic people.

Attached: 1546165486551.jpg (176x348, 11K)

Git gud.

Attached: Morrowind God Mode.webm (1280x960, 2M)


Only in Tactics.

I agree with you OP. Its only a few rare games that expect more of the player these days. Have you tried rainworld or brigador? Their presentation might not be perfect but they're much closer to 90s game design.

Play jagged alliance 2. Now find me a game as good as ir Uncertain and atom are nice

Will we ever see a TRPG as good as JA2 again?

This but unironically. Even when people get to do shit like this they fuck it up like Dust an Elysian Tale.
What was the last truly great game you played?

>re2 remake
>sekiro aka demons souls 7
How about something original, champ?

Turn based combat is too hard for the fallout 3 generation to grasp

Sekiro plays quite literally nothing like any of the Souls games.

Its unfinished but it's still a great game.
Meanwhile the true dark overlooked masterpieces get ignored, like shattered steel, bioware's first (and best) game.

of might and magic? making sure its the right game because your webm conviced me to buy it

Just download the patch you aspie.

>bioware's best game

Attached: Baldur's_Gate_II_-_Shadows_of_Amn_Coverart.png (220x287, 145K)

Give me one quantifiable measure of soul or a clear concept.


Attached: Dark Messiah - Watch your step.webm (720x452, 2.86M)

Dark Souls 1
Dark Souls 3

>four 25 minute "dungeons"
>no progression via accomplishments, just grind rupees and buy the equivalent of the red tunic / blue tunic
>any horse works no need for epona
>beat the game with no master sword
>beat the game with no hylian shield
>beat the game without going anywhere but hyrule castle

To play wizard in Morrowing you need to think like one. As in you need to exploit every one of the spells to your advantage and be the most tricky bastard to ever grace this earth. But the payoff is great.

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You're giving me examples, is there something behind the scenes that let you say Ds1 has soul whereas ds3 is soulless? Y'all need Plato.

>Bethesda aren't a good example. They have some of the worst UI design in the industry.

Yet their games are popular

Kek nice review

>are you a water chip?

>Dark Souls 1
Fresh, new IP that took the foundation of its spiritual predecessor and expanded upon it. Fully interconnected world that was very non linear, and teeming with diverse environments. Brand new lore, as well. Lack of fast travel meant that it felt like going on an actual adventure. Despite all its flaws, feels like a passion project and is an incredibly memorable experience.
>Dark Souls 3
Constantly fails to rely on its own merits and needs to harken back to Dark Souls 1 references every other second. Game is casualized to appeal to a wider audience, with the world being a straight line and the player always having access to fast travel. Offers nothing new to the series and can't even put together the bast aspects of previous games and is in many ways worse. Rather than an adventure, it feels like a corporate product made for purely commercial reasons.

Ahh. First fallout game I bought when I was... 12 or so I think? Good shit.

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It good

Why don't games come with as care and love put into their packaging as they used to? I remember Fallout 1's manual was amazing.

$50 or $40 but adjusted for inflation about $75

The plus patch is shit and only lets me skip the sewers.

which has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand

Icewind dale is okNigger its bg but more combat heavy

Fuck you

Probably not

Most of the 'created content' in modern games is shit. Atleast finding your own adventures allowed the player to use their imagination. For example oblivion had shitload of dungeons and the devs told little stories through npc, item and journal placements.

So by soul you mean interconnected areas and different environnements with the less player convenience?

Lel underrail was boring shit.

It is good, but you need to understand basic ADnD rule set (somewhat covered in the manual I think) and read the specifics on how the spells work in this game (in game description is enough)

IWD1 n 2 are somewhat different in mood. I find IWD1 mood to be perfect for me and almost Tolkien-like. 2 focuses too much on warfare theme to my taste) and the rule set is different (2 is DnD 3e, not that it's worst, just different)

IWD1 is generally considered superior to IWD2
I would say it's mostly because every part of it feels right. IWD2 has a somewhat too slow of a start and a whole chapter which is considered 'the bad part' (you might have a better experience if you have a ranger)

Oh look it this thread again.
>gaming is shit
>no its not, stop playing AAA and play these
>no i wont but will keep saying how it was better back in the day

Icewind Dale EE is actually worth it for the engine upgrade and class kits.

Underrail is boring shit with Eurojank dialogue and a bad UI

And I do a yearly replay of FO2

Attached: shadowrun wasteland.jpg (942x307, 54K)


Pillars was boring and filled with trash mobs. Aside from that the companions were boring and cliche.

>and Morrowind

This is where your story falls apart.

You have to weigh between taking your cahnce of doing a high damage but low propability attack that alone is a tactical choice.

some games are hit or miss for me. i got into sniper elite 4. i bought 2, got into it, bought 3, 4, and zombie. i haven't played zombie yet.

some games are hit or miss on good games.

Fallout wasn't a good RPG it was fucking trash LMAO
It had a billion abilities, most of which were just beginner traps. There where objectively right and wrong choices. There is a skill that does basically nothing.
You're just being a nostalgic retard. neither F1 nor F2 are actually worth playing, unless you are into video game history.

No, soul means a game that is made with a strong vision by a team of people not willing to compromise their vision, even if it might alienate certain players.

>95% chance to hit eyes

I agree 100% with op

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hey man whatever floats your boat you know

I just find all EE screenshots disgusting. classic complete with a high-res patch is good for me

>It had a billion abilities, most of which were just beginner traps. There where objectively right and wrong choices.

this has nothing to do with a game being trash or not. trying different skills/builds (and sometimes failing miserably) is a game of itself.

but I guess a zoomer like you wouldn't understand

The fuck are you talking about? Of course you can pickpocket the president. You can activate a fucking stick of dynamite, put it in his pocket and make a run for it without him being any the wiser

it's pointless. using super stimpaks is more efficient.

I'd say you are right on some games of /vr/ times but wrong on so many others
fallout 1 being one of them. there are like a ton of zoomer reviews of fallout 1 and they love it playing it for the first time

fallout 1 objectively stood the test of time

Follow that medieval GPS, zoomers


One of the best co-op games out there. No idea if it'd be as fun playing on your own, though.

>it's pointless. using super stimpaks is more efficient.
Oh yeah, no doubt. I was just saying that it's possible to pickpocket him. Last I played the game that far was probably over 10 years ago now, but I definitely remember pickpocketing him when dicking around and save scumming.

It's nostalgia.

As you've gotten older your understanding of games has changed and refined, you stared at the minimap in The Witcher because you've learned it's the most efficient way to play the game even if it isn't the most fun.

Dynamite is cheaper.

Who told you to say this? Your GPS waypoint?

>It's nostalgia.
I played Fallout 1 for the first time a few months ago and loved it. Not an argument.

lol le boomer zoomer

>why is playing them now such a fucking slog?
It is not. You are just used to playing fast paced games. And that has nothing to do with a game being new or old. There are slow paced new games just as there are fast paced old games.

t. played Fallout 1 and 2 for the first time last year and thoroughly enjoyed them


Nah, you can fuck off. It's extremely easy to run with that argument, but it's more down to a variety of factors - the limitations of games back then meant less voice acting, meaning more text and better variety of text, since they could keep changing the text until the last moment of development rather than being locked in early on due to costly recordings. Running with that point, having to read and what with the text having to be evocative, your mind ended up filling in a lot of the blanks (such as in OP's picture of Junktown). Moreover, shared design and a full focus on shit like open worlds and live services in the current market have led to a load of shite; even the better modern games are usually watered down with a load of needless bullshit.

You can put peoples' lack of immersion in modern games down to being jaded, or having experienced games with the above parameters in place, causing them to expect more of modern games and finding the current standards to be ironically limiting, despite larger budgets and scopes within a lot of more recent games. But it's disingenuous to say it's all down to nostalgia.

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This here is a highly intelligent man of great taste, much like myself. But you forgot Deus Ex.

What's the matter, to low IQ to play it?


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This. Zoomers today don't know what they are missing. I remember being a kid and sitting around playing old Amiga games, and later witnessing the birth of 3d, and then finally watching the gaming industry stagnate.

Old games were shock full of soul for whatever reason, and they allowed your imagination to run wild. I wish modern games would completely disregard graphics and focus completely on what matters: interesting gameplay and imagination.

Your main argument is
>slogs of game design problems that the medium has overcome in the last 2-3 decades
Could you give examples of these design problems that supposedly plague old games?

This is the Bioware-Audience aka the greatest cancer to RPGs that ever happened.

Attached: BiowareFansConfrontedWithAnOldschoolRPG.jpg (1135x547, 147K)

Many of us get you OP. I think some key things to keep in mind:

1. Gaming got too big, therefore too much money is involved as well as people who never really cared for gaming in the first place influencing its direction.

2. Online gaming really ruined so much.

3. Many of these games with "soul" were the old games before the above two things were as strong as a factor. A lot of old games also had a lot of their own unique formula's or mechanics that worked for them. Not everything back then was a homogenized same across the board game with the same way you even play it. Games were allowed to be very different. This leads many younger people to assume these games were "dated" or just too old now but its more that they were allowed to be very different without getting harsh criticism thrown their way for not being more streamlined or like other games. Back then with old games people were way more willing to experiment as well since developer teams were much smaller than today and way more passionate.

So basically what I am saying actually more a less is
but of course there are exceptions. Plenty in fact.

This is spot on. Luckily there's still things like mods and indie-games that keep the flame of soul and innovation going. I recently played Brutal Doom: Hell on earth starter pack, and Ashes2063 for GzDoom and enjoyed both immensely, much more than any "AAA"-game

>high agi/luck
>bloody mess
>leather jacket
you are already dead

Imagine those guys trying some of the more hardcore Sega games. They probably would have ended in tears after a couple of tries.

I feel 100% the same OP.

Don't forget we're getting a detective cRPG soon.

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I always read it like "Not Truce with the Furries"

why are all the faggots who complain about minimaps and quest markers the only ones who seem to complain about it ruining exploration?
every normie I know has had no trouble just picking a direction and exploring in skyrim or witcher 3.
the only morons who say it ruins exploration are the ones who won't shut up about it.


that has nothing to do with morrowinds dogshit ui.

What is a CRPG with GOOD combat?
I always see numerous CRPGs being criticized for having shit combat, but I have never seen a CRPG being praised for its combat.
Is unsatisfactory combat an inherent trait of CRPGs?


>What is a CRPG with GOOD combat?
Baldur's Gate II, Temple of Elemental Evil, Icewind Dale I/II, D:OS2

Save scumming, mediocre and sometimes nonexistent tutorials (I know tutorials tend to over do it nowadays but retro games are more often offenders of unexplained mechanics), filler levels/content (nobody in their right fucking mind would allow something like the sewers in vtmb to pass today), undertested game design choices (this is pretty general but there are more often questionable mechanics in older games, take swimming in deus ex as a possible example), pacing issues (like real pacing issues, not just zoomer shit but where you play for many hours in a story without anything significant happening and you sort of wonder why the fuck the devs even including this segment of the game), mediocre control schemes (a norm exists nowadays that becomes less prevalent the further back you go, f is jump for example), inconsistent difficulty curves (wow that segment was ridiculously hard for almost no reason), unbalanced player mechanics (this build/ability is almost universally the best way to accomplish the game), and lack of quality testing (it is far easier to break old games unintentionally), and UI design clarity (user interfaces are, in general, better now than they were before, even with some exceptions. Things like graphics and primitive mechanics can be a barrier to entry, but these things are the things that detract once you actually start playing.

>yet youngsters HATE it
No they don't. Quit pulling things out of your ass.

Just play indie and small budget games then. It's not like crpgs stopped existing.

I mostly agree with your post, but
>nobody in their right fucking mind would allow something like the sewers in vtmb to pass today
This is an incredibly cherrypicked example, as VtMB is infamous for being rushed and unfinished.

There's also nothing wrong with lack of tutorials. It's more satisfying for the player to figure things out on their own.

How is save scumming a design issue when it is entirely up to the player?

Not as good as the first one

>youngsters HATE it
[citation needed]
every "youngster" I have come across that played it for the first time recently has liked it. there are multiple examples in this thread. I myself am one of them.

Wasteland 2 or Pillars of Eternity 2, which is better?

anything is better than Piss of Shiternity


You haven't thought about it hard enough. The minimap and quest markers completely changes the games from the ground up. The map designers no longer need to design areas as well and distinctly since there's an arrow pointing where you need to go, and they wont. The dialogue writers no longer need to give thought out directions to your target (which is immersive), and again, they wont.

Sometimes games are built to incentivize it. Also good game design is often about limiting a player into the most challenging and fun scenarios, even if they're not always the most efficient or optimal. Save scumming kind of inherently contradicts this. It's hard to build a real sense of consequence with a system like that.

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>Save scumming
Do you care to explain? What is the problem about... being able to save and load?

>filler levels/content (nobody in their right fucking mind would allow something like the sewers in vtmb
Are you seriously such a giant zoomer that you count Vtmb as an OLD game? Jesus christ.

>mediocre control schemes
Literally who cares? You can REBIND the controls

I completely disagree. Quicksaving and quickloading should be a standard thing to include in a game, and if you don't have it you better include a fuckton of checkpoints.

There's literally no downside to allowing the player more control over his experience.

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Well anything is better than Shitland 2 as well, so we are in a shitty situation then

Fallout 1 is ludo
Fallout 2 is overrated shit

>There's literally no downside to allowing the player more control over his experience.
I think you underestimate how key of a principle in game design breaking this rule is. Also to suggest that all games should have this severely limits the types of games that could be made. Many genres function on the idea that failure will have consequences, not just reversing back time a few seconds or minutes. I think your logic stems far enough from personal preference to the point where you're just straight up wrong.

>most efficient way to play the game
what da fuck does that even supposed to mean for SP rpg?

Fallout 2 is ludo.

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> Liking Pillars of Eternity
Sorry dude but it waa garbage.
> Overtuned combat system where nothing felt satisfying because everything was nerfed to death. I don't talk about cheesing. It just never had big moments. Like figuring out that spells like Greater Malison & Lower Resistance are better than another Fireball.
> Horrible writing. Or to be more specific - no editing. This game tried to bore you to death as writers were probably paid by wors count. I recently replayed BG and was damn surprised how concise and good dialogues were. I slightly disagree about companions being a shit. Most of their starting dialogues were true gems (Eder and priest to be specific). But later in the game they got assigned to lore dump posts which ended up badly.
> Bland as fuck. If you create your ocdonutsteel world you could try to spice it up slightly instead of making Forgitten Ralms and calling it a day. Like what the fuck was that.

Because of PC gamers being Steamtards.

>indie games

>Indie games

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